The Making of a Man: Notes on Transsexuality
In autumn 2012, the writer and philosopher Maxim Februari, known until then as Marjolijn Februari,...

Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity
In the updated second edition of Whipping Girl, Julia Serano, a transsexual woman whose supremely...

Todo sobre mi madre (All About My Mother) (1999)
Award-winning Spanish melodrama by Pedro Almodovar. A nurse moves from Madrid to Barcelona,...

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Movie Watch
Clarice Starling, an FBI trainee, tracks down serial killer Buffalo Bill with help from an...
Serial killing Transsexual Moth

How To Change Your Sex with Lannie Rose
This podcast is an annotated audiobook of How To Change Your Sex: A Lighthearted Look at the Hardest...

T-Vox Podcasts
T-Vox podcasts are short, ten-minute, discussions about topics of interest to genderqueer, intersex...

From Match Fixing to Murder: 101 Sporting Encounters with the Law
Officials of football's world governing body, FIFA,are arrested in dramatic dawn raids in...
Punk Rock Blitzkrieg: My Life as A Ramone
When punk rock reared its spiky head in the early seventies, Marc Bell had the best seat in the...