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197 of 230
Vicious Royals ( Nocturnal Academy book 3)
By Margo Ryerkerk and Holly Hook

A sadistic vamp lord. A rebellious fae. A vicious hunt.

The first term of Nocturnal Academy is over. Majors have been assigned.

I've made choices that brought me closer to the guillotine. But the fight isn't over, not yet.

I must get through the spring term. Not an easy feat when the vamp students are planning a sacrifice and have a bone to pick with me.

But even if I survive the prison academy, someone will be buying my contract after school is out, and rumor has it that the king of sadists is interested in me.

Whatever he wants, he gets.

But if he thinks I'll go down without a fight, he has another thing coming.

I'll even ally myself with Thorsten, the vamp guard whose family the sadist has wronged.

But working together with Thorsten brings new problems. The handsome jerk seems to hate me, yet keeps putting his head on the line for me.

My mind is growing more and more confused with him while my body craves him.

If I'm not careful, I'm going to leave Nocturnal Academy not just with a slavery contract, but also a broken heart.

Dive into a world where vampires rule over fae, and one girl is determined to change it all!

This world is a hard one if you’re Fae. It’s pretty brutal the way these vampires behave towards the fae especially the female. This is the best one so far it’s fully packed with action and drama. Also the bombshell at the end I didn’t see coming. Well worth a read if you like fantasy but it may need a trigger warning for some scenes. I do really like these two authors they are becoming firm favourites.

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Luna Ascending (Wolves of Fenrir Watch #1) in Books

Jul 30, 2021 (Updated Jul 17, 2023)  
Luna Ascending (Wolves of Fenrir Watch #1)
Luna Ascending (Wolves of Fenrir Watch #1)
Zana Wilder | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
LUNA ASCENDING is the first book in the Wolves of Fenrir Watch and we find a world on the brink of war, with the humans blissfully unaware of anything.

Freya thinks she is human but there is something about her that will make you think otherwise. Maybe it's the dodgy electrics or the migraines, but from the very beginning, you know she isn't who she thinks she is. With two major factions after her, Freya needs to figure out just who she is before very much longer.

Whilst the premise of this story is a good one, the execution was a bit rough. I definitely wouldn't call it a romance as there is none. Erotica, maybe. I felt no connection between our main characters, not even the 'good' ones. There is a scene halfway through that is rape. She is coerced by a spell and thinks she wants it, but it's still rape. So be warned. The sex scenes between her and the other MC are hot (ish) but because of no connection, they still felt quite clinical. There was a lot of telling and not so much showing in this story.

It finishes on a cliffhanger and I am curious enough to want to continue this story and get some answers to the questions I have. It is very fast-paced, and with enough spelling and editorial errors to be worth mentioning. I found this to be a quick read but enjoyable.


** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 30, 2021
My thoughts:

What a beautiful book! How have I not come across Chris Riddell before? I do not know! What an amazing illustrator!

The sleeper in the spindle is a combination of sleeping beauty and snow-white retelling with Gaiman’s dark twist added to it.There are two lands which are separated by huge mountains which no-one can get across, not even the birds fly over, the only one’s are three dwarves and they tunnel under. The dwarves are off to find the queen some silks for her pending wedding. Dorimar is the other kingdom where they make the best silks, once the dwarves get there they come across an Inn, which they usually drop by as they made friends with the local innkeeper. Only this time the Inn was packed with Villagers, There Is a plague travelling across the kingdom which puts everyone into a slumber which was casted by an enchantress. With this news the dwarves return to the Queen to let her know what is going on the other side of the mountains and could possibly come across to Kanselaire. With her pending wedding and the thoughts of being a dutiful wife and mother, one last adventure is what she needs, she is off to save Dorimar.

I have actually read the sleeper in the spindle before but from Gaiman’s short story collection Trigger Warning.

The story is very short only 72 pages so can be easily done in one sitting. However there is not a lot of character development and the Villain is the same old power/youth hungry menace.The ending will not be to everyone’s taste,but it was well written and an easy read

The illustrations are absolutely stunning, they are black and white with gold leaf added on every page, The detail is so intricate and amazing and definitely complements the story really well.

I definitely recommend this book to anyone as it is classed as a children’s book.

