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Beasts of the Frozen Sun
Beasts of the Frozen Sun
Jill Criswell | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The plot - so bloody action-packed that leaves you exhausted at times (3 more)
The Villain - makes you want to fall in love with him but then he does something terrible and you want to dismiss him
The enemies to lovers - the MC's are everything
The writing - Jill Criswell does an amazing job with descriptive text and lyrical writing. I was enthralled throughout.
This book is so underrated and it deserves all the hype!
You can also find this review on my blog:

TRIGGER WARNINGS: war, violence, blood, gore, talk of sexual assault, child abuse, emotional abuse, animal violence, animal sacrifice, death of an animal, anger issues, arsony, death, murder, talk of drowning, absent parent, death of a parent, disowning, forced marriage, death of a sibling, manipulation, mind control, slavery, starvation, torture, trauma

REVIEW: First off, I want to say to not let all of those trigger warnings deter you from reading this breathtaking novel. Beasts of the Frozen Sun was extremely well-written and I will keep screaming this from the rooftops for as long as I am alive of how amazing this novel is.

Beasts of the Frozen Sun is loaded with badassery and brutally epic scenes. Also, that cover is one of the most beautiful covers I’ve ever seen. There was complexity to the world-building, relatable characters that you just can’t help but fall in love with, brutal wars and men as monstrous as some of the men in the world today. This fantasy novel was defiantly on the darker side, but it D E L I V E R E D ! And it delivered an immersive read that drowned you in the world until the very end.

Beasts of the Frozen Sun follows Lira, the heroine who is gifted from the gods and goddess’. This gift, the ability to read a person’s soul by just touching their chest, was used by others – mainly Lira’s father and uncle. But then a golden-haired giant washes ashore and Lira decides to help him heal. She hides him away and the two of them grow close, forming a bond that is forbidden by both of their clans. But then, the Dragon comes into the story and Lira is left fighting for her life, Reyker’s soul, and her people’s freedom.

Things I loved about Beasts of the Frozen Sun:
1. The main character being a badass heroine who gets angry when her sword is taken from her.
2. The love interest being a tough “bad boy” on the outside, but deep down he’s a big ole softie.
3. Gods/Goddess’ that walk the Earth with humans (even sometimes messing with them)
4. Magical powers that were once used for evil but now are used for good.
5. The whole ‘pretend to be sick so we can get close’ ordeal.

“Looking into his eyes was like gazing at the ocean – swirling shades of deep cobalt and steel gray. Fathomless. Familiar.”

When each of the characters were introduced, I was amazed at how spectacular, unique, and so very strong each of them were! Lira and Reyker’s bond was intense and absolutely addictive. They are literally EVERYTHING. The two are star-crossed lovers but also enemies to lovers and I NEED MORE OF THEM.

The world is out to keep them apart but the two are magnets. And nothing can keep them apart for very long, not even the world no matter how hard it tries too. Reyker is the beast. He was saved from drowning by Lira, who helped him heal by hiding him away. She teaches him her language and she stands by his side. Even when the rest of the world has chewed him up and spit him back out.

Lira battles with being used and caged. She hates feeling like “property” by her father and uncle. She also refuses to believe that Reyker isn’t worth saving. She is one badass heroine and I strive to be her. Smash these two together and you get one powerful couple!

I also want to take a moment to say that Quinlan has my heart and I need to see more of him in book 2 please dear author! I will pay you in my tears and heart if I have too.

“If I die in a cage tomorrow, or I die in a cage in ten years – what is the difference? A cage is not a life.”

The world-building in Beasts of the Frozen Sun was… OMG seriously some of the best I’ve ever read. With history, there is always brutality and this novel does include that. Death, torture, the treatment of woman were all horrible and at times a bit hard to read but Jill Criswell has such raw talent at describing things that she does an amazing job writing those style of scenes. And with this being a story set back in history, those themes are inevitable. But each theme included, made Beasts of the Frozen Sun seem more and more realistic with each passing page.

The plot of this novel is everything!! Wars to villages raids to snuggles between Lira and Reyker. There was never a boring moment within Beasts of the Frozen Sun. It was packed with so much intensity that at times, it left you a bit exhausted. The plot was also dark and brutal but it fit with the story. This was a bloody amazing action-packed novel of magic and redemption, high stakes and brutal fights, powerful woman and monstrous men.

