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GameCritics (290 KP) created a video about Undertale in Video Games

Sep 5, 2017  

Undertale Release Trailer


Being under the sea can be limiting, claustrophobic, but can also be breathtaking and beautiful. Which is your favorite?

The Abyss (1989)

The Abyss (1989)

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Avg: 8.2 (27 Ratings)
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An underwater drilling team is redirected to search for a sunken submarine. While searching, they...

Airport '77 (1977)

Airport '77 (1977)

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Avg: 6.4 (5 Ratings)
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Take a luxurious, privately-owned 747 jumbo jet full of VIP's. Load it with a cargo of priceless art...

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961)

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961)

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Harriman Nelson (Walter Pidgeon) is the creator of a revolutionary nuclear submarine. After testing...

Waterworld (1995)

Waterworld (1995)

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Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper and Jeanne Tripplehorn star in a turbocharged action-adventure epic,...

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Two for the Dough (Stephanie Plum, #2)
Two for the Dough (Stephanie Plum, #2)
Janet Evanovich | 1996 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating

You've got mail! This is the first book I've ever read in which someone receives a penis by mail.
Stephanie is after Kenny Mancuso who shot his friend Moogey Bues. Then Kenny skedaddles and Moogey is shot again (only this time he goes to the morgue). The creepy undertaker Spiro Stiva enlists our heroine's help with tracking down 24 (count 'em) caskets.
This book is like the rest in the series: breezy, completely unbelievable, and ridiculously appealing. Seriously, Grandma Mazur is such a gem! I think a series with her as a main character would be a ball! More chemistry with Joe Morelli, more explosions, this book is hilarious and a bit unsettling... Stephanie is faced with a home invader who leaves body part and the aforementioned penis mailing. Oh, and former ho, Lula, begins her stint as a filing clerk. I read this book in less than a day. Hope I didn't spoil it for ya.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated The Comedy of Terrors (1964) in Movies

Mar 30, 2020 (Updated Mar 30, 2020)  
The Comedy of Terrors (1964)
The Comedy of Terrors (1964)
1964 | Classics, Comedy, Horror
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Vincent Price (1 more)
Boris Karloff
Price and Karloff
The Comedy of Terrors- It is a blend of comedy and horror which features several cast members from Tales of Terror, made by AIP the year before. Its funny, hilarious, laugh of loud, terrorfying and scary. Plus you have both Vincent Price and Boris Karloff which is a hugh plus in my books. Two iconic legend horror actors.

The plot: Waldo Trumbull (Vincent Price) is an amoral undertaker in 19th-century New England who takes to murdering people to have enough cash to support his drinking habit. Desperate for money after a widow stiffs him for a burial, Trumbull and his assistant, Gillie (Peter Lorre), decide to kill the wealthy Mr. Black (Basil Rathbone), their landlord, to whom they're indebted. But murdering Black proves to be quite a challenge, as he seems to keep recovering from death every time they do him in.

Its a classic movie, with two horror icons and mixs horror with comedy.
Never Grow Old (2019)
Never Grow Old (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Thriller
Under-the-Radar Good
Set in the 1800’s, when a band of unsavory men muscle their way into a small town, the town’s undertaker has to face the moral decision of reaping the benefits of their destruction or keeping his family and the town safe. It’s a lot harder of a decision than you might think which is part of the reason why I think this movie works so well. I thought I could easily decide one way or another, but by the end of it, I wasn’t so sure.

Acting: 10
I applaud Emile Hirsch for constantly taking on unique roles and stepping outside of comfort zones. In Never Grow Old, he is Pat the Irish undertaker. The role is original in and of itself, but he manages to take it and really make it his own. As Pat, he gives you that “Every Man” feel giving the sense that you would do the same types of things if put in his situation. You can feel his fear in knowing he may have to do some things he doesn’t want to do to protect his family.

Shout-out to John Cusack playing bounty hunter Dutch. He does an outstanding job of really making you hate his guts. By the end of it, you’re ready to seem him get taken out. I respected his performance because it never felt overdone or unbelievable like some actors struggle with when taking on an antagonist role. Think Thanos with a six-shooter.

Beginning: 9

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 7

Genre: 9
This film ranks up there in terms of Westerns if nothing else but for its originality. The genre is oversaturated with revenge tales, robberies, and the peacekeeping law. This takes you in an entirely different direction. It’s filled with action, grit, but, more importantly, thought.

Memorability: 8

Pace: 6

Plot: 10

Resolution: 7
Not the ending I was hoping for, but I understand why this directional path was chosen. it was almost unavoidable. I didn’t love it, but I definitely respect it.

