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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Word Game in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
The Word Game
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Due to a traumatic event in her past, mom Alyson Ward keeps a protective and close watch over her ten-year-old daughter, Lyla. So when she allows Lyla to go on her first sleepover--to another friend's house--it's a big deal for Aly. Her fears are somewhat calmed by the fact that Lyla will be staying with Aly's sister Tricia and a group of her friends from dance class. All in all, it seems like a fun sleepover. But after Aly picks Lyla up, she has some troubling things to tell her Mom. Have Aly's worst fears come true after all?

This book was a quick read with a timely plot. It's always horrific to read about abuse, especially at it relates to children. In many ways, I would have enjoyed this book more if Aly was simply an overprotective parent and the story unfolded based on what happened at the sleepover, without involving Aly and Tricia's past. The novel unwinds from both their perspectives, as well as that of their mother, Ida, and their friend, Myah, who teaches the girls' dance class. For me, the messed up family tale involving Aly, Tricia, and Ida simply became too much after a while - the constant bickering and allusions "to things in the past." When all is revealed, it's shocking and horrible yes, but really just poorly overshadows what was otherwise a fairly well-written and interesting (albeit sad and horrific) story about the women's daughters.

Also, while we get a lot of arguing among the elder sisters and their mom, and whispers about their troublesome upbringing and childhood, there's no real character development, so I wound up feeling more annoyed by them (especially Tricia and her mom) versus sympathetic. It seems especially appalling that no one listens to Aly -- you'd think one would rather be safe than sorry when the subject is potential child abuse.

I'm giving this three stars for the story that focuses more on the younger generation and Myah, but feel the book needed to better deal with Alyson and Tricia's backstory and character development.
A Chance at Forever
A Chance at Forever
Melissa Jagears | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slow plot, only one interesting character...
I really tried to like this book, and to be fair it was good at the first third of the story. I was hoping the plot would pick up, and there would be more development throughout, but it just wasn’t there. Which is unfortunate because although this type of plot has been done in so many countless novels, it still had the potential to be good.

There wasn’t much to the characters in the book although Mercy seemed to have been the only interesting one and the only one with personality. The chemistry with Aaron and Mercy isn’t that great and as you progress throughout the novel it’s always back and forth with them. You feel like you’re watching a never ending tennis match between these two where they’re not doing anything to gain advantage in the game. And well, to be frank it’s pretty dry.

Aaron seemed like an all right character to read about, a guy out for redemption and feels bad for his past treatment of a lot of people (he was the town bully so to speak) and although it was nice to see part of his development and him trying to redeem himself it didn’t quite work out as I had hoped, he ended up being mopey, weepy but to the point where you have to wonder if he’s suddenly become emo. True, he’s had some pretty awful things done to him in the past but his constant mood changes from feeling good about changing, to moping on past regrets got old pretty fast, and this contributed more to the never ending tennis match I mentioned in the previous paragraph.

The secondary characters surrounding our main ones have each their own issues and problems and although Jimmy’s story was a good one, it just wasn’t enough to give this book justice. The plot was slow moving and dry with minor events happening in which it doesn’t make much of a difference to the story. Sad to say this book just didn’t quite cut it for me.
Sea Witch
Sea Witch
Sarah Henning | 2018 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sea Witch
When I was younger I used to always love the Princesses from the Disney stories and be afraid of the Villain's. But 'The Little Mermaid' was a different story, I loved Ariel and of course I wanted to be her and be a mermaid. But Ursula always had my heart, I loved how she was, I loved her songs and the story of who she was. But I always wanted to know more, who she was before the story and why she became the Sea Witch. Sarah Henning gives me just that.

Evie is a girl from Havnestad, a place near Copenhagen where the Little Mermaid is set. She is a girl who is hiding a secret from her best friend the Prince of Havnestad... Evie is a witch.

