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I read book 7, several months ago and enjoyed it.

This one follows Ivy, who we saw quite a lot of in the previous book since she was one of Sadie's best friends, who owns the areas best taco truck with its spicy food. It's as she's getting ready for the breakfast crowd that she bumps into Kel, a sheriff visiting family in the area for a few weeks and an instant attraction blooms between them. They both try to fight it but keep being drawn back to each other.

I think I liked this more than Playing for Keeps. Kel's protective nature and Ivy's don't-get-close-to-me-because-I-wont-stick-around attitude sort of made me want them to get under each others skin and they did, in a big way. Admittedly it took a while before anything happened but we had hot glances and interesting conversations. Both of them are damaged in some ways. Ivy never really had a parent so she's wary of letting people get close as she's scared of what might happen and Kel keeps himself detached from relationships and blames it on his job for not staying around.

What I did enjoy was seeing them working through their problems so they could be with each other. It wasn't easy to get over them and it wasn't until near the end of the book that they finally got together and it was sweet.

I really like this group of friends. They're the ones who'll stick with you through thick and thin and won't shy away from any problem you might have. I wish I'd read all the previous books - books 1-6 - so I could see how some of these couples got together but I will be keeping my eye out for more books in this series.
Emaji Nation Book 1 The Sparrow
Emaji Nation Book 1 The Sparrow
Denna M. Davis | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I also found the story to be gripping and so detailed that the action never slows down for a second (0 more)
I did not really enjoy how every citizen of Emaji is described as having their own specific skin color. I understand how this may be a gift from Ema or possibly a result of the radiation from the war (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Emaji Nation Book 1: The Sparrow by Denna M. Davis is a book that I will not soon be forgetting about. In fact, I was very pleasantly surprised by just how much I enjoyed this book. The first chapter grabbed my attention instantly. Most books I have read don’t do that, they tend to need some time to build up a reader’s interest. Each chapter seems to leave the reader hanging with just enough anticipation that you might find yourself staying up hours past your intended stopping time to continue the story.

With little explanation as to why young Amanda finds herself walking through a portal at her grandparent’s house and transported to the planet Emaji. This is where she meets Solomon, who helps reunite her with her grandparents. Her grandmother tells her that there is a prophecy naming her the defeater of Zorn and savior of Emaji. With the help of the Emaji leaders, Amanda learns that Emaji was once much like Earth. That is until a nuclear world war forced the survivors into Mount Hanovi where their God (Ema) united them and blessed them with gifts. Peace cannot seem to last and Zorn grew arrogant with his gifts and betrayed the rest of the survivors.

Now, Amanda has to deal with being under attack by an unknown assassin controlled by Zorn. At the same time, she must begin her training. Amanda is only given two days to train and learn about the warrior classes of the Emaji before taking her own Journey of Discovery to receive her personal gift from Ema. At the very end of her Journey she must jump from a cliff to prove her belief in Ema. On top of all this, the prophecy also names the Emaji man she is supposed to marry and she isn’t even seventeen yet.

Denna M. Davis makes Amanda a very relatable character. Amanda shows her fear and her doubts from the moment she steps through the portal at her grandparent’s house and finds herself in Emaji. Unlike many books where a character is the main focus of a prophecy, Amanda does not jump right into her Destiny and instead takes her time deciding if that is what she really wants to do. She internally struggles with the idea of being this destined hero when she could always just go back to the safety of her home. Staying on Emaji means facing danger and possible death for people she just met.

There are so many things I liked about this book that it is hard to pinpoint what I liked best. I loved how relatable and real Amanda is. I also found the story to be gripping and so detailed that the action never slows down for a second. I did not want to stop reading. Being completely honest what I liked least about the book seems almost trivial to me. I did not really enjoy how every citizen of Emaji is described as having their own specific skin color. I understand how this may be a gift from Ema or possibly a result of the radiation from the war but, I just had a hard time picturing it. Frequently, I noticed I would mentally default back to thinking in the skin tones that are naturally found on Earth.

The target readers for this book are fantasy readers starting at mature middle school age and older. There are a few different times that Amanda hints at the fact that she may have been (or came close to being) raped while at a party, so readers would have to be mature enough to handle that concept. Although, nothing of a sexual nature is actually described with detail at any point in the book. I am fully confident in my decision to give this book a complete 4 out of 4 rating. It is extremely well edited to where I only noticed one error in the entire book. Also, I found myself enjoying this book right from the start. Denna M. Davis portrayed a world different from ours wonderfully. I felt like I was actually there at times and was sad when I finished the book. I can not wait to read the second one. I am hooked and I believe anyone who enjoys fantasy will be as well.
Hereditary (2018)
Hereditary (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Nature vs Nurture
As the classic saying goes… if you haven’t heard of Hereditary by now you’ve probably been living under a rock. It’s everywhere at the moment; on buses and billboards, plastered over film blogs and magazines, you name it, it’s there. It’s this season’s hottest horror film, with critics even branding it the “scariest thing they’ve ever seen”. Critical reception has been largely positive, which made me a little nervous before I went to see it for myself. When a film is this hyped up in mainstream media, it’s even more devastating if you end up disliking it.

For me, Hereditary really does live up to the hype. It’s a truly unique, harrowing film that goes beyond predictable, boring jump-scares in order to thrill its audience. The horror here is much better than that, but still packs a monumental punch. Something I really liked about this film is how it portrayed the genuine horrors of things like grief and a broken family, that real life audiences can identify with. There are scenes within this film that will probably stay with me for the rest of my life, due to how jarring and brilliantly acted they were.

