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Tyler, The Creator - 911 / Mr. Lonely

The Color of Summer
The Color of Summer
Anna Martin | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
bloody loved it!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Max returns home to open his tattoo studio and to be closer to his mum. On the way he gets stopped speeding, by his best friend's older brother, Tyler. While Max has immediate attraction to Tyler, Tyler is straight and tells him so. But there is . .something . . between them, and as the summer begins, the relationship grows. Can Tyler be a cop in a small town, who is gay?

I might gush about this book, just a heads up! Cos I bloody LOVED it!

Max returns to his home town after his mum has a stroke. He wants to be closer while she recovers. And he wants his own tattoo studio so combines the two plans into one. Meeting Tyler throws Max for a loop, cos he never really noticed Tyler before, you know? He was just Shane's big brother, is all. But now, the man did grow up good and proper and he pushes all of Max' buttons.

Tyler is just plodding along, bringing up his daughter with the help of his family. Catching up with Max was fun, and Tyler really needs a friend. But his long suppressed attraction to men, and to Max in particular begins to resurface, Tyler doesn't want Max as a friend, he WANTS Max. He has his daughter the think about, though, and his job as deputy, and his brother's reaction to finding out.

I really LOVED this, it fell on my kindle just when I needed it to and I devoured it. That's the only word I can find: devoured.

I went to bed to read a few chapters and the next thing I know, it was 1am and I had finished. It's not a short book, 230 odd pages, but it felt a lot less. A sign of a good, nay, GREAT book, that; that it doesn't seem as long as it really is!

Both Max and Tyler have a say, in the third. Both voices are clear and different and they tell their story incredibly well.

It has a good deal of angst/drama but they aren't really the right words for it. It's more soul searching, maybe? I dunno, hate not finding the right words. It has a LOT of emotion, both for Max and Tyler, from very different points of view. There is a huge family network too, who see, you know, they SEE what Max feels for Tyler, even if they haven't figured that out themselves yet!

It's not overly explicit, but I don't think it needs to be. It's hot and sexy though! The relationship between Max and Tyler moves along at a steady pace, both the emotional connection adn the physical one. I liked being made to wait a while!

I've only read one other book by Ms Martin, and that book didn't quite work for me but THIS one? I freaking loved it and it just goes to show, you can't love every book and just because one book by an author doesn't work for you, it doesn't mean they ALL won't.

So, because I loved it, because I read it in one sitting, just because its my review and I CAN . . .

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Rock Crush and Roll
Rock Crush and Roll
Hunter Snow | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
not overly explicit but very steamy in places!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

From what I can see, this is a debut author, and I enjoyed this!

Tyler has crushed on Cary for some time. And Cary has crushed on Tyler too, but they work together, sorta, and Tyler has a strict no musicians rule after being hurt badly by one. But with very little effort, they start to see the person behind the mask, and
 maybe, just maybe, Tyler can find her Happy Ever After.

This is cute, it really is. I liked that Tyler and Cary knew each other for a long time before they started a relationship. I liked that both of them fell fast and hard. I liked that Cary tried to spoil Tyler, but she managed to not let him get away with too

It’s not overly explicit, but it does get steamy in places. Just the right amount for these two, I think.

Both Cary and Tyler have a say in the third person, The change usually occurs as the chapter changes, but sometimes in the middle. Each change is clearly headed and I liked that.

Lots and LOTS of one liners from well-known songs (each with the artist named too) and some not so well known to me. Didn’t take anything away from the story, but I found myself trying to spot them all! And then to proceed to sing said song in my head til I
 came across the next one!

I struggled a bit with the workings of the music industry and found Tyler’s boss a slimeball, but he does get his comeuppence!

A great start from this author. When I come across a new (or new to me) author, my first question is always “Do I want to read more by this author?” and my answer here is a resounding “yes!”

