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The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks
The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks
Mike Berenstain, Jan Berenstain | 2009 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks is another excellent book to have for your child or children's bookshelves during the holiday season. Suppose you are looking for another good Thanksgiving book. This one is good.

This one somewhat brings in the fact of Sister's feelings about Thanksgiving dinner and a turkey. Have you had to distract a child from worrying and giving them something else to do? Well, this book shows that with Sister Bear and her worry about a turkey named Plymouth. Mama seems to come up with a suggestion that Sister can write a play about Thanksgiving or the Pilgrims Bears and their journey over to the new land. How we have our Thanksgiving feast and how it came about.

This book teaches several different life lessons and some meaningful things we should be thankful for. Children should be able to describe what Thanksgiving is at your house by their feelings or senses. What could they all be?

Some things children can do as they wait for the dinner on Thanksgiving occur act out or write a Thanksgiving story or what they think the Thanksgiving story is. You may be surprised what Thanksgiving means for them or your family.

Parents and grandparents might want to add this to your child's bookshelves, for they will want to read and reread it. It is terrific to read before the holiday.
Mrs. Claus and the Trouble with Turkeys
Mrs. Claus and the Trouble with Turkeys
Liz Ireland | 2023 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will Santaland's First Thanksgiving Be a Turkey?
Santaland is getting ready to celebrate their first Thanksgiving. Castle Kringle has imported a live turkey for their holiday meal, but the weekend before the big day, he vanishes. Then, one of Santa's cousins dies at a potluck to kick off Thanksgiving week. Can April Claus figure out what is going on?

I love this series, and this latest entry didn't disappoint in the least. It did take a bit for the entire book to get going since there are several storylines that need to be introduced. But once it got going, it was like a turbo charged sleigh with so much going on you couldn't put the book down. I did have a couple of pieces figured out early, but there was still plenty I didn't know about that surprised me at the end. The characters are charming as always, and I'm curious where some of the growth will lead in future books. The humor just adds to the charm. This is a cozy mystery first and foremost with some light fantasy in it, and the mix works perfectly. If you are looking for a holiday series, you'll be glad you gave this series a chance. If you are already a fan, you'll be thankful for this latest book.
Good Things - Single by Kelaa
Good Things - Single by Kelaa
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Kelaa is an up-and-coming singer-songwriter and producer from Sweden. Not too long ago, she released a lovely debut single, entitled, “Good Things”.

“Good things come to those who don’t wait around. I can’t let you slow me down. F**k you and your lies. Chase me when I rise. Get blinded by my light. Good things come to those who don’t wait around.” – lyrics

‘Good Things’ is the first single from Kelaa’s upcoming EP.

The likable tune contains a relatable storyline, pleasing vocals, and vibey instrumentation flavored with an electro-pop aroma.

“‘Good Things’ is about not waiting for chances to come but instead create the conditions you desire around yourself, no matter what the obstacles are. ‘Cause, in the end, good things come to those who have the courage to follow their intuition.” – Kelaa

Kelaa grew up in a musical family with traditional folk music from the Kurdish regions of eastern Turkey.

Her musical journey with the project KELAA began after she participated in the program, Who can become a producer?

The message she wants to give is that everything is going to be alright even at times when you are standing at the edge.

The name Kelaa means fortress and is the name of a holy mountain in Kurdish regions Turkey.

The name was chosen by the artist to honor her roots, as an attempt to at least spiritually, preserve a piece of her background as the thought of losing her identity became a daunting experience at times when physical borders hindered her from connecting with her roots.

Creating songs under this name reflects the blended identity, which has formed her growing up in Sweden.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated What They Had (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
What They Had (2018)
What They Had (2018)
2018 | Drama
What They Had is what I wanted from The Leisure Seeker, it ends up being a touching look at how Alzheimer's can affect the family unit. That being said, it is still just an average family drama that has a great cast.

All four of our leads bring something special to this film, for me though, Robert Forster was far and away the best of them. His progression throughout the film makes for such a powerful moment at the end when he finally sees the reality of his situation.

