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Kim Newman recommended Sisters (1973) in Movies (curated)

Sisters (1973)
Sisters (1973)
1973 | Crime, Horror, Thriller

"Brian DePalma’s breakthrough thriller pays homage to several Hitchcock classics—Rear Window and Psycho, mostly—in a genuinely innovative manner, with jittery, counter-culture-ish New York wiseass humor rather than Hitch’s British wryness, an interesting set of mirror image antagonists in peculiar twins played by Margot Kidder (with a seductively odd French-Canadian accent), and nosy reporter Jennifer Salt. It has graphic shocks but also stretches of hallucinatory strangeness."

The Day The Rain Came
The Day The Rain Came
Emma Mason | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dont judge a book by its cover
I thought I was really clever and sussed a twist but I was absolutely wrong. Emma Mason has bravely attempted a colloquial style novel, very hard to achieve well and yet achieves it with aplomb. Brilliant twisty narrative about twins and resentment leading to murderess blood lust. There are so many crime books it's refreshing to read something a little different. An incredible debut.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated The God of Small Things in Books

Oct 10, 2017 (Updated Oct 11, 2017)  
The God of Small Things
The God of Small Things
Arundhati Roy | 1998 | Essays
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brilliant way with words
This beautifully-written book tells the story of Estha and Rahel, a twin brother and sister who have been long separated due to a family tragedy about which we only learn the full truth near the end of the book, and who come back together at the age of 31 at the family home.

The book moves seamlessly between the summer that the twins were seven, when their lives changed for ever, and their present, as they strive to come to terms with the guilt of their past. Along with exploring the children's lives, Roy also develops in detail those family members and friends who have been most important to them - their frail violinist grandmother Mamachi (a battered wife turned domestic tyrant after her husband's death), their beautiful, frustrated mother Ammu, their overweight depressive uncle Chacko, and his English ex-wife Margaret and extrovert little daughter Sophie, the mysterious gardener Velutha, the local communist Mr Pillai and the twins' great aunt, 'Baby' (Navomi) Kochamma, the only one of the family to still be around when the twins reach the age of 31, and the most bitter and destructive in the entire doomed clan.

There is a great deal to admire in the book. Roy tells a lot about Indian customs without ever giving way to dry lectures, but there are a lot of unanswered questions left in the book. Nevertheless, this is a wonderful read by a superb author.
The Lopsided Christmas Cake
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In trademark fashion, Wanda Brunstetter, along with Jean Brunstetter, has created another captivating Amish novel. It's a fantastic start to a new series, and kept me hooked until the end. The blended writing style of these two talented ladies was a refreshing experience! 

Thelma and Elma's characters stole my heart completely! Their characters are unique! They are identical twins, but they are older, in their 30s. That's unusual in books like these but I loved that twist to the story! They are twins, yet so different. These sweet ladies really kept me smiling! Their devotion to their grandparents, God and to each other was really wonderful. The mishaps of their lives, the possibility of being old maids and never finding love, the quirkiness woven into the story, all of it kept me engrossed in the story. Watching one lopsided yummy cake change that, well it was not what I was expecting but was also refreshing. 

I loved Joseph and Delbert's characters, too. They really livened up the story! 

This is definitely  a book worth 5 stars and 2 thumbs up. It's going to the top of my list of 2017 top reads. If you love yummy cakes, quirky characters, God and family, be sure and snatch this one up! You'll be left wanting more mishaps from these lovely twins! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
The Tea Planter&#039;s Wife
The Tea Planter's Wife
Dinah Jefferies | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Tea Planter's wife is a mysterious sweet, loving story. It starts out with Gwen coming to Ceylon to be with her husband.

You go allow with Gwen with her struggles and learning curves of being a mother and wife to her twins and what is going on with Ceylon culture.

 When one of her children is colored she does not know if it was her husband or someone else's child. She fights with herself when she gives her daughter to a village. That is when she gives birth to her twins. She has a household servant named Naveena.

Gwen had to deal with not only decision to what she made but also her sister in law. She dealt with that and her raising her son. You are lean so much history and culture of Ceylon at that time as well. You meet Tamil and Sinhalese worker that were part of Tea Plantation.
Room for Hope
Room for Hope
Kim Vogel Sawyer | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is about a woman who finds out something about her husband. Her twins, Bud, and Belle have their parts in this story as well.

Arthur has parts in this story. We see a lot of people have shown their feelings and how it is is hard to hold on to faith. Each member shows their true colors. Or will they show mercy towards the woman?

Will the truth be brought open? To find out you will need to read the story. It's quite a heartfelt story. It made me cry a little bit. Kim Vogel Sawyer has done it once again. She brought the story to life. I have been affected while reading it. I felt like I was in the town of Buffalo Creek. Seeing the struggles Nava went through with her twins Bud, and Belle along with Charley, Cassie, and Adeline.

There are many different secrets that will be revealed. Her husband held many secrets that show up until he has died.
True Storm (True Born Trilogy, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Awesome read. Well written with a great plot and characters. I was engrossed from start to finish. Twins Lucy and Margot are safe and together in Dominion City, coping with the aftermath of Margot’s time held captive in Russia and reeling from all of the betrayal. Margot’s experiences have clearly changed her, but Lucy is happy to have her twin back and is hopeful that their close bond will heal over time.
The twins have recently learned that almost everyone in their lives has kept secrets from them. They’re even keeping secrets from each other now. Finally, all of these secrets will be revealed and questions will be answered. True Storm is full of plot twists and surprises that I didn't see coming. I wish there was another book to tell what kind of life Lucy has after evertything she has been fighting for. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book from Netgalley.
After some public fights with an antique dealer, Nan and Bert both find themselves questioned by the police when he is killed. But when Bert's daughter is arrested for the crime, the twins must once again track down a killer. More fun moments and more great twists with this duo detective act.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

LibrarianBeth (6 KP) rated Fangirl in Books

Jul 19, 2017  
Rainbow Rowell | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (46 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cath is relatable. (2 more)
Draws in young adult readers but also allows "older" adults to relate.
Made me fangirl Rainbow!
wanted more!!! (0 more)
Fantastic Teen Fiction
Rainbow Rowell knows how to relate to young adult readers and how to get "older" adults to reflect back and see themselves in the characters' situations. This book made me fangirl Rainbow so bad! Cath and Wren are twins trying to create their own paths as they step into adulthood. Cath struggles along that path
Stork Raving Mad (Meg Langslow, #12)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Meg is eight and a half months pregnant with twins, but that doesn't stop her from investigating when a member of Michael's tenure committee is killed in their overcrowded house. This book wasn't as funny as some of the earlier books in the series, but it was still amusing. And the mystery was great as always.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.