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Soul Raiders
Soul Raiders
2021 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy
Check out that cover art! Amazing! If there is one thing that will certainly help my enjoyment of any game, it is definitely great art and components. Yes, I want the game to play well, but if it also looks great, that merely sends it soaring for me. While Soul Raiders has great art in spades, will I equally love the gameplay? Spoiler: yeah, it’s a pretty good game!

Soul Raiders is a storytelling role-playing game for up to four players. Each player takes the role of an aspiring Soul Raider tasked with saving the realms from the influence of evil. The game is played over several sessions that all affect the overarching plot of the narrative, but this preview version simply allows players to learn the game mechanics through a prologue scenario.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure which final components will be different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, as there are just too many. You are invited to download the rulebook, back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

To setup, follow the instructions in the rulebook. There are too many to list here. Once setup, the play area may look similar to the photo below.
As there are 36 pages in the preliminary rulebook, I am unable to detail everything in this preview. However, I can give an overall gameplay feeling.

Players control pawns (standees in this version, but plastic minis in the final) that will adventure on Location tiles that spawn baddies, traps, and other elements. Each round played has no turn structure; players can take their actions however they like in any order, and sometimes players will take actions simultaneously. Once all players have taken their actions, the baddies will attack (though some attack immediately upon spawning in a Location as well).

Combat is resolved through clever chaining card play. The cards drawn to the players’ hand are multi-use and can be combined with others in hand to pull off complex combos. All players will have access to melee combat cards, movement cards, and also magic spell cards. Utilizing the cards efficiently, as well as leveraging each players’ inherent strengths, can make or break combats and skill checks throughout the game.

In addition to the myriad combats players will face, they will also be able to encounter events, special characters, and traps. Many times these will result in skill checks or other card shedding activities in order to progress the story.

Throughout the game a tracker board constantly keeps players aware of the current vitae of the party (collective health), threat level, and active events. Players will also be using personalized player boards to keep track of their deck of cards, active engaged enemies, and status tokens. Each character has special talents different from each other, and the final game will have at least four characters, whereas this version has two.

If the players can navigate the game efficiently and quickly enough to satisfy the win conditions, then victory is to be shared. However, if you, like me, are still trying to figure out how to win, the game ships with an interesting session saving ability so you can pick up where you left off with any combination of players and characters.
Components. Again, this is a preview copy of the game, and not everything is final. That said, I can see the direction this game is going, and if it results in a successful Kickstarter campaign, I foresee me praising the publisher for their excellent components. Most of the art seems complete, and the character art is so amazing. In contrast, I feel the landscape art doesn’t necessarily match the intensity and details given in the character art. It just feels out of place in an otherwise excellently-illustrated game.

The gameplay, however, felt very fresh and familiar at the same time. I have played several games where the players’ card decks offer multi-use cards in much the same fashion, and here in Soul Raiders, the cards can be played for their numeric values or their special abilities. What I like about this is the ability to use the cards in hand to pull off sweeping combos of insane damage, or to really nail the lockpicking difficulty checks. There will be times the heroes will need to be engaged in combat with four or more enemies, and having certain spells that can wipe out most of them with one card is always very satisfying.

Movement has largely been neglected in my plays of Soul Raiders, as I haven’t found a great way to make it sing as a card type. Players will need to use movement to travel from one Location card to others, but there are also mechanics in place for the heroes to flee away from battles. I have yet to feel the need to flee from battle. I also have yet to truly understand the need for a big selling point for the game – character invisibility. Yes, I can see how being invisible would be a great benefit, but I rarely had the ability cards in hand to use it properly or effectively. I am told, though, that the game will ship with both a normal character mini and a transparent mini to indicate when they are invisible. So there’s that.

All in all I really do enjoy the storytelling gameplay of Soul Raiders. I think this intro prologue scenario has piqued my interest and triggered my desire to play more in the story. I hope that some adjustments will be made to make invisibility and fleeing more important aspects of the game, but for now I am ignoring them almost systematically. That said, if you are looking for a new game with a great theme and some pretty good mechanics, I invite you to check out the Kickstarter campaign launching very soon. I think this would be a great one to have in a collection, especially as I can see it being infinitely expandable with new books of scenarios and small expansion packs with new heroes, etc.
2001 | Exploration, Fantasy, Horror, Maze, Print & Play
Beef, elbow macaroni, tomato sauce, onions, garlic, many other spices. Combine. This is goulash.

Wait, this is Ghoulash? Ok so ditch the food and add Ghoul meat, dashes of Ghoo, some falling debris, and holes. Also add an opponent to play against and you have a recipe for a really great game. Intrigued by my recipe? Read on. This is Ghoulash.

