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Gunner ( Bracken Ridge Rebels MC 2)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
168 of 235
Gunner ( Bracken Ridge Rebels MC 2)
By Mackenzy Fox

Gunner: She’s always been there, it’s not like I haven’t noticed, I have. I wanted her once, long ago, but it’s forbidden, she’s off limits, a club sister, Steel’s sister. The more I try not to think of her or want to touch her, the more I can’t stop. She’s under my skin. Clawing at my heart. I know I have to stay away but she��s like forbidden fruit, the one thing I can’t have and the sinner in me wants to corrupt her in every way I can; taint her like only I know how. And I will, at least for a while. I always get what I want. Always. Even if it means breaking hearts.

Lily: He’s within reach but always so far away. For the longest time I’ve watched and waited, admired him, ached for him, all from a distance. But now my time has come. It’s now or never. He’s all wrong for me, I know that. I’ve always known, but it doesn’t stop me wanting him, it never will. The question is, can my heart ever recover or beat again the same way when he’s finished with me? Or will I live to regret laying my heart on the line and baring my soul to the one man who has the power to shatter me forever.

It was good I enjoyed it maybe not as much as the first one but it was good. A very sweet ending.
The Green Knight (2020)
The Green Knight (2020)
2020 | Action, History
It's now been three days since I watched The Green Knight and I haven't able to get it out of my head, it's strong combination of layered narrative and stunning visuals really leave an impression.
The themes running through the film are many. It presents itself as a coming of age tale, but is primarily about the conflict of pride and honour, and what one is willing to do to leave a legend in their stead. All of these threads are executed wonderfully under the skin of a fantasy voyage. The fantasy setting has a near constant feeling of dread running through it. There are moments here and there that flirt with horror, and are genuinely unsettling, thanks in no small part to a unnerving music score by Daniel Hart, a frequent collaborater of director David Lowery. His score draws you in to the point of not being able to look away, even when you want to.
As mentioned, The Green Knight is visually stunning, an unarguable feast for the eyes. The whole runtime is bursting with beautiful vistas, colourful fever dreams, inspired perspective shots, and some moments that are designed to stick in the mind, rent free. The whole aesthetic and world design feels unique, the titular Green Knight being a fine example.
It has a top tier cast just to really sweeten the deal as well.

All of these aspects combined make for an engaging Arthurian tale that is hard to forget. It surely won't be to everyone's liking, but as far as I'm concerned, it's an excellent piece of film making that absolutely deserves to be seen regardless.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
147 of 230
Evermine ( Daughters of Askara book 2)
By Hailey Edwards

There’s such a thing as too much change. Emma’s sister is mated. Revolution is brewing in her home realm. The last straw: her would-be mate is back from the dead and back under her skin—yet when it comes to the last five years, he’s not talking.


Desperate for a chance to start her own life, she answers the queen’s call to ensure equality for all of Askara’s newly freed slaves. It’s the perfect opportunity to escape a heartbreak in the making named Harper.


Harper loses a piece of his fractured soul when Emma walks away. His lies were meant to protect her from torturous years that drove him to the point of madness. Instead, when he comes to her a year later to help avert a crisis in a freed-slave community, the wedge those lies drove between them is firmly in place.


As their new lives collide with old wounds, they race to stop a threat that could not only destroy the queen, but send Harper back to the hell he escaped. Emma must decide if the man she still loves deserves equal rights to her heart.

This was ok. I really enjoyed book one I like the demons in this series. I just don’t know what it was about this one I just got a little bored. Im not a huge fan of Emma her character just gets on my nerves a bit! I like where the story is going so it’s a 3 star for me.
The Invisible Man (2020)
The Invisible Man (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
I've always found the premise of The Invisible Man damn scary. Someone watching you, stood next to you, whilst you carry on obliviously. It's the kind of scariness that gets under the skin, honestly, just like this movie does. For the first time in a while, I felt truly uncomfortable and genuinely scared throughout a fair chunk of the run time.

The movie starts with leading lady Cecilia (Elisabeth Moss) quietly and frantically leaving her house in the dead of night, to get away from her abusive relationship with partner Adrian (Oliver Jackson-Cohen).
This opening scene sets the tone nicely. It's dimly lit, it's mostly silent, it's tense, and climaxes frantically with a swelling of orchestral score (the original score by Benjamin Wallfisch is fantastic throughout).
Finally free and living with friends, Cecilia is somewhat comforted by the news that Adrian has subsequently committed suicide, and is no longer a threat to her.
Before long though, she is being stalked by an unseen presence, and she quickly becomes convinced that Adrian as alive and well, and has perfected his work in the optics field to turn himself invisible, and systematically ruin her life.

Once it becomes apparent that Cecilia is not alone is where the movie really shines. We're subjected to wide shot after wide shot of her going about her daily routines, with plenty of empty camera space, where we as the audience are prompted to search the shot for clues, to see if we can see where The Invisible Man is in the moment. It's a simple and hugely effective tactic that had me squirming. The constant under current of dread is really quite horrible.

