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Iceman (2014)
Iceman (2014)
2014 |
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Iceman starts when Ho Ying (Yen) gets awoken from a frozen sleep of 400-years in the modern time, he must look to adapt fast to a world different from his own. Ying isn’t the only one to make it to the modern time, his brothers Sao (Wang) and Niehu (Yu) arrive as they look to hunt him down after all these years after he is meant to of betrayed his emperor.

Ying must use the people willing to help him in May (Huang) to locate the Golden Wheel of Time, to prove that he is innocent to stop his brother’s from hunting him down.


Thoughts on Iceman


Characters – Ying was once one of the emperor’s most trusted imperial guards, he is betrayed and framed for treason before getting frozen in time. He gets defrosted in the modern time, where he must go in search for the Golden Wheel of Time to prove his true innocence and protect the world from his own brothers. Sao and San Ko are the two brothers that have also, they are causing more havoc in their hunt for Ying which has drawn more police presence. May is the young lady that takes Ying in, teaches him about the modern day unaware of the true danger that could come their direction. Cheung is running a military chase for Ying, he has learnt the power of the Golden Wheel of Time and believes that he can use it for his own good.

Performances – Donnie Yen is the main attraction to this film, we know he can handle the action which is does with ease, it is when it needs to work on the comedy side of things when his performance goes downhill. Baoqiang Wang and Kang Yu are both entertaining enough in their roles, while Simon Yam brings much needed seriousness to the film. Shengyi Huang is the strongest part of the comedy in the film.

Story – The story follows three brothers and former imperial guards in ancient China, find themselves waking up in the modern time, still at battle for the action that happened in the ancient times. This story is an ambitious idea and it does work for the idea of having the fish out of water situation created for the imperial guards. We do go through the idea of needing to figure out how survive in the new surrounding, which does work too and seeing the twists along the way with the flashbacks does fill in moments of blanks in the storyline. Parts of the storyline can come off confusing though because we do seem to have a lot going on and it does feel like if you blink you might miss something.

Action/Comedy – The action in this film is easily the highlight of it, we get to see Donnie Yen doing his fighting sequences which are always entertaining to watch. The comedy however falls flat resorting to fart jokes, May is the only one that gets proper laughs.

Settings – The film uses the settings to show how the ancient men must adapt to the modern world with the different type of locations they visit.

Special Effects – The effects in the film are good in places, but weak if others, when it comes to the roaring faces they particular look weak.

Scene of the Movie – Bridge fight.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Fart Jokes.

Final Thoughts – This is an easy watch action sci-fi film, if you want martial arts entertainment this will give you what you need.


Overall: Enjoyable action film.
Warsaw 44 (2014)
Warsaw 44 (2014)
2014 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Warsaw 44 starts as we meet Stefan (Pawlowski) a young man living in Warsaw in 1944 during the war, he lives with his mother and younger brother bring the money back to the home, this changes when he meets a group of people similar to his age, they offer him a chance to go into the Polish army as they plan to fight back against the Germans.

As the Uprising starts to attack the Nazi’s Stefan learns the harsh reality of war up close and personal, with the love of his life Biedronka (Wichlacz) being the only one that will help him through the destruction.


Thoughts on Warsaw 44


Characters – Stefan is the honest hard working young man, he supports his family, protects his brother from the horrors of war, he is however led to join the Uprising in Warsaw against the Nazi’s, a move which will change his life, he will learn love and heartache as the war comes closer than he would imagine. Biedronka is the woman that Stefan falls for in the uprising, she fights alongside the men and will do everything to save lives. Kama is another woman in the uprising that shows love towards Stefan, we get plenty of characters in this film that are mostly following the ones in the uprising that will do anything to get their freedom back.

Performances – Jozef Pawlowski is good in the leading role, the charm he shows saying goodbye to his little brother could melt a heart and seeing his reaction to the war side of the film shows us how any young man would have been going through during the time. The rest of the cast is good, getting their moments to shine with the desperation needed through the war.

Story – The story follows the young people of Poland setting up an uprising to take on the Nazis during World War II, it starts as a small fight and soon throws them into the true harsh reality of war. While seeing the realities of war isn’t anything new, we do know how destruction, devasting and brutal war is on the people involved and World War II could well have been the worse in modern history, these people didn’t have any hope and only wanted freedom, they were willing to lay die their lives to do so. The characters however are fictional which could hold back being truly connected to the real people that would have suffered through the events. The story isn’t an easy watch and does have parts we don’t need to see, mostly the romance.