There's no denying that if you take out these big name actors you've just got another Lifetime movie. It needed some more punch in the other areas to bring it up, but I honestly don't know how it could have done that. It is what it is, there isn't a lot to play with apart from a more dramatic storyline.

The main story does flow well but the side stories are rather forgettable. When we get to the end and they're all neatly tied up I wasn't overly bothered. Even with these great actors in all of the scenes nothing was particularly tugging at my heartstrings.

Blythe Danner really came into her own towards the end of What They Had. The sequence of events that takes place brought more than the odd tear to my eye. There's some beautiful logic from Ruth and if I'd been in her daughter's position in that moment I would have been snotty crying.

We also need to acknowledge the elephant (or in this case, turkey) in the room. We've had Ruth's emotional scenes, we get the last bit of the story sewn up in possibly an overly sweet scenario and then... a turkey... literally. I honestly didn't get it.

Sadly, although I enjoy it and I wasn't bored I think this is going to quickly be cast into the "oh yeah, I remember that film" pile.

What you should do

If you enjoy family dramas then this is one of the better ones recently and is certainly worth a watch.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I quite liked the look of Nick's bar, I wouldn't mind getting my own one... it would be movie-themed of course.
Jane Austen and Food
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Over the years there have been a glut of 'Jane Austen and.....' books. She just far enough away for us to need some explanation of some of the things that her contemporary readers wouldn't have thought twice about and this is one of the things that this book does very well. Confused about service a la Francaise or a la Russe? Think the French Bread at Northanger is like a modern French Stick or not sure why Mrs Grant's Turkey wouldn't keep until Sunday? - this book will certainly help you there!

Of course, it goes a little deeper than that. Only on occasion are we given reference to very specific foodstuffs, so when we do, you can bet there is some greater significance to it. There is also the significance of female characters as 'housekeeper' and what this says about them. Mrs Jennings may at times be a comic character and have lower social origins, but sh is a good housekeeper, in contrast to Mrs Price, who really doesn't know what she is about.

I read this on Kindle and there could have been a little more in terms of proof reading. The book itself ends at about 80% in due to index, bibliography and an extract from another book - I mention it as it came sooner than I expected.
Third Reich Victorious: Alternate Decisions of World War II
Third Reich Victorious: Alternate Decisions of World War II
Peter G Tsouras | 2002 | History & Politics
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
There's been a certain tension when it comes to military history, pretty much since not long after the Second World War ended: pretty much everyone agrees that the Nazi Party was as close to evil incarnate as we will hopefully ever see, but many academics (amongst others) still harbour a sneaking admiration for the quality of the German war machine and its leadership. That tension is basically at the heart of this book; it's telling that several of the German victory scenarios outlines here are predicated on Hitler either being replaced or being markedly less of a genocidal bigot.

The what-ifs vary: what if Hitler served in the navy in the First World war, what if the Russians pre-empted Barbarossa and attacked Germany first, what if Turkey joined the Axis, what if the Germans got the atom bomb in 1944, what if Rommel defeated the D-day landings, deposed Hitler, and the war devolved into a one-front struggle with the Soviets? Most of these are interesting and seem to have been written with the general reader in mind; a few do suffer from getting bogged down with detail. On the whole it is engaging stuff, if recent military history is your thing, and you do come away with an improved awareness that the Second World War was a closer-run thing than most people realise nowadays.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Hippie in Books

