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What We Left Behind
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Gretchen and Toni are high school sweethearts who believe they will be together forever, but will they cope being apart at different universities? Toni is off to Harvard and Gretchen to New York where they plan to meet up every weekend however things get in the way, and not just coursework.

The main theme of<i> What We Left Behind</i> is sexual orientation and gender. Both Gretchen and Toni are attracted to girls, however Toni identifies as genderqueer. Throughout school, this never bothered Gretchen, though when Toni begins feeling a connection with a group of transgender students, Gretchen begins to question her position in Toni’s life.

Unlike Talley’s previous novel <i>Lies We Tell Ourselves</i>, which deals with ethnic minorities and homosexuality during a time when it was seen as completely unacceptable, <i>What We Left Behind</i> is set in the present day where peoples’ sexual preferences are accepted in society – mostly. What Talley is attempting to prove with this novel is that everyone, regardless of gender, can experience love, and that long distance relationships can be difficult for everyone. Most importantly this story expresses how difficult it is to understand trans sexuality, genderqueer, gender nonconforming etc. There are characters that are horrified by the idea, comfortable with it, or, like Gretchen, confused about how it effects themselves and their relationship. And then there is Toni. Toni is probably the most confused of all: who is s/he really?

Talley tries to make the reader experience the difficulties the main characters face with the use, or lack of pronouns. For someone who identifies as neither he nor she, Toni has a very hard time trying to find a label Toni feels comfortable with.

I did not enjoy <i>What We Left Behind</i> as much as <i>Lies We Tell Ourselves</i>, not because it was not good – it was – but I am not that into romance novels. After a while the story began to feel boring and repetitive, particularly in terms of Gretchen and Toni’s relationship. It is, however, worth a read. There are not many novels that focus on transgender issues, especially in such a positive way. Therefore I am sure this young adult novel is going to interest a large amount of readers.
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson (2017)
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson (2017)
2017 | Documentary
Tremendous and hugely tragic
David France’s finely wrought documentary seeks justice for a pivotal figure in queer history from the beginning of Stonewall, whose death was said to have never been investigated properly.

Marsha P. Johnson was many things: outspoken LGBT activist, downtown superstar, model muse to Andy Warhol. In 1992, her body was found in the Hudson River, with police classifying her death as a suicide. The documentary is almost a resurrection of this transgender icon, but also a vivid portrayal of the immense suffering the community has faced over decades, even until this day.

The movie methodically explores who might have had cause to kill her - the local mafia, who were heavily involved in then-still-underground gay bar scene? A violent john or a passing group of straight men bent on hate crime? One of the most important characters in this film alongside Johnson was Sylvia Riviera, and her own tragic life just reflects the dire situation people are left to deal with.

Death is what leads the title and drives the movie. But it's her life - vibrant, pioneering, and much too short - that gives Marsha her flamboyant, beautiful heart. A truly moving portrayal.
The cover and summary were misleading for this book. I expected stories that were related to different interesting meetings and occurrences, screwy relationships, typical teen drama.

Instead I got a very strange and rather awkward mix of sex-addicts, homosexuals, transgender, and native Americans.

I'm not saying I don't like those stories, I'm just saying I wasn't expecting it.

The above reasons are not why I didn't like the stories: those are just facts about the characters. The stories themselves just didn't seem to connect to me, I couldn't relate to any of them. Maybe it's because I'm one of those weird girls with a completely functional romantic relationship, but a lot of the content in this book was just like "uh… why are they acting like that?"

Anyway, it felt awkward. that's the only word I can use to describe it. Some of them were good, some of them sucked. Most of the writing was mediocre.

I guess all I can say is… this is probably the worst short story collection I've ever read. Sorry, I wanted to like it… It was just awkward.

*This review is copyright Haley Mathiot and Amazon Vine*
The Talk Show
Joe Wenke | 2014
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After reading this book for a week and only making it to 25% of the way through, I have decided to give it a rest for now. Reasons I could not finish this book:

1. The Language--While I am not offended by foul language, dropping the 'F' bomb 10+ times in the first 2% of the book is a bit extreme. I did a search for the word on the Kindle and found out it appears over 100 times throughout.

2. The story is moving way too slowly for me. At 12% there is a shooting and at this point I still don't know what happened to the victims. But, we've met a few strippers and a transgender priest who also babysits, and a crazy copy named Germany(at least I think he's a cop, I was quite confused when he entered the story).

3. Finally, it's not holding my interest. Every time I start reading, I start to fall asleep.

When I first read the synopsis for this book, I was excited about it, but it fell short of my expectations.

**I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.**
The Pants Project
The Pants Project
Cat Clarke | 2017 | Children, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Liv (Olivia) was born a girl, but knows in his heart that he's a boy. But this realization isn't easy for a kid entering middle school, which can be a heartless place for anyone. What complicates things for Liv is a move to a new school, which brings a stringent dress code: girls must wear skirts. No exceptions. Whatsoever. Liv knows in his heart that he's a boy, but the school system (and kids at school) don't see it that way. Liv is already dealing with enough, but now he feels uncomfortable everyday in his school clothes. It also doesn't help that his best friend is dropping him for a group of mean-spirited bullies who bully Liv on a daily basis. But Liv perseveres and comes up with an idea: Operation Pants Project. Liv is going to get this uniform dress code overturned, no matter what.

This is an excellent YA novel that draws you in immediately. I found the storyline to be interesting from the very beginning, and it never wavered. Liv is a wonderful, amazing, resilient young man, and I loved him from the moment I met him. Liv's story is heartbreaking at times, but also very poignant. I see this tale as a must-read for transgender kids, but also all middle school kids, as it offers a wonderful chance to teach empathy. But, seriously, just having this story, and the way Liv expresses his thoughts on being transgender is so key. Yes, a lot of the story is probably a tad simplified, but still. It's just so refreshing to see this in book form.

Liv also has same-sex parents (two mothers) for which he is teased at school, which breaks my heart (being part of a same-sex marriage and having two young daughters). So much of the story hurts your heart at times and makes you just despair how much young kids have to go through at school. Liv meets a new friend in middle school, Jacob, and in reading this book, I just hope that the world continues to be filled with more Liv and Jacobs: it will make it a better place for sure. (I also enjoyed that Clarke seemed to insert an inside joke about how awful and cliche lesbian films can be!)

Overall, I loved this book, and I wish it was on the shelves of every middle school (and high school) -heck all libraries and bookstores-- everywhere! Huge portions of it make you smile, and you will find yourself just rooting for plucky, wonderful Liv and his spirit. There's a great sappy message in this book that I wish everyone could read in these troubled times. Liv has a wonderful sense of humor, and Clarke's writing is perfect for the targeted age group. I do think a great deal is this book is probably a little simplified (not all parents may be as supportive of Liv, for instance), but the bullying aspects at school are spot-on. Just seeing a transgender "tween" in print is great. I would like to see a list of support resources at the end of the book (and I just read an ARC, so it's not the final version) for those who do not have the same support system as Liv. Yes, this book goes a long way toward showing acceptance, but it's not as easy for everyone. I certainly hope it inspires kids to treat everyone equally: it's an important message. I definitely recommend this wonderful novel for kids and adults alike.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 03/01/2017.