Elisabeth Moss is great from start to finish. The torment that she is out through is portrayed really well, and it doesn't take a lot to sympathise with her, and the yearning for everyone else to see she isn't crazy is strong.

Towards the final act, the tension predictably takes a bit of a backseat for a more fast faced finale, which mostly works, but it's hard to ignore a few glaring plot holes, and a late twist that feels like it was thrown in just for the sake of it. It's not enough to ruin what is undoubtedly a pretty solid edge-of-your-seat thriller though.
If Universal had perhaps approached The Mummy with a similar style, then we could be in the midst of a great Dark Universe franchise, but if all the seperate entries end up being as strong as The Invisible Man, then it's no loss.
Kat transformed in front of him. Her chin came up, her fingers stopped twitching with the fabric of her gown, and a real sparkle bubbled in her eyes. It was like watching Snow White come to life when the prince kissed her. A heartwarming WWII historical from award-winning author Cara Putman: Kat Miller has dreamed of playing baseball her entire life. When she earns a spot on a team in the All-American Girls Professional Softball League, she finds that things aren’t as glamorous as she imagined. She struggles with long road trips, grueling practices, and older teammates who are jealous of her success. And to top it all off, an irritating reporter is constantly getting under Kat’s skin. Events in Jack Raymond’s career have left him cynical and distanced from God. He never wanted to write at a small paper, and he certainly didn’t want to be assigned to something as inconsequential as a women’s softball team. Then Kat walks into his life. The fiery, young softball player somehow climbs the walls around his heart and makes him want to hope again. When lies fly and the league appears to fail, will Kat and Jack’s new love survive?

My Thoughts: Every girl has a dream, and this time it's Kat's turn to have hers come true! A chance to play professional baseball. Cara Putman has weaved history and fiction in an entertaining storyline; s based the all women's league that was formed during the second world war.

Kat is the youngest member on the team and as I read the book, I wanted to take her under my wing and protect her from her jealous teammates. Kat had to suffer being away from her family, the jealousy of some of her teammates, traveling, grueling schedules and falling in love for the first time.

This was a very entertaining novel. I truly enjoyed it and it was a pleasure to read. One of the things I enjoyed about the book, was that Kat wanted to make a difference. She wanted to be a light for the Lord where ever she went. Her actions actually made Jack turn back to the Lord.

Even though I hadn't read the first two books, this was easy to follow on its own. I would love to read more from Cara Putman.
Oh man, what do I say about this book.

It was my time to pick a book club book so I figured it was finally time to dust off my signed copy and finally read this book. I have put this book on the back burner simply because I knew that I was going to cry reading it. I've been reading some heavier books but with the recent tragedies that have happened in the past few years I knew I needed to finally read this book.

Media Circus by Kim Goldman was really interesting. It kept me turning the pages & I enjoyed how different this book was. I loved that it focused on the media and I loved that it brought victims in that many people leave out when thinking of victims. I also enjoyed seeing what each person was up to at the time that this book was written. It was very inspiring to see how many of them are using their voice to help others.

The only thing that I felt was lacking was a conclusion. I really felt that each story needed a conclusionary paragraph. It seemed to just not flow properly. I really would have loved to have the conclusion that could then pull in the next story. It would have helped the book progress instead of jumping to the next story.

All in all, I enjoyed this book. It was hard to read & I cried many times while reading this book. I was heartbroken, I was inspired, I was angry. This book sits under the skin & I think it will stay with me for a while.
Hereditary (2018)
Hereditary (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
As a person who watches a respectable chunk of horror, it's not often that a genre film comes along that manages to get under my skin, something that Hereditary definitely does.

The first full length feature by Ari Aster is many things - it's heart wrenching, it's unsettling, definitely disturbing, frequently terrifying, but also carries a weight of beauty. It's wonderfully realised - Aster has a keen eye for striking visuals, something he proved doubly with Midsommar, and Hereditary boasts a brag worthy amount of fantastic shots and clever edits. A lot of the tracking shots centred around the characters add to the uneasiness, and has you constantly scanning the frame for something hidden away, leering at the viewer from the darkness. (A few shots legit just make me want to watch something else)
There are multiple moments that gave me chills, and a lovely fear-soaked amount of visual cues that will stick with me for some time. The whole atmosphere of Hereditary is unpleasant, quite sinister, and brimming with emotion.

