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Fables: Volume 1: Legends in Exile
Fables: Volume 1: Legends in Exile
Bill Willingham | 2002 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.3 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Ed. Note: this review was based on a re-reading, some years after the first reading.</i>

So, prior to writing this review, I wanted to peruse the reviews on here, to see what others said, reducing the risk of writing something already said. What I found were a number of 1-Star reviews, something I found to be quite surprising!

Not every comic (or book, for that matter) will necessarily start with an amazing first arc. It may be good, yes, but it could also be polished in spots. However, despite little things that could be better, the overall content should be seen as good enough to warrant reading the second story arc.

That is how I felt at the conclusion of this first volume, a mystery of sorts that also served to introduce us to a number of characters who go on to appear as series regulars. Sure, the dialogue was not perfect (really? Comparing it to Gaiman's SANDMAN? Like trying to compare RICK & MORTY to THE LAST UNICORN!), but I can safely say that the series matures, like a well-aged wine, and later issues are much, much better.

Long and short: it's an urban fantasy with the fables we grew up with. Go in without an judgments or comparisons, and you might be pleasantly surprised. Jus' sayin'..