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The Matrix Resurrections (2021)
The Matrix Resurrections (2021)
2021 | Action, Sci-Fi
Good to see the Matrix again (1 more)
Some cool action scenes
Self aware, too much so (1 more)
Similar to the other 3 in a lot of ways
Chasing Rabbits
Well a film I was definitely looking forward to. The original Matrix was ground breaking and blew audiences away with so much.
This 4th installment just doesn't have that impact. A lot of similar themes to the original Trilogy resurface again. At times almost feeling like a reboot rather than anything new. The action scenes are very good especially towards the end, but the overall story of events from the last film to this one don't offer up much new content or ideas. Enjoyable for fans but still not a patch on the original.
Clockwork Prince
Clockwork Prince
Cassandra Clare | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
A surprisingly wonderful middle book for a trilogy
Clockwork Prince is the 2nd book in the Infernal Devices Trilogy. The Shadowhunters and Tessa are searching for Mortmain before he unleashes a demon/automaton army.

Clockwork Prince avoids the middle book slump that a lot of trilogies endure. The first book was good but this book was definitely better in my eyes. One of the main reasons must be because of the amount of backstory. It really felt like Clare had thought out every single little detail. Such as what happened to Will as a child, or what is Tessa really?

Clare also didn't make the mistake of reiterating her previous TMI books. Often writers have a set formula for their books, but Clare has branched out and added extra layers. There's some deceit, secrets and mystery woven within the plot.

I personally enjoyed all the information shown about the Clave and politics. We learn how heads of institutes are chosen, and that it can be challenged. We also learn about how Shadowhunters do cooperate with mundanes to a degree. There's involvements in the monarchies and governments of the time. These may be throwaway lines but I enjoy the world building it brings.

I also enjoyed the travel of England a bit. Clockwork Prince visited Yorkshire. There was also a throwaway comment about Grantham which is in my home county of Lincolnshire. Although it wasn't explored as a location, I enjoyed the reference since I did grow up 20 minutes away.

Overall I enjoyed Clockwork Prince. I hope the third book lives up to expectations.
Far from True
Far from True
Linwood Barclay | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Promise Falls is still under attack. Detective Barry Duckworth has his hands full with the number of incidents that are taking place in this small town. From the bombing of the drive-in movie screen to a burning bus rolling down the middle of town, there are too many things going on and no suspects to charge.

As they say, the sequel is never as good as the original, but it's close. A lot of the same characters return for Book Two of the Promise Falls Trilogy. In this edition, the main focus is the death of four Promise Falls residents after the drive in movie screen falls on them. Mainly the couple in the vintage Jaguar are a mysterious couple especially when the wife of the owner of that car, shows up alive. Who was in the car, then? There is also the constant recurrence of the number twenty-three. What does it have to do with anything and who is behind all of the incidents with that number included? There are a few twists that caught me by surprise and one moment when I shouted out loud, "I knew it!" This story started off a little slower than <u>Broken Promise</u> even with a exploding movie screen at the forefront. Will Detective Duckworth be able to tie these cases together and find out who is behind the mysterious and crazy 23 incidents?

The final book in the trilogy is call <u>The Twenty-Three</u>. I can't wait to read and finally find out how all of this is going to end for the residents of Promise Falls.