I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars.
Illumined Shadows (Treble and the Lost Boys #3)
Illumined Shadows (Treble and the Lost Boys #3)
G.R. Lyons | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Illumined Shadows (Treble and the Lost Boys #3) by G.R. Lyons
Illumined Shadows is the third and final book in the Treble and the Lost Boys series, and we finally get Vic's story. You know something big is behind him, due to how he was with Ryley, however, in this book you get the full tragedy of just what exactly happened.

Everything is brought back to Vic when he rescues Colby from the 'Bad Man'. This was a perfect example of how monsters can hide in the light, when Colby only felt safe in the dark. These two have one helluva road to travel, and the rest of the Treble gang are there to help whenever needed.

This book has a trigger warning for a reason! This is a dark story, that doesn't hold its punches, so be warned. However, it is also excellently written, being descriptive enough to get the full horror, without being gratuitous.

I have loved this series, and have no hesitation in recommending it. I will say the only reason this is a 4-star book is simply because I couldn't quite get my head around Colby's age. Due to his lack of growth, he was small for his age (Vic is able to carry him around on his hip!). Due to his lack of education, and the atrocities that happened to him, his mindset is slightly child-like. Couple this with Vic calling him 'My sweet boy', and it became slightly uncomfortable for me to read. I had to keep reminding myself he was actually 22-years-old.

On the whole, this is a fantastic book that finishes off this series with aplomb. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Caffeinated Fae (464 KP) rated Hook in Books

Nov 11, 2019  
Gina L. Maxwell | 2019 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (1 more)
Action Packed
Heartbreaking & beautiful.
Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault, Child Abuse, Murder, Abuse, Angst, Drug Use

As many of you know, I've been waiting anxiously for Hook to come out! I was one of the lucky bloggers that Gina gave a copy to in exchange for an honest review. I read Pan earlier this year and fell completely head over heels for Gina's writing, and I've been shoving Pan down everyone's throats because it is that amazing! Now, full disclosure, I have only read one other M/M romance, so I wasn't sure what to expect. All I knew was that I couldn't wait to fly into Neverland again.

I built Hook up in my head so much that at times I was worried it wouldn't live up to the hype. Luckily, Hook was everything I wanted and more. This book follows Hook & John's story. The chemistry between them was out of this world. It was fun to see the anger, the angst, and the fire between the two of them. The characters as always were well written and thoroughly entertaining. I laughed, I cried, and I had to put my book down a few times, so I didn't throw my kindle.

The plotline was one of the shining stars of this book. It was action-packed, intense, and extremely engaging. I never wanted to put the book down, yet I enjoyed it so much I never wanted it to end. I loved the undercover aspect of the book, and it makes me want to reread some of my favorite romantic suspense. I was always on the edge of my seat and couldn't wait to see how everything unfolded.

All in all, I LOVED this book. It lived up to the hype that I had in my head, and I cannot wait to read the next book in this series when it comes out. If you enjoy angst-filled bad boys with a heart of gold, this is the book for you. Gina truly knows how to write angst in a way that everyone can enjoy.
The Surrogate (Brennan & Esposito #1)
The Surrogate (Brennan & Esposito #1)
Tania Carver | 2009 | Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
4 of 250
The Surrogate ( Brennan & Esposito book1)
By Tania Carver

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

A shocking double-murder scene greets Detective Inspector Philip Brennan when he is called to a flat in Colchester. Two women are viciously cut open and laying spreadeagled, one tied to the bed, one on the floor. The woman on the bed has had her stomach cut into and her unborn child is missing. But this is the third time Phil and his team have seen such an atrocity. Two other pregnant women have been killed in this way and their babies taken from them. No-one can imagine what sort of person would want to commit such evil acts. When psychologist Marina Esposito is brought in, Phil has to put aside his feelings about their shared past and get on with the job. But can they find the killer before another woman is targeted?

This is definitely a strange one for me! How I got through it I will never know I had to keep putting it down and regather my thoughts. Several times I asked myself do I want to keep going! This is not me taking anything away from the authors as the book was very well written, fast paced with short but well packed chapters. This was difficult for so many reasons dealing with delicate issues. Murder of both women and babies, mutilation , sexual and physical abuse, mental illness on so many levels as well as a few more I missed. The book had this draw to it you didn’t want to go on but you needed to go on! For the first book I. A series it kicks you in the gut straight away! A few times I thought I would physically throw up. So many emotions packed into 438 pages! I needed that last chapter I needed to see him get his woman I think after everything you go through you need that ending!!

