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Satellite (The Satellite Trilogy #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Satellite by Lee Davidson What a book this is for readers. You can read this book in several ways. I would let you decide if you want to read it these ways.

Story of Grant
Afterlife kinda story
Story of Friendships
Story of Mystery

You can decide for yourselves. I really enjoyed the book. To me it was a story of Grants life and learning the truth about about his life. He makes some mistakes and he needs to learned. He does not want to remember his life with Tate.He starts to makes friends. He does not know about his Legacy. He meets her and does not not know that his first assignment has to do with her. He goes about doing it until he makes a big mistake. He does some really strange things. There are surprises along the way. Grant needs to learn a few things. There are different page turners.The characters are done well. I had a really hard time putting this book down once I started it. It was that good. I really hope to get the next book to read or to review. I was enjoying Grant and Willow and now I also enjoyed Ryder and Troy.  It really strange and we meet Elliott and it a surprised that I do not want to give you an ending of this book away or what Elliott is doing or how he see Grant or know Grant.