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Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Ruby in Books

Apr 3, 2019  
Cynthia Bond | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ruby Bell lives in the town of Liberty in East Texas. She was one of the most beautiful women in the town. Liberty is the town she grew up in and ran away from in search of her mother in New York City. When news of the death of her best friend reaches her, she decides to return to Liberty, but the things that await her there are very dark and menacing.
Ephram Jennings lost both his mother and father at a young age and was raised by his sister Celia. Celia takes great care of Ephram and together they attend church every Sunday and are a pillar in the community.
Ephram has known Ruby Bell since they were small children, although his interaction with her has been very limited. When she returns to Liberty Ephram would like to change that. But Ruby Bell is no longer the same woman who returned to Liberty. Frequently she can be found huggin the chinaberry tree on the edge of the woods near her home(Bell Land), she is often naked, or barely dressed and once even urinated in the middle of the street. Everyone in Liberty knows that Ruby Bell is a harlot and a Jezebel. Ephram refuses to believe that this is true and makes it his mission to prove this to the entire town.

Religion plays a big part in this book which really spoke to me. We as Christians are taught to love one another and treat each other the way Jesus treated the world, with kindness and compassion. It always gets to me how tolerance and love become an issue when trying to help those who are different. Ruby is plagued by demons in this book and the town shuns and rapes her for this. They call her crazy and when Ephram goes to her to help her be the woman HE knows she can be, he is looked down upon by the entire town and especially by his sister Celia. Ephram wants to understand the demons in Ruby and he never judges her for her "crazy" ways, but tries to comprehend what she is going through.

This story really touched my heart. We all need to do what we can for each other especially in the African American community. We tend to shun away from each other instead of embracing one another. I loved the way that Ephram went to Ruby despite what the rest of the town thought. How he stood by her side no matter what. This book could teach us all a lesson.
The Beautiful Dead
The Beautiful Dead
Belinda Bauer | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eve Singer is a beleaguered TV crime reporter dealing with a pushy boss who wants Eve to be everything: younger, covering every story, and on top of every lead. In her personal life, Eve goes home to her childhood home and her father, Duncan, who is suffering from dementia. When Eve winds up covering the murder of a young woman, she doesn't realize she will soon be entwined with the girl's killer, someone who is obsessed with death, and the desire to be recognized for his "killing performances." As the killer pulls Eve deeper into his twisted web, she has some startling choices to make.

I have to say, my last book of 2016 surprised me. This novel was certainly creepy, but also had a certain nuance and depth to it that I wasn't expecting. Eve is a complicated and likeable character, and the book doesn't just cover murder and gore, it goes into her personal life, and the struggles she has caring for her father and his failing memory. The bits with her father are often both sad and humorous; they are very real and give the book a true humanity. Indeed, there's a real depth to Eve, who is stuck in a man's world and the pressures and unfairness that brings to to her career-wise (there's always a younger, prettier reporter waiting in the wings, as her boss never hesitates to remind her), as well as the burdens a woman feels as a caretaker. After all, it's not her brother taking care of her dad. Further, the book looks at an interesting psychological conundrum: how our society seems to need murder and the way it feeds on the social media aspect of it, as of late. Without society's interest in murder and death, Eve has no job.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. It lost me slightly for a bit near the end, but managed to get back on track, and even threw in a very interesting twist I didn't see coming. Although I admit, I kept wondering where the police's behavioral scientist was. Why was the poor Lead Detective reading and deciphering everything from a serial killer alone? However, I digress. This was a well-done thriller with a different and engaging plot. I really found myself drawn to Eve, and her father, Duncan. It was an enjoyable novel with which to end the year.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!); it's available in the U.S. as of 01/03/2017.
I'm Not Your Manic Pixie Dream Girl
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm Not Your Manic Pixie Dream Girl follows Bea’s attempts to translate her status in high school into a scholarship winning mathematical formula. Simple right? Beatrice, Spencer, and Gabe are not the most popular kids at school – to be honest they’re practically invisible. Most people call Bea “Math Girl” and she wants that to change. She convinces her friends to embrace and exploit a personality trait that fills a void in their school so that they can become popular.

Gabe agrees because he is a writer for the school paper and hopes to be chosen for an internship as a result. He becomes the school’s flamboyant, gay best friend and almost immediately is absorbed into the popular inner-circle. Through his acceptance, Spencer and Bea, now known as Trixie, become known around the school. She must embrace her new personality but doesn’t always make the right decisions.

I personally did not relate to her, despite her love of math and didn’t create a connection. I completely agreed with the opinions of her friends about her behavior. I didn’t find myself being sympathetic to her plight and was frustrated more than anything by her repeated mistakes. She meddles in other people’s business, doesn’t take the high road and even though she accepts her mistakes at the end – it doesn’t feel, to me at least, that she has grown over the course of the novel.