Overall: 86
Never Grow Old is one of those hidden gem movies you will be wanting to tell your friends to go see. If you like Westerns, hell even if you don’t, this one is extremely enjoyable and memorable. One of my favorite under-the-radar movies.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Dead Don't Die (2019) in Movies

Jul 20, 2019 (Updated Jul 20, 2019)  
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
Bemusingly inert zombie pastiche/comedy. The good people of Centerville, USA, find themselves besieged when 'polar fracking' shifts the world off its orbit and raises the dead. Is anyone going to make it through the night?

Sounds like a knowing pastiche of B-movie tropes (there indeed appears to be a nod to Plan Nine from Outer Space at one point), and indeed it is, but if this is really a comedy they forgot to add any jokes. There are some amusing moments and the zombie-pocalypse is certainly well staged, but the film seems more concerned with cultivating a baffling, deadpan weirdness than actually telling a coherent story. For instance: Tilda Swinton plays the town's undertaker, a sword-swinging eccentric with a Highland Scots accent. The punchline? Tilda Swinton's character is called Zelda Winston! Oh, my sides. Various other bits of self-aware cleverness also intrude. Characters appear, don't do much, and then exit; Romero is referenced without any new angles being taken on his ideas; there is no conclusion worthy of the name. If the film is trying to send a message about pointlessness and futility, it needn't have taken it quite so much to heart.
Fistful of Dollars (1964)
Fistful of Dollars (1964)
1964 | Adventure, Western
A Solid Spaghetti Western
A Fistful of Dollars doesn't succeed because the film as a whole is perfect. Rather there are a number of memorable scenes that perfectly captivate an audience and make the film irresistible. There are moments of extended silence periods where only a guitar is playing while the camera pans back and forth from one face to the next. These moments are extremely powerful and quickly trains the audience into knowing that as soon as you see this happen, it's about to go down. No matter how many times director Sergio Leone relies on this effect, it never loses its excitement.

In mentioning scenes, a lot of favorites comes to mind. One scene in particular involves Joe (Clint Eastwood) walking past the undertaker who warns Joe that the men he's about to face will probably kill him. "Get three coffins ready," is Joe's badass reply. After killing the entire crew in what felt like a blink, Joe goes, "My mistake. Four coffins." Definitely put a huge smile on my face.

It's scenes like these that instantly make you fall in love's with Eastwood's character. The guy just bleeds badass. Nothing rattles him. Not only does he get out of tight pinches, but he does it with style. Towards the back half of the film, he takes his performance to even higher heights with some very cool action sequences. Action sorely needed after the film stumbled a bit in the middle with too much dialogue.

When Joe arrives in town as a complete stranger, his goal is simple: Pit two rival families against each other while making a lot of money in the process. The body count is high which keeps the excitement level even higher. Very enjoyable. I give the film an 89.
Death Becomes Her (1992)
Death Becomes Her (1992)
1992 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
An ageless Black Comedy
Helen is a struggling Writer who has gone with her Fiance, successful Plastic Surgeon Ernest Menville, to see an old friend/enemies Theatrical Show. The friend in question is an aging starlet by the name of Madeleine. Backstage, Madeleine and Ernest have an instant chemistry and despite reassuring Helen otherwise, Ernest and Madeleine eventually get Married; which sents Helen into a spiral of severe depression and overeating.

7 years later... Madeleine is middle aged and in an unhappy Marriage with the now Undertaker Ernest. Things are at an all time low when they recieve an Invitation to Helen's Book Party... the title of her book being "Forever Young". Desperate and in need of some rejuvenation, Madeleine goes to her usual clinic for some anti-aging therapy, and explodes in anger when they have no further options for her. This is when the Boss of the Spa approaches Madeleine and gives her the business card of Lisle Von Rhuman and explains that only a select group of people can consult with this woman. Madeleine brushes the whole incident off... until she sees Helen at the party. Helen is vibrant, more skinny and more beautiful and, shockingly, looks much younger than Madeleine. Madeleine is furious and, upon discovering her young bit on the side is sleeping with a younger woman, pays Lisle Von Rhuman a visit. Who is this mysterious woman and what exactly can she offer to Madeleine as a miracle cure to aging? And could this also be Helen's secret to her youth? Also, what are Helen and Ernest plotting behind Madeleine's back? And what will the disasterous condequences be when they finally confront each other?

I saw Death Becomes Her as a kid and was really taken with it; I loved the mysterious, '40s Starlet ways of Lisle Von Rhuman, I loved how elegant the Movie looks whilst also delivering on the Horror and the (very Black, very tongue in cheek) Comedy. It's so stand apart, I've never ever seen another like Death Becomes Her and it's a Movie I hope is enjoyed for generations to come. It's wonderful.