So cute, and warm and fuzzies and a good solid 3 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Jessica is an entertainment journalist and good at it but one celebrity in particular does not get on with her: Tyler Beckett. She's always ready with a scoop on him only for him to go public with it before she can. When Jessica is asked to be on the press junket for Tyler's latest film they clash a few times before getting into an argument that makes them both realise how wrong they've been about each other and they begin to grow closer. It's starts as a kind of friendship before becoming more.

I did enjoy this. Mainly for the relationship between Jessica and Tyler but it wasn't always smooth sailing for them. First they don't even like each other, then they come to a truce to try and get along and before long they actually become friends that want to be more. It was an emotional ride towards the end and I had a good old cry, I'll admit.

I don't think I'd like to be a celebrity, having no privacy and everything from your past being brought back to haunt you. Luckily Tyler has a fairly clean life, though people are always willing to sell false stories about him and others. Tyler is good at handling the press and treats the ones on the tour like friends, taking them out for meals at amazing but little known places, sending them for spa days, etc. With Jessica, Tyler just wants her to spend time with him and they have some really cute days out all over the tour cities.

Some of the secondary characters were cool like Kellie and Tyler's parents. One character I wanted to slap silly and Tyler and Jessica, I just wanted to hug.

I'm intrigued by Kellie's story and her romance with her bodyguard who she has a history with so I'll keep my eyes open for her book.
Digging Up the Remains
Digging Up the Remains
Julia Henry | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Which Story Got a Reporter Killed?
Fall has arrived in Goosebush, Massachusetts, and Lilly Jayne is busy with the two weekend fall festival. Kicking things off is a 10K through town. Lilly and her friends Delia and Roddy are making sure the path is clear before the race starts when the find the body of reporter Tyler Crane partially buried in a pile of leaves. Tyler hasn’t been in town long, but he’s made several people upset as he has dug to uncover family secrets. He was teasing new stories coming soon. Was one of those the reason he was murdered?

I really enjoyed getting to visit these characters again. Lilly leads a large and diverse cast of characters, and they are all charming. They are also distinct, so it is easy to keep them all straight. The book reintroduces us to the characters and town while introducing Tyler and the suspects. The pacing is a bit off early on, but the time is being put to good use as it sets up the mystery. Once Tyler is found dead, we are off with suspects as strong as the main characters and many secrets for Lilly and the others to uncover before we reach the climax. Meanwhile, we get some advancement in storylines introduced in earlier books. I suspect we’ve got some seeds that will bloom in future books here as well. I wish I could garden as well as the characters in this series, but I can dream while I read these fun mysteries.
Extraction 2 (2023)
Extraction 2 (2023)
2023 | Action, Thriller
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I know I watched the first Extraction movie, really only remembering the intense action scenes and that long seemingly single take tracking shot.

This one has an even longer one.

Truth be told, I'd forgotten that - at the end of the previous movie - Chris Hemsworth's Tyler Rake had fallen into the Ganges after been stabbed and shot a lot.

This picks up from that, with Rake pulled out of the water in the very first scene and spending the entirety of the first act in recovery.

It's really from Act 2 in that the action kicks off (with, seemingly, his injuries all but forgotten) as he agrees to extract a family from a prison - cue near enough 1.5 hours of virtually non stop action.

Worth a watch? Yes.

Will it win any awards? Doubt it.

Merissa (11925 KP) rated Forsaken Fate (Forsaken Destiny #2) in Books

Jan 29, 2021 (Updated Aug 7, 2023)  
Forsaken Fate (Forsaken Destiny #2)
Forsaken Fate (Forsaken Destiny #2)
Maya Daniels | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
FORSAKEN FATE is the second book in the Forsaken Destiny series and we continue with Echo. She is getting used to the idea of having multiple mates and, so long as she can still hide from dear old dad, she's not too bothered. Until she is reminded that mate number 4 could well be telling dear old dad exactly where she is. So the 'bleep' hits the fan, big time.

