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Darren Hayman recommended Into the Gap by Thompson Twins in Music (curated)

Into the Gap by Thompson Twins
Into the Gap by Thompson Twins
1984 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I want to write a book on the history of miming to music on TV. No, I don't, but I want to read it. I’m often surprised at how early the convention of miming to music on TV was subverted. From Ringo riding an exercise bike instead of drums on ‘I Feel Fine’ to the Faces playing football, it seems to be a wink to the camera that’s way ahead of anything else you would see at the time. The Thompson Twins seemed to be the first band solely designed to extend this joke. As a 12-year-old, I was fascinated by the fact I couldn't hear any of the instruments they were playing. They would stand behind guitars, congas and double basses but all you could hear were Prophet 5s and Emulators. I knew it was done as some kind of statement that I couldn’t fathom. These were artists, like the ones who Tony Hancock meets in The Rebel; proper oddball, hat-wearing pranksters. The backs of all the 12-inch singles from Into The Gap joined together to make a map of an island that was in the shape of the members' heads. The cassette version had an hour of alternative versions and mixes. They were a treasure trove for a geeky obsessed fan; they paid so much attention to detail. I now see their endless mixes and alternate versions of songs as a gateway into dub music; the idea that things could be transformed as much by subtracting things as adding them."


ClareR (5603 KP) rated Mirrorland in Books

Apr 3, 2021  
Carole Johnstone | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mirrorland by Carole Johnstone is a fantastic psychological thriller that will have you wondering who is telling the truth, what exactly that truth IS and what on earth could possibly happen next! I loved it.
The narrator is completely unreliable, mainly because she appears to have blocked out a huge part of her life.
Cat returns, reluctantly, to Edinburgh from California, because her sister has gone missing on her sailing boat. Cat seems unsurprised that her sister should have a boat - she and her sister spent hours as children playing in Mirrorland, pretending to be pirates, sailing the Seven Seas. But her disappearance is unexpected.
Has El been murdered? If so, by whom? Who is sending Cat on a treasure hunt and leaving written messages for her? Who is sending emails? Is El’s husband, Ross, implicated in her disappearance? And what DID happen to Cat and El when they were children?
This is such a delicious, rub-your-hands-together-with-evil-glee kind of book.
There are some pretty shocking subjects covered in this novel, so if you don’t like reading about abuse of any kind, this may not be for you. However, I was glued to it. I’m trying to think of some synonyms of ‘loved’ (I realise that i completely overuse this word when I talk about books), so: adored, enjoyed greatly, was besotted with, couldn’t get enough of. Well. You get the gist. It’s just well worth the read!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and to Carole Johnstone for joining in with the chat in the margins!
The Confessions of Frannie Langton
The Confessions of Frannie Langton
Sara Collins | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Mystery
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
“My trial starts the way my life did: a squall of elbows and shoving and spit.”

Sometimes a book just grabs you from the beginning, something tells you that treasure lies here. I felt that within a few paragraphs of The Confessions of Frannie Langton. Sara Collins prefaced the novel with an explanation of her enjoyment of stories from Georgian/Victorian era but also her disappoint that she didn’t feel represented in the literature from that time. Her love of literature and that lack of inclusion drove her to write a novel that filled a gap, filled a need for women like Frances Langton to have a voice.