I am on my first ever book hangover. That ending… Jill Criswell is a cruel woman to leave me hanging in the way she did. But OHMAGAWD, I CAN NOT WAIT for book two of this series. Please, if you only ever pick up one book that I recommend, please please please pick this amazing novel up!

“When that dark womb of stillness engulfed him, he embraced it with a flood of relief. Reyker welcomed whatever torments waited him on the other side of this world, knowing it was nothing less than he deserved.”
Where the Crawdads Sing
Where the Crawdads Sing
Delia Owens | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.9 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
The beautiful prose (2 more)
The interesting plot
The well written characters
A Beautifully Written Novel
I have to admit that when I first heard about Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, it didn't sound like a book I'd want to read. However, as I kept seeing rave reviews for it, I decided to take a chance on it, and I am so glad I did because this book was amazing!

The plot for Where the Crawdads Sing was an interesting one. I found myself immersed in it throughout, even the parts about nature and poetry which I'm not into. Delia Owens wrote this book beautifully where ever piece fit together perfectly. Where the Crawdads Sing felt so realistic and like I was there every step on the way. The prose was amazing, and I can honestly say that I have not read a more beautifully written book. There are a few plot twists, and I didn't see them coming! I didn't even get the death of Chase right! There are no cliff hangers in this book, and all of my questions where answered.

I thought each and every character in Where the Crawdads Sing were written superbly. I loved the main character of Kya. It was so interesting watching her grow up without a family and turn into a beautiful, intelligent, and kind young lady. Her innocence was reassuring even if did get her in trouble. The character of Kya was such a breath of fresh air. It was amazing how she was able to look after herself when she had no one else even at a young age. Jumpin' was another one of my favorite characters. He was such a larger than life character, and he always seemed so optimistic was was fantastic! I loved how caring Tate was and how patient he was with Kya. I was always hoping those two would end up together. I didn't trust Chase from the get go, but even he was written really well. I loved how the author, Delia Owens, even included what happened to most of the characters years in the future. The only minor thing that bothered me was that when the characters spoke, they spoke in their own dialect which could be annoying at times, but it did not ruin this book for me at all.

The pacing in Where the Crawdads Sing was done so well. I was hooked from the very first page. Never once did the pacing slow down where I found myself bored. I was constantly enthralled by every page in this book. I could not get enough! The words flowed beautifully.

Trigger warnings for Where the Crawdads Sing include profanity, child neglect and abandonment, child abuse, attempted rape, violence, possible murder, sexual situations, alcoholism, racial slurs, and overly judgmental people.

All in all, Where the Crawdads Sing is a beautifully written book through and through. The writing was brilliant, and the characters were written beautifully. The plot is just as fantastic and very interesting. I would definitely recommend Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens to everyone aged 16+. This is one of those books that needs to be read!
The Quiet You Carry
The Quiet You Carry
Nikki Barthelmess | 2019 | Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Great Read!
I'm a fan of young adult contemporary fiction when it deals with serious issues. When I read the synopsis for The Quiet You Carry by Nikki Barthelmess, I knew it was a book that I needed to read. Luckily, it didn't disappoint!

I found the plot of The Quiet You Carry to be very interesting indeed. I've always found books that deal with the foster system to be intriguing. I won't rehash the synopsis since the actual book synopsis does a good job explaining what the book is about. I found the plot to be very believable and extremely realistic. I didn't find any plot holes, and I was not left hanging. I didn't think there were any plot twists, but with this kind of book, it didn't need any plot twists to be good. I like the way The Quiet You Carry showed what I imagine life would be like for a teen in foster care trying to balance a new school, a budding romantic relationship, friendships, school, and the turmoil of what had happened. It's a lot for a young person to have to shoulder.

The characters in The Quiet You Carry were all realistic sounding and fleshed out perfectly. My heart went out to Victoria. What her father put her through was horrible, and then how he acted as if it were her fault. I hated that her stepmom chose to believe Victoria's father about the abuse. I know this actually goes on, and that's what makes it worse. I loved how she was willing to put everything on the line to protect her younger stepsister. I didn't agree with all of Victoria's choices, and I wish she would have done some things differently, but I realized she's supposed to be a 17 year old girl. I felt bad for Connie, the foster mom, as well. She was only following state rules, but the foster kids thought she was too strict. I think she got a lot of hate, and I always thought she was a good person from the beginning. I actually really liked Connie. Victoria's friends, Kale and Christina, were also really well written. I loved how they wanted to protect Victoria and how much they really cared for her.