History/Romance/War – The history behind this film is true, we knew how bad the war was on the people and just how fighting back was the only way, these two parts of the film are shown near perfectly for what it could have cost people. The romance however just feels tacked on and unneeded for most of the film.

Settings – The film makes us feel like we are there, feeling each explosion, moment of destruction with hauntingly created settings.

Scene of the Movie – The graveyard battle, because it shows us what they will truly be battling.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The romance side of the film.

Final Thoughts – This is a hard hitting war drama, it shows us just what people were willing to do through the war through the eyes of the young adults.


Overall: Hard-hitting war drama
The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019)
The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019)
2019 | Adventure
Verdict: Beautiful Movie

Story: The Peanut Butter Falcon starts as we meet a down syndrome young man Zak (Gottsagen) who dreams of being a wrestler, but is stuck in a care home sharing a room with Carl (Dern) under the care of Eleanor (Johnson), he has been trying to escape before and when he finally does, he meets Tyler (LaBeouf) a rebel who is fighting for his place in a fishing world.
As Tyler reluctantly agrees to help Zak, the two go on an adventure through the outdoors to make it to the wrestling school to live his dream of becoming a wrestler like his hero Salt Water Redneck (Church), even though Eleanor is trying to find him before it is too late.

Thoughts on The Peanut Butter Falcon

Characters – Zak is a down syndrome young man that is living in a nursing home with nobody else offering him a place to live, he loves wrestling and wants to make this his dream to become a wrestler, which sees him running away from the nursing home, meeting Tyler and having his first adventure. Tyler is a drifter working on the local fishing area, that has found himself getting into trouble with the locals, needing to go on the run, where he ends up meet Zak, reluctantly teaching him about life. Eleanor is the carer that has always looked after Zak, she has become concerned about his desire to move away and after he runs away, she must go in search of him, needing to learn more about opening up to his own desire in life.
Performances – Zack Gottsagen is wonderful in the leading role showing all the delight and pain his character is going through. Shia LaBeouf is going down the right path here, doing the roles which require him to show his skills rather than cash heavy roles. Dakota Johnson is great too, with the supporting cast that all work wonderfully through the film.
Story – The story here follows a young down syndrome man who decides to run away from the nursing home he is living in, with dreams of becoming a wrestler where he meets a lost drifter who teaches him more about life, while chasing his dream. This is a story that is similar to the story of Mark Twain with a fresh approach, with one of the clear messages being, not to judge somebody on a disability they have, they can achieve as much as anybody else. This is a joy to watch as a story, seeing how the two bond and just have a life adventure.
Adventure/Comedy – The adventure side of this film, sees two unlikely men at different stages of their lives spending a couple of days together learning about life, it is inspiring to see how people might react to life, while getting a couple of laughs along the way, with the friendship.
Settings – The film uses the back-water locations to show the drifter lifestyle to which Zak has fallen into and one that Tyler can navigate.

Scene of the Movie – The match.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Nothing really.
Final Thoughts – This is a delightful movie that can be enjoyed by all, one that has a clear message about treating everyone equal and one that will leave you feeling good by the end.

Overall: True Delight.
The Book of Cold Cases
The Book of Cold Cases
Simone St. James | 2022 | Mystery, Paranormal, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love a thriller that involves a chilling ghost story, so when I heard about The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St. James, I knew I had to read it. (Plus, I loved her other book The Broken Girls.) I was heavily immersed in this novel from the beginning!

I was sucked into the plot of The Book of Cold Cases right away. St. James gets right down to the nitty-gritty in the very first chapter. This book instantly grabs you and doesn't let go until the very last page. I was instantly transported to this small town in Oregon where I was right with the characters. As with her previous books, Simone St. James tells the story from more than one characters' point of view. We are told the story from Beth's, Shea's, and Lily's viewpoint. There was plenty of action and mystery to keep me intrigued throughout my reading journey. My favorite scenes in the book were the ones that involved the supernatural. I loved reading about how Greer mansion was haunted and about what supernatural activities were happening there. I also enjoyed the semi-big plot twist towards the middle of the book. However, I kept expecting an even bigger plot twist towards the end that never came which left me feeling a bit disappointed. However, this didn't really take away from the overall story that much. Something I could have done without was the romance in the book. It wasn't a major thing, but I just felt like there wasn't really a need for it. Other than that, I truly enjoyed this novel. Everything fit together really well (minus the romance), and the story was all tied together by the very end.

