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Unholy Ghosts (Downside Ghosts, #1)
Unholy Ghosts (Downside Ghosts, #1)
Stacia Kane | 2010 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great reading for the first one
Contains spoilers, click to show
***Possible spoilers you’ve been warned***

I really enjoyed the world building in this book and wished there was a little more explanation about it. You do get snippets here and there on what happened with the world and why the Church came on top and in charge of the city. The setting is wonderful though. It’s dark, it’s gritty, it’s survival. It’s what you might see from a cyberpunk novel without the futuristic theme.

The plot itself is interesting thanks to the setting. It’s a nice blend of old and new. I say old because of the way the characters talk. It’s meant to be a form of street slang, but it also sounds a mixture of old english and modern. It’s interesting and fun to read (if you have a crush on Lex you’d like it). There is an element of mystery and I like the magic used. It’s a nice blend of using tattoos and actual spell components.

Chess is likable as a character. She’s hard working and is good at what she does, despite her faults and vices. The vices do play a big part on her behavior and takes a hold of her life. She still manages to soldier through her tasks and proves to be a fighter.

There is an aspect of a love triangle in the book although I’m not sure if it could be called that. I don’t see Terrible as a love interest at all, I see him more as a loyal friend and the muscle of the duo. Lex on the other hand - so swoon worthy if you’re into the bad boys. He’s self serving and most likely not a good thing for Chess but they both got this spark. Maybe it’s because of their backgrounds and they’re similar but they get along so well and Lex has this subtle charm about him (let’s not even compare him to Doyle)

This is a must read for urban fantasy fans. It’s got a bit of everything and Chess is such a great character to follow through the journey. Will definitely go onto the second book of the series.
Deadly Curiosities
Deadly Curiosities
Gail Z. Martin | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF at 60%.
The cover grabbed me and the synopsis made me think this could be quite a fun read.It turned out it took a lot of reading. That’s not to say it was bad or anything, for me it was just okay; nothing special. I just prefer shorter books. And ones with less description. (I’m probably the only one who feels like that!)

And for them to have at least a bit of romance in them. By the half way point I’d given up on anything romantic happening. There wasn’t the slightest whiff of it at all. I like a bit of action in stories but I love it when it ends in some sexual tension between characters and there was nil. I’m a romance reader and I, wrongly, assumed that this would be like every other UF book I’ve read where there would be some romance mixed in the storyline.

Getting past the lack of romance, I liked the abilities of Cassidy and Teag. It was a refreshing change to read about something different. Not that I don’t love my shifters and vampires but every so often it’s nice to get a different take on things and seeing the history of items when you touch them and being able to piece together information on the internet and through books as a Weaver were definitely new to me.

I must confess that the lack of romance in the book put me off and I struggled to become interested in the storyline. I’m not the biggest fan of ghost stories and I’m no history buff so having to read all the back story of the Charleston really put me off.

Being honest, I have to say that this wasn’t my sort of book at all but if you like urban fantasy books with lots of description/back story with the occasional flashbacks and no romance, then this is likely perfect for you.

Johnny Marr recommended track Jean Genie by David Bowie in Platinum Collection by David Bowie in Music (curated)

Platinum Collection by David Bowie
Platinum Collection by David Bowie
2006 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Jean Genie by David Bowie

(0 Ratings)


"I wanted to mention this record because it’s almost taken for granted in David Bowie’s canon as just ‘there’s another great Bowie track’, yet it gets overlooked by something like ‘Let’s Dance’ or ‘Heroes.’ “If this came out now I don’t think it’d have any chance on mainstream radio and I think that’s because - and this might be incredibly subjective - he does this amazing thing where he manages to be completely remote whilst leading this band. It’s a really genius performance, the way he pitches his vocal and his persona, it’s cold and remote, but yet really sexy and it’s got no earnestness in it whatsoever. It’s not inciting you to get up and rock like ‘Jailhouse Rock’ or any of the Elvis Presley records, which is someone wanting to dance with you or encouraging you to do that. “To use an obvious comparison about Bowie, this has a really alien position because the voice is so cold, but it’s perfectly Rock and Roll. And it’s really white I think, probably because I can picture him in my mind when it came out and you’d never seen anyone more white, but it’s also as low down and Rock and Roll as any of the blues records that came out. It’s interesting, it’s got that sexuality in it. “I was about ten when it was released and to me and a bunch of kids experiencing it then it was so modern, because of what Bowie’s doing on top of what is essentially a Yardbirds or a Muddy Waters riff and using ‘The Jean Genie’, which back then was such a hip kind of slang. It’s a play on Jean Genet and he’s describing bits he’d picked up from Iggy, but in the early 70s’ everything was ‘Ziggy’, ‘Iggy’, ‘Genie’ and people were called ‘Mick’ and ‘Stevie.’ “There was a very urban, street Rock and Roll that was quite illicit; the threat of drugs, danger, confused sexuality and super-androgyny and the character he’s singing about personifies that in the mind, which leads me to Iggy."