Despite the book being formulaic, it was an enjoyable read – I just wish it wasn’t so predictable. It doesn’t take long to figure out who is going to be the romantic endgame, what friendships will be formed and enemy status established. At the end of it all, you wonder will they realize that it is more important to be true to themselves than to be popular? I think you know what the answer will be.

The book has a fair amount of diversity and representation in it, which is good. I wish each of those various representations was given more detail and thought than being an intermittent descriptive word. It felt more like adding the token LGBTQ+ or ethnically diverse character. We don’t often enough see diversity in books, so it was a little disappointing to me that it so little was done with it.

Overall, I think that it was a quick, contemporary read that young adult/teen readers will enjoy. It is cute, if predictable but the unique aspect of the story of using math to solve life’s problems was quirky and endearing.
The Banana-Leaf Ball by Katie Smith Milway is book is based on a real refuge camp in East Africa and a boy whose life got better when the sport of soccer was introduced to the children. The coaches from the organization Right to Play taught kids how to get along by playing together.

The main character, Deo Rukundo, an East African boy is forced to flee his home because of a war in his country. He ends up separated from his family and keeps running deep into the forest for safety. After many weeks where he lives on dew drops, wild fruits and leaves he finds his way to a refugee camp in Northwest Tanzania. Frightened, homesick and alone, he prays for the well-being of the rest of his family.

With little resources in the refugee camp bullies emerge and vandalize those living there. They steal and intimidate everyone and they especially target Deo. Remy the gang leader is menacing and poses threats to all those he encounters.

One day a coach arrives and gathers up the children to play a game of soccer. He hesitates about joining in the game but his excitement overcomes him and he touts his excellent soccer skills in front of the coach. Very impressed, the coach makes Deo captain of the "shirts" team. As the game progresses brand new feelings of comradery and acceptance emerge from the players as they work together as a team to score that winning goal. The kids start to laugh, forget their worries and relax. They area transformed into" kids" once again.

In the following days the kids gather at Deo's house and he teaches them his soccer moves and how to make a ball out of dried banana leaves. Most importantly they open up to each other about their feelings and share their experiences both before refugee camp and the life they are living now.

This book is based upon a true story. It is heartwarming and inspiring. It points out that truly frightening, seemingly hopeless situations can indeed be turned around into something positive and bearable for those caught in such tragic circumstances.

The book is a perfect catalyst to get kids talking about others less fortunate and the social justice issues that surround refugees all over the world. It allows them to discuss the handling of bullies and the value of sports, teamwork, sharing with each other and acceptance.
I received this ARC book from Kids Can press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Always Never Yours
Always Never Yours
Emily Wibberley | 2018 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the fifth book from my summer TBR - I'm slowly working through them! I mused on the TBR list that this might remind me of high school, and so it did. Megan is much bolder than I ever was, and dated a lot more, but her underlying feelings of being passed over for other girls - oh, I felt those. I wasn't very socially adept in high school, unlike Megan.

The premise of the story is that every guy Megan dates falls madly in love with the girl he dates after Megan. This has happened enough that she's come to expect it, so when her last boyfriend broke up with her to date her best friend, she wasn't even very upset with them. She understood. That's what her boyfriends DO. Which means she approaches relationships as temporary, and doesn't bother to fight for them when they end.

The book is really about learning what's worth fighting for. A family that seems to be moving on without her? A role in a play that her understudy fills better than she does? A boy who will go on to find his true love after her? A best friend who stole her boyfriend? Megan struggles with feeling imminently replaceable and misunderstood, and her vulnerability grabbed my heartstrings and yanked. I wasn't expecting to, but I LOVED this book.

Megan's worries are so very real, and her friends are such quintessential high schoolers. Every look, every word, every relationship has so much more intense meaning at that age because EVERYTHING is so important and felt so deeply. I loved how supportive Megan is of her friends, even if she doesn't always realize that she comes across a little strong. I liked the side plot of Megan's gay friend Anthony, and the closeted boy he has a crush on.

As a Shakespeare lover, I enjoyed that each chapter started with a line from Romeo and Juliet, the play that Megan's school Drama department is performing her senior year. I also enjoyed seeing the comparisons between Megan and Rosaline, and characters in the book saying how interesting Rosaline is as a character, even though we don't actually see her in the play! It reminded me of Bright Smoke, Cold Fire, which is a VERY different book, but another one that delves further into the character of Rosaline. And now I'm wondering if there are any other books that do the same....

I loved this book. It made me cry but then laugh through my sniffles. Books that can do that are special things.

