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David McK (3505 KP) rated The Aeronaut's Windlass in Books
Dec 20, 2023
Rather, this is probably best described as Steampunk, which is a genre I previously had little exploration in, and which Google defines as:
"...a subgenre of science fiction and sometimes fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery.".
Reading that description, this definitely fits right into that bracket!
To my mind, it also falls more towards the fantasy aspect of Steampunk: after all, we have a new magic system, airships, the ability to communicate with animals (cats), and monsters from the ground all within the pages of this story even if (for my money), it never quite gripped me as much as a Harry Dresden book.

Rift in the Soul (Soulwood #6)
Nell Ingram and her team face a dire, supernatural evil in this newest thrilling paranormal...
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