The Jaguar King (The Wild Rites Saga #1)
The Jaguar King (The Wild Rites Saga #1)
Anne McIlwraith | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
50 of 250
The Jaguar King ( The Wild Rites saga book 1)
By Anne Mcilwraith
Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments
Magic is real? Big deal. Bills still gotta be paid.
Especially when you’re heading into vet med. Emma Chase is nothing special – if anything, with a roomie who turns into a jaguar on a regular basis, she’s the sidekick, not the heroine. Her superpowers have more to do with acing her finals and overworking herself. Knowing her best friend’s secret makes it easier to justify her own inclination to keep people at a distance, but it doesn’t change her life.
Until others like him show up on her doorstep, convinced she’s the fated savior of their race, telling her she’s destined to command the magic of – well, Emma doesn’t quite catch that part, she’s too busy getting her ass the hell out of there.
What she does know? The Jaguar King is after her, his rivals want her dead, and she doesn’t have to believe in prophecy to believe they’ll stop at nothing to catch her.
Violence. Magic. Inappropriate humor. Step into a world of wonder and savagery in a gritty urban fantasy with an unlikely heroine, sizzling heroes, and complicated villains. The Jaguar King is a full-length read and the first in a series, and all the books have satisfying resolutions as well as a series-spanning story arc. Definitely no cliff-hangers – just bad-ass shifters with one goal: claim the prize. Claim the Caller of the Blood.
I so wanted to give this more than 2 stars! The main character is good she can kick ass and has sass but it’s all a bit over complicated. I found it rushed in places and hard to read in others. It’s not all bad though I’ve been dying for a spider shifter for so long and in this area I was not disappointed and I love the link that Emma has with Fern!
The fighting scenes were a bit all over the place too nothing seemed clear.
For me overall it showed promise just didn't deliver.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Boys - Season 1 in TV

Sep 21, 2020  
The Boys - Season 1
The Boys - Season 1
2019 | Adventure, Comedy
A refreshing take on superheroes
Note: This is a copy of my review of the main series, as it was done solely on the basis of the first series.

I’ve never read the comics, so took a punt on this as it’s been recommended by a few of my friends, and i absolutely loved it.

It’s the perfect antidote to the homely, suitable for kids superhero films like Marvel that bombard our screens every year. Instead The Boys is rude, crude, dark and downright hilarious at times. It’s full of blood and gore too that you’d never find anywhere near any Marvel films. There’s something beyond refreshing watching a show with superheroes behaving badly like villains, and the take on superheroes being owned and represented by a massive corporation is rather brilliant. You can almost imagine that this is how superheroes would turn out if they lived in today’s society.

This has a great cast too, and there are some wonderful performances in this. I adore Karl Urban and he’s good in this, although I feel like he’s let down a little by the fact that they’ve made him a cliched cockney. Antony Starr is seriously creepy and yet charming as Homelander, and he was great to watch. Although my favourite had to be Chace Crawford as The Deep. I feel like he was a little under-utilised in the main plot, but he provided some of the funniest scenes in the entire series and I really wanted to see more of him.

The ending was good and a nice reveal, although I wanted more and felt like it ended maybe a little too abruptly. Aside from Karl Urban’s English accent, the superhero names grate a little after a while because they are super cheesy and cringey (which I’m assuming they’re meant to be). And I felt like the character of Black Noir was a complete mystery and whilst this may be intentional, I do there has been a little bit more of him.

Aside from these little niggles though, this is a refreshingly entertaining series. So much so I’d love to watch a second series, like now.
Hope's Deceit (The Fated #2)
Hope's Deceit (The Fated #2)
Angela McPherson | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The dude is back! Morpheus reigns supreme with his sarcasm and cocky attitude, although you do also see a softer side to him occasionally. As for the rest of the characters, they continue to change and grow with each situation, divulging their secrets and showing strength where none was expected.

