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(Un)like a Virgin
(Un)like a Virgin
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not a huge fan of chick-lit at all. I prefer something a little more exciting than just following a woman around in her daily life.
That's not to say I didn't like this, because it was okay.
I have this thing where covers attract me to books and come on! It's a really fun, funky cover. But as I mentioned above chick-lit is not one of my favourite genre's. In fact, this was a DNF after 111 pages out of 400 and odd, though I did skim through the pages and what I thought would happen, didn't.
I still liked Gracie and I'm sure that if I could have brought myself to pick it back up and continue that I may have liked it. But from the 100 or so pages I read it was okay.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Arranged in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Arranged</i> is a contemporary, chick-lit by Catherine McKenzie about love and marriage. Anne Blythe, a thirty three year old <i>Anne of Green Gables</i> look alike, has been unlucky in love. After breaking up with her most recent boyfriend she despairs that she will remain alone for the rest of her life. But that very day she finds a business card titled “Blythe & Company Arrangements Made”. Intrigued by the surname and assuming it is a dating company she books herself an appointment.

Anne soon discovers that <i>Blythe & Company</i> is actually an arranged marriage service, however she decides to go along with it and ends up in Mexico marrying a man named Jack who she has only just met. Now comes the hard part – living together, coming up with a plausible story to tell her friends and family and dealing with their mixed reaction. But just as Anne begins to feel she may have got her happy ever after she learns something about Jack that could ruin everything.

This story is a brilliant concept that makes the reader want to keep on reading. All the main characters are likable, particularly Anne, which ensures the reader will not get bored of the storyline. For over three quarters of the novel McKenzie writes as though everything is going to turn out ok, leaving the reader feeling sure that something must go wrong somewhere along the line, yet also wishing that it will not.

Admittedly, chick-lit is not my first choice of genre to read and many of these books are nothing special. However this concept was really interesting and I enjoyed the novel. I would definitely recommend it to lots of female readers particularly the hopeless romantics.
The Harder They Come (1972)
The Harder They Come (1972)
1972 |
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I first saw this in Detroit— I was seventeen, it was 1975. We lit up our Colombian spliffs, along with everyone else in the theater, an all-smoking venue. I’d never listened to reggae before. I’d never seen a movie where the hero is last pictured in a rain of gunfire, still blasting his pistol, the immortal prince. I hid my eyes from many of the scenes of cruelty: the sadistic pastor assigned to “care” for our young Ivan, the vicious corruption of the record companies, dope kingpins and government goons—who seem to be one and the same. When Ivan punctuates his overdue revenge strokes with a knife with “Don’t. Fuck. With. Me!”—I wondered if I’d draw another breath."


Mark Arm recommended Duck Stab by The Residents in Music (curated)

Duck Stab by The Residents
Duck Stab by The Residents
1978 | Alternative
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I guess it was originally two EPs, put together in one record. I don't have the original versions but the songs all feel like one record and it's kind of them at their catchiest. They were always a little bit creepy. Some of the other things that came out on Ralph Records like Renaldo and The Loaf were wackier but there was a creepiness to The Residents that I found very, very appealing. Do you know Long Gone John, the label boss from Sympathy For The Record Industry? I went down to visit him at his house in Long Beach. This band I was in, Bloodloss, was on tour and we all went over there because he released a couple of our records. We went to his house and he was just a massive collector of crazy rock stuff and also that kind of juxtaposed art, like Robert Williams paintings. The Residents came up and his eyes lit up. He was like, ""Come here, follow me"" and he took us to this back room, opened up a safe and pulled out a copy of Santa Dog their first record. He prized that so much he kept it in a safe!"

The Cranes Are Flying (1957)
The Cranes Are Flying (1957)
1957 | Drama, Romance, War
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"A vanguard film (again). 1957. A great love story. But mostly a work of overimpressive technical virtuosity. Breathtaking crane shots, hair-raising forest sequences (with a memorable rotating low-angle shot of trees dissolving into one another), an amazing and very swift traveling shot (captured from a tram in movement) in which the lead actress dives into a crowd, looking for the man she loves. We follow her, and once she is stopped by a fence, we tilt up fluidly, and end the scene with a great ensemble shot. Superb art direction, superb lighting, with curtains flying in the wind, hiding the face of the actress, partially lit with lightning flashes. A true work of art. Tatyana Samojlova, who won an award at Cannes for this role, is brilliant and touching, and delivers a rather minimalist performance for its time."

