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Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher | 2009 | Children
8.4 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
It hurts. I hurt - my heart, most of all. Thirteen Reasons Why spoke to me on a deep and personal level, one I try to ignore more often than not. Listening to Hannah Baker explain, in great detail, the stories, events, and people, that lead to her decision to commit suicide, was jarring. The way she chose to reveal her past, to expose the cause, was more effective than if she had just walked through the story in real time. Reading the discoveries through Clay's point of view made things more interesting. From Hanna's first official kiss, to the rumors that spread afterward (and who can honestly say they've never had a single rumor said about them?), to out of control parties and signs of depression ignored, we're lead through a sort of "treasure hunt". Each moment builds and builds as her tolerance withers away, crumbling under thoughts of not being wanted or cared about. This book, Hannah's story, is something that should open every eye to who we are as people, how we act, what we believe without verification, and how we treat others. Some events in Thirteen Reasons Why are textbook examples of bullying, while others are moments where, if they had happened separately from all the other moments, probably wouldn't have amounted to much. It should make you realize how every little thing can effect someone. Your words have an effect; your actions have an effect; your behavior has an effect. If you don't stop to think to how you've treated people throughout your life, or even wondered if something you have said or done has ever meant more to another person than they did to you, then perhaps you need to reevaluate your life. Thirteen Reasons Why is a breath of truth, if not a breath of fresh air. Nothing has slapped me in the face as serious or as hard as this book. Please, if you feel like you didn't feel the same reaction, reread this book and try to look at it through a different mindset. Because each word is important and the moral of this particular story is life changing.

Merissa (11794 KP) rated Severus (Fueled By Lust #2) in Books

Apr 6, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Severus (Fueled By Lust #2)
Celeste Prater | 2014 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am LOVING this Fueled by Lust series. Drusus started off with a bang (quite literally), Severus has more of a gentle build-up. This is because Cassie and Severus have already met and spent some time together, thereby negating the need for a quick pesky 'get-to-know-you' session. Cassie is already attracted to Severus although she's been trying to put him off as she thinks he is too good for her. Severus already knows that Cassie is something special but refuses to think that it could be anything else and he's too damn stubborn to put his necklace on. Yeesh, that man had me shouting at my Kindle!

Cassie has been through the mill and found a wonderful and true friend in Lina, the likes of which you look after and treasure if you're smart which Cassie is. Seeing Lina with Drusus makes Cassie yearn for the same thing but is convinced that with all the baggage she carries no one will be good enough - or too good.

I won't give away any spoilers but I will say this - one thing I really loved about this story was Marcus. He is Cassie's ex-boyfriend, the one she mentioned at the beginning of Drusus. He could have been a real 'nasty' character but instead, Celeste turned him into a likeable, heartfelt hero who, although I wanted Severus and Cassie to be together, I now want Marcus to get his HEA too.

This book has everything you could wish for - amazing characters, wit and humour all the way through, a 'baddie' that you may or may not see coming but even if you do, you won't care as the story is that good, and steamy scenes that are "out of this world" (sorry, I couldn't resist!).

Book 1 was brilliant and I really enjoyed it. Book 2 stepped up to the bar, ordered a double and raised it. I can't wait for Cato's story.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
September 2, 2016
Windswept & Interesting
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
143 of 230
Windswept and Interesting
By Billy Connolly

In his first full-length autobiography, comedy legend and national treasure Billy Connolly reveals the truth behind his windswept and interesting life.

Born in a tenement flat in Glasgow in 1942, orphaned by the age of 4, and a survivor of appalling abuse at the hands of his own family, Billy's life is a remarkable story of success against all the odds.

Billy found his escape first as an apprentice welder in the shipyards of the River Clyde. Later he became a folk musician - a 'rambling man' - with a genuine talent for playing the banjo. But it was his ability to spin stories, tell jokes and hold an audience in the palm of his hand that truly set him apart.

As a young comedian Billy broke all the rules. He was fearless and outspoken - willing to call out hypocrisy wherever he saw it. But his stand-up was full of warmth, humility and silliness too. His startling, hairy 'glam-rock' stage appearance - wearing leotards, scissor suits and banana boots - only added to his appeal.