Trinity still has her hands full as she tries to learn about her powers and prepares for her eighteenth birthday which is rapidly approaching. Things are not all sunshine and roses with her and Blain - some of which is caused by miscommunication, some by age (she is only 17 after all) and some by circumstances. Every time they were together, my heart was in my mouth! I really want them to be together, but can also understand how the others say that Blain makes her weak. I really hope that she will start to show her true strength now, she has reason enough - and that is all I will say so that I don't give out any spoilers.

The one character I didn't get on with as much in this book is Trinity's dad. He seemed to have whiplash with his emotions and I just couldn't keep up. Still, this is a small thing and also understandable as a father realises he has to let his daughter grow up, even if these circumstances are slightly unusual! 😉
Well-written, fast-paced and chock full of emotion, you will be held prisoner by this book, turning the pages as you immerse yourself within the storyline. With no spelling or grammatical errors that I found, this was an amazing second book and I am now on tenterhooks whilst I wait for the third. If you like Urban Fantasy with a bit of Greek Mythology thrown in, then I can highly recommend this book and the first one in the series. Absolutely fantastic.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 13, 2015
I wanted to read this book for the first story by Mercedes Lackey, since I am a fan of the Five Hundred Kingdom series. This story featured Leopold and Brunnhilde in a setting straight out of Greek mythology. In short, I loved it. It weaves Leopold's quest for immortality in with the tale of Persephone and her union with Hades. The perspective is different from the usual story of a victimized Persephone, and turns her into a strong, young woman who will stop at nothing to be with the man she loves. To make Greek mythology fit in with the rest of the series, Lackey explains that the Gods and Goddesses of Mount Olympus are half-Fae who have forgotten their origins thanks to the power of The Tradition.
I am not familiar with the second author, Michelle Sagara. This short story is a prequel to her Chronicles of Elantra series and introduces the reader to the character of Kaylin Neya. I was a little lost when I began this story because of the variety of characters that I was introduced to at the very beginning. I actually was not even sure who the story was about at first. The story seemed a bit bogged down with details and descriptions, and Kaylin seemed to get lost in the mayhem of Sagara's attempt to introduce the reader to the world of Elantra in such a short tale. I stuck with it, though, and by the end of the story I was intrigued enough to want to continue on with the series in Cast in Shadow (The Chronicles of Elantra, Book 1).
The third story, written by Caleron Haley, is meant to be a prequel to Mob Rules (Luna Books). I am not familiar with this author either, and when I began this story I realized immediately that this story was heavily-flavored with gangster-style speak and vocabulary, even more so than the urban fantasy elements. I really tried to adjust to the language used in the story, but the lack of explanation to accompany such terms as "juice" and "outfit", as well as the overabundance of foul-mouthed language and typical gangster lingo like "capping" someone mad me lose interest in the actual plot of the short story halfway through. I am sure there are other readers that enjoy this style of story-telling, but I am not one of them.

Kyera (8 KP) rated Our Dark Duet in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Our Dark Duet
Our Dark Duet
V.E. Schwab | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh, my heart. I can't. I absolutely adore V.E. Schwab's books and this series is no different. Her stories are more of a slow burn than constant, action-packed scenes but that style lends itself fantastically to her incredible world building. The first book took place solely in Verity, or V-City, a place overrun by monsters. We heard about the other cities in This Savage Song, but in Our Dark Duet, we were able to experience one of the other ones. People always said that there were no monsters in Prosperity, but they were wrong. The city just had a different type of monster.

One of those different monsters finds its way to Verity and forces Kate to return home. Both Kate and August are different, having been forced to confront or suppress their demons. August is still my favourite of the two main characters, despite his struggles. They both experience character development that makes you feel for them and only wish for their happiness.

I am glad that we got a little more development of some of the secondary characters. Schwab populated her books with such a variety of interesting and unique characters that you want to get to know them better. You want to discover their motivations, desires, fears, and secrets. The additional depth provided to Ilsa makes you love her and just want to protect her from harm. The other character that I loved the introduction of would be spoiler-y, so I'll just say I enjoyed the unique perspective they gave to the story and the diversity they added.

This world was so richly populated and described that it easily blooms into existence within your mind. Although this is only a duology and the final book, I would love to see more books set within this world. Perhaps the story in Verity is done, but there are plenty more monsters and cities to explore.