And what a voice! The author embodies Frannie so well. The first thing that struck me was that Frannie’s voice shone through immediately. She sounds so authentic, within a few lines you are engaged and intrigued. So much of the prose is beautiful and evocative, truly poetic. Sara Collins describes the people and places so deftly, you sense the weight of a sultry Jamaican plantation and the drabness of a grey London suburb. You can almost taste the boiling sugar cane and fall under the sway of the delicious, devilish ‘Black Drop’. It’s difficult to read this book without imagining a BBC period drama, it really would make a good screen adaptation. There is no doubt that Collins is a gifted and accomplished writer, a weaver of words both seductive and threatening. I really enjoyed this novel and would like to read anything new from Sara Collins.
Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019)
Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family
silly fun (0 more)
Swipe was a pointless character (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Dora and the lost city of gold brings the characters from the ‘Dora the Explore ' together for a live action adventure. The film starts when Dora is six and her cousin Diego goes to live in the city. Ten years later Dora's parents get ready to find a lost city so, for safety they send her to the join Diego. Finding that Diego has changed over the years and that city life is nothing like living in the jungle leaving her upset and friendless. During a school field trip, Dora, Diego and two of their classmates are kidnapped by treasure hunters in an attempt to find Dora's parents and the lost city.
Dora and the lost city of gold is a classic children’s jungle adventure; you have kidnapped adults, jungle traps, quick sand (I can’t remember the last time I saw quicksand in a movie, may be Jumaji 2), Ruined cities, giant, possibly man eating plants and a bit of cartoon physics.
The cartoony side of the film is a bit odd, the film is trying to include all the main characters from the series and this includes Boots the Monkey and Swipe the fox. Boots kind of makes sense, he was Dora’s companion throughout the cartoon and the character in the film did have an actual role that served a purpose, however Swipe seemed a pointless, his roll could have been performed by any of the other villains.
Over all ‘Dora and the lost city of gold’ is good, silly fun.
Lost Ruins of Arnak
Lost Ruins of Arnak
2020 | Adventure, Ancient, Exploration, Travel
If you are reading this review, chances are you have heard something about the board game “Lost Ruins of Arnak.” If not, continue forward, as there’s a lot to discover in this jungle adventure experience. “Lost Ruins of Arnak” for those that have not already been exposed to the exciting hype leading up to its release date, is a board game that delves deep into the jungle, not unlike a 1980’s Indiana Jones film. It has treasure, hidden idols, lost artifacts, guardians of the jungle, and exploration in the form of a very large game board. The box boasts of multiple gaming mechanisms that all work in tandem for one epic journey. From deckbuilding, exploration, worker placement, to resource management this game throws the entire kitchen at the players. Whether that is a positive or negative is up to each player. I share my thoughts at the very bottom if you want to skip past the gameplay portion of the review.

Players, or “archaeologists” as the game coins them, will have only 5 rounds to explore as much of the board as possible, which includes a hidden temple as well as the jungle proper. At the end of the 5 rounds, players will add up all victory points they have obtained from the temple, any treasure they have left, points on any cards collected, and guardians they have overcome.

“Lost Ruins of Arnak” takes place on, well… Arnak. It’s a fictional jungle that is teeming with wild animals and guardians which keep watch over various treasures all over the expansive island, from here forward referred to as the giant game board. These guardians appear when you explore a new jungle tile for the first time. They attack only if you stay in the location longer than a turn OR if you return to the location on a subsequent turn. If you eliminate a guardian, they provide a couple victory points towards your overall total at the end of the game, and a slight bonus when collecting artifacts from other locations later. Being attacked by a guardian isn’t the end of the world, but can have detrimental effects on your personal deck of cards if you fail to overcome a guardian too many times.

While in the jungle, you may place a single meeple, or “archaeologist” on your turn to discover a new area, or visit a previously discovered one. These new areas contain a guardian and some sort of gold amount or trinket (idols, artifacts, or jewels). These items can be used to push your token further through the hidden temple (see below) OR to purchase cards to improve your play deck going forward. While navigating this mysterious jungle can seem exciting at first glance, you have to be careful not to let your gold fever take over, as it may leave you with minimal points by not using some worker placement to explore the mysterious temple ruins further.
While the jungle takes up a majority of the board, there is a temple which players navigate through simultaneously on the right hand side of the giant board. While it isn’t as visually appealing as the jungle portion of the board, it serves by far the highest purpose by scoring victory points. As your token travels through this temple, more and more treasure (victory points) await. It is not suggested in the rulebook, but should be noted that failing to spend ample treasure to work your way through the temple is almost a sure-fire means of not having a chance to win the game. The mechanic of exploring the temple is unique, but can be costly in terms of managing your resources properly. In my opinion, this takes away from the luster of traversing through a hidden temple and finding as much fat loots as possible. Rather, it feels like another board game I own, where you are furiously chucking dice just trying to get through with no time to look around.