It was an appearance on Michael Parkinson's chat show in 1975 - and one outrageous story in particular - that catapulted Billy from cult hero to national star. TV shows, documentaries, international fame and award-winning Hollywood movies followed. Billy's pitch-perfect stand-up comedy kept coming too - for over 50 years, in fact - until a double diagnosis of cancer and Parkinson's Disease brought his remarkable live performances to an end. Since then he has continued making TV shows, creating extraordinary drawings... and writing.

I grew up watching Billy my dad absolutely loved him. The only swearing we were allowed to watch. I have always loved him the one comedian that I took from my childhood and kept watching. I discovered so much in this book that I never knew and you have to admire him. He went through so much but never seems bitter, he never really flaunts his fame in this book and plays a lot down. Such an amazing insight into his life and a really good read.
Uncharted (2022)
Uncharted (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure
After numerous attempts which saw talent attached only to depart before filming began, “Uncharted” has finally arrived on the big screen.

The movie is based on the hit Playstation series of games by Naughty Dog and stars Tom Holland as Nathan Drake, a young man who is as adept at history as he is with pickpocketing which he uses to offset his income from Bartending.

Nathan’s brother fled the law years earlier and aside from Postcards has had no contact with him over the years. Things change when Victor Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg) arrives and recruits Nathan by showing him that he used to work with his brother. Despite misgivings and unresolved feelings; Nathan joins with Victor and finds himself in a daring caper to steal a valuable object that could unlock the key to a gold supply that has been lost for over five hundred years.

Naturally, there are others who want the money, and Nathan, Victory, and their dubious partner Chloe (Sophia Ali); as they rush around the world in one adventure after another to solve the ancient puzzles and stay one step ahead of some very deadly individuals.

The movie has elements of “National Treasure” and “Raiders of the Lost Ark” in terms of the quests to find ancient treasures mixed with action but keeps things in a simpler context. The focus is not on plot development, character development, or plausibility but considering the film is based on a video game, it does a good job with the source material.

There has been some controversy about the casting of Holland as Nathan is older in the game series, but he goes all-in with his performance even when the acrobatic action sequences does offer many reminders of his Spider-man role.

The action in the game is fun and over-the-top and more than once I thought I should be pushing my X and Square button to help him make the moves necessary to complete the task and survive.

The post-credit scenes offer some great possibilities for future adventures and those would be more than welcome for those looking for some no-brainer escapist entertainment.

3.5 stars out of 5.
The Twyford Code
The Twyford Code
Janice Hallett | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Twyford Code is written in the form of a transcribed voice recording from a mobile phone. It was a bit of a ‘Marmite’ book on The Pigeonhole (where I read it), and I came firmly down in the ‘love’ camp. It was such an original idea.

Steve a former criminal, has recorded messages to the adult son he has only met a couple of times. His son has decided that he doesn’t want to see him, but Steve has something important that he wants to share with him. He repeatedly says that he hopes his son will get to listen to what he has to say. But as the book goes on, it looks increasingly less likely. Danger is around him at every turn.

Steve has joined the hunt for hidden treasure, and he believes the clues are hidden in a series of children’s books by Edith Twyford.

Ok, so apparently the clues can be found in this book, but I’m afraid my brain just doesn’t seem to work like that. So, I’m here to say that I read this, enjoyed it immensely, and was just happy to sit back, read the book, and let the story unfold. If you like puzzle solving, you might enjoy that aspect to it. But it’s not imperative!

I thought it was fascinating. The writing style took a couple of pages to get used to, and often the words were written phonetically. Steve’s Remedial English teachers name was written as ‘missiles’ instead of Miss Isles, for example. There are lots of spellings that follow this pattern, because the recordings have apparently gone through a computer programme that changes the spoken word into text. I did wonder if Steve’s own writing would have been much different, as we learn that he only really learnt to read and write whilst in prison.

I don’t want to say too much and spoil the book, but I will say that this had me hooked. I enjoyed each and every stave on The Pigeonhole. This book deserves the hype!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and to Janice Hallett and her publisher.
Black Sails  - Season 2
Black Sails - Season 2
2015 | Drama
The plot of the series is always brilliantly written (2 more)
Twists and turns around every corner
John Silver is charmingly brilliant
More plotting, more cunning, and more drama
So my season one review pretty much covered all I have to say about this show from what I have seen so far from my first viewing. The characters are brilliant and charming and the plot is brilliantly written with great twists and turns.

