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Treasure Hunter
Treasure Hunter
2015 | Adventure, Card Game, Fantasy
Indiana Jones. Lara Croft. Benjamin Franklin Gates. These were all great treasure hunters. All of them had to overcome incredible riddles, curses, traps, and death-craving dark places to claim their loot. In Treasure Hunter you will be searching for your treasures using mules, scarecrows, and locals in a frozen tundra, a jungle, and a volcano. So, like, exactly the same as Indy and Tomb Raider and the dude from National Treasure.

Obviously I am making light of the theme of this card drafting, set collection, hand management game from Queen Games, but it’s just so fun to imagine yourself as a genuine treasure hunter. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES??

DISCLAIMER: There are several expansions to this game, but we are not reviewing them at this time. Should we review them in the future we will either update this review or post a link to the new material here. -T

To setup the game, shuffle the cards and the treasure tiles and place them in their respective resting spots. Place a treasure tile on the MIN and MAX sections of each terrain type on the main board. Assign three goblin tiles to their spots on the cave sections of the main board to be dealt with after your adventure round. Each player receives 15 starting gold to begin their adventure. Deal each player nine cards and you are ready to begin!

To start the game, look at the hand of cards that were dealt, choose one and pass the rest to the leftmost neighbor. This should be familiar if you have ever played any other card drafting game (like Sushi Go!, 7 Wonders, etc). Once you have your complete hand of nine cards you drafted, the hunt may begin. During you draft phase you will have already assessed the main board and decided how you would like your draft to go – do want the maximum red treasure? The minimum blue treasure? All the dogs?? Each terrain type will be scored in order from top down, so whomever has amassed the minimum number of blue values will receive the tile on the MIN section of the tundra, while they who gathered the most value in blue cards will receive the MAX tile. There are cards that can affect your values using a +/- mechanic so that you can hopefully come in the victor on your chosen field.

Once the main treasure hunt is complete and everyone has their treasure tiles, you must figuratively store your treasures in the cave. Predictably, goblins will visit your cave to try to steal your goods, so I hope you had drafted some guard dogs in the first phase of the game to protect your shinies. If not, you will be parting with some of your gold (which are ultimately VPs)! At the end of five rounds following this structure, and reversing draft direction, you flip over the main board to reveal the scoreboard where you can record your earnings (findings?) and determine victory for the greatest Treasure Hunter!

Components: this game comes with a good amount of components – just the way I like it. The main board, treasure tiles, money chits, and goblin tiles are all thick cardboard that are of great Queen Games quality. The cards are great quality too. I really like the double-sided game board that also serves as score board. Another great component collection from Queen Games!

Ok, so I really like this game a lot. I received this game from my wife, who has an uncanny ability to choose games for me that are not on my wish list, but that end up being simply wonderful (see Azul, Saboteur). I really enjoy card drafting games, and when you can go into a draft with a strategy that just is completely obliterated by someone else’s draft is unpredictable fun! So many times I have played this and just KNEW that my 2 of Red was going to win me the MIN tile. But then my opponent busts out a 3 of Red with a -2 card and snags it away from me. It can be frustrating, but it’s also just a testament to really good drafting and counter-strategy. Using the guard dogs to scare off goblins is cool, and the goblin tiles provide you with VPs too. I know it’s kinda kooky and silly, but I really enjoy this one. Richard Garfield has another hit on his hands for me, and I’m not the only one who recognizes it. Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a sneaky 14 / 18.
The Curse of Oak Island: The Story of the World's Longest Treasure Hunt
The Curse of Oak Island: The Story of the World's Longest Treasure Hunt
Randall Sullivan | 2018 | History & Politics, Reference
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

My family and I have never missed an episode of the History Channel's series "The Curse of Oak Island". For 5 seasons, we have cheered along with and rooted for Rick, Marty, Craig, Dan, Dave, and the rest of the team of treasure hunters. We have favorite "characters" and discuss the show well after the episode has ended. We are looking forward to November 13, 2018, the season premiere date of season 6.