I felt that all the characters in The Book of Cold Cases were fleshed out enough to feel realistic whilst reading. I really liked Shea's interest in true crime since I can relate to that. I admired Shea's thirst for knowledge and how far she'd go to find out the truth of things she wanted to know. (I guess we both need closure!) I did feel like she got over her phobia a little too conveniently and quickly though. Beth was a wildcard for me throughout the book. I couldn't tell if she was guilty like many people believed or if she actually was a guilty party. I did like Beth though, and I loved her attitude she had when accused of murder. Lily was fabulously written, and I enjoyed reading about her too. I won't go into much more detail about her due to spoilers, but her part in The Book of Cold Cases was written well. The only character that kind of bothered me was Michael. I just felt like he was thrown in there as an easy way out. We're introduced to him from the beginning, and I kept waiting for some plot twist to happen involving him, but I was sadly disappointed. I just felt as if the book could have done without him.

Trigger warnings for The Book of Cold Cases include violence, murder, profanity, sexual abuse of a minor (not graphic), and kidnapping.

Overall, The Book of Cold Cases is a thrilling read with a fantastically chilling plot. With a spooky ghost story and an intriguing mystery, St. James has a real winner on her hands. I would definitely recommend The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St. James to those aged 17+ who love being scared and intrigued at the same time. You won't be disappointed.
The After Wife
The After Wife
Gigi Levangie Grazer | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's a typical Saturday morning in the Bernal home. After some early morning love making, Hannah returns to sleep as her husband, John heads off to the farmer's market. Since John is a chef, he does all of the cooking. Hannah is awakened shortly after by the phone ringing. The person on the other end is saying words, but Hannah can not believe the words that she is saying. Her husband is dead. She can still she the indent from his head on the pillow, this can't be true. But it is, and as Hannah comes to grip with this, her life gets turned upside down. Left to raise their three year old daughter, Ellie, which was also John's job since he was home during the day, Hannah is unsure of how to take the next steps. When she looses her job, her house and her mind, it all her friends can do to keep her together.

This was a cute story about a widow who turns into a medium. After the death of her husband,Hannah starts to see dead people showing up around every corner. Because of this, she puts her job in jeopardy. But with her job is also the job of her best friend Jay. They are producers for a reality show, and without this job, Hannah will not make it. Then she finds out that John had not kept up on his life insurance payments, another blow. And the dead people who won't go away.

All in all, this story was good. A bit long, but otherwise I enjoyed it.
<b>3.5 stars

A carnival full of odd workers comes to Sunnydale, Buffy's friends are preoccupied dating a couple of these workers, and a pack of strange coyotes are running amok in the streets. Buffy suspects all of these events are related but has no proof. What's a slayer to do?</b>

Set in the summer between the first and second seasons of <b>Buffy the Vampire Slayer</b>, <b><u>Coyote Moon</u></b> is a short and concise story that conveys the spirit of the show without too many noticeable inaccuracies. The major anachronism was Buffy staying in Sunnydale for the summer, which didn't happen during this time. Since this was written before any of the major angst occurred in the series, this has a lighter feel that carries through to the end. The author manages to get the characters and dialogue right via few lines and passages. The only misstep I caught was Giles' wrong definition of a blue moon -- I don't believe that's something he wouldn't have known. Otherwise everyone (Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Giles) rings true to their early incarnations, though more as a basic outline of their characters than anything too substantial. At first the plot reminded me slightly of the episode "The Pack," though this had to do with coyotes instead of hyenas, but once I got into it the story was completely different. The pace was brisk, and though the Big Bad's defeat was over in the blink of an eye, it was a solid read. I can easily see this fitting right in on screen and it's a good companion piece to read in between re-watching episodes.
How to write a review without giving spoilers, when there is so much I want to say!? I will say that, if you don't know by now, Wanda Brunstetter is one of my absolute favorite Amish novelists. She never fails to hook me with her books and keep me entertained the entire way through. And, The Blessing, book 2 in her Amish Cooking Class series is no exception! I was hooked from the beginning and held captive til the very end. True talent! 

