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2006 | Adventure, Biography, Drama
6.6 (9 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Good cast (1 more)
Decent for a TV miniseries/movie
Not entirely accurate (2 more)
The characters and boats are far too clean
TV effects (or lack of) might spoil some scenes
Somewhat entertaining
So I was on the search for some more Pirate movies at my local DVD stores, in hopes of finding something with the effects of Pirates of the Caribbean, but a more serious plot like that of the Black Sails series. Something that feels more like how the golden age of piracy would seem, not quite as quirky and humorous as the Disney films, although I cannot fault them for they are some of my favourite movies. It was on my search, that I came across this, and my initial thoughts were that whilst it looked cheap, it could be an entertaining film. As it turns out, I discovered this was a TV miniseries, merged into roughly a 162 minute film.

It has some charm, I can say that much for it. The cast are decent with very few famous names, and the acting itself isn't dreadful. However, there seems to be some lacking in the actual filming and editing of the episodes/feature. It has a decent plot which involves a hunt for treasure, a hunt for justice and slight revenge, which makes the viewing, feel like a pirate experience should be, but there still seems to lack the proper visuals to complete the experience.

If you take a look at Pirates of the Caribbean, one aspect that makes those films so darn good is the visuals. The pirates are dirty, rotting teeth, golden teeth, dirty fingernails, and their ships are battle worn with scars in the woodwork and again, the dirt from barnicles, and land. The ships in this feature on the other hand, are the cleanest ships you'll see in a pirate themed show or movie, and they look as if they were freshly made straight from the ship builder themselves. There doesn't appear to be any barnicles clung onto them, nor are there any battle scars, even after you witness a battle in the beginning of the film. The pirates themselves are also clean, all with white teeth as though they visited a dentist and brushed their teeth with colgate or the next best brand. There's not a single sign of scurvy which was popular among pirates during the golden age, and I didn't really spot any scars from battles apart from the obvious ones where you witness a member of Blackbeards crew have part of his leg removed due to injury (you don't see the gruesome imagery, as it's 12 rated series). Other than that though, there no facial scars, no sign to tell us that Blackbeard has fought enough battles and lived through them to become reknowned as a devil instead of a man. We only see what appears to be a couple of weeks of him as a Captain, and yet he claims to already be known as the scurge of the seas, which is highly unlikely given that we only see him battle one ship and spend the rest of his time hunting treasure, never running across another opposing ship until the finale, which sees Blackbeard battle against a crew of Royal Navy soldiers led by Lieutenant Robert Maynard.

Whilst the plot had me intrigued for the most part, I can't say that this is a film I would 'Highly' recommend, but if you fancy watching a pirate movie, this could be somewhat sufficient until you find something else, despite some of the deaths in battle seeming very staged, as sometimes I would notice a sword being shoved theatrically into someones armpit, only for the victim of the blade to fall lifeless to the floor, some holding onto the blade as though left in their body, others being retrieved from the 'corpse' with no visible blood on the blade.

With very historical accuracy's, mostly about the legend of Captain Kidd, hiding treasure, and the title's that Blackbeard earned, before his life was taken by that of Robert Maynard, the location of his death, and some other less important factors, were dramatized for the series alone and should not be taken as historically accurate.

It's a decent film, but it's just not quite what I was hoping for, and certainly not as great as it could have been.
A Rumored Fortune
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tressa Harlowe's father did not trust banks, but neither did he trust his greedy extended family. He kept his vast fortune hidden somewhere on his estate in the south of England and died suddenly, without telling anyone where he had concealed it. Tressa and her ailing mother are left with a mansion and an immense vineyard and no money to run it. It doesn't take long for a bevy of opportunists to flock to the estate under the guise of offering condolences. Tressa knows what they're really up to. She'll have to work with the rough and rusticated vineyard manager to keep the laborers content without pay and discover the key to finding her father's fortune--before someone else finds it first.

My Thoughts: This is the second novel for Author Joanna Davidson Politano and her books only get better and better! A story of intrigue, suspense, love, and lessons to be learned. Tressa and her mother are summoned home early from a trip abroad. Assuming that her father has called them home, Tressa is excited to see him again. When they do finally get home, she is met by a handsome stranger who comes to her aid and brings her to the castle only to find that her father has died. As she learns that Trevelyan has run into money problems she quickly starts searching for the hidden treasure; the only thing is, is that she isn't the only one. At the world of her father's death, everyone wants a piece of the treasure.

This is a gripping story that keeps the reader entertained throughout. It is full of twists and turns, that keeps the reader on edge wondering what will happen next.

The characters are well developed and very believable, as they interact with one another through the story-line,

At the beginning of each chapter, there is a nugget of wisdom that deals with horticulture and raising grapes but it also has a deeper meaning for what goes on in life. The characters also supported a great faith in God which is a good example for us in our own times of despair.