You can find all my reviews at
Gone with the Wind
Gone with the Wind
Margaret Mitchell | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
In 1861, Scarlett O'Hara is the belle of Georgia. Young, passionate and full of life. But when war comes, she is faced with hardships that she never even dreamed possible.

"Hardships make or break people."

Follow Scarlett O'Hara and her family through the destruction and despair of the Civil War and the years that followed in Reconstruction. With the old way of life dead and gone, will she wilt away along with many others of her previous status and class? Or will she find the gumption to press on and strive for survival, no matter the cost? Her love for one man blinds her to the truth about herself and those around her. After everything she has been through, will she lose the one thing she desires above all else?

"After all, tomorrow is another day."

**If you are not familiar with this story please be aware of a few minor spoilers**

I have grown up watching Gone With the Wind, but somehow, I never got around to reading the book. I am happy to check this one off of my "Bucket (Reading) List". Very long, (hence my relative blogging silence) but worth every word. Margaret Mitchell's descriptions are so detailed! I could feel the Southern sun upon my skin and could smell the scent of the magnolias growing around Tara. If you have seen the movie you will know that this is not a happy tale. But there are very valuable lessons to be learned. After reading the last page today, I was thinking about what I wanted to say in my review. And I think that what stood out to me the most, is that sometimes we are so blinded by what we think we want, what we have idolized for so long, that we can not see true happiness when it stares us in the face. There have been times in my life that I wanted my life to go in a particular direction, but the Lord changed my course. For a time it was challenging to see the good in the situation. But I would come to the realization that if I had continued down that path, I would have been miserable. Instead, I am exactly where I need to be and am continuing to learn to put my trust in God, knowing that He knows best and that He is guiding my steps. For all of her faults, Scarlett is a woman I can admire. No matter what life threw at her, she would not let herself be beaten. Her determination for survival drove her to extremes. But survive she did.
Jason X (2001)
Jason X (2001)
2001 | Horror, Sci-Fi
5.4 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Just when you thought it was safe to return to the local theater, along comes “Jason X”, the tenth installment of the popular Friday the 13th series. Having grown tired of the summer camp settings of the majority of the series the creators set recent installments in New York City as well as played with the formula by having Jason possess people as was shown in the last two films of the series.

This is a new era and this time Jason is back to his old tricks in an entirely new setting. After being cryogenically frozen in 2010, Jason and a female scientist are discovered by a student survey team and revived in the year 2455 where Earth has become uninhabitable. Warnings about Jason and his ability to regenerate from any injury are unheeded as the lure of big money is motivating the group’s leader Professor Lowe (Johnathan Potts) rather than the safety of the students and crew of the ship. Before long, Jason is up to his old tricks increasing his body count as he unleashes new and gruesome ways to dispatch the crew.

Being a horror film, the plot is secondary to the action and director James Isaac does not let the film get overly serious and even pokes fun at itself and the series. There are a number of lines and situations where the audience could ask if the characters could be any dumber, however in an interesting twist, these sort of situations as well as others are setup and carried off with intentional comedic results that had the audience laughing and thus providing a nice break from the scares and gore.
The cast is made up of largely unknowns and they are about as forgettable as the movie as they exist to be little more than fodder for Jason. I found it interesting to note that by the year 2455, students are still as ditzy as they are portrayed in 2002, and have libidos that make the 1984 LA Lakers look like a Vestal Virgin convention. That being said, “Jason X” is a standard horror film that has a few twists for the audience. Although you will have seen all of this before, the space setting and the humor helps make the film stand out from some of the stale installments of the series, but the lack of a story and character development keeps this film from being a true Horror classis. My advice, if you are a fan of the series gather your friends and wait for the video.
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)
Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)
1999 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
I genuinely find The Phantom Menace really hard to review.
I was 11 years old when it came out in cinemas, and I of course absolutely loved it, and I did for a good few years.
As I grew older, it became apparent that the original Star Wars trilogy was a set of films that truly stood the test of time, a statement that doesn't hold true to the prequel films, but when I look back on Episode I in particular, it's a huge part of the Star Wars that I grew up with, so I really can't hate on it too aggressively!

Episode 1 is undeniably geared towards a younger audience. It has a pretty basic script, colourful characters, low brow humour, and is dripping with CGI. This direction is a huge part of it's downfall, with infamous characters like Jar Jar Binks being a big source of fan contempt. Likewise, young Anakin Skywalker was also not received well by a lot of fans, a character geared towards the young audience TPM is aimed at, and so unbelievably far away from the iconic villain he will eventually become.
A big part of Episode I that I personally dislike is the need to give a backstory to everything. An example of this is the scientific explanation behind The Force, taking away the mystical side of it. (I'm also not a huge fan of C3-PO being built by a pre-adolescent Darth Vader, but here we are)
The above mentioned CGI is completely overloaded. It's aged pretty badly when it comes to characters like the Gungans, and is a far cry from the practical effects and sets of the original trilogy.

