MetService Rural Weather
***(Looking for the MetService Towns and Cities app? We've removed it from sale while we prepare to...

Magazine Mogul
Games and Entertainment
Take charge of your own magazine! It's up to you to turn heads and help your community grow through...

A Worldwide Travel Guide to Sea Turtles
Wallace J. Nichols, Brad Nahill and Melissa Gaskill
Sea turtle populations around the world are endangered, and in recent years tourism has been a...

Advances in Agricultural Animal Welfare: Science and Practice
Advances in Agricultural Animal Welfare: Science and Practice fully explores developments in the key...

Cumbrian Contrasts: A Vision of Countryside
This is nature writer Jan Wiltshire's second book, following the highly successful About Scout Scar....

Eutrophication and Oligotrophication in Japanese Estuaries: The Present Status and Future Tasks: 2015
This book presents lessons learnt from Japan's past, in relation to coastal waters, industrial...

Green Asia: Ecocultures, Sustainable Lifestyles and Ethical Consumption
Tania Lewis and Tripta Chandola
Economic development in Asia is associated with expanding urbanism, overconsumption, and a steep...

Greening Post-Industrial Cities: Growth, Equity, and Environmental Governance
City greening has been heralded for contributing to environmental governance and critiqued for...

Hiding Behind Hurricanes: The Unexpected Social Consequences of Natural Disasters
As we know only too well in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, no one is immune to natural disasters....