When you name a game (and game company) using a pun for a delicious meal you just KNOW everyone is going to be making these jokes. I am not below this. However, Ghoulash pits two players against each other in a race to defeat eight Ghouls first – or die trying. This is a pencil and paper game contained on one double-sided sheet of paper (with the rules printed on the other side). With such little in components, this game CAN’T be very good, right?

DISCLAIMER: We were provided with a link to print off the game, so technically it’s a PNP for us. We printed off several copies to play our review games. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rule book, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy from the publisher directly or from your FLGS. -T

To setup a game of Ghoulash: The Game of Pen and Paper Peril (which I will be calling simply Ghoulash for the remainder of this review) grab two copies of the game sheet and two writing utensils. Though the game’s title suggests using a pen, I recommend a pencil. From here, you will need to decide which map grid you want to use for your play map and which will be your DM map. For those who have not played table top RPG’s before, a DM is a Dungeon Master – the person who ultimately runs the game and is typically in charge of placing and playing the monsters, traps, and NPCs of a game. In this case, each player will be each other’s DM. You will see the number of items that must be placed on the map on the main page. You must place (anywhere you want on the map) eight Ghouls, five Holes, five Debris, and three First-Aid Kits. Seriously. Anywhere you want. These are the items and encounters your opponent will be interacting with as you play. You are now ready to begin!

On your turn you will be moving through the map attempting to encounter and kill Ghouls – blobby monsters that want to eat you. You do this by moving onto a square that your opponent has placed a Ghoul and fighting it. Fighting Ghouls is easy: your DM opponent will circle any number on the Ghoul you are fighting. You need to guess this number in order to exploit its weak spot and vanquish it. For every incorrect guess YOU will take a wound from it bashing you. Mark your wounds on the Wound Meters area below the Ghouls. If you happen to take 12 wounds before finding a First-Aid Kit, then you die and you lose the game. Finding a First-Aid Kit, however, will relieve you of all your wounds you have suffered. In this scenario, you will begin tracking your wounds anew on the next Wound Meter on the tracker.

Like I mentioned earlier, other traps will be awaiting you in your personal hell dungeon. When you fall into a Hole you will forfeit the rest of your turn and you will skip your next turn entirely. Should you move onto a square containing Debris, you will be hit for one wound from falling bits of the rickety dungeon. Or perhaps it’s guano. You never know.

The player to defeat all eight ghouls or remain living the longest will be the winner (unless you play hardcore rules and have to defeat all Ghouls to win)!

Usually at this point in my reviews I evaluate the game components. In this case I am going to evaluate how the game art and graphic design work with and for the game. As the entire game is played on one side of one sheet of paper and everything you really need is located on that page, this is really genius to me. Everything is right there, and it’s very clear what to place on the map, how many of each thing to place, and where you can track the Ghouls, wounds, and your Ghoul trophies. It’s really great! The only negative here is we wished the letters and numbers on the x and y axes were darker. It was a little difficult for some people to read the coordinates. This would be an easy fix for me, but it may not be within the designer’s vision for the layout. Many times we were describing our movement with Battleship coordinates: I am moving south to B-1 then east to P-1 then north to P-2, etc. I didn’t have much difficulty with this, but I did hear that others did.

I believe that the intent of the future of Ghoulash is to offer pre-printed charts for sale and possibly have different themed charts to play. The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that we were playing The City map. I have not seen any other maps, so I cannot comment on them, but even if I only had The City to play forever, I think that I would be happy enough.

That said, I believe this is a really really great game. I enjoyed being able to place out my encounter elements, and being able to freely roam around the map until I ran into something – even if it was a hole in the middle of an intersection that I had to fall through several times (sneaky, sneaky, my brilliant little brother!). The guessing game of fighting Ghouls can be quick and fun, or it can give you five wounds in one encounter. Overall, I think that anyone can enjoy it, but I will give a caveat. Both players MUST be able to read the map and coordinates to follow along with where each player is moving or else you may have some bickering. Oh, just my family? Maybe.

Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a sticky-yet-pleasing 10 / 12. You really should give it a shot. It could work with couples, friends, co-workers, strangers, pets, anyone!
World War Z
World War Z
2018 | Action
While the cinematic follow up to the movie “World War Z” has been in developmental hell and likely not happening anytime soon with the recent cancellation of the proposed sequel; The developers at Saber Interactive have brought an exciting new chapter to the series.

Played from a third person perspective; teams of four players either human or A.I. battle hordes of undead as they attempt to survive and complete various tasks. The game is set in four chapters, New York, Jerusalem, Moscow, and Tokyo, and each segment allows players to select from four new characters to play during the various segments of each locale.

Players start with a primary and secondary weapon and will have the ability to pick up more along the way. Weapons include various machine guns, rifles, grenades, pistols, crossbows, and heavy weapons which have a limited use but pack a big punch.

Players also have bladed weapons which can be used to slash their way through hordes but this needs to be used sparingly as players can become overrun in no time.