Saying all this though, there is still a load of stuff I love about TPM, and I don't care what you think...
Ewan McGregor is great casting as a young Obi-Wan Kenobi, and is the beating heart of this whole trilogy.
I also like Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon.
It gets a lot of flack, but I love the pod race scene (sue me) and then of course, Darth Maul. No backstory is given here, just a badass Sith Lord with a dual ended lightsaber, and that's all we need to know.

The Phantom Menace, isn't the most gracious start to the chronological Star Wars story, but it still has an odd sort of charm and it's certainly not the worst Star Wars film out there.
To be honest, I lost count a long time ago in regards to how many times I've seen it, and dammit, I'll watch it again 🖕
Just Mercy (2019)
Just Mercy (2019)
2019 | Drama
Having seen Clemency in October I felt like I was prepared for what Just Mercy might throw at me. I was not. The two films handle the death row scenario in very different ways and the storyline that runs alongside it gives you two very different experiences.

Based on a true story - when it comes to history this phrase can be a horrible thing, and when you realise that the events of Just Mercy are only actually dating back to the late 80s/early 90s, well that's kind of sickening, it doesn't feel like this should be something from my own lifetime.

In the lead role of Bryan Stevenson we have Michael B. Jordan. We see Stevenson from intern to established lawyer and yet he doesn't really make any notable progression. The person he is at the beginning isn't all that changed by the end. Jordan's performance is fine, nothing felt technically wrong about it but the consistency was completely off. Every time the character was brought face to face with prejudice and high emotions he managed to knock it out of the park, he was nervous, he was scared, he was devastated. In between those moments he was just there, his performance didn't hold any weight against anyone else's.

Jamie Foxx shows us that missing consistency as Walter McMillan. It felt like he was fully immersed in his character the whole time. There are shots where we're focused on him while other characters are talking and he's always attentive to them, you can see him assessing Stevenson in their meetings and it was fascinating to watch. Every moment was strong without the need for any additional motivation.

When we're inside the prison there are so many different things going on. The tension between the guards and inmates, and that extending to Stevenson is powerful and it's development through the film and the change in attitude was a nice one to see. But the camaraderie between the inmates was probably the thing that was the most affecting, the execution in this was surprisingly subtle but very moving.

Just Mercy has a strong message about the divide and prejudice in southern America and the justice system, it's a very strong reminder of how much has changed because of strong-willed people and how much still needs to change. While I might not watch this film again it was certainly something I enjoyed watching, as much as "enjoyed" feels like the wrong word to use.

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The Banana Splits Movie (2019)
The Banana Splits Movie (2019)
2019 | Horror
6.0 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Poppy’s storyline (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Banana Splits Movie
Isn’t it nice when a network tries to reboot an old children’s favourite? It seems to be happening a lot these days with Netflix reviving Voltron, She-Ra and the Dark Crystal. They have taken a different approach with the Banana Splits though. The starting premise is that the Banana Splits show was never cancelled and, for his ninth birthday Harley is taken to a live filming of the show. Drooper, Fleegle, Snorky and Bingo are all there but the actors have been replaced with animatronics and they have three human friends they interact with (Paige, Stevie and Thadd). The show is still the same as when it first started way back in the 1960s with silly sketches, fun catchphrases and an assault course for the kids although the show has gathered a cult following (as it would in real life) and half the audience are adults.
As the live filming gets under way the actors are informed that this will be the final show as the network has cancelled it, this news is met with mixed reactions from the crew. The Banana splits however only have one reaction, they are programmed that ‘The Show Must Go On’ so, during the back stage tour they begin to make sure that it will never stop. They kidnap all the children, after all the show will always need an audience, and they start to kill or torture all the adults.
Yes, that’s right, someone took a beloved children’s show and added a splash of the ‘Child's Play’ remake and a whole ton of ‘Five Nights At Freddy’s’. To be clear this is a horror/slasher that’s rated 18 (R rated in the USA) that features a group of 60’s children’s characters going on a killing spree because their show got cancelled. It’s campy, it’s dark, it actually builds up to the kills and it has some really good characters and scenes, I especially like Poppy’s story line.
So, we have a film based on a 60’s children’s series that’s been turned into a horror whilst still sticking to its roots that is defiantly not for kids and isn’t a total pile of rubbish.
As a side note I did read that the Banana Splits movie came about because Warner Bros wanted to make a ‘Five Nights At Freddie’s’ movie but they couldn’t get the rights so they made this. not sure how true it is but there are similarities.