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Now You See Her
Now You See Her
James Patterson | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nina Bloom is a successful attorney in New York City. She has a beautiful daughter who has just turned 17 and is the most important thing in her life. But Nina has a past that no one knows about. Both of her parents are dead and she was an only child. During her senior year in college, she took a trip to Key West for Spring Break that changed her life forever. Now with a new case being presented to her, she has to face the demons from her past. Will she be able to get through this case and come out on the other end alive? Will she still be able to protect her daughter from the dangers that she has been hiding for so long?

James Patterson has long been one of my favorite authors. I love how quickly I can get through his books and how enthralling the story usually is. I plan on listening to all of JP's standalone books through audio this year. I've gotten caught up with all the Women's Murder Club books and hope to continue to stay on top of those.

What really struck me about this book was Nina's ability to keep the secret for so long. For 17 years no one knew about her past or that she was even hiding in the first place. Her firm decides to take on some pro bono work with other firms in the city in a effort to exonerate people on death row. The first case she is assigned is quite personal as she is quite sure that the person who is in jail for the crime should not be. I wondered the whole time if she would be able to get through the case without having to reveal her true identity or if the past she left behind was going to come back and haunt her and her daughter forever. I great listen for this James Patterson book.

Up next, [bc:Sundays at Tiffany's|2029177|Sundays at Tiffany's|James Patterson||3307932]
Andrew Leatherbarrow’s Chernobyl 01:23:40: The Incredible True Story of the World’s Worst Nuclear Disaster is an excellent starting point for readers new to the history of nuclear power. When I’m at home, I am just barely outside the fallout range for Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO). While I’m at work, I’m in the reactor’s back yard. As a result, I figured there was no better time to learn a thing or two about nuclear energy. I was not disappointed.

Chernobyl 01:23:40 is the product of a spontaneous trip Leatherbarrow took to visit the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and Pripyat. In this book, he details his experience in Chernobyl, explains nuclear energy in easy to grasp terms, and discusses the incidents leading up to and after the disaster. For those that know little to nothing about nuclear energy, this book is a must-read.

Despite our close proximity to ANO, I cannot recall learning about nuclear energy. As children, our teachers explained what to do in case of an incident at the plant and nothing else. As expected, due to lack of education about reactors and their failsafes, I grew up with an unnecessary fear of ANO. For this reason, I am grateful for Leatherbarrow’s book. What happened at Chernobyl is the product of failure to follow protocol; it is also the result of improper training. Because there are so many safety precautions, the chance of incident is actually fairly small. (Also, ANO is not an RBMK-1000 reactor like Chernobyl.)

In addition to this fear, I have a vested interest in Chernobyl. It’s haunting photos, like all ghost towns, leave me in awe. There is no doubt in my mind that Leatherbarrow spent a long time conducting research. Using various sources, he has crafted a detailed narrative of what happened at Chernobyl. His book also gives voice to some of the reactor’s victims.

Nuclear energy is dangerous. I will not deny that. However, it is also our cleanest resource. While Chernobyl 01:23:40 is only a glimpse into the world of nuclear power, it is a truly eye-opening account brimming with facts.
The Masterpiece
The Masterpiece
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've only read Redeeming Love and the Marta's Legacy books by Ms. Rivers. Her work is amazing with those books. They have all the feels within them and just make you want to come back for more. So, when I saw she was releasing The Masterpiece, I didn't pass on it. I was anxious to be taken to a writing style that only Ms. Rivers knows how to do. I was absolutely pleased with all that I felt with this book!

This book has amazing characters. Roman and Grace are created with such depth and complexity. They were true-to-life and really nestled into my soul. The way they interacted, the way their story unfolds on the pages, really shined for me. As someone who was in Honors Art 4 for four years of highschool, I always fall for books that center around the world of art. I could feel Roman's artistic ways flow freely off the pages. And Grace, being a single mom, really nudged at me. I love when I connect with the characters on a deeper level.

This book is beyond 5 stars. I wasn't able to put it down once I picked it up. The pages kept turning, the feelings kept being felt. I smiled, I cried, I smiled again. The inspiration that Ms. Rivers weaves into this romance novel is incredible. It really brings to light the ultimate Masterpiece from above. If you are looking for a book that will be easy reading, this isn't for you. If you are looking for a book that will make you laugh throughout, this isn't for you. If you are looking for a book that will sweep you off your feet, spin you in a million directions, twist your soul, and throw you down with a bam, this is absolutely the book for you. You'll think about this book long after you've closed the cover. Well done, Ms. Rivers! Fantabulous job!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher/Tyndale Blog Network and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hold on just one moment, please. *Reflects* Ahem. Okay. Now, I can review this book. This book. What can say about this poignant, stunning novel of epic proportions? I can tell you that this book will pull you in and twist you up inside, as you get to know Hephzibah, or Ishma as she's first known. The pages within this book come to life, the characters moving before you like you are really there, learning of Isaiah, Hephzibah,Yaira,Hezekiah and all the happenings of Jerusalem.