These points only become more evident in the second season. My favourite character has to be the man who has a larger role in the book (Treasure Island), and that man is John Silver. Luke Arnold is charming as John Silver, and the character himself is very cunning which makes for great entertainment as he constantly finds new ways for Flint's Crew, and other characters in Nassau, to NEED him alive so that he can survive any and all scenario's. Whether it's his way with words or his cunning ideas that he knows should work (and often do) that makes his character so impressive and brilliant.

The drama has always been gripping in this show, and the action is always leaving me on the edge of my seat because the twists and turns in this show more often than not, catch you off guard when written suddenly. Some of the twists are more obvious than others, they have a build up that make you sit there saying/thinking "They've done this..." or "This is going to happen..." Etc. But it doesn't make the show any less entertaining.

The conflict between Vane and Flint is always entertaining. Whilst Flint is the most feared among the pirates, Vane is certainly not far behind, and his stature towers above Flint's making him mean looking and not someone you'd want to mess with. Flint has the brains, Vane has the brawn and together they are a brilliant rivalry, even when they have to come together for a single purpose. They respect each other, and it shows, but they are both too proud to tell one another that they would be better working with one another rather than against.

The cast are all perfect to their roles, and the characters are all brilliantly written to for their purpose in the show.
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Nostalgia (1 more)
Video Games
This movie is based off of the book of the same name and matches it for most of the major plot points. In short, the story follows Wade Wilson, an egg hunter (Gunter for short), on the search for a virtual Easter egg that unlock control over the virtual reality known as The Oasis. In a scavenger hunt fashion, there are clues and trials that Wade must figure out and overcome in his attempt at such a coveted prize.
 The film follows the major points of the book, but does change the clues and trials so its not the same exact story, which I feel is the purpose of film adaptations. However, as with many sci-fi films, majority of interest here is of the world that is constructed which is quickly glossed over. To be fair, how much more do we really need to than people are addicted to virtual reality and want to have more power in it? But the issue is the sort of background that is left out that can leave the soley film consumers a bit confused or leave more questions. As for the actual content of the film, it is a real nostalgia trip for those who enjoyed 80's pop culture and tries to include more recent fandoms such as Overwatch and Halo. Sadly, the viewer doesn't really take part in the treasure hunt as mystery and adventure films try to do. The clues are obscure and related to the creator of the hunt, so there isn't much guessing at what a clue means until it is flat out explained.
However, with the audience participation aside, it is a good sci-fi adventure that utilizes a good blend of motion capture technology and cgi work. It explore a good variety of worlds, environments, and character models that make this film noteworthy of that aspect of production. It leaves quite the impression and I know I looked up how much virtual reality cost after I was done.
In short, it was a good overall production in terms of tools utilized, but lacked a little bit of story in an attempt to cram a different world and rule set while trying to make a complete adventure and story arc. I recommend viewing it at least once, but doesn't really need to be viewed more than that.
Packed with information (0 more)
Few pictures (0 more)
Another book in my permaculture research, this in-depth guide is definitely going on my To-Buy list. (I always check these out from the library before spending money on personal copies.)

There is SO MUCH information in this book. Unlike some of the other books, there's no big spreads of full-color, glossy photos (which can be useful, I'm not digging on those); The Food Forest Handbook is mostly text with a few black-and-white photos tucked in. There are spreadsheets and diagrams and lists, sidebars of useful information, how-to walkthroughs and case studies of specific plants. I'm not sure how they packed so much into a little over 200 pages, but this book is a treasure trove of permaculture strategies.

The book starts with a chapter on why permaculture is important; they explore past examples of permaculture, some present food forests, and why it could be useful to us going forward. The second chapter gets into designing a food forest to fit your needs - scoping out your site, determining what resources you have, all of the planning aspects. Then we have a short chapter on putting all that knowledge together and going "from concept sketch to detailed designs" - how to refine your research and plans into something you can work off of. Chapter 4 is about selecting the specific plants; going from "okay here I want a fruit tree and a nitrogen fixer" to "a peach and comfrey." Plant varietals are discussed here, as well as the different needs of tree guilds.