Players can also find useful items such as machine gun emplacements, electrical traps, and other weapons which can be deployed in certain areas to help stem the onslaught of undead.

Missions often detail searching for items, activating or deactivating items, escorting an individual, and so on but do keep up the intensity and the highly detailed maps are very engaging.

The enemies consist of standard Zombies, a Bull Zombie who rushes and can do great amounts of damage, a Lurker that hides in the shadows and pounces. There is the Screamer who lets out tons of noise and attracts large crowds of Undead, and the Gasbag which releases a toxic gas when shot.

Players can use health kits to heal themselves and others and ammunition and supplies can be found in chests as well as Breaching Charges which allow players to enter locked areas.

The biggest issues with most of the enemies is that they have a similar look and tend to just mass and rush straight at you. It is funny that you will see characters looking like they are dressed for the New York Subway running around Tokyo, Jerusalem, and Moscow while the playable characters are clearly dressed for and specific to the locale they are in.

The game also features a multiplayer function but to me this was a real disappointment. Hit detection was bad as emptying a full clip in an another player seemed to do nothing yet they could kill you with a single shot. There were also numerous Spawn Campers who picked off players whenever they entered the map. I am sure it will be adjusted in time but I was so disappointed with it that I spent the majority of my time playing the campaign which to me was a far superior experience.

The game retails for $39.99 which makes it a real bargain and new content has been promised to arrive at a future date which will extend the enjoyment of the game.

While the gaming community eagerly hopes and awaits for a new Left 4 Dead game, World War Z is the closest to the fun and excitement of that series as getting your friends or being matched with others online to take down legions of Undead is a real thrill and one that this game has really captured where so many other recent efforts have failed.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Sabotage
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has released their first of four planned DLC Packs; Sabotage for the Xbox One and PC systems after being previously released for the PS4 platform.

Like previous DLC packs in the series; the set contains four new maps and a new Zombie/Alien gameplay mode.

The first map is Noir: which is a futuristic Brooklyn setting teaming with open streets and an open courtyard which makes for some really close quarters combat. The map is great for those who like a run and gun approach but there are plenty of windows and areas for snipers and surprise attacks.


The next map is Renaissance which is a beautiful recreation of a pastoral Venetian setting. Players will battle in courtyards, a church, and along canals which create many choke points for enemy forces to mount attacks.

The third map is Neon which is a Tron like map set in a computer simulation. Players and vehicles as well as parts of the map de-rez when destroyed. The map has long lines and balconies which make for great points for snipers and those looking to mount and ambush, but I really liked mounting counter attacks in the night club which allows players a way to cover large parts of the map without having to travel the dangerous streets.

The final map is Dominion which is a futuristic remake of the classic Modern Warfare 2 map Afghan. Players will battle in a map with a downed vehicle at the center. The map has plenty of ridges, observation areas, and halls to allow players to battle one another in multiple game styles.

For me the highlight of the pack is the second installment of the Zombie mode called Rave in the Redwoods. The game continues the story of the four actors pulled into horror movies to battle legions of undead. The previous map was set in an 80s theme park and this time out we get a 90s themed camping horror film as the setting. Players get to use weapons such as a golf club, a spiked baseball bat, a machete, and other melee weapons before they pick up some heavier firepower to go with their grenades. Like in previous versions, players will have to buy access to various areas, new weapons, ammunition and such. There are also puzzles to solve to unlock new and special weapons and traps as well as to make the game progress to a conclusion point. Should players not solve the needed puzzles, then they will face wave after wave of enemies. Writer/Director Kevin Smith is on hand and can be a playable character and those looking for a change of pace can bring on a neon lightshow at various points. For fun players can also battle Bigfoot, a psycho killer, and other threats but trust me, there is plenty of challenge to go around. The Afterlife arcade returns so players who die are given a chance to play various games to make their way back into the game. With four player co-op, you will want to take advantage of the Zip Lines to get around.

While the new maps are fun, they really do not offer anything radically different but do extend the life of the game. For me, the Zombie mode is what makes this a must own as it continues to be the best overall Zombie experience in any of the COD games.
The Sting (1973)
The Sting (1973)
1973 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
On my list of All Time Favorite Films
I'll come right out and say it - the 1973 Academy Award winning film for Best Picture, THE STING, is one of the greatest films of all time. It's well written, well acted, well directed with a memorable musical score and characters, situations, costumes and set design that become richer over time and through repeated viewings.

Set in Chicago in the gangster-ridden, depression era mid-1930's, THE STING tells the tale of two con man who join forces for the ultimate con of a vile N.Y. Gangster who is responsible for killing a friend of theirs.

From everything I have read about it, the script by David S. Ward (who won an Oscar for his work) arrived pretty much finished. He shaped the story of the con men - and the myriad pieces of misdirection - fully before shopping it around to the studios. Universal jumped all over it and tabbed veteran Director George Roy Hill (BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID) to helm the picture. Hill - being no dummy - saw this as a vehicle to re-team Newman and Redford (stars of Butch Cassidy) and the they history.

Newman and Redford are perfectly cast as veteran grifter Henry Gondorff (Newman) and up and coming grifter Johnny Hooker (Redford). They have an ease of playing off of each other - each one complimenting the other one - both giving in their scenes with the other one which makes the scenes more rich and alive. They are joined by a veritable "who's who" of late '60's/early '70's character actors - Harold Gould, Eileen Brennan, Charles Durning, Ray Walston and Dana Elcar - all of them bring their "A" game and they are fun to watch. Special notice should be made to Robert Earl Jones (father of James Earl Jones) as Luther, the character who's fate propels the plot forward.

But...none of this would work if you didn't have a "bad guy" that was interesting to watch - and to root against - and bad guys don't get much better...and badder...than Robert Shaw's Doyle Lonnegan. Shaw plays Lonnegan as a physically tough boss who doesn't suffer failure, but is smart enough to avoid obvious traps. He is a worthy adversary of Gondorff and Hooker's and it is fun to watch Newman, Redford and Shaw play off each other. One other note - it was with this performance that Universal recommended Shaw to young Director Stephen Spielberg for his "shark flick" JAWS.

Edith Head won her 8th (and last) Oscar for the magnificent period costumes in this film and Marvin Hamlisch won for the Music - a surprising hit on the pop charts of re-channeled Scott Joplin tunes. The set design won an Oscar - as did the Director, George Roy Hill. All in all, the film won 7 out of the 11 Oscars it was nominated for (Redford was nominated for Best Actor, but did not win).

THE STING is a well crafted film. One that tells a timeless story and that stands the test of time as a testament of how great of an achievement in film this is. It is one of my All Time favorites.

Letter Grade: the rare A+

5 stars (out of 5) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Rose: A Love Story (2020)
Rose: A Love Story (2020)
2020 | Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Married couple Sam (Matt Stokoe) and Rose (Sophie Rundle) are living a quiet, simple life in a remote woodland farmhouse. While Rose spends her days indoors, tapping out a novel on a typewriter, Sam is out in the peaceful, snow-covered woods, setting traps and hunting animals. But, right from the outset, it’s clear that this is anything but a relaxing couples retreat.

As Sam cautiously goes about his work, rifle in hand, it’s obvious that he is alert and on edge, flinching at the slightest sounds that come from beyond the trees. Persistent, ominous music also informs us that something isn't quite right and succeeds in putting us quickly on edge too. And when Sam does return to the farmhouse, we learn that Rose has been locked inside, with all the windows boarded up, only the slightest slivers of light entering the gloomy rooms.

Sam and Rose are clearly a couple in love, their actions and conversations appearing genuine and normal. But occasionally the topic of conversation veers towards the unusual, and we continue to be drip-fed even more sinister clues as to what’s actually going on in their lives. When Rose cuts herself while preparing dinner, black veins pulse throughout her finger. Meanwhile, Sam heads off to an ultraviolet-lit room, where he attaches leeches to his body, casually sitting to read a book while they set to work, gorging on his blood. When the couple head outside for a walk one night, Rose wears a face mask while Sam doesn’t. And she talks of “a poison inside her”. You have a fairly good idea of what's going on, but the answers to any questions you have don't come easy, and we're constantly left guessing at which direction the movie is going to take.

Jennifer Sheridan’s feature directorial debut has a wonderfully claustrophobic feel to it, perfectly capturing the feeling of isolation against the beautiful backdrop of a Welsh forest in Winter. Questions hang throughout - how did Rose get this way, what kind of life did the couple lead beforehand, what actually is this illness doing or going to do to her? We're kept in suspense throughout and even when a young runaway called Amber stumbles across the couple, and stays with them overnight, the answers still don’t come easy. Amber just has to accept the fact that Sam is dropping his trousers in front of her in order to attach leeches to himself. And that she must sleep with the ultraviolet light on in her room...

As we neared the very end of the movie, I began to wonder if any of those answers would ever come, or if we would be left to make our own minds up. But thankfully a quick and frantic last-minute change of pace changed all of that, and still managed to end on something of a cliffhanger!

Writer Matt Stokoe (who also plays Sam) says of ‘Rose’ that while watching traditional vampire movies he was struck by the macabre, horror aspects of the vampire genre and the general avoidance of emotional depth shown in the figure of the ‘monster’. The result of his observations is a beautifully simple movie that focuses more on the love of a married couple than the monster that threatens to overpower their relationship. Sam shows that he will do anything for Rose as they struggle with her life-altering illness. Theirs is indeed a true love story.


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