Seeing all that young Ishma went through, really tugged at my heart. Watching her grow with Hezekiah was an experience I won't soon forget. I felt all of Zibah's feelings, all her pain and love for the Father. I cried when Isaiah and his wife adopted Zibah, I cried when Hezekiah and Zibah fell in love, I cried when I reached the end of this amazing novel.

This book is a book of true love. Of sacrificial love. Of a love that will never end, both within family, even if it's not blood family, and the never ending love of our amazing Father above. This story is utterly heartbreaking, yet it's heart-reviving. It is rich in detail, it is throroughly researched, and it's stitched perfectly together like that of a beautiful handmade quilt.

Ms. Andrews has gone beyond 5 stars with this book. This book is so much more than just that. If you want a book that will carry you away to a land, and a time, that we've only read about in the Bible and imagined with our minds and hearts, then this is a book for you. If you want a book that steals your mind, and soul long after you've shut the book, then this is for you. If you want a book that will leave you contemplating all you've learned in Bible study, then please, look no further than the first book in a Biblical series that is sure to be a best seller.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
The Book Thief
The Book Thief
Markus Zusak | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (129 Ratings)
Book Rating
Liesel Meminger is 9 years old and it is 1939. Her mother is taking her and her brother to live with another family where they will be safe. Unfortunately, the brother doesn't make it. Liesel takes only two things with her to her new home; the memory of her brother and her first stolen book, The Gravediggers Handbook.

When Liesel arrives on Himmel street in Molching, Germany, she is greeted by Rosa and Hans Hubermann. They welcome her into their home and she immediately is to call them Mama and Papa. Even though Liesel is illiterate, Hans works with her every night when she is awakened with nightmares of her brothers death. They retreat to the basement to do their reading.

For 5 years, Liesel lives on Himmel street during one of the most treacherous times in Germany. She makes friends and enemies along the way and steals 5 more books.

First I would like to thank Victoria Doughertyfor recommending this book to me. I have always been a fan of historical fiction and this book did not disappoint in any way, shape or form. I thoroughly enjoyed this story. I could see myself on Himmel Street with Liesel. I could see what she could see and I could feel the torment she went through. I thank God every time I finish a book like this because I live in a place and a time where these things aren't a constant worry for me. I don't have to have my possessions packed and ready to go when I raid sirens going off. I don't even hear raid sirens. This is a book everyone needs to read if they haven't.

Another thing I found very interesting in this book was that it was narrated by death. If that's not enough to make you want to read this...One of my favorite passages in the book is this "Here is a small fact...You are going to die." Simple but true. One day we all will die. I hope and pray it is not in the way that the multitudes of people died in this book, but I know that one day it will happen.
The Cuckoo's Calling
The Cuckoo's Calling
Robert Galbraith | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cormoran Strike is a Private Investigator, who has just been hired by John Bristow to investigate the death of his sister Lula Landry. Lula is a model in England and she has had her share of issues, but no one expected her to commit suicide. Cormoran hasn't been very lucky in life himself as of late, and this case is exactly what he needs to get a jump start. The police have been all over the evidence and there is nothing to support any other outcome for this case, but Cormoran is determined to find out the truth. Will he be surprised by who the killer is or will he find out quickly? With the help of his temporary assistant Robin, the case with all it's secrets will reveal the true killer.

I was not a very big fan of Harry Potter so I was excited when J.K. Rowling decided to try other writing. I'm glad she chose a pseudonym, because I don't think I would have read the books as J.K. Rowling.

When I first started listening to this book, I got quite confused. Each section starts with a Latin phrase. I had to be sure I had the right book. But I will say I was drawn in from the very beginning.

Everyone knows who Lula Landry is and everyone was affected by her death. Her brother doesn't believe she would have committed suicide even though she has serious depression. Her friends don't think she would have done it either. But if she didn't jump from her balcony and no one saw anyone else with her, then what happened? Cormoran interviews everyone who was involved with Lula and some of them twice. He enlists the help of his temporary assistant Robin, who proves to be quite useful.

I think from the beginning Cormoran had an idea of who the killer was. There are little things that happen throughout the story that give you that idea when it's all said and done. I'm very interested to know what is going to happen next in Cormoran's life and what other adventures he and Robin will find themselves on.
The Opposite of Maybe
The Opposite of Maybe
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rosie and Jonathan have been together for 15 years. They never married or had kids even though everyone around them were. They were content with their lives the way they were, or at least that is what Rosie thought. One morning, when birth control goes out the window all because of a strange name on the caller ID, Rosie is about to find out exactly who and what it is she wants in life.

This story was really very interesting. Jonathan doesn't seem like the kind of guy that any woman would want to date. He is all about himself and doesn't really seem to notice or care what is going on around him. He used to be an artist until he wasn't anymore and then he started to collect teacups. When he gets the opportunity to be a part of a museum for the precious teacups, he jumps at the chance. Rosie isn't quite as eager as he is and he promises marriage as a way to get her on board.