The story takes readers along on a steady, but not slow, ride that culminates with a dramatic flourish that will leave you breathless, a little heartbroken, yet hopeful.

I would highly recommend this fantastic urban fantasy series to all young adult/teen readers who enjoy fantasy, immersive world building, character development and V.E. Schwab's other books (like the Shades of Magic trilogy).

Richard Hell recommended Kiss Me Deadly (2008) in Movies (curated)

Kiss Me Deadly (2008)
Kiss Me Deadly (2008)
2008 | Action, Drama, Mystery
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Noir, of course, typically displays shadows, rain, urban darkness, blunt seediness, and the realization that since not just at the end but at the center of things are death and other hopeless mysteries, human striving is meaningless. There’s something soothing about realizing that all is futile. It’s liberating. Kiss Me Deadly might be the most cynical and fatalistic noir of them all. It happens to take place in sunny LA, but it’s certainly got the seediness too, including fantastic location shooting in long-gone slums. It’s one of those flicks that’s too good to be true. You’re stopped alone at a motel somewhere in the desert late at night, dead tired, but you can’t sleep, so you switch on the TV . . . and there’s a near-teenage Cloris Leachman running towards you, moaning and sobbing in the darkness, too blonde and naked to believe. But there she is. What a world. Ralph Meeker speeds up in a Jaguar! Nat King Cole warbles on the radio. Cloris is named after Christina Rossetti! It’s 1955. She’s a bitter feminist escapee from a mental asylum. And it just gets better, all the way till after the last second. Along with the action, corruption, sadism, and sex (when the blonde in her car, who happens to be behind Mike Hammer when he parks in a driveway, is immediately compelled to press herself against him and kiss him, framed with bulging taillights protruding from the fin of the forward auto, somehow it's sexier than the porniest pornography), the photography/mise-en-scène would make this movie immortal alone. It’s the kind of movie that makes me laugh at the notion of “art” photography. A few thousand frames from this one film would make a better life’s work in photography than any artist has yet created. Cindy Sherman has a right to a living like everyone else, but, Jesus . . . Nicholas Raymondo (“Very Smart. Very Bright. Very Sad.”) was “sad . . . for the way the world is,” but as Christina tells us: if you should forget me for a while And afterwards remember, do not grieve: For if the darkness and corruption leave A vestige of the thoughts that once I had, Better by far you should forget and smile It’s actually misquoted in the movie, but it’s still probably the nicest thing that’s happened to Christina Rossetti in a hundred years . . ."

Dredd (2012)
Dredd (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
I grew up reading 2000AD and like many others, was disappointed in the Stallone effort to bring Judge Dredd to the big screen. Fast forward to 2012, and Dredd shows us that the way forward is a simple one. There's no need to go all out with a Mega City One wide story. The narrative is Dredd assessing Anderson on her first proper day of duty, locked down in a singular Megabuilding. Taking the template of Die Hard and applying it to Judge Dredd characters is wonderfully straightforward, and this movie is more spectacular for it.

We're told all the background we need to know within the first ten minutes before shit hits the fan and allows the rest of the films 80 or so minutes to give us one big set piece, as Dredd and Anderson make their way up the building to get to antagonist and drug peddling criminal, Ma-Ma.
Karl Urban is picture perfect in the titular role. His helmet wisely stays on for the duration, and he manages to keep up Dredd's signature grimace from start to finish, without it looking silly.
Olivia Thirlby is great as Anderson, and provides most of the movies more emotion charged moments that Dredd himself can't. The scene where she makes a vile gangster literally piss himself with her mind-exploring powers is a highlight of badass-ery.
Lena Headey plays the villanous Ma-Ma, and although she doesn't get a huge amount of screentime, she carves a lasting impression on proceedings as a truly nasty piece of work.

The films macguffin like Slow-Mo drug gives director Pete Travis an excuse to pack in some typical slow motion shots, but thankfully doesn't overdo it, and when it's used, provides us with some stylish and colourful action that breaks up the otherwise bleak aesthetic that comes hand in hand with the Mega City setting. This is of course is all complimented with some well done hard R violence which is simply a requirement when dealing with 2000AD material!

I personally feel that Dredd is the Judge Dredd film that we deserve. It ticks all the right boxes and doesn't feel over serious, even though it has next to no humour. Its a damn shame that it didn't earn the desired box office numbers because a sequel would have been just lovely.