Would I recommend this book? Without a doubt but it needs a trigger warning and it’s definitely NOT for the faint hearted!!
The Tempest Sea
The Tempest Sea
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I so very nearly fell out with Robin D Mahle over this book... I still might... They're so close to breaking my heart!

The Tempest Sea is the incredible second novel in The World Apart series, whisking us away from Ceithren and across the Tempest Sea to the other side of the world.

The adventure is again told from Clark and Addie’s POV but this time we are also treated to snippets from Xavier and Nell's past.
These tidbits allow the side characters to tell their story right up to the present situation, (almost) dissolving their untrustworthy nature in the readers eyes but not ruining the tension within the plot line.
I also loved how the chapters were labelled rather than named (ie Xavier is The Protector) as this really reflected how these "off screen" moments have shaped the characters and made them grow into something much more than their assumed role.

As well as our favourite characters from The Fractured Empire *side eyes Gunther* we also get to spend a lot more time with Locke, Nell and we are finally properly introduced to the infamous general. Alongside a plethora of side characters ranging from a pirate ship full of badass women to a fair few men we love to hate, Robin D Mahle really spoils us.

This fast paced sequel is jam packed full of action, flying ships, pirates and danger: its a wonder there is any time for romance! Addie and Clark may have been through the ringer but the tension and their magnetism throughout this book will have you screaming at them to open their eyes and just accept the attraction. That would be way too easy though... You know they're just going to wind each other up and fall out a few more times 😊

With the foundations set in The Fractured Empire, Robin D Mahle could really have fun with The Tempest Sea and I think this shows. The action and suspense rolls off the page, dragging us along for the ride. There are some darker moments (big trigger warning for sexual abuse) but these serve to make the characters stronger. They'll certainly need it for the next stage of their journey!
please heed trigger warnings!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This box charity anthology comes with a warning of triggers and dark subjects. I strongly suggest you heed them. I have no such triggers, but these books are truly dark and deadly and most I was unable to read. I apologise for that, but they are just the wrong side of dark for me.

I did read and finish 2 of them though, and one I enjoyed immensely and the other was. . different. . .still on the very edge of my limits but I did finish it.

Slay Ride, by Davidson King.

Mason is saved from an attack but his saviours are not all they appear to be. Gabe and his brothers have rather ambiguous morals, but when you find out WHY they have these morals, you get it, totally. And when Gabe and Mason really talk, about their past, and things are revealed, it makes you go. .OH!!

And then. . . we are left hanging! Because this ends on a cliff hanger and I need some closure for these two, for ALL the brothers, so I hope this short story spawns a series.

4 stars for Slay Ride.

The other book I finished, was Little Tree, by Taylor J Gray.

Now, this one pushed my limits, right to the end.

It carries a lot of pain for Mattie but he IS a pleaser and he wants to please Kellan. HOW he does that, really surprised me, and the end surprised me too! I would have loved to hear from Mattie cos only Kellan gets a voice but I might not have liked to hear what he had to say, when he was all trussed up.

This also ends on a bit of a cliff hanger and I really want to, but not sure I can, read more of this couple.

I gave this story 3 stars, because I wanted Mattie.

Overall, because I only finished 2 stories, but started them all, I will give this set 3 stars. It really does push boundaries, and if you can read them, please do. I'm sorry I couldn't.

3 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
All is Not Forgotten
All is Not Forgotten
Wendy Walker | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One evening, teenage Jenny Kramer heads to a party. She's headed to meet a boy, but when she spots him with another girl, she's devastated. Drunk and embarrassed, Jenny heads into the woods to be alone; instead, she is attacked and viciously raped for over a hour. After the horrific incident, Jenny is given "the treatment," which erases the incident from her memory. But Jenny cannot move on from that awful night. Neither can her father, Tom, who is consumed by thoughts of tracking down the attacker. Meanwhile, Jenny's mother, just wants everything to go back to normal. Jenny is taken to a psychiatrist, Dr. Forrester, who has some experience with the treatment, including another client of his--a war veteran named Sean. Can Dr. Forrester help Sean and Jenny retrieve their memories? Will Jenny track down her rapist before she's consumed by that night's events?