Charlie Cobra Reviews (1840 KP) rated The Dead Don't Die (2019) in Movies

Jul 7, 2020 (Updated Oct 25, 2020)  
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
An All Star Cast Couldn't Get This Film To Rise From The Grave
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was greatly disappointed in this movie. I thought it was a little funny in the beginning with Adam Driver's character breaking the fourth wall and talking about the theme song for the movie but a lot of the humor was kind or dry and fell flat for me. Bill Murray's character was too serious and Chloe Sevigny's too emotional but they were good in contrast to each other and I guess the police force in general were ok. What threw me off too was that it took so long for anything to happen. The pacing was off in this movie and nothing really happened for a long time. I was hoping that it was setting something up and that it would pay off but I can't say that it did in a successful way. The first scene with the zombies at the dinner attacking the workers there was pretty good and I thought it was funny with the whole "coffee" thing sure. But too many characters and scenes were wasted. I thought the Selena Gomez's car group were wasted and could have been utilized better and would have made the movie/story more interesting. The same with Danny Glover and Caleb Landy Jones who try their best to survive but are overtaken by zombies because the cops don't have the balls to leave their car to even check on them. Even Tom Waits character Hermit Bob was wasted because he never really does anything except hide in the woods and look at people through binoculars. I don't know i really don't, I mean I see such wasted potential in a movie having so many good actors. Makes me wonder what they think about the film if any of them have seen it. The only character I really liked was Tilda Swinton as the creepy mortician/undertaker and how she kicked ass with that samurai sword. Another thing that bothered me was when the zombies got their heads cut off or shot there was just this weaird black ash or sand that came out and no blood or anything. It was kind of a cool effect at first but then it was never explained or anything so it started bothering the crap out of me. There were a couple of other parts that were funny for me and one or two scenes of action but I have to say this was a below normal zombie comedy movie. Nothing like Zombieland. I give The Dead Don't Die a 4/10.

Bloodrush (The Scarlet Star Trilogy #1)
Bloodrush (The Scarlet Star Trilogy #1)
Ben Galley | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It is hard to describe this book purely because it appears to try to do too much.

It is set in an alternate universe where much is familiar but some things are very different.
It is a western, mostly set in an frontier town in Wyoming with the usual cast of restless townspeople, lone prospectors and ruthless land owners.
It is a fantasy involving faeries and magick

Yet in Galley's capable hands these elements are moulded into a seamless and thrilling story. All the different aspects fit together neatly and consistently producing a terrific platform for the characters and plot.

The main character is 13 year old Tonmerion Hark (known as Merion), son of the Prime Lord (think Prime Minister) of an alternate version of Victorian Britain. When his father is murdered by assailants unknown he is sent to his last remaining relative - an aunt living in Wyoming. Travelling with him is is best friend, a faerie called Rhin who is a fugitive from the rest of the Fae. Desperate to get back to London to find his father's killer and rescue his inheritance, Merion is instead drawn into conflict and underhand dealings in the small town of Fell Falls where is aunt is the undertaker.

The alternate universe is particularly striking. Very nearly everything is familiar but with important differences. The biggest of these is clearly that creatures such as the Fae exist (even if few people have ever seen one) but other changes include the natives of America, the Shohari, not being quite human and a lot of clever differences in London that really make it clear what kind of world Merion inhabits. The magick is also well thought out with a lot of thought and imagination given to its mechanics and its implications.

Galley's writing is a joy. It is clear and concise yet conveys the scene to the reader with impressive ease. The hot sun and gritty sand of the desert feel very real indeed. The characters are very well described and a great deal of care has been taken to express them. These are not cardboard cliches, which would have been easy. Merion is the hero but at heart is still a 13 year old boy, a boy who is impetuous and complains how life is unfair. All through the book there is a subtle undercurrent of wry humour.

What this whole book reminded me of - both in the writing and in the almost but not quite like our world setting - was a slightly darker Terry Pratchett. That is not an exaggeration, This book really is up there with the very best Discworld books in terms of story and inventiveness. It is darker in tone than anything Pratchett would write and not quite as laugh out loud funny in places but it is damn close.

The story itself unfolds at a fast pace - which is good because there is a lot to get through with several plots running intertwined through the narrative and sparking off each other as they twist and turn through every reveal. The final showdown is suitably climactic and the prose as well as the magick crackles off the page in a breathless rush towards the final chapter.

I do like to balance my reviews with maybe some small point that counts against the book but I really can't think of one for Bloodrush. It simply is a magnificent piece of work. You may not have known you wanted a alternate reality fantasy western but once you have read this you will wonder where the next one is coming from.

Very very highly recommended and the 5 star rating was easy to give.

Rated: Strong language so not for the youngest of young adults