The pacing was a bit shaky in some parts during the beginning of the book. However, the shakiness didn't last long, and before I knew it, I was totally immersed in Victoria's journey. I devoured this book, and I couldn't wait to see where Victoria's story would take her.

Trigger warnings for The Quiet You Carry include incest, sexual abuse, violence, domestic abuse, attempted suicide, and drug and alcohol references.

All in all, The Quiet You Carry is a great read. It started out a bit shaky, but it takes off before you know it. The plot and cast of characters were written so well that it was hard to put this one down! I would definitely recommend The Quiet You Carry by Nikki Barthelmess to everyone aged 14+. You will not be disappointed.
The Answers Are In The Forest (The Answers Series Book One)
The Answers Are In The Forest (The Answers Series Book One)
Katie Kaleski | 2019 | Horror, Mystery, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Interesting Mystery Horror
I'm a big fan of ghost stories and haunted houses, so when I heard about The Answers Are In The Forest by Katie Kaleski, I knew it was a book I had to read. Luckily, it was a good read.

I went into The Answers Are In The Forest thinking this would be more of a haunted house/ghost story, and while there are ghosts, it's not a spooky ghost story. This is more of a horror mystery than a ghost story. Local children ranging in age from 8 through 15 have been murdered. They use dead rabbits as vessels for their spirits to talk to Gabby, the main character. Gabby feels compelled to solve the mystery of who the killer is. However, this puts Gabby in grave danger. I will say that the plot has been done before in other books, but The Answers Are In The Forest still makes for an interesting read. I didn't predict who the actual killer was at all. Even those I thought were guilty turned out to be innocent. Sometimes the plot felt a bit confusing, but I was able to figure it out easily enough after reading a bit more. There is a bit of a cliff hangar at the end of the book, but this is to be expected as it's part of a new series. For those that aren't big into series, I think this book could do alright as a standalone.

All the characters felt like real life people. There were times when Gabby felt a bit spoiled, but she is a teen, and we've all had moments like that. I did admire her tenacity to find out what happened to the murdered children no matter the danger to herself. I found Gabby's mom to be annoying. This wasn't because she was written poorly, but I just didn't like how uninterested she was in what was going on with Gabby especially when Gabby ended up in the hospital. Gabby's mom started out being somewhat caring, but she seemed to just become uninterested as the book progressed. My favorite character was Rusck. I just loved how caring and loyal Rusck seemed to be. I also admired his determination.

The pacing for The Answers Are In The Forest was done well for the most part. There were a few times that it did go too quickly, and I found myself wondering what had just happened. However, it would slow down to a good pace quickly enough, and I was able to enjoy reading it again.

Trigger warnings include profanity, violence (sometimes fairly graphic), and murder (both children, adult, and animal).

Overall, The Answers Are In The Forest is an interesting read although the plot has been done before. The characters are interesting enough and the plot flows well for the most part. I would recommend The Answers Are In The Forest by Katie Kaleski to those aged 15+. I will definitely be reading the next book in the series!
(A special thank you to YA Bound Book Tours for providing me with an eBook of The Answers Are In The Forest by Katie Kaleski in exchance for an honest and unbiased review.)
On Bone Bridge
On Bone Bridge
Maria Hoey | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting plot (3 more)
Fleshed Out Characters
Well written characters
Great pacing
Starts out a bit slow (0 more)
One of my Favorite Books!
The synopsis for On Bone Bridge by Maria Hoey definitely intrigued me. Everything about it made me really want to read this book. When I won On Bone Bridge from a Goodreads giveaway, I was ecstatic! Luckily, this book didn't disappoint.

The pacing for On Bone Bridge starts off slowly for the first few chapters. However, it quickly picks up soon enough. Once the pacing picked up, I didn't want to put this book down. I couldn't wait to find out what happened next and to find out what Kay knew. I also couldn't wait to find out if Oliver would be alright.