Sep 29, 2018  
Paulo Coelho | 2018 | Biography, Travel
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A huge disappointment
I've always really enjoyed Coelho's books, and I feel I come away having learnt something every time. Not so much this time. There are lessons to be learnt: don't judge a book by it's cover, always be open to new chances to learn, follow your heart and be true to yourself.
The delivery this time, to me, seemed rushed, not always well explained and just not very interesting. I feel bad saying this. I've read a lot of his other books, but I just didn't enjoy this one.
I liked the sentiment, just not the delivery. He glosses quickly over a run in/ torture session with the police, which has clearly left it's mark on him in a later episode. He's cured pretty quickly of this anxiety-type reaction though. He seems to have no purpose to what he's doing (which is fair enough, he's young, he's exploring, and that seems to be the whole idea behind the hippie movement) until he hits Turkey however, and then he quickly decides to stay - and then it's the end of the book. So, will there be a follow up? Is this one of those 'cliff hanger' type endings?
I wish I had enjoyed this more, but there are just some books that we can't enjoy I suppose. I just really don't like it when it happens with one of my 'go to' authors.
Last Christmas (2019)
Last Christmas (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Romance
Thunderously crass and obvious Christmas turkey, in which A Christmas Carol is involved in a head-on smash with the Richard Curtis rom-com formula: many normally reliable performers are scythed down by the shrapnel, possibly along with unfortunate audience members. The Christmas Carol personal-redemption story formula requires the lead character to be a horrible person in need of reformation; the rom-com pattern requires them to be cute and loveable from the start. Even if Emilia Clarke was as good an actress as I am always being told, she would need to be equipped with a much better script in order to square this particular circle.

This is the main problem the film has to contend with; others include the misplaced belief that quirkiness is an acceptable substitute for actual wit, and a generally pervasive sense of insincerity (it's hard to shake the notion that some key cast members were only employed to help flog this thing in Asian markets). This is before we get to the astonishing non-twist central to the story, or the glib platitudes casually dropped into the script. I imagine people will say its heart is in the right place (somewhat ironically); this is only true if you think the correct place for the heart is between the ears. I laughed once, and this was understandable, for it was at Peter Serafinowicz: unfortunately he is only in one scene.
Love in Exile
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Full Review</a>
Love in Exile by Ayse Kulin is a family narrative told between 1903 and 1941 during difficult times in Turkey. It occurs after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Balkan Wars and World War I. During this time families were torn apart by politics and war. This story is not just about war and difficult times but also a love story of two people who must find a way to be together despite their family differences and objections.

Sabahat Yedic is a lovely and smart woman who wishes to peruse her education despite the cultural expectations that she finish. She is driven and stubborn and stands up for her wish to complete her goal. Sabahat's family is Muslim. Her family taught her that as a women she should have a good family and children but she believes that her life should be so much more. She persuades her family allow her to continue her education. Sabahat meets a handsome mane named Aram, who is a young Armenian Christian. He has many qualities and views that match the same views of Sabahat. Soon after meeting they fell in love. The two love birds could have allowed their families to dictate who they love but decided to not allow their families choose who to love. They withstand traditions and risk everything to be together.
The descriptions of the city of Istanbul during the time of the story allowed for the story to come alive. I could feel the love and everything that surrounded me as I read.

I received this book from the published via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.
The Adventures of Pugalugs: A Christmas Furry Tail by Jessica Parish is the heartwarming story of all the fun Pugalugs and his siblings have on Christmas day with their family.

The fun all starts on Christmas Eve with decorating the tree and singing Christmas Carols. Then it is off to bed where Pugalugs thinks he hears Santa in the house. On Christmas morning the Pugs get presents and enjoy a wonderful Christmas dinner of turkey and gravy. After a busy day, everyone relaxes in the living room while Pugalugs is already thinking about all the fun to be had next Christmas.

What I liked best about this book is that I enjoyed seeing Pugalugs and his siblings taking part in all of the fun Christmas activities. The pugs are included in everything just like the rest of the family. The rhymes also make this such a fun book to read. What I liked the least about this book was trying to pry it away from my daughter so that I could flip through it while wringing my review. I’m kidding, but in all seriousness, I have nothing negative to say about this book. I love this series.

Young children and toddlers will enjoy having this book read to them, especially during the Christmas season. Slightly older children will enjoy reading this book both on their own and to family members. I rate this book 4 out of 4. It is an extremely cute Christmas book that I can see being read by families during the holidays all over the world. It is also very bright and full of Christmas fun.