This novel gets you immediately from the beginning (definite trigger warning for violence/rape, though). The entire book is told from the perspective of Dr. Forrester, which gives it a totally unique slant. Is he reliable? He's certainly a weird guy, and hearing the story from his side only makes things more intriguing. I thought the story would be more about both sides of forgetting and "the treatment," but it's really, truly the story of Jenny's rape, tracking down her rapist, and the interconnected story of several people in her town.

Overall, this is a great thriller, with a ton of twists and turns. I always enjoy a novel where I don't actually see every plot piece coming, and this one didn't disappoint. The cast of characters in the novel is varied and intricate. Some of the good doctor's machinations are a little preposterous, but it doesn't detract from the your enjoyment of the book. Even better, the ending kept up with the earlier parts of the novel and actually made me go "wow." A very enjoyable, different, twisty thriller - worth picking up.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!); it is available everywhere on 7/12/2016.

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Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher | 2009 | Children
8.4 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
The concept (0 more)
The inaccurate portrayal of depression (0 more)
Trigger Warning
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Recently filmed as a thirteen-part Netflix drama executively produced by Selena Gomez, Thirteen Reasons Why was the first novel by the award-winning author, Jay Asher. It is the type of book readers will either love or hate, but it should definitely come with a warning. This story is NOT an accurate representation of depression and suicide.

Yes, suicide. A teenaged girl has committed suicide, shocking everyone who knew her. No one could understand why, but thirteen people are going to find out. Clay Jensen is the ninth person to receive a box of thirteen audiotapes from Hannah Baker. However, Hannah died two weeks ago. As she premeditated taking her life, Hannah recorded thirteen stories involving people from her school that caused her to snowball into deep depression and despair. Desperate to find out why his name features in Hannah’s story, Clay begins listening to the tapes in order, putting together the events that led to Hannah’s death.

What follows is a heart-breaking story showing the impact individuals have on other people’s lives, often without realising it. In some cases, the characters only played a minor role in Hannah’s life, whereas others caused significant damage. The saddest thing is, Clay could have helped Hannah, but she had pushed him away.

At times, Hannah seemed like the horrible person, calling all these people out on petty little things, but these things, along with the more horrible ones, all built up to create a life that did not feel worth living. It is eye opening how much a small action, comment or rumour can so drastically alter someone’s future.

Bearing in mind that depression affects everyone differently and has numerous causes, some readers may feel disgusted at Hannah’s extreme action, but this is the fault of the author. Jay Asher fails to completely describe the emotional torment that Hannah felt, and only someone who may have been through a similar situation, or worse, will fully be able to understand the impact everything has had on her mental health.

As Hannah beleaguers her listeners, the thirteen people start to feel like the victims rather than the “attackers”, which is most probably not what the author was intending. Now, these people will have to live their lives believing they caused a girl to commit suicide when really they were only 1/13th of the reason. Although, before criticising this novel, keep in mind it is a work of fiction.

What is most painful about Thirteen Reasons Why, is not Hannah’s plight, but the reaction Clay has to hearing Hannah’s story. Unlike the other people Hannah accuses, Clay is not one of her antagonists; all Hannah wants to do is to say sorry.

It is up to the reader to judge whether Thirteen Reasons Why is worthy of praise or not. Those without an understanding of depression may dislike it on account of misunderstanding Hannah’s reasons, whereas others may feel insulted that she killed herself over things that could have been eased had she told someone. Personally, I understand where Hannah is coming from, and although I would not go to the extremes Hannah did, I do not think she was selfish or stupid or any other insult that may befall her.

The reason I give this book a good rating lies in the quality of writing. Asher seamlessly alternates between two narratives – Hannah’s story and Clay’s reaction and reflection. Although the author may not have clearly expressed Hannah’s emotions, he successful emphasises the grief and despair Clay feels listening to the cassettes. My main concern is that Thirteen Reasons Why will only be short lived. Audiotapes were already obsolete when the book was published, but soon will there be any new readers who know what a tape is?