The plot for On Bone Bridge is definitely an interesting one. I also don't believe it's been done too many times. When Violet-May's and Rosemary-June's infant brother, Alexander, falls off of a bridge and drowns, everyone thinks it was just a horrible accident. However, Kay has her suspicions that it wasn't. We read about this time in her life. Then we read a little about when she's a teen, followed by her twenties. It's when she's in her late 30's that she crosses paths with the Duff family. She is invited by Rosemary-June's and Violet-May's brother, Robbie, to come leave with them in their house to keep an eye on things. Rosemary-June now has two kids of her own. A 3 year old girl named Caroline and an 18 month old named Oliver. When strange things start happening to Oliver, Kay starts to wonder if they are by accident or if something more sinister is going on as well as wondering if this is all connected to that day on Bone Bridge when Alexander drowned. Anyway, the plot is written very well. There are a few plot twists including one which could be predictable. However, On Bone Bridge is still a fantastic read. All of my questions were answered, so it was nice to have closure.

I enjoyed the world building in On Bone Bridge. This book definitely had me feeling some emotions for sure! Anyway, most of the book takes place in Ireland at different time periods. I think the author, Maria Hoey, did an excellent job in making the reader feel as if they were right there whilst everything was happening. I loved how most of the story also takes place at the Duffy family home. Kay was in awe of the house when she was little, so it was nice to read more about the place.

Trigger warnings include the death of a child and an animal, a spoiled child, swearing, violence (although not much and not very graphic), drinking, and cheating.

Overall, On Bone Bridge is a fantastic read. It's got a very interesting and strong plot as well as likable characters. The world building is written well too. I would definitely recommend On Bone Bridge by Maria Hoey to everyone aged 15+ who loves reading.
You May Now Kill the Bride (Return to Fear Street #1)
You May Now Kill the Bride (Return to Fear Street #1)
R.L. Stine | 2018 | Horror, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Plot (3 more)
The Characters
The Pacing
The World Building
R.L.Stine Does It Again!
I was a huge R.L. Stine fan back when I was in school. I was constantly reading every book I could read by R.L. Stine. I credit him with my love of horror books. Anyway, when I heard R.L. Stine was writing new Fear Street books, I had to read them! The first in this series is You May Now Kill the Bride. I absolutely loved it!

The pacing for You May Now Kill the Bride is fantastic! This book really was a page turner. I found myself not wanting to put it down. Each page had me hungry for me.

I really enjoyed the plot of You May Now Kill the Bride. Part of this story takes places in 1924 where we learn about the Fear/Goode curse. A Fear wedding takes place, but it really doesn't good as planned and tragedy ensues. The other part of the story takes place in present day. Another Fear wedding is about to take place, but it doesn't happen because the bride has gone missing. Will this Fear wedding end in tragedy as well? There were a few plot twists which I really enjoyed even if a couple of the plot twists were somewhat predictable. Even though You May Now Kill the Bride is part of a series, it can be read as a standalone. There were no cliffhangers at the end of the book, and all of my questions were answered.

R.L. Stine did an amazing job with the world building like always. I always felt like I was part of the story. Even though this is a work of fiction, everything felt real. I found myself even holding my breath at the most climactic parts of You May Now Kill the Bride.

I felt that all the characters in You May Now Kill the Bride were fleshed out very well. I enjoyed all the characters very much. My favorite character was Ruth-Ann. It was hard not to like her as I could really relate to her on a personal level. However, all the characters were interesting to read about even the minor characters. Most of the story is told in first person from Harmony's point of view. While I did find Harmony annoying right at first, I quickly ended up liking her.

Trigger warnings for You May Now Kill the Bride include magic, the occult, murder/death, and minor violence. There's also one scene where a character hurts their hand which isn't overly graphic, but those who are a bit squeamish may not like it too much. There's also another scene about a body being found after being found at the bottom of a cliff. The description isn't very graphic, but some may find it unsettling.

Overall, You May Now Kill the Bride was such a really good and quick read. The plot is fantastic, and the characters are written very well. Fans of R.L. Stine will truly love this story especially those that loved the original Fear Street series. I would definitely recommend You May Now Kill the Bride by R.L. Stine to everyone aged 15+. It was so good!
The Meadows (Legacy of Darkness Book 1)
The Meadows (Legacy of Darkness Book 1)
London Clarke | 2018 | Horror, Paranormal, Thriller
Spooky Plot (1 more)
Very Realistic Characters
A Chilling Read!
I loved London Clarke's first book, Wildfell, so I was definitely looking forward to her next book, The Meadows. I loved this book! It was so spooky and creepy which are my favorite types of books.

The pacing for The Meadows was perfect. Not once did I feel like this book slowed down where I was becoming bored. It is definitely a fast paced thriller, but it's not too fast paced in the sense that you have no clue what just happened.