Each episode contains history, theories, and current attempts on the island. "The Curse of Oak Island: The Story of the WorldÕs Longest Treasure Hunt" by Randall Sullivan drilled deeper than the show has. Yes, pun intended. The show frequently repeats information but I found the book to be more direct and contains detailed information that spans the history of treasure hunting on Oak Island. It is an in-depth, well researched study that is able to answer questions and explain the details of what is mentioned in the show's narrative. It also answers questions you did not know you had. It is a wonderful companion for those who have watched the show or for those who want to start watching the upcoming season without watching the prior ones.
Smile Beach Murder
Smile Beach Murder
Alicia Bessette | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder at the Lighthouse
After being laid off from her job as a reporter, Callie Padget has returned home to Cattail Island in the Outer Banks of North Carolina and landed a job at the local bookstore. She is forced to face a tragedy from her past when a friend falls from the island’s lighthouse almost on the anniversary of her own mother’s tragic death at the lighthouse. Callie doesn’t buy the official police ruling of suicide, especially since the victim had just found the first clue to a treasure hunt. Can Callie figure out what really happened? Is the treasure hunt related to the death?

Despite the vacation island setting, this book does have a bit of a more serious tone thanks to Callie’s own past and how the current death impacts some of the characters. It’s a delicate balance that this book handles well. I quickly came to love the characters, and I can only see that love growing as the series progresses. The plot has a bit of a relaxed pace, but it does get us to a logical conclusion. I loved the setting; I can see myself spending a week on the island on vacation. I also appreciated how this book used all the senses to bring the setting to life. This book would be fun on a vacation, but if you are looking for a virtual vacation, you’ll be extra glad you picked this one up.

Dean (6925 KP) rated Red Notice (2021) in Movies

Nov 13, 2021 (Updated Nov 17, 2021)  
Red Notice (2021)
Red Notice (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
7.3 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Cast Chemistry (1 more)
Fun Action Comedy
This seemed to spring out of no where, only spotted a trailer this week. Apparently Netflix's biggest budget film to date.
A mix of heist, action, comedy caper as interpol and the FBI try to catch the world's most wanted art thief.
There is a good balance of comedy and action as we tour several destinations around the globe in a treasure hunt for 3 jewelled eggs said to have belonged to Cleopatra. The main trio and the chemistry between them when all on screen together is the real highlight.
Overall a bright, breezy, fun film that was enjoyable if not actually raising the bar for these sort of films.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

May 6, 2022  
Sneak a peek at the Christian contemporary romance novel TURN TO ME by Becky Wade on my blog, and enter the giveaway for a chance to win a signed copy of the book - two winners!

His promise will cost him far more than he imagined.

Guilt has defined Luke Dempsey's life, but it was self-destructiveness that landed him in prison. When his friend and fellow inmate lay dying shortly before Luke's release, the older man revealed he left a string of clues for his daughter, Finley, that will lead her to the treasure he's hidden. Worried that she won't be the only one pursuing the treasure, he gains Luke's promise to protect her until the end of her search.

Spunky and idealistic, Finley Sutherland is the owner of an animal rescue center and a defender of lost causes. She accepts Luke's help on the treasure hunt while secretly planning to help him in return--by coaxing him to embrace the forgiveness he's long denied himself.

As they draw closer to the final clue, their reasons for resisting each other begin to crumble, and Luke realizes his promise will push him to the limit in more ways than one. He'll do his best to shield Finley from unseen threats, but who's going to shield him from losing his heart?
The Gun Also Rises
The Gun Also Rises
Sherry Harris | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hunt for Hemingway Treasure
Sarah Winston has been hired to organize a book sale for Mrs. Belle Winthrop Granville, III, focusing on Belle's massive mystery collection. But sandwiched in between the Trixie Belden, Hardy Boys, Agatha Christie, and Ann Cleeves books, she finds what appears to be the Hemingway manuscripts that went miss from a train in Paris in the 1920's. Belle is just as shocked to see them as Sarah is. But a couple of hours later, Belle has been attacked, the manuscripts are missing, and someone is dead. What has Sarah stumbled into this time?

Once again, we are treated to a fabulous mystery that is more treasure hunt than strict cozy murder mystery. Not that I'm complaining in the slightest. The pace never slows down as we jump from one thing to another as Sarah tries to figure out what happened before her life spins even further out of control. We don't see as much of some of the series regulars, but we do get to see more of others, and I liked how relationships were growing here. Naturally, the book is filled with well-developed new characters. The mentions of various mystery books made me smile. The sub-plots involving the air force base were really well done and once again spotlighted some of the real issues those who sacrifice so much for this country go through, both those serving and their families. This is a strong entry in a series that keeps getting better.