Nik, Evie and a girl called Anna have been best friends since they was small, until one day Anna drowned. Years later Anna is still a memory to them both, Evie has never forgotten her best friend and neither has Nik who loved Anna. One day a girl arrives on the shore called Annamette who looks almost identical to Anna only older. Evie believes that she is Anna, but no one else agrees. Annamette is hiding a secret of her own, alike Evie she can use magic. Unlike Evie she's a mermaid.

Annamette has given up her tail for legs in order to have her true love return the feeling. Once this happens she will be human forever and live among the people and be 'apart of that world' Evie makes it her duty to help Annamette get what she want's to help her to become human. She shows her things, she takes her to balls. They become close friends. But the Prince that Annemette loves, is Prince Nik and his cousin believes shes a phoney, and he might be right.

Time is ticking to get Annamette her legs. If they are to fail, Annemette will turn into sea foam. Evie will loose her new friend and will we finally find out who the Sea Witch it?


Christina xx
The 5th wave (2016)
The 5th wave (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
Story: The 5th Wave starts as Cassie (Moretz) shows just how deadly she has become before flashing back before everything has changed when alien ships turned up above towns. The first wave of the attack was taking out all the electricity in the world. The second wave was flooding the Earth. The third wave was a deadlier version of the bird flu crippling the surviving number. The 4th wave is the ‘Others’ becoming humans taking out any other survivors and this is where Cassie gets separated from everyone.

With Cassie along we see how Sergeant Reznik (Bello) building a new defence against the Others which is most child soldiers from the remaining survivors. This brings us to the 5th Wave and that is saved for a twist in the film but it this the beginning of the next franchise of young adult stories.

The 5th Wave is the latest in what feels like an endless run of them which luckily is dying out now. This one stands out slightly more because it jumps straight into the battle between the humans and alien invaders instead of wasting too much time building up to this in a later film. I do think this would be a good addition to the genre if we hadn’t had too much rubbish before it.

Chloe is good in the leading role but the character isn’t written as strong as she could have been, while the known adult actors are clearly having the story arc to make them the villainous roles. the rest of the teens are or children are very basic never really getting time to make the impact with the Robinson struggling to make the true impact in his role. This would be an interesting addition to the world of teen young adult films but came too late into the flood of them.


Overall: I do feel this would have been a good addition to the young adult genre but I feel we won’t see the whole story now.
For Such a Time
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In a place where hope struggles to survive and lives are torn apart, Hadassah Benjamin will do whatever it takes to save her people.

"And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?"

Hadassah is hiding in plain sight as Stella Muller, secretary to SS Kommandant Colonel Aric von Schmidt at Theresienstadt. In 1944 the camp is a stopping point from which many are sent to Auschwitz. As she puts her life on the line to try and save her people she suspects that the Colonel has a tender heart despite his role as an SS officer. As their relationship grows, they will have to face their drastic differences. With this unconventional love Hadassah struggles to find the meaning behind it all. She does not understand how God could abandon His people to slaughter. But has the Lord brought them together for a bigger plan? Will Stella be able to save her people as well as the man she has grown to love?

A book written about the atrocities of the Holocaust is never easy to read. It is full of emotion and the history is tragic. Kate Breslin did not soften the details of the horrors of the second World War, even though this is a romance. However, she did give us a new perspective of love during the war. I was drawn in by the intriguing story line. I had never imagined a romance like this. However, there are true stories of similar relationships taking place: Edith Hahn Beer and Helena Citronova. Although Stella and Aric's story is different, it is a wonderful book. In every page you can feel the battle raging within Stella as she falls deeper in love with Aric. There were many times that I found myself grinning from ear to ear while reading one page and crying on the next. Be prepared for a wealth of emotion to overcome you as you read this book, but it is worth it! For Such a Time is a truly remarkable story of redemption through faith. We are reminded that God's love for us never fails and His forgiveness is never out of reach.
Living the life of nobility can be oppressive and demanding. There are restrictions for every aspect of life. Lady Miranda longs to be free of the expectations placed on her, but will she have the courage to stand up to her mother and her "lady lessons"?