Tressa is a loveable character, and well portrayed in the novel. I can't imagine how hard it would be to trust in a time when it seems all people wanted was money. I think that she did an amazing job, with a few lessons learned.

I highly recommend this novel. I will certainly be looking for more from this author.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Without a Paddle (2004)
Without a Paddle (2004)
2004 | Comedy
6.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Verdict: Enjoyable

Story: Without a Paddle starts as three best friends Tom (Shepard), Jerry (Lillard) and Dan (Green) return home after the sudden death of their fourth member Billy, spending time together they remember a promise they once made when they were children about searching for D.B. Cooper Bounty.
The three head off into the wilderness following a map that Billy left them, on an adventure they couldn’t imagine, search for a treasure and learning the importance of life.

Thoughts on Without a Paddle

Characters – Jerry has become a businessman, he isn’t enjoying this career choice, he likes to surf and isn’t the most committed in remember important dates in his relationship, he must bring the guys back together for the funeral, he is on the edge of a mid-life crisis, which will get the focus of his decision making process on this adventure. Tom is the lose cannon of the friends, he has always got a story from what he has been doing in his life, while most seem to be tall tales, which often get them in trouble. Dan has become a doctor that is nervous in life, he keeps everything safe and this adventure is completely against his lifestyle, where he spends most of his time worried about what happens.
Performances – Matthew Lillard, Seth Green and Dax Shepard are the three friends, they do have great chemistry, they play into their comedy strengths and make this movie more enjoyable with their performances.
Story – The story follows three friends that go on an adventure in the woods in search for D.B. Cooper’s treasure in memory of their friend who passed away. This is a story that is about finding themselves, learning to overcome their fears in life, learn their place in life and making the most of the life they are given. While some of what happens is silly and plays into parodies of many films, it is an enjoyable story that shows the strength of friendship through the good times and the bad.
Adventure/Comedy – The adventure shows us how friends will need that moment in life where the can be together even through the adult struggles in life. The comedy can be silly at times, which does take away from the serious time of the story.
Settings – The film is set in the wilderness, which sees how the different locations from the river rapids to the cannabis farm they stumble along, it plays into the fears of going into the wild.

Scene of the Movie – The treehouse of memories.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Some of the comedy.
Final Thoughts – This is a fun adventure about finding yourself in life, the cast has a great chemistry only for the comedy to come off slightly short at times.

Overall: Fun Adventure.
Severed Threads (Threads #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off, I don't want to admit that I judge a book by it's cover... but I do. This cover looked intriguing to me so that is why I chose to review it.

I read the first chapter and wasn't too sold on what was going on. But I continued on, to really give it a fair chance. The more I got farther into the book, the more complex the story line became, and it was just too confusing to follow. Between scuba diving (in which the author explained in great detail, which was a plus), a past love affair, a kidnapping by people who seem to be mobsters, buried treasure from long ago and ghost stories, I think it's just too much for a reader to process. I felt like there wasn't even a chance to connect with the main characters (Chase and Rachel) because the story was taking me this way and that way and all over the place. Some parts of the book were well written, just not the entire book as a whole.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary electronic book from a website (in which I was told not to post the name of). I was not required to write a positive review, only an honest one. The opinions I have expressed here are my own.
The Shell
The Shell
Jenni Boyd | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nicole Fysh is a conchologist, she studies shells. When her friends send her pictures of themselves diving, she sees something in the pictures that could make history. But if this shell is really what she believes it is, she can't possibly be the only one looking for it. She hops the next flight to join her friends, and find out if this shell is exactly what she thinks.

The Shell is full of twists and turns that will have you on the edge of your seat. I never knew that shells were such a hot commodity. This book definitely will have me taking a closer look at the shells I come across on my vacation this summer.

In Nicole's search for the shell, she comes across quite a few people who are also on the hunt. They will stop at nothing to get their hands on the rare treasure. From murder, smuggling, and purgery, nearly anything. Nicole goes on quite a journey herself, suffering along the way.

Jenni Boyd give another enjoyable mystery. This so far has been my favorite. There are twists you don't see coming and surprises around every corner. You don't know who you can trust and if the truth will ever come out. I recommend this for all looking for a great thriller this summer.
Encino Man (1992)
Encino Man (1992)
1992 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
Buried 'treasure'. (2 more)
Pauly Shore singing 'shoofly don't bother me.'
If that guy says 'shoosh' one more time..... (0 more)
Why can't all cavemen look like that?
Contains spoilers, click to show
I saw this movie for the first time when I was about ten years old. I was really into dinosaurs at the time and the idea of digging up a caveman in my backyard thrilled me about as much as finding One Eyed Willie. There is something innocently fun about movies made in the 80s and as silly as the plotline for this one is, the movie is still my absolute favorite.