Rosie has a lot going on in her life, but then Jonathan shows his true colors just days before the wedding and it makes quite an impact. Finally, Rosie decides to do something that is going to be best for herself instead of going along with what Jonathan wants. In making this decision to stay and take care of her grandmother and settle things, she discovers something amazing about her life.

Too many women in this world put their lives on hold to do what is best for the family. Following their military spouse all around the world, giving up a career for children, leaving behind family to pursue a dream. If we don't we are labeled as unsupportive and when we do we are also given grief about leaving our own wishes and desires to support someone else. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Rosie learns a lot about her life through this book and is a testament to others about doing what is best for yourself.
A Window Opens
A Window Opens
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alice Pearse is faced with a dilemma when her husband decides to leave his job. She leaver her part-time job that she really enjoys to find full-time work. She thinks that she may have found the perfect job(I would think so too) getting to work with books all day long. It's a dream come true. Unfortunately, this job also comes at a time when there is so much going on in her personal life. Will Alice be able to still be present for her family as well as her new job? Will this job live up to the excitement that was offered to her at the beginning, or will things change?

I was very enthusiastic to read this book. Imagine a job where all you do is read books and talk to publishers all day long. That is my dream job. The story moved very slowly for me. Taking me 10 days to read this book, and I wasn't drawn to it in my down time to pick it up, although I was curious to find out the outcome of the book. The second half moved along a bit quicker for me.

The thing that really drew me to this book was the main character Alice. She is a book lover and her job is to read and vet books for a new concept of bookstore. Who wouldn't want a job like that, especially as a book lover. I'm not sure why is always seems that when one thing is going right in your life, other things seem to go terribly wrong. Alice is faced with many challenges after taking this position and they seem to be all flying at her face at the same time. From issues with her parents health, to marital problems and guilt of not being there for her kids as often as she was before she took the job. These are things we all face in life and how we handle them will determine our strength and character. How Alice handles these problems will be a test to her as a woman, wife, mother, daughter, friend and employee. How many balls can we juggle before they all come crashing down upon us?
Between The Lies
Between The Lies
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Chloe Daniels was in a terrible car accident, but when she wakes up, she has no idea who she is or who the people around her are. Not only has Chloe lost her memory, but she has also lost her son in this terrible accident. With flashes of what could have happened that night, Chloe is determined to find out the truth. But her family keeps filling her head with falsehoods that are hindering her from finding out what is really going on. Still weak from her accident and still unsure which memories are real and which have been implanted, Chloe set out to find out what happened that night and who she was then and who she is today.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's for the opportunity to read and review this book.

First of all, I don't know what I would do, if I woke up one day and had no idea who I was or who the people around me were. Then to find out that my family had been keeping secrets from me and trying to rewrite my history, that would make me go berserk. But Chloe is able to keep her composure long enough to discover what is really going on.

The book started off a little slow for me, but about half way through the story picked up and I couldn't put it down after that. Lots of ups and downs and twists and turns. When you find out the truth, it's really hard to believe. At first I was sure I knew what was going on, but towards the end, I found out I was very wrong. Chloe remembers nothing, but in her dreams she sees flashes of what could have happened. Are these dreams real, or are the manifestations? From what her family and the police tell her, they can't be real, but it feels true to her core. Chloe will go against everyone that is trying to "protect" her in order to protect herself.

This is the first book I have read by Michelle Adams, but it will not be my last. Her other book is If You Knew My Sister.
The Creeping
The Creeping
Alexandra Sirowy | 2015 | Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loved the thrill and mystery, not the characters
***Spoilers ahead you have been warned***

What really got me turning the pages in this book was the horror and mystery aspect. It set the mood and the setting perfectly. It certainly gave you the necessary thrills and chills to keep you interested in the book. There’s some supernatural element to the story but as you progress into the finale well, answers will be revealed in time. :)

I loved the plot, the setting and the mood. There was no stalling. No dry bits. It was perfect flow throughout the book. This was so excellently written that I completely bypassed my extreme dislike for the characters. (Yes the plot was that good.)

So onto the characters. I just don’t like Stella. Not only is she particularly nasty to Sam, but her attitude and personality just stinks all around. She’s your typical mean girl (or should I say, the Queen Bee’s lackey?). I hated her treatment towards Sam, and Sam being your typical nice guy takes it like a doormat. Oh and he gets walked on not one, not twice but more than enough times to count. You know what this smells like? This smells like a dysfunctional relationship heading towards some horrible form of co-dependency. It’s horrible to read and if this is some sort of messed up way of redeeming Stella for all the things she’s done, I hardly think this qualifies.

True, Stella had a pretty traumatizing event happened to her. But I can’t sympathize with her behaviour. Zoey is just as bad and just as spiteful but one thing she had going for her was her extreme loyalty. I had to admit that was something you need in a best friend. Minus the Queen Bee behaviour of course.

This is one of the few books where I disliked the characters, but the plot just kept me reading. The elements of mystery was so well done that I enjoyed reading this one. I would recommend this one for the plot, but don’t expect to like the characters much. But thankfully they don’t make a negative impact on the plot at all.