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Gail Honeyman | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (80 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have just finished this. I liked it. Quite a lot. I do tend to judge books by their covers - bad I know. I didn’t think this was “my type of book” before I read it. I thought it was either “chick lit” which I can’t stand or was too literary for me. But I was in a charity shop a few weeks ago and it was 2 paperbacks for £1. I’d chosen 3 when the assistant pointed this out so I grabbed this absentmindedly to make up the numbers.
What a revelation to read something different. I thought the characters were great especially Eleanor and was eager to read on as small snippets of her history were revealed. It is essentially a story about loneliness and was quite poignant at times. I will be revising my opinions and trying out different genres in future.
Die Hard 2 (1990)
Die Hard 2 (1990)
1990 | Action, Mystery
I'm not going to lie, about 10% of the reason I like this one is because of William Sadler doing naked tai chi.

Could you imagine Die Hard 2 filmed these days? There'd be no tasing Dick, what a disappointment.

Of the few things that bother me about this one the film's yippee ki-yay for me could have been better timed. He's got the perfect moment coming up, if he'd have just left it until after he lit the fuel... "Yippee ki-yay, motherf*****!" *two beats* BOOM.

Sadly Die Hard 2 is my least favourite out of the four... like I said, we don't count the fifth one. Not that that's a bad thing, it's still damn good, it's just up against some stiff competition.

In the first one McClane has Powell, in Vengeance he has Zeus and in 4.0 he has Farrell. For some reason in 2 they didn't give him someone to properly develop a relationship with, there are lots of people there for him to interact with, but nothing really lasts very long before he's off to the next one.
I liked the group of friends and their adventure to San Francisco. I too, explored the city, when I went there a few years ago and it reminded me of a lot of what I got up to down at Fisherman's Wharf. I also liked Landon and his wanting to help Celia however he could in relationship to her ex and money wise and how you could see how much he really liked/loved her.

It was just a little too much chick-lit--focusing a lot more on the friends and their relationship than her romance with Landon--for my liking. Not that I didn't enjoy what they got up to, and her adventures with Landon, of course, but I like my books to concentrate more on the romance than anything else.

I wish I'd read the first book in the series so I could see Bonni and Quinn's romance and how Landon's and Celia's romance started. I'm sure that things will be continued in the next book with these two and figuring out what's going to happen with her ex-husband but I'm not sure if I'll continue the series at this point.
Veronica Roth | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (140 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a great novel. I really enjoyed the characters and I found that I could relate to many of them. For those of you who are worried that it's going to be "Hunger Games," it's not. It's the same genre but it is definitely different.

I am a little upset that it took me this long to read this novel. I read too many reviews stating that it was Hunger Games 2.0 but it isn't. I'm a fan of dystopian lit. This is definitely dyshtopian. It will have the same feel as Hunger Games but it is different.

I really liked this book. It was fast paced, well written for a young adult novel, and truly entertaining. I wish I had more time over the Christmas holiday to read more. This is easily a novel I could have finished within a day where I didn't have familial obligations.

If you're hesitant to read this novel, I suggest that you pick it up.
Intruder (1989)
Intruder (1989)
1989 | Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If you were to look up the definition of "underrated horror gem" then Intruder would be staring you in the face.
Brought to life by several members of the team behind Evil Dead II, it's no surprise that this movie is equally as fun as it is gory. It's cast of likable characters drive the film for the mostly bloodless first half, with final girl Elizabeth Cox being a stand out.
When things do get gory, Intruder doesn't fuck about. The kills inflicted upon the main cast are pretty damn creative, and incredibly realised by fantastic practical effects courtesy of Robert Kurtzman and Greg Nicotero. The scenes not set in the main supermarket hall have a low budget and dimly lit Evil Dead feel to them, and results in a genuinely nasty atmosphere when coupled with the more violent moments.

It's a shame that Intruder isn't as widely hailed as some of its better known slasher contemporaries, for all of the above reasons.