The world building and plot are done extremely well. London Clarke does such an excellent job of describing what's going on, that I actually felt like I was staying at Asphodel House, the spooky house where all the paranormal things happen. The Meadows felt so real, I would actually stay awake a little longer after reading some of it because I was so spooked! It was easy to envision a cult like The Colony (as named in The Meadows) that believe themselves to be vampires who use willing and unwilling sacrifices. I would be more surprised if a cult like that didn't exist!

I loved all the characters in The Meadows! Each character was written exceptionally well. I loved how real and raw Scarlett was. It was nice to read about a character who was flawed. Scarlett suffered with a drug and alcohol problem in the past, and it was interesting to read about her struggle with it in present day and the choices she made. Yes, she did fall off the wagon after coming to Asphodel House, but I couldn't blame her. I'd be stressed out and scared too! Scarlett isn't perfect, and that's what I loved about her. She feels like a real human being, not some happily ever after book character. She's a little selfish, but who isn't in real life? Scarlett was such a great character. Even the supporting characters were great. I would have liked Stella, Scarlett's best friend, to be featured more, but that's only a minor thing. Stella was such a great friend to Scarlett, and I admired her loyalty to Scarlett. I loved Ryan, and it was interesting to read the back story between him and Scarlett. Hunter was also a very interesting character. I enjoyed his back story. I don't want to go into detail with him because I feel like there's a minor plot twist with that.

Trigger warnings for The Meadows include demons, the occult, cults, violence, murder, death, alcohol use, prescription pill abuse, ghosts, some swearing (although nothing too bad), and sex scenes (nothing graphic though).

Overall, The Meadows is a very chilling, dark, and spooky read. It is such a great book though. The characters, the setting, the plot were all written very well. I am definitely looking forward to the next book in the Legacy of Darkness series. I would recommend The Meadows by London Clarke to everyone aged 17+ especially if you love being creeped out. This one definitely kept me awake with how creepy it was, and if a book can do that, it is definitely a good one!
Local Woman Missing
Local Woman Missing
Mary Kubica | 2021 | Contemporary, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had been after a good thriller for awhile, when I read about Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica, my interest was piqued very much. I will say that this book certainly filled that thriller sized hole for sure!

As soon as I started reading Local Woman Missing, I was instantly transported inside the book. I kept trying to piece together what happened to Shelby, Delilah, and Meredith just to find out I was totally wrong each time. That's one of the beautiful things about this book, there are so many twists and turns! I loved all the plot twists which there were plenty. Just when it looked like one mystery was solved, the author would through in a twist. I loved how Mary Kubica had us going back and forth between present time to eleven years earlier when Meredith, Shelby, and Delilah all went missing. The world building is done fantastically, and the pacing is spot on. I found myself frantically reading each page to try to guess what would happen. I did like the way all the loose endings were tied up by the ending. There's nothing left to speculate which was a big plus in my book as I hate guessing what happened to each character. I like being told exactly what happens, and Kubica did just so.

I absolutely adored how each character was written. I could imagine each and every character in my mind. It was like I was right in the midst of the action with them. It was easy to imagine Meredith's husband Josh's panic when his wife and 6 year old daughter went missing. As a mother of a 6 year old myself, I think I would just go crazy! I could also feel Meredith's pain when things started to really go wrong for her. I really just wanted to be a friend to her because she seemed really sweet and down to Earth. Bea and Kate were two of my favorite characters. I thought they had such a great relationship, and I thought they were really great people for being so helping and warm towards everyone when things when Meredith and Delilah went missing. I enjoyed reading things from Kate's point of view to piece together everything that was going on after Meredith and Delilah went missing. Reading Leo's point of view was the most interesting for me. It was eye opening to see how having his sister and mom missing affected him. I really wanted to adopt little Leo as my own because reading what he endured really broke my heart at times.

Trigger warnings for Local Woman Missing include profanity, cheating on spouses, child abuse, kidnapping, violence, death, mentions of suicide, and drunk driving.

All in all, Local Woman Missing checks all the boxes to be a successful thriller such as a fascinating plot with a plethora of twists at turns throughout. I would definitely recommend Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica to those aged 18+ who love to expect the unexpected. This book will not leave you disappointed one bit.
Made You Up
Made You Up
Francesca Zappia | 2015 | Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm big into books that deal with mental illnesses. When I heard about Made You Up by Francesca Zappia, I knew it was a book that was right up my alley. I was not left feeling disappointed.