The Blessing picks up where book 1, The Seekers, left off. Heidi and Lyle Troyer are adopting a baby but a sad circumstance leaves Heidi heartbroken and once again teaching a class to occupy her mind. She, once again, opens her home to strangers and the fun begins! Each new character brings something special to the story and I loved watching Heidi interact with them. The messages thrown into the story and watching the characters realize what those messages were, was truly refreshing! 

This book is deserving of so much more than 5 stars! Mrs. Brunstetter has created another wonderful novel that every Amish fiction fan (and those that are new to the genre!) will fall in love with. Not only with her writing style, but also with the characters. They quickly become a part of the reader! I highly recommend this book to all book lovers! Hats off to the talented Mrs. Brunstetter, once again! I can't wait for book 3 to release. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Where We Belong
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the year 1892, the principles; that is the manners and customs for Victorian women were strict and their roles were limited. It was frowned upon for ladies to further their education but for the Hawes sisters, things were different. Their love for adventure and their search for God's purpose in their lives leads them on an adventure of a lifetime to the Sinai Desert.

On a quest to find an important biblical manuscript, joined by their butler and ladies maid Kate, the four find themselves on a journey that is dangerous and uncertain; the four travelers find themselves looking back at their past and the events that help shape them into who they are and what brought them to this point in their lives.
Author Lynn Austin has done a wonderful job of research. She has written this novel from the inspiration taken from the true story of twin sisters Agnes and Margret Smith; who were born in Scotland in 1843.
This novel was a joy to read and hard to put down. The characters were very easy to relate to and the storyline was fascinating.

I truly enjoyed every aspect of this story, the determination of the ladies, to the principles they stood up for and their love for God.
This is an exceptional read and anyone who loves historical fiction will truly enjoy this.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Forever Layla
Forever Layla
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
David Foster is 17 years old, a few days away from being 18, on the road as a sound guy for his best friend, Michael's Band, and his life is about to change forever.
Layla is 24. She's in town from California and when she see David for the first time, like this, she's not quite sure what to do.
How does Layla know so much about David? Did his friends put her up to this as a prank for his birthday? But Layla knows things he would never tell Michael. So as David gets to know Layla better and as she gets to know the David she already knows in a whole other way, they form a bond that is not so easily broken.

Forever Layla is a story of love, happiness, trust, and science all wrapped up in one. David is living in 1994 and Layla shows up in his life from 2014. David is the kind of man every girl dreams of meeting, but Layla is afraid to mess up his life what she already knows. How can she make a life with him without giving away too much about who she is and how and why is now in his life.

This is a very well written book and it was very difficult to put down.

I loved the story of David and Layla. I was rooting for them to be together Forever as the title suggests. Their love was intense and amazing. To have a love like that with someone that you are willing to give up so much of yourself in order to make them happy and make their dreams come true.
The Wife Between Us
The Wife Between Us
Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
8.1 (37 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dear Reader,

They think I’m crazy, that I’m unstable and unreliable. I promise I’m not. I have been paranoid, yes. I have put on an act before, for sure. I have been involved in more than one scandal, it’s true. But I am not crazy, regardless of what my ex-husband would have you believe. He is an expert manipulator, a master of deceit, a specialist in the art of charisma. Read my story and you’ll see. There have been plenty of us, the women in Richard’s life. It all starts out the same each time; he’ll sweep you off your feet and shower you with love and lavish gifts. Eventually, though, you will do something wrong…something he doesn’t like. Then the mind games begin. The surveillance emerges. The attacks come out of nowhere. Love gives way to entrapment as he pulls the noose tighter and tighter. Just as it all starts the same, it always ends the same too. But I got away. Now, I need to make sure he can never hurt anyone again. So, read my story and stay away. Stay away from men like Richard.

Take extra care,

Vanessa Thompson

P.S. Don’t let this new psychological thriller slip you by. Read it now, before the buzz of its upcoming movie adaptation hits hard and makes the waitlist a mile long. It’s got so many layers that you’ll get to peel back as you rush through the storyline. Some will surprise you by how subtle they are and others will slap you in the face and make you question what you just read.