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Won't You Be My Neighbor? (2018)
Won't You Be My Neighbor? (2018)
2018 | Biography, Documentary
A Beautiful Life
Wow. What a beautiful documentary! This was an incredible look at a true treasure. So well shot, so well directed. It was a great look and a great opportunity to see the story of a man who helped so many children everywhere.
Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life (2003)
Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life (2003)
2003 | Action, Sci-Fi
Better than the first one, done on a much bigger budget and it shows. Lara travels all around the globe in search of the treasure. The action is exciting with great stunts and locations. Also has some great SFX as well. Pure popcorn fun!

Johnny Depp recommended The Master and Margarita in Books (curated)

The Master and Margarita
The Master and Margarita
Mikhail Bulgakov | 1970 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"This dark, absurd, and subversive treasure lay hidden for many years, even after Bulgakov’s death, such was the fear of reprisal for such a pointed, authentic stab at life under the tyrannical malevolence of Uncle Joe and the withering Soviet climate of the time."


Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about Enter the Gungeon in Video Games

Dec 26, 2017  

Enter The Gungeon - Gameplay Trailer

Enter the Gungeon is a gunfight dungeon crawler following a band of misfits seeking to shoot, loot, dodge roll and table-flip their way to personal absolution by reaching the legendary Gungeon’s ultimate treasure: the gun that can kill the past.

Tomb Raider (2018)
Tomb Raider (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure
Good action scenes (0 more)
Familiar plot (0 more)
Not quite a treasure
I wasn't a big fan of the original films, slightly preferred the 2nd film. This is quite a good reboot film as Lara starts her journey as a Tomb Raider. It has some good action scenes and some puzzle scenes, not that many the viewer could try to solve though.
The main down side is it felt a bit like too many other films. Part Indiana Jones and the last crusade, National Treasure to name a couple of films with a similar plot. Overall it's an enjoyable action film and a good footing for the next film.
Millie Sullivan plays a 1920s-era guest during tours of a palatial estate on the shore of St. Simons Island, Georgia, where her great-grandmother was a real guest ninety years ago. When Millie learns of a lost diary that may contain the location of a hidden treasure on the estate and reveal the identity of her great-grandfather, she sets out to find the truth of her heritage--and the fortune she desperately needs. But it won't be easy.

When security guard Ben Thornton discovers her snooping in the estate's private library, he threatens to have her fired. Still, her story seems too ludicrous to be fiction, and her offer to split the treasure is too tempting to pass up.

Get ready for a romantic escapade through dark halls and dusty corners that will have you holding your breath and sighing with delight.

"A mystery, a treasure hunt, and a split-time romance--all set within a beautiful chateau.

My Thoughts: This is a wonderful romance mystery that keeps the readers' attention from the beginning. You can't help but love Millie, who is taking care of her grandmother diagnosed with dementia. When Milie has to find another home for her grandmother, with little money to do it with, her grandmother tells her of a journal of her great grandmother's that has a treasure map. Who doesn't like a good treasure hunt? And so begins our story of intrigue and romance.

This is a story of a lost romance and a new romance brought together by a unique situation. I believe that readers will enjoy this story as much as I did. It's not only about mystery and love, in this story we find two people trying their best to do right. Millie taking care of her grandmother and Ben trying to right his mother's wrong.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
2003 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Cast chemistry (3 more)
The action scenes
Good Sfx
Plenty of humour
A great adventure film
Who wouldn't love a pirate film. This has it all a great cast, amazing locations, plenty of action and a good dose of humour. Still my favourite of the series. Track down this treasure!

Ev Williams recommended Thinking, Fast and Slow in Books (curated)

Thinking, Fast and Slow
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Daniel Kahneman | 2014 | Business & Finance
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I love surprising scientific findings, as well as information about how our brains work. This is a treasure trove of both. Turns out, our brains are constantly misleading us. It’s not clear that learning how that’s the case reduces the chances of it happening, but it’s fascinating nonetheless."

Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019)
Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family
Nostalgic (2 more)
Good action (for a PG)
Long (for a kids film) (0 more)
Surprisingly fumfunny ny
A surprisingly entertaining romp through the jungle with Dora and her friends. Essentially a coming of age treasure hunter movie with nostalgic references to the cartoon we all love.
Fun for kids and parents.

Lea (77 KP) rated 99 Red Balloons in Books

Aug 8, 2019 (Updated Aug 8, 2019)  
99 Red Balloons
99 Red Balloons
Elisabeth Carpenter | 2017 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Named after the popular song, this book is one of those that you can't put down. It's honestly a edge of your seat suspense from beginning to end. Elisabeth Carpenter is a hidden treasure with each book she brings something new and this book certainly didn't fail to bring something unsuspected.