Escape from Broadmoor: The Trials and Strangulations of John Thomas Straffen
John Thomas Straffen - Britain's longest-serving prisoner - was the first patient to escape from...

Run, Ride, Sink or Swim: A Year in the Exhilarating and Addictive World of Women's Triathlon
Three sports in one event? Triathletes must be crazy, right? At the age of thirty-one, Lucy Fry was...

The Winning Brief: 100 Tips for Persuasive Briefing in Trial and Appellate Courts
It its first two editions The Winning Brief explained the art of effective writing in 100 concise,...

Criminal Fair Trial Rights: Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights
The Article 6 fair trial rights are the most heavily-litigated Convention rights before the European...

Thomas More's Trial by Jury: A Procedural and Legal Review with a Collection of Documents
Henry Ansgar Kelly, Louis W. Karlin and Gerard B. Wegemer
In recent times the 1535 trial of Thomas More has been taken seriously as a carefully prepared and...

Shifting Legal Visions: Judicial Change and Human Rights Trials in Latin America
What explains the success of criminal prosecutions against former Latin American officials accused...

Stephens Plays: Three Kingdoms; The Trial of Ubu; Morning; Carmen Disruption: Part 4
Four plays inspired by and originating on the European stage from one of Britain's most important...

Offroad 4x4 Truck Trials Parking Simulator 2 a Real Stunt Car Driving Racing Sim
Come and play at the Off-Road Driving Center!! Featuring 15 fantastic Off-Road Vehicles, 4x4 Cars,...