The final mechanic of the game, which, as I read reviews myself prior to purchase, thought would be more prominent, is the deck building mechanic. You are provided a few cards at the start, which is similar to most any deckbuilding game. These basic cards are your first few resources to use for traveling around the board OR for their monetary value in either gold or scrolls. Using the cards for travel allow you to explore different levels of the jungle on the game board. The lower areas of the board require less travel points, while the more lucrative spaces higher up in the jungle require more. To get more travel points, you will need better cards from the decks provided. By using your gold, also an aspect of each card, you may purchase stronger cards from the supply. So, there is a balance you must find between using your cards for travel or for purchases each turn. This can be very limiting with only having the 5 rounds in which to play.
My final thoughts: I am a total sucker for pretty much anything that says the words “deck building” on them, and this game was no exception. I went into this game thinking there was going to be this new way of using a deck building mechanic to also explore a really well crafted game board. I could not have been more wrong. The deck building aspect got so lost in the other mechanics, that I felt like I rarely had the opportunity to actually build my deck. After 3-4 plays of this game, with varying player counts from 2-4, I always ended up with a deck no bigger than about 15-20 cards. When I think deck build, I think of those powerhouses like Marvel Legendary, Ascension, or Star Realms where you are really transforming your deck into a large deck by the end. On top of that, most highly regarded deck builders require you to strategize somewhat in which cards that you buy to compliment your current deck further. Arnak completely leaves both of these elements out. Most times I found myself only able to purchase 1 card in the supply due to lack of resources that I did not have any choice in how that card would compliment my deck or not. It was merely just collecting a card to try and give my deck any sort of a distinct advantage going forward. Now, don’t get me wrong, like the game board, the artwork on the cards is stunning. By far this saves the poor mechanism of the actual cards themselves.

To me, the amount of mechanisms in the game is what gets in its own way. Its that classic, everything but the kitchen sink expression. The exploration gets in the way of the deck-building, which gets in the way of the worker placement, which gets in the way of the resource management. When I found myself wanting to build my deck, it was more crucial that I move up the temple one step. When I wanted to move up the temple, I was missing a certain idol, so I had to resort to wasting cards for gold to purchase a card for my deck that I really didn’t want. So while I think the premise is really thrilling for what this game could have been, in my opinion it just fell short. I left me wanting to explore the upper part of the jungle I never got to. I left me wanting to look at more of the artwork on the cards I never was able to purchase. In the end, I made it to the top of the temple. I couldn’t wait to enjoy my heaping pile of fat loots that awaited my studded archaeologist. However, once I turned over the treasure token, I only acquired another measly 12 victory points. This feeling left me wanting more from this game that was so hyped for its gameplay. I no longer felt like Indiana Jones, and more like I was in a bad B movie hoping for a better acting career.
Something's Alive on the Titanic
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Something's Alive on the Titanic has a bit of a split story line, with one part of the book taking place in 1975, and the other part taking place in 1995. Written by the late Robert Serling, who is, in fact, Rod Serling's older brother, Something's Alive on the Titanic plays off of the idea that Dr. Robert Ballard was not the first one to discover the final resting place of the Titanic. Instead, a team led by John Hawke, at the behest of code-breaker Derek Montague, departs on an expedition to retrieve treasure from the Titanic's watery grave after Montague discovers that a shipment from a smuggling ring under the guise of a salvage company by the name of Sovereign Metals.

A true product of its time, and remaining faithful to the time-period in which the story is set, one of the few things of note to make in regards to its characters is the absolute lack of a strong female presence. The two women that are present, especially Chaney in the 1975 portion of the book, are Mary Sue-esque and, without a doubt, sexualized. Another note to be made comes in the form of the male characters: they are portrayed as stereotypical, stubborn men that, despite being superstitious, are also skeptics. This manner of male character is more prominent in the second part of the book than the first.