Tyler is still my number one guy and I'm SO happy about what happened, for him! He doesn't belong in a stony prison, so YEY, Tyler!!! But I have to say, coming in at number 2 is Xzavier. Oh, I do so love a confused male!

The pacing of this book is fast and furious, with some exceedingly funny bits in there too. There is one scene that brought a smile to my face simply because I know the feeling all too well! Talk about making me laugh!

Anyhoo, perfect pacing, an intriguing storyline with amazing characters - it really couldn't be anything else than a Maya Daniels novel. Absolutely recommended. Bring it on, Forsaken Heart!!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 28, 2021
A Love Song for Liars (Rivals, #1)
A Love Song for Liars (Rivals, #1)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

I picked this up free a few months ago after reading another of the authors works and enjoying it.

This one follows Annie who is playing lead in her schools musical of The Little Mermaid. She wants to prove to her rock star father that she can cut it in the music industry while he doesn't want her anywhere near it, unlike his protégé Tyler. He was her best friend for a long time, the boy from the wrong side of the tracks who she fell for, before her dad offered to send him to the same prestigious private school as her and show him how to make his music better. Then he went from her best friend to they boys she hated in the span of a few weeks. It's hard to stay hating him when he lives in your pool house and keeps coming to your rescue, though.

I found this a quick easy read. I got drawn into the angst that was Annie and Tyler's relationship really quickly. There's an element of love/hate but you quickly see the hate is hiding a hurt from several months ago when Tyler said something she was never meant to hear. They have a rather interesting back story that we learn as the story progresses and I was willing them to just go for it, despite all the things that could go wrong or spoil it for them. They just had a deep connection that I felt deserved to explored.

Unfortunately, it seems their story is spread over three books with a fourth addition as a bonus and I will be reading them at some point in the future but my reading list is almost 100 books long right now - though I have been steamrolling through them lately - so it's on my wish list on Amazon.

It also appears I should have read the Wicked series by this author first as that is Annie's dad Jax's romance but, oh well. I'll read it at a later date, too.
Extraction (2020)
Extraction (2020)
2020 | Action
Brutal and bloody Netflix actioner starring a post-Avengers Chris Hemsworth, that harkens back to the heyday of just these type of 80's action man movies i.e. little in the way of plot, relying instead on the charisma of its leading man, and on the action scenes.

And that's a good thing (sometimes you just want junk food, or the cinematic equivalent thereof).

In this, Hemsworth plays a black marker mercenary named Tyler Rake (and with a name like that, you *know* there's going to be at least one scene where he uses said implement to dispose of some goons), who is hired to rescue the kidnapped son of an imprisoned Bangladeshian international crime lord, with said son held in a city run by a rival of that crime lord.

He easily rescues the son, but then things take a turn for the complicated when they are betrayed, and he must escort that kid out of the city whilst being hunted by both those who wish to recapture Ovi (the teenage kid), and by those who don't want to pay him for the rescue ...

As I said earlier, little in the way of plot - a straight 'get the package from point A to point B - but that is made up for in some stunning (and bruising) action scenes: in particular, the one seemingly-long-take as Tyler and Ovi are hunted through an apartment bloke, across the rooftops, and out on the streets.

Ambiguous ending also leaves it open for a sequel!
Ticket to Ride: Europe
Ticket to Ride: Europe
2005 | Transportation, Travel
I have owned Ticket to Ride: Europe for a long time and it’s not a game that I will be removing from my collection anytime soon. The first time I played the game I was amazed at how quickly the rules could be learned. It takes little time for you to start understanding the nuances of this game. Whenever I teach any edition of Ticket to Ride to someone who hasn’t played board games for years, I tell them that I can get them to completely understand this game in three rounds. I have yet to fail at doing so. The game doesn’t bog down with complicated calculations or actions. With four simple choices for actions each turn, game play moves at a lightning pace. I have found very few people that don’t like the game after playing it numerous times. This is a great accomplishment for any game.

Reviewer: Tyler Nichols
Read the full review here: