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ClareR (5603 KP) rated Snowflake in Books

Sep 11, 2021  
Louise Nealon | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Travel
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A really enjoyable coming of age story, Snowflake by Louise Nealon is about Debbie White, and how she navigates life away from her home. When Debbie gets a place at Trinity College, Dublin, it’s decided that she’ll commute every day by train from her farm in the country. This sets her apart from the beginning: most people seem to stay in Dublin. But Debbie struggles with how to behave around other students, and if not for Xanthe, who takes Debbie under her wing, I don’t think she would have made any friends at all.

Debbie’s home life is unconventional. Her mother is obsessed with dreams, and believes that she knows what people’s dreams are - that she can see right into them. She has periods of extreme moods, and Debbie has to look after her during these episodes.

And then there’s Debbie’s Uncle Billy. He runs the farm and lives in a caravan. I rather liked his no-nonsense approach to life, but he’s just as vulnerable as his sister and niece.

It isn’t all doom and gloom though. Debbie is funny, quirky and a highly likeable person - the book had moments that really made me laugh. It was these moments of light and dark that really made the book work for me. Louise Nealon is going to be a name to watch for in the future. I loved this. You should all go and read this now!

Many thanks to Manila Press for the copy provided to me through NetGalley.

Alice (12 KP) rated Ocean Light in Books

Jul 4, 2018 (Updated Jul 7, 2018)  
Ocean Light
Ocean Light
Nalini Singh | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fantastic installment to a great series
This review was originally posted on my blog
It feels like I’ve been waiting for Ocean Light for 20 years, when in reality it’s probably only 5 or 6 but Ocean Light not only marks the second installment to the Psy-Changeling Trinity it marks a pretty huge milestone in the fantabulous world of the Psy-Changeling. I have one word: BlackSea.

The BlackSea Changelings have been that mystery group for a great many and finally, Ocean Light opens the doors to the black and Nalini Singh drops us in the deep end – figuratively speaking.

This book has my favourite human in it – Bowen Knight. He’s rough, he’s ready, he’s an alpha and he’s dying. Ocean Light is the story of Bowen’s recovery and his ultimate kick-assery of the things that go bump in the night.

After the previous shit-storm where Bowen is gravely injured, we see his rise through the blackness of despair and see him take on the chip that is currently destroying his brain like a boss.

Nothing will take him down. Especially not his own choices.

Our lovely lady of the book is Kaia Luna, a shy, mysterious cook with a scientific background and a really smart pet mouse.

Their growing relationship is beautiful from the outset and Bo brings the shyness out of Kaia really well. She becomes a woman to reckon with under the sweet ministrations of Bowen Knight and I implore you to fuck with her.

Nalini’s writing style is, as always, pretty perfect with nothing bad that I can say about it. She has a way with words and characters that are to die for, plots that I’ve never seen before her and probably never will again.

Ocean Light brings us – as readers – into the deepness that is the black and into the darkness that is The Vanishings. We’re introduced to characters we’ve seen before and to new characters and species that are quite frankly sometimes not what you expect – Bebe I’m looking at you.

Ocean Light has the traditional Psy-Changeling-Human interaction that signature with Nalini’s books and that is threaded throughout each book. We’re 17 books in to the story and I just know Nalini has more to give and there is more for us to learn.

The unique plot base of the Psy-Changeling universe is something that is ever growing and ever evolving with each book. If you’ve never read one of these books I suggest you do. Although you can start with Silver Silence the first in the Psy-Changeling Trinity series – as Nalini Singh gives you plenty of background into the previous history- I highly recommend that you start from the beginning with Slave to Sensation as you will get the full force and magnitude of what is happening in the series and you’ll get the full experience of Nalini Singh’s work.

One of my favourite characters from the preceding books – Kaleb Krychek reappears as the badass that he is in Ocean Light and what I love is that He still retains the badass around everyone but his Sahara. It’s beautiful.

I always give Nalini’s books 5 stars purely because they deserve it. There’s never anything I genuinely say I didn’t like and for a series with this many books that is saying something. Other long running series I’ve read I can lose interest in. Nalini Singh’s books I await with bated breath for the next release.
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