The plot, on the other hand, was pretty stellar. In 1975, the expedition lacks the proper equipment to dive down into the depths of the Atlantic and explore the ship for extended periods of time. They make the most of what they do have, however. Intent on claiming the lost treasure, most of John Hawke's crew show little regard for the fact that they are desecrating a grave: greed is, after all, the heart of all evil. While the Atlantic Ocean treats the crew well, the Titanic is anything but forgiving: the decrepit ship plays host to more than the relics of the souls that once stood upon its deck. Whatever that thing is, it doesn't play nicely. In 1995, the US Navy gathers a crew to find out what exactly happened in 1975, and to complete the earlier expedition's salvage mission.

Given the presence of a female in a heavily male dominated field, it goes without saying that there's a bit of teasing and a bit of romance. That subplot is fairly minor and serves mostly to remind readers of a certain character's penchant for being a total asshole and little more. There is also sex, briefly, but I'll leave that to someone else.

Serling's knowledge of the Titanic is actually pretty accurate, down to the fact that the fourth funnel on the ship was a fake, there was a shortage of lifeboats, and most of the lifeboats were dropped before they were filled.

It isn't very often that a book really draws me in, but that could be attributed to the fact that I no longer read as I used to. Serling's prose kept me on the edge of my seat and at times, it even raised my heart rate a little. Rather than paint us an entire picture of the supernatural phenomena that takes place, he begins with little bits and pieces, crumbs if you will, until finally, you begin to question the sanity of the characters involved, whilst simultaneously hoping for the best.
Conjure (The Hoodoo Apprentice, #1)
Lea Nolan | 2012
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(Review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

First off, I must say, what a fantastic read!! I absolutely loved this book. It was such a refreshing read!

Emma and her twin brother Jack along with their friend Cooper think they are in for a lazy summer. They couldn't be more wrong!! First, there's a mysterious note that they find buried beneath the sand. Then there's the treasure box they find. However, when Jack tries opening the treasure box, he contracts "The Creep." A curse that makes all your skin slowly fall off until just bone is left. After all that, a mysterious girl called Maggie shows up, and takes them to "a grannie", Miss Delia, who is a hoodoo practitioner. Maggie says Miss Delia can help Emma find a cure for Jack. However, there's also a curse that will steal Cooper's soul on his sixteenth birthday. Will Emma break both curses before time runs out?

I loved every character in Conjure! I loved the lengths Emma was willing to go to to save her brother. I loved how sweet and helpful Cooper came across as. Jack brought the humour into the book. I stayed suspicious of Maggie throughout the book. I couldn't tell if she was bad or good. (I won't say more as I don't want to spoil the book). My most favourite character was Miss Delia though. She came across as a warm, grandmotherly type character. I wanted to actually know her. She was amazing!

I loved the setting which takes place on a beach and near a beach. It definitely fit in with the story perfectly. The world building was equally great! I felt like I was actually there with all the characters.

I felt that the title definitely suits the book as Emma must conjure up spells in order to try to save Jack's and Cooper's life as well as conjuring up other spells to do other things in the mean time.

The cover is gorgeous, but I don't really feel like it suits the book. I take it the girl on the front is supposed to be Emma, but I don't understand why she's walking in what looks to be a forest. Yes, there is a forest by Miss Delia's house, but no one ever goes into it.

The pacing was spot on for this book! I found myself losing all sense of time whilst reading this amazing book. It reads brilliantly, and it will keep you enthralled throughout.

The dialogue was easy to understand for the most part. However, the author uses the medical names for bones which I felt was a bit too much as this is a book for young adults. I'm 28, and I don't know what most of the bones in my body are called!! I tried to use context clues to help me with this. Other than that, the dialogue was well suited to the book.

I felt so enchanted whilst reading this book. It felt as if I was transported to be apart of the actual story. It was just that amazing!