"A lady never posted letters to an unrelated male. But the very writing of his name made her feel dangerous."

Lady Miranda Hawthorne has been raised to be the epitome of poise and grace, but everything inside of her screams to rebel. She pours her heart out on paper, in letters she never sends, to her brother's childhood friend, the Duke of Marshington. She is approaching her fourth London season when Marlow, the handsome new valet to Lady Miranda's brother, accidentally mails one of these letters. She is mortified, until she receives a reply. Conflicted with her growing attraction for two men, her life is quickly changing in ways she never thought possible. She soon realises however, that there is more at stake than her heart. Miranda has had to hide behind the mask she have been expected to wear for so long. Hiding her true personality and identity. But the time has come for her to become the person she was created to be.

"'A Lady never sits on the floor.' A lady probably wasn't supposed to crawl on her belly through the dirt either."

A Noble Masquerade is a fabulous story from beginning to end! Kristi Ann Hunter has done a marvelous job with her debut novel! I was completely captivated by the intrigue and espionage. I was surprised more than once when the story line went in a different direction than I anticipated. The faith was natural and the romance genuine and clean. Kidnappings, traitors, witty humour and masquerades will keep you turning the pages of this remarkable story. This is a book that I will enjoy reading over and over again. I can not wait for Mrs. Hunter's next book!

I received a free advanced reading copy of A Noble Masquerade from Bethany House Publishers through Library Thing in exchange for my honest review.
A Place Called Winter
A Place Called Winter
Patrick Gale | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

Loosely based upon a true story, one of Patrick Gale’s ancestors in fact, <i>A Place Called Winter</i> follows the life of Harry Cane during the early 1900s. The book begins with Harry being transferred from a mental asylum to a therapeutic community called Bethel Ranch. The story then backtracks to Harry’s life as a young, nervous, motherless boy and the time he met his future wife, Winnie.

Throughout the book the reader is trying to guess the reason Harry eventually finds himself at Bethel Ranch. Gale describes Harry’s marriage, his discovery of homosexuality and his move to Canada to his final stop at a homestead in a place called Winter. Does Harry develop a mental illness or is it something to do with his scandalous desires? Or, does something else happen later in the book?

After moving to Canada, Harry does not exactly have it easy and the reader feels for him as he perseveres with his new life style. We watch him grow from a timid young man into someone with his own farm and independence. It makes it all the more upsetting to read when certain things take a turn for the worse.

In this historical novel, Patrick Gale emphasizes on the way homosexuality was regarded in society. Entire families cut people out of their lives at the slightest hint of a scandal. Gale also touches on the techniques used within mental asylums during this period as well as racial discrimination.

Occasionally, the story was difficult to read as it alternated between being really interesting and then slightly dull. Overall, regardless of how much was based on actual events, it was a good storyline, and once you have started reading you feel the need to continue to find out what happens to Harry. I have only read one other book by Patrick Gale –<i> Notes From an Exhibition</i> – that I struggled with a little. <i>A Place Called Winter, however, was a lot better than I was expecting. </i>
Reflect Me (Reflect Me, #1)
K.B. Webb | 2013
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book by K.B. Webb I've ever read, and have found a new favorite to add to my list. After reading Reflect Me and Follow You Down I think I will buy just about anything this amazing writer publishes.

All of the characters in the stories are easy to relate to in some way. Molly is amazing. The way she grows, matures, and finds her true self on this journey is really inspiring. I've been lucky enough to not be a battered woman, but from the way Molly is written this is exactly how I would expect her to act. She starts of weak and timid with rumors flying around of how Molly used to be. Then she starts to cowgirl up if you will.

Logan is a stand up guy. He's been broken in the past, and doesn't really have that many people around him that he really trusts, but you quickly start to see a family come together. Logan is hoe I wish every man would act. Since I know every man doesn't act that way, he seems a little far fetched; but it works for this story.

The supporting characters (Wynee, Justin, Lucas, Brian, and Dani) are all great characters. They are never just filler and always add to the story, which I love. I can't stand characters that just take up space but then never really have a reason to be there in the first place.

