Citizen Farmers: The Biodynamic Way to Grow Healthy Food, Build Thriving Communities, and Give Back to the Earth
With a focus on sustainability, biodynamic agriculture is a holistic take on farming that stresses...

The Cottage Garden
Hollyhocks and cabbages, roses and runner beans: the English cottage garden combined beauty and...

The Sainte-Chapelle and the Construction of Sacral Monarchy: Royal Architecture in Thirteenth-century Paris
This book offers a novel perspective on one of the most important monuments of French Gothic...

Building Berlin, Vol. 4: The Latest Architecture in and Out of the Capital: Volume 4
Architektenkammer Berlin and Louis Back
Architecture and the architectural discourse have be - come ever more important for the creative hub...

Competition Panels and Diagrams: Construction and Design Manual
Benjamin Hossbach, Christian Lehmhaus and Christine Eichelmann
Architectural competitions act as a tool for enhancing a design and selecting planning partners. The...

Ethno-Architecture and the Politics of Migration
Ethno-Architecture and the Politics of Migration explores the interface between migration and...
Reassessing Rudolph
Timothy M. Rohan, Kazi K. Ashraf, Lizabeth Cohen and Brian Goldstein
American architect Paul Rudolph (1918-1997) was internationally known in the 1950s and early 1960s...

Singapore's Building Stock: Approaches to a Multi-Scale Documentation and Analysis Transformations
U. Hassler and I. Belle
State-of-the-art Singapore is constantly transforming and rejuvenating her building stock. The book...

Frank Auerbach
T.J. Clark and Catherine Lampert
Frank Auerbach (b.1931, Berlin) has made some of the most resonant, inventive and perpetually alive...

Sketch Now, Think Later: Jump Right into Sketching with Limited Time, Tools, and Techniques
Sketching is more popular than ever, but busy lives leave almost no room for sitting down with a pad...