Slightly Single (Slightly, #1)
For every girl who's ever endured a long, hot urban summer on her own, Slightly Single is the summer...

The Flash - Season 2
TV Season Watch
At 11, Barry Allen's life changed completely when his mother died in a freak accident and his...
Latin America in Construction: Architecture 1955-1980
Glenn D. Lowry, Barry Bergdoll, Carlos Eduardo Comas and Jorge Francisco Liernur
In 1955 The Museum of Modern Art staged Latin American Architecture, since 1945, a landmark survey...

New City: Contemporary Architecture in the City of London
The last 25 years or so have witnessed redevelopment in the City of London on an unprecedented...

The Architecture of Phantasmagoria: Specters of the City
Libero Andreotti and Nadir Lahiji
In a time of mass-mediated modernity, the city becomes, almost by definition, a constitutively...

British Models of Art Collecting and the American Response: Reflections Across the Pond
Inge Reist and Michael E. Yonan
British Models of Art Collecting and the American Response - Reflections Across the Pond presents 14...

Landscapes: Photographs 1926-1946
August Sander and Rose Rittenhouse
In 1975, German readers were introduced to the Rheinlandschaften, a collection of stunning images of...

Lone Star Steeples: Historic Places of Worship in Texas
Carl J. Christensen, Pixie Christensen and David Ruesink
In Lone Star Steeples: Historic Places of Worship in Texas, Carl J. Christensen Jr. and Pixie...

New Orleans Rhythm and Blues After Katrina: Music, Magic and Myth: 2016
Music, magic and myth are elements essential to the identities of New Orleans musicians. The city's...
Street Photography: Creative Vision Behind the Lens
With both training and preparation, a street photographer needs to make rapid decisions; there may...