Parts of this story were hard for me to read, not because they were bad, but because they were so real. There are several scenes that Molly endures and I had trouble picturing the hell she was going through, and I had trouble imagining what it would be like to hear these hateful words on a daily basis. The scene where Molly stands up for herself and finally starts to take her life back I literally cheered for her.

This book was well written, the characters were not at all one dimensional. I loved that this was an emotional book and also left me wanting more. I will definitely been one clicking more books by this author.
The Last Airbender (2010)
The Last Airbender (2010)
2010 | Action, Family, Sci-Fi
4.4 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The four elemental nations once got along thanks to the help of the master of the elements, the Avatar. But that was in the past. Long ago the Avatar disappeared and the power hungry Fire Nation has since been destroying all other nations in an attempt to develop their natural element wielding skills. But the discovery of a mysteriously tattooed boy, Aang, found in the ice by a young waterbender, Katara, and her brother, Sokka, may mean there is a way to achieve peace and once again unite the elements.

The first Avatar movie very closely follows the story of the first season, called Book One, of the original television show. However the translation of the beloved Nickelodeon cartoon into film has taken some very serious criticism for changes made in the race of the actors who portray the lead characters.

To make fans further iffy about the film the plot moves so quickly that at times the lead characters directly state the story to one another, a distracting and very obvious plot device. Furthering the film’s strange execution is the poor over-acting that fills almost every “emotional” scene. While this strong form of drama is very accurate to the original cartoon, the impact is lost in the translation to the big screen.

Still some things about seeing “The Last Airbender” as a film are really fun. The costumes and environments are both true to the original story. Adding to the fun are clever real world adaptations of the original show’s details, such as Aang’s Airbender tattoos. But where the film really excels is in the elemental battles that define the frequent and large-scale action sequences. Part fantasy and part martial art inspired, these fight scenes help to define the characters while providing visual speed to the otherwise overly paced film.

Fans will enjoy seeing the ideas of “The Last Airbender” executed in live action, but there is no real need for 3D. The film does show some of the character developing talent M. Night Shyamalan is known for, but the rushed pace and forced drama is hard to ignore.
The Midas Code (Tyler Locke #2)
The Midas Code (Tyler Locke #2)
Boyd Morrison | 2011 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story of King Midas is a Greek Legend warning on the folly of greed where everything the king touches turns to gold - including his daughter. But at the heart of every story is a grain of truth. What if King Midas was real and there really was a Midas Touch that could turn other things into gold? How much would it be worth? And more importantly how far would some people go in order to secure it?

Jordan Orr is in a race against time to secure this ancient and valuable artifact but he is missing two important pieces - an expert in ancient civilisations and an engineer able to decode centuries old mechanisms. He therefore puts Stacy Benedict, scholar and presenter of a popular TV show on ancient cultures, and Tyler Locke into a situation where they have no choice but to help him. Can Locke outsmart Orr? And does the Midas Touch really exist?

The second of the Tyler Locke thrillers sees Morrison once again explore the theme of an old story and imagining a what if situation of there being some truth to it. He then adds Tyler Locke - ex army engineer, mechanism and explosives expert and Grant Westfield, ex pro-wrestler and ex Army Ranger to the mix. As Benedict, Locke and Westfield move around Europe following the instructions laid down in a codex written Archimedes it seems Orr is always one step ahead of them. Locke must use all of his ingenuity to try to thwart Orr in his plans.

As with his other novels Morrison doesn't let up for one second and he relishes pushing his heroes to the limit. 'Out of the frying pan and into the fire' has nothing on this.

It would be easy to write a thriller of this sort and be sloppy with the details but Morrison is as always well-researched and keen to show off Locke's scientific and engineering credentials and is effortless at making ancient stories seem like they could - just about - be true.

Overall another absolutely brilliant book. Could Morrison be the best thriller writer working today? It's not something I'd discount.