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Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980)
Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980)
1980 | Documentary, Drama, International
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In recent years, with financing so much harder to come by and the best television raising itself to the level of great filmmaking, I’ve been happily earning a living working in serialized cable dramas, while still trying to get my own films made. For me, Berlin Alexanderplatz was the grandfather of all the best of modern television, using the expanse of hours to dig ever deeper under the skin of characters, seducing us into caring for a dark antihero in spite of ourselves, and showing that television can be as visual and inventive and surreal as the best movies. I hope we get a Blu-ray version soon!"

The Bay (2012)
The Bay (2012)
2012 | Horror
5.6 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I've never been the biggest fan of the found footage sub genre (there are of course some notable exceptions!) but there's something about The Bay that really gets under my skin. The documentary style provides a strong sense of realism, and the footage shown captures the panic of an outbreak with eerie accuracy, and with recent real world events, it's all feels a bit too familiar, especially when negligence from people in charge is thrown into the mix.
The way the town descends into panic is executed in a truly disturbing way. The gore is seldom but hard hitting. The resulting film is one that makes me question both swimming and drinking tap water ever again, because those parasites are real, and absolutely fuck that.
The Exorcist (1973)
The Exorcist (1973)
1973 | Horror
Plot, acting, VISUALS! (0 more)
Nothing, really (0 more)
A classic for a reason
This movie has everything a horror fan could want. Demons, possession, the never-not-scary backward walking down the staircase, and of course, head spinning. This story of a girl possessed and slowly being devoured by a demon is my favorite kind of horror because it doesn't make you scared for a second. It makes you scared for years. The kind of story where you feel like it could really happen so you go home and check your closets, under the beds, and your kids' foreheads for triple sixes.
Compared to what we have now, the visual aspect of the movie is not the cleanest, but that doesn't detract from the awesome makeup and other effects. Reagan's slow descent into hell is reflected in her appearance as her teeth blacken and her skin rots with lesions. She does something in the movie that still makes my skin crawl (crucifix scene, ugh) but that's how I can tell that the movie hit its mark, if I can think on it years later and still get the creeps. This is definitely something to add to your Halloween collection if you haven't already.
Shadow and Bone (The Grisha #1)
Shadow and Bone (The Grisha #1)
Leigh Bardugo | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)

"Since I started writing about politics full time (a terrible place to live!), I always, always, always have a fantasy novel queued up in my audiobooks app. I listen to snippets when I’m getting dressed or washing the dishes or driving, and I set the sleep timer for 15 minutes every night so I can fall asleep in a story, whether my husband likes it or not. Shadow and Bone—about a young woman who discovers remarkable powers in a world plagued by darkness—is a flawless escape: adventure, romance, a captivating magic system, and enough emotional complexity that it stays under your skin even when you’re back in the real world. "


ClareR (5589 KP) rated Make Me Clean in Books

Feb 24, 2023  
Make Me Clean
Make Me Clean
Tina Baker | 2023 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tina Baker just gets better and better. Make Me Clean is about Maria, a cleaner, who always seems to be able to get herself involved with the wrong people. Or rather, the wrong situation.

Maria is clearly hiding from someone or something. She makes sure she operates under everyones radar. She’s nervous, lonely and seemingly vulnerable. At least that’s what it appears to begin with.

As Maria’s story is told, we learn just what kind of trouble she has managed to get herself into, and it’s possibly the worst kind. As the flower bed in Elsie’s back garden would attest to. But, you see, Maria is also a very caring person. She cares for Elsie like she’s the most important person in the world. And to Maria, she is.

Tina Baker gets under the skin of her characters, and I really think she’s hit the jackpot with Maria. The writing is superb. The juxtaposition between Murderous Maria and Vulnerable Maria become more blurred as the book goes on.

I felt sorry for a woman who becomes increasingly stabby.

I can’t wait to see where, and with whom, Tina takes us next.

Highly recommended.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and to Tina for reading along.