Two nerdy, loner, high school seniors decide to dig a pool in one of their backyards in hopes of throwing a big party after prom and landing the most popular girl in school. What they didn't expect was to come across a caveman frozen inside a solid mass of ice who they thaw out using space heaters in their garage. After coming home to find their house trashed, they come face to face with a very not dead 1,000,000 year old man ... Or teenager. Makeover montage ensues, giving us the newly minted (not so missing) 'Link'. Boys take Link to school, Link wins over everyone, boys remain unpopular.

This movie is worth watching at least once just to see Pauly wheeze the juice and Brendan dance around like a crazy person.
The Realm of Possibility
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book changed my life
It's become a tradition to read this book at the beginning of every year. First off, this book saved my life. It's hard to admit but during my freshman year of college I felt suicidal. It was a few weeks into second semester and one of my close friends gave me this book to read. I read it within hours, I ignored the basketball game that I went to and I devoured this book. Tears were shed, and my life was changed.

This book quickly became my favorite novel and David Levithan has earned the honor of being my favorite author. The characters are intertwined and connect in ways that mimics our every day lives.

I love the fact that David Levithan has characters that anyone can relate to. If you're the popular kid, you will relate to someone. If you're that kid in the back of the classroom, you will relate to someone. There are 20 different characters and you will be able to relate to at least one of them.

I have read this book 6 times so far and every time I read this novel I find something new to fall in love with. My signed book is something that I will forever treasure.

I recommend this book to everyone.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963)
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963)
1963 | Comedy

"It’s a mad movie. It’s just insane. This was the first movie I remember having so many stars that I loved. My favorite scene is when the older woman realizes that her son-in-law lives close to the treasure, so she calls him up. I remember the phone ringing and ringing, and when they cut to her son, he’s with a girl in a bikini doing the twist to some song. And she has this disaffected look on her face, just staring into nothing. The son is in a ’50s-style bathing suit just jumping around her going, “Yeah. Go.” That moment is something I’ve put in theater pieces, and even when I go out and I’m on the dance floor, I think of that scene. So if that movie gave me anything, aside from the excitement of seeing all these awesome comedic actors, it was that moment. I love that old-style humor, you know, like Some Like It Hot, just over the top. I think comedy was done with a lot more class back then. And that was a crossover period. It’s hard to get that these days. Now it has to be cool. Back then it just had to be crazy and zany. That movie should be listed next to the definition of “zany” in the dictionary. “What is zany?” “Watch this movie.”"


Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2103 KP) rated Rum and Choke in Books

Jan 2, 2023 (Updated Jan 2, 2023)  
Rum and Choke
Rum and Choke
Sherry Harris | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bar Contests, Treasure Hunts, and Murder
Chloe Jackson has been drafted to represent the Sea Glass Saloon in the Barback Games. This annual tradition, a multi stage competition that includes physical and bar related contests, sounds fun until she meets some of her competition – ringers brought in to represent other bars. Meanwhile, her friend Ann asks Chloe to go with her as Ann tries to find a pirate ship sunk long ago. The first morning out ends abruptly when Ann finds a dead body – one of the Barback Games ringers. What is going on?

Sherry Harris is one of my favorite mystery writers, and this book is a perfect example why. With all of the storylines, this book has more than enough to keep us engaged. Yet, it doesn’t unfold in a traditional cozy way, which is a wonderful thing. Chloe pieces everything together for a great climax. It was nice getting to know Ann better, and Chloe is continuing to grow as well. The rest of the returning characters are charming, and the new characters fit in perfectly. I’m not a drinker, so I might have passed up this series if anyone else were writing it. But I’m so glad I started reading it. Whether this is your first visit with Chloe or you already love her, you’ll enjoy this book.
Heart of the Hunter  (Dragon Chalice, #1)
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
195 of 230
Heart of the Hunter ( Dragon Chalice book 1)
By Tina St.John (Lara Adrian)

Ariana of Clairmont would risk anything to save her kidnapped brother, a quest she knows is fraught with peril. Her only ally is Braedon le Chasseur, a formidable knight with a mysterious past, whose scarred face and brooding nature mask a soul filled with pain. Ariana fears this dangerous man and the secrets he strives to conceal - but Braedon's touch is pure seduction, his kiss a potent lure that tempts her into a passion she is powerless to resist.

Once known as The Hunter, now haunted by a dark legacy he struggles to deny, Braedon lives in a world of shadow and isolation - until he is thrust together with an innocent beauty in need of his protection. Embarking on a journey that will lead them to a legendary treasure, Braedon will be forced to confront old enemies and the stunning secret of his true nature - or risk losing Ariana and the only happiness he has ever known. . . .

I really enjoyed this book. It was historical romance with a bit of magic thrown in. It was spicy in a hot romantic way. I love Lara Adrian she never fails to bring us a good love story with the type of villains you hate forever. Recommended!