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6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<u>I Feel Like Going On</u> tells the story of Ray Lewis's life through his point of view. From his early childhood to the man he is today. I learned quite a bit about Ray Lewis that I didn't know and found very interesting. A religious and family man with seven children, he is a very different person than the man who used to be on the football field.

Growing up in Maryland, I only root for two teams, the Washington Redskins and whoever is playing the Dallas Cowboys. When I was a kid, the Baltimore team had been long, so the Redskins were who I went for. I respect, Ray Lewis as an amazing defensive player in the NFL. Occasionally, I would cheer for Baltimore especially when they were in the Super Bowl. It was interesting to find out that the Redskins were Ray's favorite as well. He has a very religious side to him that you don't get to see on the field. He is also very family oriented, always there for his kids as well as his mother and brothers and sisters. There are a lot of things I learned from this book about Ray Lewis and about life in general. The best part of the book came at the end when Ray talks about what his mother taught him.

"Be an example. Be a force for good. And know that every one with a great name has been through something. A great deal of something. It's not about doing what everybody else is doing. It's just about being true to yourself whatever the majority of people are doing, go ahead and do the opposite--if you know what you're doing to be right and good and true. Live your legacy. Do your thing. Walk in a certain light."

This book is an inspiration to anyone who is struggling through life and may be unsure how they are going to make it through the storm. Ray Lewis made it through a single mom household, losing friends and coaches, and being accused of the most terrible things. He made it through alive andd on top.

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated The Hunger in Books

Jun 5, 2019  
The Hunger
The Hunger
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Hunger by Alma Katsu is based on the true events of Donner Party tragedy where a party of pioneers travelling west came to a crossroads and the leader, George Donner had to make a decision to take the well documented but longer route across the desert towards California, or to take the untested path, which was rumoured to be far shorter. His decision could mean life or death to the families travelling with him.

It’s kind of funny that the first time I heard of the Donner Party was on one of my favourite horror films, The Shining, written by Stephen King and directed Stanley Kubrick. Jack Nicholson acting as the character Jack Torrance, mentions the Donner Party and it’s how the name came about for the Donner Pass on Interstate 80 in Northern California. Since hearing about this in the film I was eager to look it up, so when I read the synopsis of The Hunger, I had to read it!

This book is broken up into monthly sections starting from June 1846 to April 1847. The latter of which is actually the prologue and supplies the details of the findings of one man, Lewis Keseberg, the last known survivor of the Donna Party event. This makes for an intriguing hook for the rest of the book and I couldn’t wait to see what had happened. Why had no one else survived?

The Hunger is an atmospheric re-imagining of the Donner Party disaster, which blends true horror with the supernatural and is ideal for historical, paranormal and even dark horror fans! It’s full of drama, mystery, intrigue and is downright spooky. The tension Alma Katsu adds, it amazing! I really sympathised for the families, those that had no idea what was going on, and even those that were forced to survive the only way they knew how. I don’t think I’ve ever read a story about Westward migration that is so chilling! This is a study of human endurance tested to its very limits – and beyond. How far would YOU go in order to survive?

Hadley (567 KP) rated American Gods in Books

Jun 5, 2020  
American Gods
American Gods
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
Mad Sweeney (1 more)
Gaiman's writing and descriptions
No character development (2 more)
Dehumanizes women
The ending
The gods of the old world still exist in Neil Gaiman's 2001 novel "American Gods."

A science fiction/ fantasy story set in today's America, American Gods tries to answer the question of what happens when people stop believing in the past gods, and start worshiping new ones?

Shadow is our main character, who we meet while he's attempting to get released from prison after three years of incarceration - - - afterall, he has a job, wife and life waiting for him on the outside. And even though he's built up a strong exterior while in prison, everything comes crashing down after he receives news that his wife and best friend have died in a car accident.

Cue Wednesday, an old, odd man who gives Shadow a job after his release from prison - - - with strings attached: Shadow can't ask any questions, he must protect his employer at all costs, and if people need to be hurt, he must hurt them. Although Wednesday doesn't tell him exactly what is going on, Shadow agrees to his duties and begins a road trip with the eccentric old man, meeting an array of colorful characters along the way. But soon, Shadow begins to realize that his employer may be a mythical god in disguise, yet, oddly Shadow never really questions it or anything in the entire book for that matter.