The plot and world building felt very realistic although I'm not Schizophrenic nor do I know anyone who is. I could not tell what was real and what was a delusion by Alex. Kudos to Zappia for giving us a brief glimpse into how a Schizophrenic would feel. I kept second guessing myself throughout Made You Up. Sometimes it would be obvious that Alex was hallucinating, but there were many times everything felt too real to be a hallucination. I would be wrong, and something realistic would be a hallucination. As you can imagine, there were many plot twists throughout this book. There was one major plot twist which I had predicted towards the beginning which turned out to be true thanks to subtle hints the author would throw in, so be sure to be attention to every word on the page to try to grasp what is Alex's reality and what is not. I did feel like the main storyline of Made You Up was whether or not Miles, the boy Alex met briefly when she was a young child, was actually real or not since she meets him again her senior year of high school. It was fun trying to guess if Miles was real or not and if he was the same boy Alex met as a child.

All of the characters in Made You Up had a lot of depth to them. They were all easy for me to imagine as real people instead of characters in a book. I enjoyed reading about Alex and her thought process and what all she had to go through all the time due to her Schizophrenia. Alex, like all the characters in this book, was a very likable character. Miles was interesting. I didn't really know what to make of him throughout the book (mainly because I was trying to figure out if he was real or imaginary). I did enjoy him, and I was definitely intrigued by his back story. It was great learning about him. I loved little Charlie and how much she seemed to love her big sister, Alex. Alex loved Charlie so much as well, and I loved reading about the tight sisterly bond between them.

Trigger warnings for Made You Up include some profanity, some violence, death, minor gore, some child abuse, mental illness, a minor sexual situation, bullying, references to Nazis, attempted murder, and death.

All in all, Made You Up is a very interesting read with a fantastic plot and well developed characters. It's obvious the author did her homework before writing this novel. I would definitely recommend Made You Up by Francesca Zappia to those aged 16+ who are seeking a book full of twists and turns. Just be warned that this book will have you second guessing almost everything (which isn't a bad thing).
Cara Martin | 2019 | Horror, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Supernatural horror is one of my favorite genres. Through the blogging universe, I came across Shantallow by Cara Martin. After reading the synopsis, I was hooked. When the opportunity arose to review Shantallow, I couldn't turn it down. Luckily, I enjoyed it!

I felt like the plot of Shantallow was a little confused to begin with. It started out as a teen love story between to high school kids gone wrong thanks to jealousy. However, after about thirty percent through the book, it quickly became a supernatural horror story about an evil haunted house. I thought this would focus on the nightmare that the main character, Misha, has about Tanvi. The nightmare, to me, only seems brushed upon. This didn't take away my enjoyment from the story though. I will admit that the whole love story in the beginning was a bit slow, and I did find myself wondering if I should continue. I'm really glad I persevered because after the love story, this book really takes off. It was as if Shantallow sank it's teeth into my attention span and didn't let go. I couldn't wait to see what would happen next in the evil house known as Shantallow. The creepy factor was definitely there throughout!

The ending of Shantallow felt a little as if the author didn't know how to end the book. It seemed rushed and too quick to end without being explained. Although Shantallow didn't end in any cliffhangers, I was still left with unanswered questions. Perhaps Shantallow will end up being a series, and my questions about the house will be answered.

The diversity of characters in Shantallow was done fantastically. I also enjoyed each of the characters once this book got going. Tanvi was an interesting character throughout the book. Although I could picture all the characters in my mind, Tanvi was the easiest one to bring alive in my head. She felt so realistic and like she could be someone I know. Misha comes across as really selfish, jealous, and controlling to being with. However, he redeems himself during his time in the Shantallow house with how protective he is over everyone. Lauren was my favorite character. I loved scenes that she was in. She seemed like such a sweet innocent kid.

Trigger warnings for Shantallow include violence, jealousy, murder, death, attempted murder, profanity, sex between teens (although not graphic), evil spirits, and underage drinking.

Despite the hurried ending, Shantallow really is a good read. It's got a very spooky plot and great characters once you get past the love story. I would recommend Shantallow by Cara Martin to older teens and adults aged 17+. If you love scary stories that will keep you up late at night reading with the lights on, Shantallow is the book for you! It definitely made my nights scarier (but I enjoy being scared)!
(A special thank you to Xpresso Book Tours for providing me with an eBook of Shantallow by Cara Martin in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)