Perspectives on Complex Global Challenges: Education, Energy, Healthcare, Security, and Resilience
William B. Rouse, Elisabeth Pate-Cornell and Charles M. Vest
Examines current and prospective challenges surrounding global challenges of education, energy,...
A Right to Health: Medicine, Marginality, and Health Care Reform in Northeastern Brazil
In 1988, a new health care system, the Sistema Unico de Saude (Unified Health Care System or SUS)...

Evangelical Gotham: Religion and the Making of New York City, 1783-1860
At first glance, evangelical and Gotham seem like an odd pair. What does a movement of pious...

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Unchained (Feathers and Fire, #1) in Books
Jan 11, 2021
The rest of the story was ok, but I did lose interest somewhere in the middle. My attention waned when the story didn't go how I wanted it to. It has me intrigued, though, but maybe not enough to continue the series unless things get hot and heavy with Nate in the next book.Hmm...I prefer my Urban Fantasies to have a strong romance story in them too, and this one was rather slow in that regard. Apart from a few almost kisses, brushes of lips and butterflies in stomach there was nothing. I don't know if that's because it was written by a guy...But I do tend to stick to female authors.
The rest of the story was ok, but I did lose interest somewhere in the middle. My attention waned when the story didn't go how I wanted it to. It has me intrigued, though, but maybe not enough to continue the series unless things get hot and heavy with Nate in the next book.

Keystone (Crossbreed #1)
"Raven Black hunts evildoers for fun, but her vigilante justice isn't the only reason she's hiding...
Urban fantasy Dannika Dark crossbreed keystone

Cori June (3033 KP) rated Strange Brew in Books
Mar 27, 2019
Faith Hunter's Signatures of the Dead comes before the series starts. It gives fairly good background info as well as, clarify some referances made in the books. Patricia Briggs's "Seeing Eye" also hapends to characters that are in a book of the Alpha & Omega series but doesn't hold spoilers just gives the universe it ia set in more depth. Jim Butcher... Well nothing goes easy for Dreaden not even getting a beer.

Elizabeth (1521 KP) rated Bellabeat Leaf in Tech
Jan 9, 2020 (Updated Jan 9, 2020)
The app developers are continuously adding more new features that makes this a unique tracker. It can also be used with the Spring water bottle to track your water intake. The drawback is that it requires a watch type battery rather than a rechargeable battery that can be docked.

Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Streets: Heroes of the Streets
* From the well-traveled avenues of Absalom to the outcast city of Kaer Maga, the streets of...

Solid Waste Engineering
P.Aarne Vesilind and William A. Worrell
"Solid Waste Engineering" addresses the growing and increasingly intricate problem of controlling...

Tokyo City Atlas: A Bilingual Guide
This is the updated third edition of an atlas first published in 1998. During the past six years,...