The novel takes an odd turn early on when Shadow's dead wife, Laura, comes back to life in a zombified way. While Shadow is staying in a cheap hotel room, and Wednesday sharing a room with a young hotel employee in another, Shadow sees his wife in the clothing she was buried in, but he doesn't flinch - - - he carries a very calm conversation with dead Laura, he even goes down to the lobby to buy her a pack of cigarettes, and the next morning, he still doesn't seem bothered by it when he sees her muddy footprints on the floor. Wednesday tries to convince Shadow it was a dream, but makes snarky remarks that tells Shadow that even he knows it wasn't a dream. The two simply move on on their road trip, no questions asked.

But during this road trip, Shadow's suspicions are confirmed. He gets to see not only Wednesday, but two others in their true god-form, and afterwards, Wednesday confirms that he is indeed the Norse god, Odin.

Gaiman's take on mythological gods living in today's society is interesting, but disappointing. From recognizable gods to the forgotten ones, readers with a liking to history would probably enjoy this story most.

American Gods centers on the question of what happens to gods when they are no longer worshipped, and Gaiman merely focuses on male gods, while making all female characters (gods and humans) either prostitutes and/or sexual objects which is really off-putting for me as a female reader. And Gaiman's character development in the novel for gods and humans is nowhere to be seen thus lending very little plot development that is actually believable or enjoyable. I was unable to bring myself to care about our main character, Shadow, nor the plight with his zombie wife.And speaking of Laura, the disappointing character traits makes her not just unlikable, but also an unnecessary character overall.

I just can't recommend this book: the novel is good for the first 100 pages, but you could easily skip the next 450 pages that is just filler, and not miss much of the story. Gaiman also dehumanizes women, introduces characters in a way that would make them seem an important part of the story to only drop them out of it as quickly as they came in, and the ending is just a huge disappointment. All in all, Gaiman had a great idea, but the execution he used was poorly done - - - some parts even seem like Gaiman wrote them in a completely different state of mind, contradicting story lines and character traits altogether.

I did, however, have three favorite characters that weren't utilized enough for me to rate the story higher than I have: Mad Sweeney, Ibis and Jacquel. Mad Sweeney is a giant leprechaun that can pull gold coins out of the air; Ibis and Jacquel are Anubis and Jackel from Egyptian mythology, who run a funeral home in Cairo, Illinois today.

American Gods takes place only over a few months, which is surprising with how long the novel is. But the story is a buildup with no climax. Most characters come and go before readers can even decide if they like them or not,and that paired up with severe lack of character development leaves most of the main characters pretty forgettable. With this special edition containing 1200 more words, the story is still not worth it in the end. Gaiman is still a great writer, but this is not the book to recommend to anyone who wants to begin reading his work.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Blood Oath is an interesting and fairly refreshing variation on the vampire riff. Most of the current tales give us a suave, sexy predator who mesmerizes his or her prey, leaving humans pining for their presence. They might even fall in love with a human. Nathaniel Cade, however, refers to humans as food, saying, "Would you have sex with a cow?" That makes much more sense to me. It's a good thing he isn't interested, either, as the typical reaction people have to encountering him is utter panic, often involving the loss of bladder control.

Cade is definitely a predator, though - an extremely effective one. Farnsworth attempts to explain his abilities scientifically, rather than mystically (I'd classify this book as science fiction if I had to choose a genre, whereas most books featuring vampires and similar creatures are fantasy or horror). The same is true of the enenies he faces.

While I'm not generally interested in socio-political thrillers (which is what this book was, other than a story about a vampire who works for the president), I did enjoy the fresh take on an old trope. While I normally groan when I see the first book from a new author billed as the beginning of a series (do publishers even buy single books any more?), I'm somewhat pleased this time. I do wish they'd been a little more careful with the name of the series (The President's Vampire), as there's another book with the same name: [b:The President's Vampire: Strange-but-True Tales of the United States of America|690096|The President's Vampire Strange-but-True Tales of the United States of America|Robert Damon Schneck||676444] by [a:Robert Damon Schneck|368998|Robert Damon Schneck|]. Then again, if Farnsworth's book or series takes off, I suppose there's a chance that sales of Schneck's will as well. I'm sure he wouldn't complain about that at all. I've put it on my to-read list, after all.