The rest of the book gets into maintenance, harvesting, and propagating the food forest, and the last chapter is on a tour of established food forests in various climates, to see what's possible.

This is definitely a book I want on my resource shelf; it can get a little dry at points, but there is so much knowledge here. One thing I really liked was the diagram of tree shapes - if one tree says it has a conical shape when full grown, and one has a pyramid shape, there's a diagram that shows what exactly the difference is.

Overall an excellent, information-packed book, if a little difficult to read straight through.You can read all my book reviews at
The year is 1812, and the search for a missing treasure commences. Mystery and intrigue are found around every corner. A thrilling new regency book!

Jonathan Gilchrist is on a mission to recover The Bevoy, a ruby of immense value, stolen from his father. Jonathan's family needs The Bevoy in order to save their home. But the last thing he expected was Camille Iverness. Camille has grown up in a shady part of London and has learned how to fend for herself. Running her father's curiosity shop, she has encountered many people of different characters. When strange and threatening events occur, she must rely on the help of Mr. Gilchrist, a stranger. But can she trust him? Running from her past, Camille seeks refuge in the village of Fellsworth. As her attachment for the village grows, she begins to feel as though she can begin a new life at last. But when her past literally shows up in Fellsworth, her hopes for a new life are dashed to pieces. Will Jonathan and Camille ever be able to find peace? Will events that unfold push them apart or draw them closer together?

"It is not just a ruby, as you say. It is large as a quail's egg, still untouched and unpolished. And it is rumored to either bless or curse whomever possess it."

The Curiosity Keeper was a book that I had been looking forward to reading for quite a while. And I was not disappointed! It is a thrilling story that kept me engaged from beginning to end. It has all of the elements expected for a regency romance, with a few interesting surprises, mystery being one of them. Sarah Ladd does a brilliant job of drawing you into the story. I could feel my heart racing when tensions rose and sighed with relief on more than one occasion. Throughout the book we can clearly see the underlying message: And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28 NIV) I highly recommend The Curiosity Keeper, and I look forward to the next book in the Treasures of Surrey series.

I received a free digital copy of The Curiosity Keeper from NetGalley courtesy of Thomas Nelson, Inc. in exchange for my honest review.
Into the Blue (2005)
Into the Blue (2005)
2005 | Action, Mystery
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In the thriller Into the Blue Sam (Jessica Alba), and Jared (Paul Walker), spend a lot of time scantily clad and swimming in the clear waters in some of the most lavish locales known.

Sam is an Oceanographer and Jared spends his time trying to restore his boat in hopes of searching for lost treasure and artifacts at various spots where ships were reported to have been lost over the years. They have a simple yet happy life, and although Jared feels that the time has come for him to make something of his life.

An arrival of Bryce (Scott Caan), and his new girlfriend Amanda (Ashley Scott), who seek to have some fun and party the days away provides a distraction to Sam and Jared and before long, they are taking in the luxury of the house Bryce is using, and its lavish boat.

A series of dives eventually leads the group to a sunken plane filled with cocaine and into more danger than they can realize. Convinced they have found the fabled lost ship Jared has long sought, he fears that turning the plane in will result in the loss of his claim. The group makes a pact to keep the plane, cargo and location a secret until they can finalize their claim on the shipwreck. Before long, the need for money leads to thoughts of selling the drugs to finance a salvage operation.

A bad situation becomes even worse when the owners of the drugs become aware of what the group is up to, and seek to reclaim their lost fortune letting nothing stand in their way.

While the film is mostly Alba, Walker, and the cast lounging semi clothed in the sun, with numerous close ups of Alba swimming slowly by the camera, there are some good moments in the film. Despite the plot holes, gaps in logic, and some bad acting, the film does have some entertaining moments. The buzz on the film was largely negative prior to my screener, yet I found myself enjoying it. The final segment of the film lost much of the earlier progress as the formulaic and stale ending, complete with the stiff and drawn out action, sink what could have been a good film.

That being said, the film does make for a nice diversion, just keep your expectations low.