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Saul Black | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tension and head games galore!
This can be read as a stand alone if you come across this book although it’s highly encouraged to read the first one only because it’s just as good!

This time around, Valerie doesn’t get pummelled all over the place and you don’t cringe as much when she gets hit by something (whether it’s a bullet or a hit to the head). The plot held up to the same standards as the first; fast paced, filled with scenes of gratuitous violence and some sexual content here and there. This may not be for some readers as it does get graphic but I think without it, it would be hard to describe how heinous the crimes are.

Throughout the novel, Valerie has these tete a tetes with Katherine and they’re well written. You feel the tension between them and the mind games Katherine plays are subtle and sometimes even frustrating because she’s maddingly brilliant and manipulative. You’re running along with Valerie trying to catch this killer and you follow through the chase filled with puzzles and cryptic notes and gifts (none very nice gifts either…). The killer is brilliant and when you think he’s this one person, he ends up being someone you didn’t realize and it’s mind blowing considering who this killer ends up kidnapping.

And just when you think everything’s done there’s more extra twists happening. This is what makes this novel so quick and fast to read. You’re deeply engrossed in the plot and in the chase to find this killer but you forget he most likely has a plan B and you’re blindsided again. This is what makes this book so good!!!!!! I loved every minute of it!!!

The only concern I have is, how much more can happen in this series before this starts getting repetitive. I love the way it’s going and I hope the series can stay fresh and exciting like it’s been so far. I am looking forward to seeing what happens next, given there’s a bit of a teaser at the very last page of the book.
Drop Shot (Myron Bolitar #2)
Drop Shot (Myron Bolitar #2)
Harlan Coben | 1996 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
In this book, the focus is on Myron Bolitar's tennis clients. Myron is at the US Open watching his client, Duane Richwood play. When shots ring out in the stadium, the result is deadly. Valerie Simpson, a teen tennis player looking to get back in the game, has been murdered. She had come to Myron a few days before to become a potential client. Why was Valerie murdered? Myron feels an obligation to find out, since she had come to him and called him many times. Is she connected to Duane? Myron and Win have a lot of digging to do to get to the bottom of this mystery.

Book 2 in the Myron Bolitar series. Myron is a jack of all trades, but his main trade is as a sports agent. He gives his clients a personal touch, big agencies aren't able to deliver. Plus, he's a lawyer and that helps out as well, especially when his clients seem to need legal services.

I really liked this book. I could connect with it on a personal level, being a former tennis player myself. Not that I was anywhere near being able to play in the US Open, but it was a fun sport.

This book takes you back to look at Valerie's life when she was a tennis star at a very young age. Bring in more murders from her past, political scandals, inappropriate coaches, disappearing suspects, and you have an interesting book. I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Jun 21, 2020  
Visit my blog, and read a fantastic excerpt from the contemporary Christian romance novel THE KEY TO EVERYTHING by Valerie Fraser Luesse. Enter the #GIVEAWAY to #win a copy of the book, a necklace, and a $25 Barnes & Noble GIFT CARD or a $10 #Starbucks GIFT CARD!

Based on a true story, Valerie Fraser Luesse’s new novel takes readers on an incredible journey of self-discovery. The poignant prose, enchanting characters, and captivating settings in The Key to Everything make this a moving story that readers won’t soon forget. Peyton Cabot’s fifteenth year will be a painful and transformative one. His father, the reluctant head of a moneyed Savannah family, has come home from WWII a troubled vet, drowning his demons in bourbon, and distancing himself from his son. When a tragic accident separates Peyton from his parents, and the girl of his dreams seems out of reach, he struggles to cope with a young life upended.

