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Fractured Energy (Energy Series #3)
Fractured Energy (Energy Series #3)
Lynn Vroman | 2015 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The third instalment of the Energy series starts off with Lena still desperately trying to cope without Wilma and pushing everyone away, including Tarek. They are still fighting the good fight and their numbers on Arcus are growing but they find out that things aren't always as they seem which starts the ball rolling on a whole new adventure.

This book simply blew me away. There is every emotion you could possibly think of, including guilt, shame, love and bravery, to name just a few. It has had me laughing out loud on one page, whilst crying on the next. The characters have all gotten under my skin until I actually care about each of them.

This is writing at its best. When an author can make the characters real and make the reader care about what happens to them, I have nothing else to say! The plot is as well-structured as ever and if there were any grammatical errors, I'm afraid I was too engrossed with the story to notice.

This series gets better and better and I can't wait for book 4 to find out if my beaten-up, wreck of a heart will beat again. Highly recommended!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 30, 2015
This Lovely City
This Lovely City
Louise Hare | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The beginnings of the Windrush generation.
The only thing I didn’t like about This Lovely City by Louise Hare, were the attitudes of a lot of the (predominantly) white, male Londoners. And there’s not a thing that the author could do about that.

In 1948 answering a call from the Homeland, Lawrie and hundreds of mainly young men like him, arrived in London, fresh off the Empire Windrush from Jamaica. They were there to help rebuild England after the Blitz and the end of the Second World War. We see this story mainly from Lawrie’s point of view, so we see the racism, the way he was turned away from jobs because the other men wouldn’t want to work with ‘his type’. It was a shock to see the use of the ‘n’ word so often, and the blatant hostility towards Lawrie and his friends.

This story isn’t just about that though. There’s a bit of a love story and a mystery to solve as well. Lawrie makes an upsetting discovery, and rather than being thanked for it, he is immediately under suspicion. Again, solely down to the colour of his skin.

I loved this book. It gave me an insight into the lives of the Windrush generation as they began their lives here. Lawrie and his girlfriend Evie were great characters to read about - I WANTED all to be well for them, as I did for the other Jamaican characters, if I’m honest.

If this is Louise Hare’s first book, I can’t wait to see what she has in store for us next.

Many thanks to NetGalley and HQ for my copy of this wonderful book.
The Stolen Child (Hanlon Series #1)
The Stolen Child (Hanlon Series #1)
Alex Coombs | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, crikey, that was a tough but exciting read that I wasn't able to put down despite the content.

I haven't read anything by this author before and missed this first time round when it was published under a different name but I'm so glad I didn't let it pass me by this time because what a treat it is, although it should come with a warning as there are some very unsavoury sections regarding child abuse that will upset people so be warned.

What we have here is a hard-hitting, gritty and dark story that starts at a fairly gentle pace whilst introducing the main characters but then, wow, it ramps up and doesn't stop until the end. The characters are exceptional and so well described that I could clearly see them in my mind.

The main character, DI Hanlon, is driven by her own form of justice and won't shy away from any situation even if it goes against the letter of the law - she will do what it takes to bring those responsible for despicable crimes to justice and she doesn't hold back. She is one tough cookie and I doubt any miscreant out there would want to be on her bad side!

The sense of tension Mr Coombs developed was palpable and the emotions this book evoked were so strong that I actually felt my heart-rate climbing and experiencing real anger and hatred towards some of the characters - not many books do that which, to me, shows the ability of the author to really draw you in and develop people and situations that get under your skin.

Due to the subject matter and the level of violence contained, this won't appeal to everyone however I would certainly recommend it to those who enjoy a less than flowery police procedural that is likely to be more realistic than most other books in the genre.

Many thanks to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review and for introducing me to yet another excellent British author.

I'm off to read the second in the series now - The Innocent Girl.
Get Out (2017)
Get Out (2017)
2017 | Horror, Thriller
“It really doesn’t matter if you’re ‘Black or White”.
Due to a mixture of holiday, work commitments and sickness (I would not wish to inflict my bronchial cough on ANY cinema audience for a while) I haven’t been to the cinema in over a month… shocking. But it has given me a chance to catch up on some of the films in 2017 (and a few from last year) that I hadn’t got to see. So this will be the first of a series of such “DVD” reviews.
“Get Out” was written and directed by Jordan Peele and was his directorial debut. And a hot item on his resume it is too.

Daniel Kaluuya (“Sicario”) plays African-American Chris Washington who, nervously, takes a trip ‘upstate’ to meet the parents of his cute white girlfriend Rose (Allison Williams). The parents, Dean (Bradley Whitford, best known as Josh Lyman from “The West Wing”) and Missy (Catherine Keener, “ Captain Phillips”), are extremely welcoming.

But the weekend coincides with an “annual gathering” of family and friends, and events quickly take a left turn into “The Twilight Zone”, with anti-smoking hypnosis and a bizarre game of Bingo where the win is so substantial that playing becomes a ‘no brainer’. Can Chris ‘Get Out’, with his mind still intact, before it’s too late?

This is a really clever script by Peele. The film baits you into thinking this is some redneck-inter-racial-revenge flick, but actually the colour of the skin is almost irrelevant. (Or is it? This angle is left deliciously vague). Some of the filming is spectacularly creepy, with the hypnosis scene being reminiscent to me of the excellent “Under The Skin”. And never has a teaspoon in a cup of tea been a more devastating weapon.

I seemed to have talked at length this year in this blog on the subject of the “physics of horror”: the story elements hanging together in a satisfying – albeit sometimes in an unbelievable – way. “Get Out” delivers this to perfection, keeping its powder dry until the closing moments of the film before delivering a series of satisfying “Ah!” relevatory moments.

While the ‘physics’ of the film is good the ‘biology’ is bonkers, featuring a plot point from the terrible first episode of the 3rd season of the original “Star Trek” (if you can be bothered to look that up!). But I’ll forgive this, parking my incredulity, to salute what I think is one of the year’s most novel and impressive low-budget indie horror films.
Possessor (2020)
Possessor (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
From the mind of Brandon Cronenberg comes his second feature length, Possessor, and the best way I could sum it up is that it's a subtle assault on the senses. Although it occasionally throws unsettling imagery at the screen now and again, these moments are seldom and fleeting. The main assault comes from the constant sense of dread that is present from it's visually striking and bloody opening, straight through to it's pretty insane climax. I just felt on edge consistently, thanks to the minimal but forboding score, top notch editing on display, and some quite brilliant performances.

Andrea Riseborough is great, as she was in Mandy, and her presence in modern horror is a welcome one. Her character is the overarching glue that holds all the emotional strains of the plot together with a cold core.
Christopher Abbott is wonderful, as he essentially plays two seperate characters, and sells his descent into madness perfectly.
The supporting cast include the likes of Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tuppence Middleton, and Sean Bean, and it's honestly just a pretty solid cast all around.

The plot is intriguing in a dystopian sci-fi kind of way, and has enough horror elements to really get under the skin. The scene that the already recognisable poster image is taken from is one of the most recoil inducing and uncomfortable scenes I've seen in a while. This premise played out with a decent screenplay, accompanied by sudden bursts of extreme violence, give Possessor an identity of it's own, and make it a modern horror entry that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the big boys.

One of the films of the year for me!