I'd definitely recommend this book for ages 12 and older...teens and adults included!

DJ Muggs recommended KAOS by Roc Marciano / DJ Muggs in Music (curated)

KAOS by Roc Marciano / DJ Muggs
KAOS by Roc Marciano / DJ Muggs
2018 | Hip-hop, Rap
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The record came out in October and Roc Marciano is like a national treasure, basically [laughs]. The record KAOS that we did together is just fucking ridiculous and I couldn't wait for it to drop. I wanted to include it because when I heard what Roc had done, I felt the same kind of excitement I felt with some of those early records which is rare for me. He's created a whole different style of subcultural, subversive music right now and he's undoubtedly one of my favourite MC's. His work is mad, original and extremely lyrical like GZA. Like every line he writes, you could make a fucking movie out of each one. To work with somebody, I've got to click with them and I've got to meet them and if it's cool, we do some music together. It has to be like that for me. I've worked with everybody I ever wanted to work with growing up and now, I really like picking artists and working with artists that aren't really well known but who do something extraordinary. This project was all just about getting up, creating art and having fun and just enjoying myself. I've been producing people's music my whole life and I've turned down working with a lot of big pop stars for a lot of money because I just like doing my own thing and it has to be right. I don't like making a beat for someone and just giving it away – it has to be something I love and something I enjoy, which is what this project was all about."


Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated A Treasure to Die For in Books

Jun 16, 2021 (Updated Jun 16, 2021)  
A Treasure to Die For
A Treasure to Die For
Terry Ambrose | 2017 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Finding the Truth in a Hunt Filled with Lies
Rick Atwood has relocated to Seaside Cove with his ten-year-old daughter, Alex, to run the bed and breakfast he’s inherited from his grandfather. He’s still trying to get completely comfortable running the business when a group of treasure hunters book the place. They think they have a lead on a ship that sunk years before, but Rick notices the group always seems to be fighting. When one of them is found dead on the rocks near the B&B, Rick is asked to use his reporter skills to help the local police. But with everyone in the groups constantly lying, will Rick ever discover the truth?

The book took me a little while to get into. Alex plays a big part in the story, and some of the chapters are even from her point of view. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that or her character at the beginning, but she grew on me. I also had trouble keeping the suspects straight early on since sometimes they were mentioned by first name and other times last name. That, too, became less of an issue as the book progressed. I did like the series regulars, and there are hints at some secrets from the past that I’m curious to learn more about. The main mystery was strong with lots of lies for Rick to look past to find the truth. Being a bed and breakfast, we get a couple of delicious sounding breakfast bread recipes at the end. Hopefully, I can book a return visit to this bed and breakfast soon.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Little Treasure He Hides (Little Paws Haven #1) in Books

Jul 21, 2022 (Updated Jul 26, 2023)  
Little Treasure He Hides (Little Paws Haven #1)
Little Treasure He Hides (Little Paws Haven #1)
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
LITTLE TREASURE HE HIDES is the first book in the Little Paws Haven series, and I want to return there now!

I will say, Gabai got off to a very poor start. I didn't like how he acted when he first saw his mate; nope, not at all. However, luckily for me and for Asher, he realised what a pillock he'd been and changed how he treated Asher. After that, I soon warmed up to the big ole teddy bear who will not hesitate to protect his mate - even if Asher is more than capable of looking after himself. With his backstory, it shows how much he appreciates the care and affection. Yes, he can take care of himself, but he can relax and let Gabai do it, knowing he has his best interests at heart.

There wasn't a part of this story I didn't like (apart from what I've already said). I loved how Gabai's side of the story - with the attacks at his club - was handled. And Asher's just broke my heart before rebuilding it piece by piece.

I have just one question for the two amazing authors though - please, please, PLEASE tell me Rocco gets his story. I want to give him a hug!!!!

Full of amazing characters, action, and a brilliant storyline, this is highly recommended by me. Another jewel in the crown!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 11, 2022