Vince Clarke recommended Heroes by David Bowie in Music (curated)

Heroes by David Bowie
Heroes by David Bowie
1977 | Rock

"That title track, it really affected me emotionally. I can't really explain why, but it really got under my skin. We were going to a lot of parties and stuff, and that was always the track that was played, and everybody would get up and start dancing to it. I love most of the Bowie stuff, but '"Heroes"' and that whole era, I found it really moving. "Heroes" was a rebellion inspiration, an "I told you so"-type thing. It seemed to be very anti-establishment, and something your parents wouldn't approve of, so we loved it. I've never seen Bowie, though we did play a tour supporting him in South America."

Small Great Things
Small Great Things
Jodi Picoult | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everything (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
Another corker from Jodi
I was almost not looking forward to reading this book as normally Jodi Picoults books put me through the emotional wringer. However, this one left me (mostly) dry eyed. Don’t get me wrong, I love a blub more than most people but it’s nice to occasionally finish one of her books without being covered in tears and snot!

Despite this, it is an awesome book. I’m not going to divulge the story but it’s basically about racism and people’s perceived attitudes to it. The 3 points of view are Ruth Jefferson, a black nurse. Turk Bauer, a white supremacist and Kennedy McQuarrie, a lawyer.

It’s well thought out and you can really get under the skin of the character. A really good read, one I would probably read more than once.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Bug (2006) in Movies

Dec 3, 2019 (Updated Dec 4, 2019)  
Bug (2006)
Bug (2006)
2006 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Dont Let The Bed Bugs Bite.
This is such a underrated horror jem. It will make you more afarid of bugs. Bugs are scary, bugs are terrorfying, bugs are horrorfying and this movie will make you afarid of bugs. Those bed bugs though, those bed begs are nasty.

Both Ashley Judd and Micharl Shannon do a excellent job in this movie.

The Plot: At a rundown desert motel, Agnes (Ashley Judd) begins a tentative relationship with a newcomer named Peter (Michael Shannon). He has a strange charisma, one that offers fearful and unstable Agnes a flicker of hope. When Peter reveals that the military deliberately infected him with a bug and that he has tiny insects crawling under his skin, paranoia begins to envelop the desperate pair.

Paranoia, suspense, creepy, terrorfying and overall a underratee horror jem.
Under the Skin (2014)
Under the Skin (2014)
2014 | Sci-Fi
Hoped For More
Under the Skin was doing just fine...until it took a strange direction that I really couldn't get behind. I can't explain it without ruining the movie so I won't. I'm not saying it's not worth watching at least once. However, even if you end up liking it, your appreciation for the film may not be immediate.

I say that because it took me awhile to digest some of the messages sprinkled throughout the film because I was too busy trying to focus on what was actually happening plot-wise. The film preaches that we are victims of our own desires, the things we should probably stay away from but can't. When we don't get the things that we want, we would rather destroy those things than treat them as a loss and move on. How many times have you heard, "I didn't want that job anyway" or "I hate that team. They win too much"? If we can't have the good thing, then no one should have it.

With strong messages like these, It's a wonder the film wasn't better. Overall, it just felt like a puzzle with missing pieces. You're guessing continuously, expecting things to fall into place at some point, but they never do. Again, not a bad just could have been so much more. I expected more excitement and intrigue from a film about an alien female roaming Scotland streets luring men into her van.

For what it's worth, the film does a great job of grabbing your attention and curiosity immediately, setting a tone that demands your attention. Scarlett Johansson was great in her role as Laura the alien life form. You can't help but relate to her struggle of trying to blend in while trying to complete her mission at the same time. Perhaps that was another message: We shouldn't try and change who we are to fit in with social norms. A few tweaks could have made this film a lot better. Overall I give Under the Skin a 75.

Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 9, 2018

Love this movie!

Queen of Nothing
Queen of Nothing
Holly Black | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the final book for the trilogy of The Folk of the Air series.

I adored this book, and struggled to put it down; the culmination of a very fast paced series that delivers.

I would highly recommend this to anyone who preferred Arya's story arc in Game of Thrones but with more magic, intrigue, and scheming oh so many schemes.

Holly has built a beautiful world, that is absolutely intoxicating, and I will honestly ache for more to come from this series.

I also appreciate this book so much for the strong female characters, there were some really subtle and nuanced details that I don't believe a male writer could portray, or even think of.
It is vulnerable in a way that I think most will relate to, and might get under your skin 😉but it is not overwhelming or over the top, in fact it is extremely well balanced overall.

Please go and enjoy for yourself ☺