I hope to talk my partner, Sam, into reading <i>Blood Oath</i>. If I do, it'll be fairly miraculous, as I don't recall him anything with dragons or werewolves in it other than ([a:Jim Butcher|10746|Jim Butcher|]'s Dresden Files) for most of the time that I've known him (12 years as of this writing). After his years at White Wolf, I think many books seem more than slightly derivative. He also did so much research before working on books he wrote for them (like [b:The Book of Nod|416122|The Book of Nod|Sam Chupp||405290]) that he got a little burned out on certain subjects. Farnsworth's approach really is different enough that I think he might give it a chance. Will you?
Hard Time (Responsible Adult #2)
Hard Time (Responsible Adult #2)
C.F. White | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hard Time (Responsible Adult #2) by C.F. White
Hard Time is the second book in the Responsible Adult set, and get ready for your socks to be knocked off! Now, you do need to have read book one as this one follows straight after. I said for book one that it is quite dark and gritty, well, that remains true for this one.

Micky has everything going on - a court appearance, his deadbeat dad back in town, still feeling unworthy of Dan, you name it, it's probably here. Dan is determined to stick around, no matter how Micky may push him away. And Flynn is still as adorable as ever.

This book is, quite simply, amazing. It doesn't shy away from the nastier side of life, nor indeed of how people can be drawn into it just through circumstances. Gwen did an amazing job in the circumstances for her boys, but she wasn't wonder woman. The rest of the journey is up to them, and Micky got lost for a while. Luckily for him, Dan is there to show him the right way to go. I said it last time, I'll say it again - these two are perfect for each other. Seeing Micky come out of his shell towards Dan? Perfect.

One thing I will say, is that the courtroom scene was brilliantly written. Part of me wanted to dislike Micky for being able to 'play' it the way he did, whilst the other part of me respected him like hell for knowing how it works, and doing the best he can for Flynn in those circumstances.

Reading this book, without any editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, was anything but a Hard Time. It finished off Micky and Dan's story perfectly, although I still want more! A fantastic story, and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride
William Goldman | 1973 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (53 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Princess Bride
By William Goldman
Review: Christina Haynes

In a place called Florin there lives a woman called Buttercup. Although I say 'lives' Buttercup actually died. She died on the day her true love Westley was killed on his ship after the Dread Pirate Roberts attacked.

So when I say lived, she is alive of course. But she cannot love another nor does she want too. In fact she doesn't really want to do anything. She doesnt even want to marry Prince Humberdink, who proposes to her, to which she only accepts because the Prince threatens her with death.

After Buttercup learns how to be a Princess, like the correct way to walk and talk, and eat and what to wear. She becomes a Princess, Princess Buttercup. Her engagement is announced to the public and the date it set. All sounds okay? Well not, because she gets kidnapped by a Sicilian, a Turk and a Spaniard.

Her kidnapping, though it's not the beginning of the book, it is the start of the story. If that makes sense? You see if she wasn't kidnapped and the Dread Pirate Roberts [SPOILER Westley] didn't rescue her, then there wouldn't be a story.

There is sword fighting, love, revenge, humor, a battle of the wits, Princesses, Princes, Kings and Queens and a Miracle Man called Max. This book is full of fun, comical writing. There are morons and fools in the book. It's a truly great and funny book to read.

I first watched the Princess Bride on the TV when I was younger (you see it's a film too) and I loved it, it quickly became one of my favourites. This book although extremely long. (It does make the film seem really short) it's really good.