The whole cast are great without a doubt, but Toni Collette is the true star. She's an absolute powerhouse throughout this movie, and is arguably her best performance ever put to screen. Her portrayal of the sheer trauma she experiences is harrowing at times, managing to give us a hugely sympathetic and human character (whilst occasionally being nightmare fuel herself)

That's a good word to use actually - Hereditary feels like a nightmare put onto screen. The whole movie is dripping with tension, and never lets up on making the viewer feel uncomfortable. Ari Aster will surely play a huge part in the future of the genre. Not only is Hereditary a masterclass in modern horror, but it's a genuinely fantastic cinematic experience, which I would consider essential viewing.
Underworld: Blood Wars (2017)
Underworld: Blood Wars (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, Horror
The latest installment of the Underworld franchise will not make you happy, but it may entertain you.

Let my preamble consist of this important note: I am a huge fan of the property. With that in mind, we’ll continue.

Kate Beckinsale is back in her black, skin-tight vinyl to deal death and continue the war that’s raged for 1500 years. While a few characters from previous movies show up in this film, most roles are taken by fresh faces. Scenes from the old movies as inserted under the guise of memories narrated by Selene, as well as the jumpy blood memories.

With so many films preceding this one, the creators were kind enough to run us through the major events that set up the current plot. However, as happens with most sequels, I cursed myself for not remembering to watch the previous film beforehand. I recommend doing so; it had been so long I’d forgotten connections and details.

The story of the war continues. The current crisis is coming to a head with a powerful Lycan named Marius in command of the pack. They are intent upon winning the war, once and for all, with a concentrated assault.

Both sides seek avenues to make their species more powerful, and in this case, it’s Selene’s daughter.

The action sequences are shot in the same choppy style as in previous films, but are somehow not captured as beautifully as before.

The plot proceeds at a breakneck pace, often too fast for its own good. Whether it’s due to poor writing, poor direction, or some combination of both, the short scenes feel forced. They exist purely as plot points and do little to attach the audience to the characters. Though the film was marketed as “the final showdown,” it lacks the same epic feeling of the previous one. It’s clear they are trying to milk this franchise for all it’s worth. The payout we all desperately want — a conclusive ending — just won’t come.

The crowning failure comes at a pivotal point when two characters are screaming at each other while pushing bullets out of their skin. It made me feel like I was watching a campy, low-budget action flick. It was so bad that my movie buddy and I started laughing out loud.

We are both huge fans of the property, but were greatly disappointed by poor movie-making and the lack of closure to the story. They probably won’t be given another chance to finish it.

Despite all of this, the acting is actually pretty good. And let’s be honest here: if you are a fan of this franchise, you’re going to go watch it no matter what I say. That’s fine, but don’t go in with high expectations. You can extract some entertainment, but this is just not a good film.
Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
Story (3 more)
Unexpected twists
It's long? (0 more)
This Parasite gets under your skin...
I will try not to spoil anything, because I really enjoyed watching this movie unfold. It's the kind of film where you can't really guess where it is going, because where it is going is so strange...

Based on the director, I expected sci-fi or horror. This movie isn't either of those genres: it is basically a human-level character study, but in a universe with slightly-cartoonish logic.

I know that doesn't make much sense, but if you watch the movie you might agree.

The main family is broke. They have no money for food and their neighbor recently put a password on their wifi, so they don't even have phones that work. When the son gets the chance to become a tutor to a rich girl, even though he isn't qualified, he jumps at the chance. And, slowly but surely, he and his family plan ways to get all four of them hired on at the rich owners' house.

That's all I will say, because discovery is important for this movie to work. There is a lot of drama and real-life class struggle, but the movie is often punctuated by humor that takes a second to register. It might be a physical sight gag; it might be a turn of phrase; it might be a facial expression; but I found myself laughing out loud, even as uncomfortable things were happening.

If you don't mind subtitles, I strongly recommend Parasite. It is as good as the reviews say.
Hidden Magic ( Harper Shadow Academy 1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
53 of 235
Hidden Magic ( Harper Shadow Academy 1)
By Luna Pierce

A cursed witch, four sexy men, and a shadow realm hidden within their academy.

My name is Willow Oliver, and I’m descended from a bloodline of powerful yet cursed witches. At least, that’s what my mother claims. Most people think she’s crazy.

I never put too much thought into it—the whole being a witch thing—I assumed my strange quirks were something everyone else had.

Flowers don’t glow when you look at them?

When others my age go off to faraway colleges and escape our sleepy town, I stay close to home so I can continue to keep an eye on my mother.

My new academy buzzes with a familiar energy. One that half the student body doesn’t seem to notice. The others simply disappear through hazy shadows, vanishing into thin air. Three of the four men I’m magnetically drawn to have skin that feels like electric when we touch, something magical hidden under the surface of each of them.

The more I uncover, the more I doubt my sanity, making me consider one of two things: I’m going crazy, too, or maybe my mom was right after all.

And if what she said of our lineage was true, will I be strong enough to face the ancient curse that is stealing our power? Or will I succumb to it while risking the lives of the ones I can’t help but care for?

It was good. Good story, decent characters and pretty much what I was expecting. Didn’t blow me away but was a decent read.