Christine A. (965 KP) rated Devolution: A Firsthand Account of the Rainier Sasquatch Massacre in Books
Jun 19, 2020
If you read World War Z, you know Max Brooks does an exceptional job at writing the fictional documentary format, making it feel like non-fiction. He does it again in Devolution: A Firsthand Account of the Rainier Sasquatch Massacre.
Devolution's release is accidently well-timed. The catalyst is the eruption of Mt Ranier. Roads are closed and destroyed by lahars, boiling mudslides. The government is working to help those affected. Outside the eruption zone is Greenloop, a small environmental utopia which consists of smart, completely "green" houses but still contains all of the modern amenities, Since their intention is to go completely green and reduce their carbon footprint, their food deliveries are for a week at a time. What happens when they are cut off and do not have the necessary food or supplies to get through the crisis? The discussion about consumers not stocking up and supermarkets offering farm-fresh items hit home during the Covid-19 crisis.
Oh, and there are also sasquatch they need to deal with. The premise might sound far fetched, but Brooks does a fabulous job of making it seem not only possible but probable. The people seem so real; I cheered out loud at one point.
This 200-word review was published on Philomathinphila.com on 6/18/20.

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Merissa (12394 KP) rated Hellhounds Never Lie (Willow Lake Supernaturals #1) in Books
Aug 14, 2023
Dillon is a hellhound looking for a home, and Ash is a fire mage with wonky magic. How's that going to work? Brilliantly, that's how! Ash has been through hell and back but still has a heart big enough to want to help others when he can. Dillon has been searching for his utopia but found the opposite instead with Rob's pack. They chase him when he leaves and it is Ash who saves him. In reality, they save each other.
They are fated mates - although they don't realise it. So I expected the instant attraction. What I didn't expect was how tender Dillon was with Ash, and how fierce Ash was if he thought someone was having a go at Dillon. *chef's kiss* Loved every scene they were in, whether it was in the pub or the bedroom.
Filled with fantastic characters, there are at least half a dozen others I now want stories for! Plus, I need to know the secrets that are still hiding - yes, Dot, I'm looking at you! Jeremy is next and I'm sure that one will have me laughing if his texts are anything to go by. Definitely recommended by me.
** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 14, 2023

Joe Goodhart (27 KP) rated X-Men: Supernovas in Books
Nov 30, 2020
First thing I enjoyed was the fact that this was where the Children of the Vault first come into play! Such a cool-assed concept, so cool that, sixteen years later (oh come on, dear man, time doesn't even apply the Children of the Vault!), Jonathan Hickman brought them back in X-MEN #4! Brilliant!! And, seriously? I don't a number of X-fans really <b>abhor</b> the whole concept of the Children of the Vault and any appearances/re-appearances they show up in!
While I was not as much of a fan of Carey's X-Men contributions as I wanted to be (another reason I dropped X-Men in '04), I quite loved this collection, as the first half of the book is the 6-part "Supernovas" story, while the remainder was the next few issues in that run of Carey's that seemed to have nothing whatsoever to do with the Children of the Vault or anything <i>Supernova</i>ish! Yeah, sorry to anyone expecting this review to be about the whole book, but I checked out as soon as "Supernova" ended.
One of the things that really drew me back to this was how tight Chris Bachalo's art was for the "Supernova" story arc! He's one of those artists that I have found people either like or definitely <b>not</b> like his style! Me? I've liked him since his days during GENERATION X (man, I still love the way he drew Emma Frost!!) in the 90's!
I've seen some of his recent work, and while I don't love all of it, I still share a fondness for unique way he draws! And, as I said, I feel that this was some of his best! From his tricked out as hell action scenes to his capturing of the oddness and otherworldliness of the Children of the Vault, these pages do <u>not</u> disappoint visually!
Overall, a good read that was not bogged down by being set in and around Utopia or any of the usual bickering and <i>hot mess</i> was any of the X-books written at that time! Heck, you may enjoy the story in the second half of the book! And best case scenario, if you see it on sale (whether digitally or in print), pick it up for Bachalo's amazingly awesome art!
Ok, gang, Imma done! We can resume the craziness and hard-to-believe-it's-actually-happening that is the COVID-19 pandemic! Oh, and you're welcome for the distraction I provided..! :)

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