In the book, each character has a background, some sad, some happy and some just okay. I loved the one about the Spaniard the best. This book has everything you would want.
Love, Christina

Reborn (Semiramis #2)
Reborn (Semiramis #2)
Maya Daniels | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reborn (Semiramis, #2) by Maya Daniels
Reborn is the second book in the Semiramis series, and we continue where we left off. Alexia is training hard, determined to find her sisters, Philip, and Derik. Lucifer is training her for his own reasons, and I'm happy to say Daisy makes a reappearance. Alexia is changing, not very surprising considering what happened at the end of the first book, but she is struggling with it. She is full of anger and guilt about what happened to her sisters.

This book is full of ideas on how to be 'reborn', and I think Alexia does most of them. It all runs true with the story though, and in each case it is more interesting, giving the reader more of an idea of what is going on, whilst still leaving me wanting more. I loved seeing the interplay between Alexia and Lucifer, but I will admit to loving when Remi and the others come back into play. There is something about how they spark off each other that makes it perfect. Although I understood Alexia's internal monologues, I loved how she was once they were all reunited.

There is no middle book slump with this book. It is a fantastic addition to the series. The world-building continues to excel, and the characters are interesting and fully-dimensional. There is layer upon layer of intrigue, and I really can't wait to continue with The Vessel. This is one story that I am thoroughly enjoying, and I need to finish it. I need to see where it is going, what will be the outcome, and of course, just how Lucifer and Alexia finish their... training. ?

If you love #Fantasy #Romance, then I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending either this book, or the series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Beneath the Skin
Beneath the Skin
Caroline England | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beneath the Skin by Caroline England, is a dark, complex domestic drama, which takes a peek into the lives of four couples whose lives are shrouded with mystery and drama just waiting to be revealed.

In this character driven story, we’re privy to what is going on surrounding four women Anotonia (Toni), Sophie, Helen, and Olivia and the secrets they keep. There is a lot going on, and although the biggest twist is at the ending, which wasn’t really a shock after all, I found myself enveloped in the journey towards it, and enjoyed seeing how their lives melded together. Especially when tragedy struck.

Originally, I found the story went at a much slower pace than I expected, and there are at first a lot of characters to get your head around. However, Caroline England has supplied a huge amount of detail to soak up, which made for a compelling read. I love it when I read a book and hear all these questions building up in my head. Why are these things were happening? What’s the real truth behind their spiteful deeds and their strange relationships? Is there something which binds them? A common interest perhaps?

None of these characters where what I’d call true friends, they were constantly throwing each other under the bus, and more like ‘friend-enemies’, which made some characters not very likeable, yet very entertaining to read about!

In addition, the book deals with a lot of sensitive issues and as the title, ‘Beneath the Skin’, would suggest, self harming is one of them. It’s woven very cleverly into the plot alongside other issues like alcoholism and abuse.

This is a perceptive book showing how manipulative and deceitful some people can be, and how actions have consequences but not necessarily for the same person. I’m looking forward to seeing what the author comes up with next book.
Dares, Lies &amp; Gemini&#039;s
Dares, Lies & Gemini's
Kat Alexander | 2018 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unpredictable twist (0 more)
This book was incredible
Tristana and Peter live as roommates in a boarding house in Virginia. When they first meet, there is an instant connection between the two. Tristana, though, is too involved in her work and Peter is still working out issues of his own after the death of his brother.

Seraphina is a club girl who likes going out and finding the bad boys. Men that are willing to cheat to have a piece of her. Nathan stand on the sideline and watches her, trying to figure out why she is doing this to herself. But he is always there to step in in case there is a problem.

Will these couples ever get their lives together in order to be much happier as partners instead of singles? Will Tristana be able to break out of her shell around Peter? Will Nathan ever reveal himself to Seraphina and tell her his true feelings?

Thank you to Kat Alexander for the opportunity to read and review this book. She is now on my list of authors whose books I'm going to get without reading the description.

I was hooked on this story from the start. The characters are intriguing and I could totally identify with Seraphina. I was very anxious to find out what was going to happen with these characters. Then about half way through the book BOOM!!! The atomic bomb was dropped on the whole story. Usually when reading book, you know a twist is going to come or you can guess what is going to happen next. I didn't see this coming at all!! From that point on, nothing in life mattered except finding out what was going to happen next.

I can't say much more without giving away spoilers, but if you like a romantic novel with a huge twist, pick up this book today.