Every member of Hereditary’s family is portrayed brilliantly, I was blown away by the quality of the acting and just how invested I was in each of the character’s lives and feelings. They’re the stereotypical middle-class family; mother, father, son, daughter, except here they have a much darker secret buried within. Toni Collette certainly shines as the family’s matriarch; it’s been a while since I’ve been haunted by a performance before, she truly is amazing in this film and I can’t wait to see what she does next.

Hereditary is filled with many disturbing images and an overall sense of dread throughout the entire film. The cinematography really knows how to make you feel uncomfortable and on edge, yet completely transfixed on the screen. It truly is reminiscent of films such as Rosemary’s Baby and Carrie, proving that horror stories are still able to thrive, and aren’t reduced to constant jumpy moments and excessive violence. I loved the psychological horror of the narrative, and how I’m still thinking about it even a week after watching the film. It’s the kind of film that gets under your skin and makes you think.

Ari Aster’s debut feature film goes beyond simply portraying the supernatural as terrifying, and instead taps into real life horror and all the traumatic, isolating and disturbing feelings that come with it. It’s a horror film that many can identify with, deep down, dealing with some very real psychological experiences and fears. I seriously recommend this, but I also recommend bracing yourself for a wild ride. It’s not for the faint of heart.
Puzzle Pieces (La Trattoria Di Amore #1)
Puzzle Pieces (La Trattoria Di Amore #1)
JP Sayle | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Puzzle Pieces (La Trattoria Di Amore #1) by J.P. Sayle
Puzzle Pieces is the first book in the La Trattoria Di Amore series, and also the first book by this author I have read. Needless to say, it won't be the last!

Although Seb has some serious stalker issues that he realises and knows he needs to fix, I somehow felt more sorry for him, than wary. Maybe it was how he looked after Richie, even as he fought his own feelings. I don't know. All I do know is he wormed his way under my skin and, although I still wanted to kick him at times, I could understand what he was doing, or where he was coming from.

Richie was an incredibly naive young man who went with the flow rather than fighting for what he wanted. The only thing/person he fought for was his mum. And wasn't I in tears at 36%?! Oh yeah, great big hiccuping sobs, f'ugly crying at its best! Thanks for that, Ms. Sayle!! My poor kids wondered what was wrong until I explained it was the book I was reading. Saying that, Richie is still a strong individual who won't allow himself to be walked over (most of the time). I loved the clashing between Seb and Richie, and liked how they worked things out.

All in all, this is an amazing book, with subtle hints at a crossover with the Manx Cat series by this author, which is now on my TBR pile. If I had to say anything negative, it would be the points of view that keep changing in the middle of paragraphs are a bit off-putting. Still, it wasn't a huge thing in the bigger picture. The plot was smooth with no holes, and the characters grew as the story progressed.

An excellent start to the series, and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11928 KP) rated Tempted by a Rogue Prince (Eternal Mates #3) in Books

Apr 7, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Tempted by a Rogue Prince (Eternal Mates #3)
Tempted by a Rogue Prince (Eternal Mates #3)
Felicity Heaton | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved the first two books in this series and was happily looking forward to this one. I've had smoking hot, sexy scenes, and I've had laugh-out-loud moments as the main females stand up to their mates, but in this book, I've had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes as well.

Vail is a perfectly flawed character and you can see exactly what he's fighting against. Rosalind has her own demons to fight (pardon the pun!) the not least of which is that she is being held against her will and thinks that she has just met the man foretold to appear before her death. So she is a Witch which immediately makes Vail's blood boil and his appearance foretells her death, which she is keen to avoid. How on earth, or in Hell, are these two supposed to get together?

By telling a story with intrigue, depth, and layer upon layer of emotion - that's how. I started this book and thought that I'd just read a bit before bed, just to get it started. After a few hours, I put the book down, fully finished and bleary-eyed. I devoured this book and to be honest, I still need more. Vail has managed to get under my skin and I need to know that he's okay, that he's got and is keeping his H-E-A with Rosalind.

LOVED THIS BOOK!!! Highly, highly, highly recommended.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
December 19, 2018
Covered (Gold Hockey Season 2, #7)
Covered (Gold Hockey Season 2, #7)
Elise Faber | 2022 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Best one so far...
COVERED is the seventh book in the Gold Hockey Season Two series but you can read it as a standalone. Jess and Josh from book six do feature here as supporting characters, but you don't need to have read their story.

Jordyn's world exploded when she caught her husband and best friend together. She packed up her sons and their lives and moved to be near her brother. Ben can see she is hurting, but also sees the strength inside, the strength she doesn't feel. With his confidence in her, Jordyn is able to find her feet. The connection works both ways, and she is able to help him when his family issues get too big for him to contain.

This was a brilliant read! Ben and Jordyn know what they want and go for it. No messing around, no unnecessary angst, just feelings and the ability to show them in small ways. That's what got me about this book. There are no big flashy 'look at how good I am' moments. Just kind, caring, simple, and oh-so-effective times that burrow under your skin and make you yearn!

I read this book in one sitting as I simply couldn't put it down. I loved Ben and Jordyn's story, not forgetting Sammy and Marcus. The pacing is perfect, the story flowing without any hitches or jerks. Well, maybe Daniel is a jerk, but he's supposed to be!

This was a great addition to the series, the best one so far in my opinion. Now, I just need to wait for Will and Lily. Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!