Cyn Armistead (14 KP) rated The Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance (Otherworld Stories) in Books
Mar 1, 2018
I did, however, deliberately put myself in a tolerant mindset: this is a book of romance stories. It wouldn't be fair to judge them as anything else.
That worked rather better than it has in the past. I still got a little annoyed at having so much of each story dedicated to couples (and all het/mono couples, at that!) rather than some intriguing world ideas, but managed to stay on track.
In the end, I only skipped one story—I just don't like the Weather Wardens stuff at all. I found a couple of others substandard, but all in all, Telep chose very well. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys paranormal romance (maybe even those who usually stick to just romance), and most urban fantasy fans.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Hot Fuzz (2007) in Movies
Aug 24, 2018
It's hilarious, full of wit and British humour. Not only is it a brilliant comedy, it's a great action and mystery flick too. The pairing of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost works as well here as it did in Shaun of the Dead, and there's a great supporting cast in Jim Broadbent, Paddy Considine and the rest, including those blink and you'll miss it cameos.
Whilst I work for a large urban police force, there are a lot of areas of policing I recognise in this film, which for me makes it even funnier watching it back. From having to bring cake (bribes) in for colleagues, to the old school Vauxhall cars, office banter and the more onerous side of policing, they really have done their research. Although I can safely say I've never met an officer quite as dedicated as Angel! But I do reckon a lot of our new recruits have the same view of policing as Danny does...
Such an entertaining film that doesn't get old.

Merissa (12401 KP) rated The Music Box in Books
Oct 18, 2018
There is a lot of information in this book, packed within a few short pages, so you can imagine the pacing is quite fast. That being said though, the whole story is here. Yes, I would like to see it more 'fleshed out' in places, but the basics are here. Enough for me to enjoy the story and want to read more about these characters.
With no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, I thoroughly enjoyed this short story, and have no hesitation in recommending it.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Bong Mines Entertainment (15 KP) rated Mannequin - Single by Neena Rose in Music
Jun 17, 2019
“I want people, especially girls, to gain empowerment from my music. I want it to communicate to them: ‘you’re powerful, you’ve got this.’ I want them to know ‘you can be different. You can do anything’.” – Neena Rose
‘Mannequin’ will be featured on Neena Rose’s upcoming EP, entitled, “333”.
The likable tune tells an interesting tale of a young woman who refuses to be a mannequin or porcelain doll to her significant other.
The song contains a relatable storyline, pleasing vocals, and lush instrumentation scented with an urban-pop fragrance.
“I love it all, but writing lyrics is definitely my favorite part of the process. It’s always been a thing I love to do. Any time I feel any type of way, I’m writing a song. If I’m happy, I’m writing. If I’m sad, I’m writing. At school, someone will say something or I’ll think of something, and I’ll write it down. I feel like I have a million songs on the go in my notes.” – Neena Rose

Bong Mines Entertainment (15 KP) rated Hol' It - Single by Keyz Vango in Music
Jun 18, 2019
‘Hol’ It’ contains a relatable storyline, harmonious vocals, and chill instrumentation flavored with contemporary R&B, urban-pop, and hip-hop elements.
The likable tune tells an interesting tale of a young guy who anticipates that his success will create distance within his relationship which he shares with his significant other.
Therefore, he asks his girlfriend in advance, before he travels overseas, to hold things down until he returns home.
“‘Hol’ It’ is an intimate and amazing bit of 3 AM Soul and belongs in the ears of anyone who loves modern R&B. Also, the song is an emotive slow jam which deals with ideas of love and loyalty.”
Keyz Vango was born in Alabama to a gospel music family and moved to New York as a child. He attended college for a while but dropped out to pursue his musical ambitions.
Starting out as a versatile producer and ghostwriter across several genres, he grew into the multifaceted artist he is today over time.
It's even harder when the story is told in the first person, and features a powerful magic-user who deals with all sorts of magical creatures.
That is most definitely the case with Kevin Hearne's 'Hounded' novel, the first in his Iron Druid series (and, I believe, also his first novel). However, unlike Harry Dresden, Atticus O'Sulivan is a centuries old Irish Druid and is already pretty powerful. Also, unlike Dresden, he does not deliberately draw attention to himself ('Wizard for hire'), nor does he have a relationship with the local PD.
Instead, Atticus is doing his best to live the quiet life, trying to stay away from the attention of a Celtic god who has hounded him for centuries and believes that Atticus has stolen a powerful magical sword from him (the sword is in Atticus possession, yes, but not stolen).
All in all, I found this to be a pleasant diversion while waiting for the next Dresden book, and will possibly read a few more to see if I 'grow into' the series any more.

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