Pushed to his limit, Peyton makes a daring decision: he will retrace a slice of the journey his father took at fifteen by riding his bicycle all the way from St. Augustine to Key West, Florida. Part loving tribute, part search for self, Peyton’s journey will unlock more than he ever could have imagined, including the key to his distant father, a calling that will shape the rest of his life, and the realization that he’s willing to risk absolutely everything for the girl he loves.
Valentine Kittens
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
These were all cute and fun stories. My favorite was Valerie King's A Tangle of Kittens. While I was a little weary of the plot at first, I soon warmed up to it and it was a delightful story (the description on the back of the book is misleading though). Both Anne and Marecham are terrific and they have great conversations between them. The Birthday Kitten is next on my list and it was very sweet, loved both Johnna and Ramsey. Finally, Belling the Kitten was very fun, although not my favorite of the three, I found Amaris to be a twit at first. Love the cats in all the stories too! So cute! All in all a great little Valentine's anthology.
Valerie's Verdict (Dixon Brothers #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WOW. This book... I loved Hallee Bridgemans approach to the topics she presented in this book! Not many people are have the gift of writing realistically about domestic abuse and racial tensions in one book. Hallee Bridgeman did a great job without being real political about it. She told it like it is.
 The characters drew me in instantly with the descriptions she gave of the Dixion brothers and Valerie herself. This is the second book in the Dixion Brothers series, but it can be read as a stand alone. You wont feel lost if you haven't read the first book in the series yet.
I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great story plot, amazing character build, and for leaving me in anticipation of what will come next for the Dixion Brothers.
Hard Eight (Stephanie Plum, #8)
Janet Evanovich | 2002 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
After my disappointment with the last installment in the Stephanie Plum series, I was happy to see Evanovich bring it in Hard Eight. This book was much more engaging than the last. I couldn't put it down.
The sexual tension between Ranger & Stephanie finally came to a head (no pum intended). But of course there's still Morelli popping up when least expected & always managing to find his way into her heart or her pants in no particular order.
The plot of this book was fast paced. I am really enjoying that Stephanie's sister Valerie is back in Jersey & figured rather prominently into the story line. This particular plot was a bit more developed than that of the other books in the series. There were more twists & turns in this one which made it a more engaging read in my eyes. I like not being sure what's coming & Evanovich defintely didn't disappoint in that aspect!
Blood from the Mummy's Tomb (1971)
Blood from the Mummy's Tomb (1971)
1971 | Horror
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Slightly oddball mummy movie from Hammer: much mayhem, sort of prefiguring The Omen in some ways, and a crawling severed hand, but no-one staggering around covered in bandages, either (at least not until the very end, and this may be intended as a knowing joke). The spirit of an evil Egyptian queen possesses the daughter of the man who dug her up and attempts to recover the relics she needs to resurrect herself.

Just about hangs together, but there are some very ropey-looking sequences and the plot doesn't really cohere - there even seems to be some uncertainty as to when exactly it's supposed to be set. A heroically earnest performance from Valerie Leon, given the camera keeps mysteriously panning down onto her chest; everyone else is okay; you wonder if the movie might have been lifted somewhat if first choice Peter Cushing had been able to complete his role. Probably not, but Hammer fans will find it passes the time reasonably enough.

K.L. Shandwick (3 KP) created a post

Nov 20, 2017  
Customer Review
5.0 out of 5 starsDefinitely a 5 star book!
ByStephani Bon September 11, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I love to read to escape life, and K.L. Shandwick pulled me from my everyday boring life with the book Ready for Flynn. Valerie meets Flynn when her brother brings him home from college for Thanksgiving, the problem is she is 15 and Flynn is 20 and they both have instant chemistry. At first it creeper me out with the age difference, but I decided to keep with it, and man I was so glad I did. It was a story line I have never read before and I mean never! What a breath of fresh air! Sometimes I read books and think I will never get that time back I spent reading books, but I couldn't put it down. I hope this helps you guys make a decision about spending whatever time you have to read this and know your time won't be wasted on the same old same old and just set back and enjoy!

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Aug 3, 2021  
Happy book birthday to the Christian historical fiction novel UNDER THE BAYOU MOON by Valerie Fraser Luesse Books! Read some of the author's favorite quotes from the book on my blog, and enter the giveaway to win a copy of the book, a Flavors of the Bayou seasonings gift box, and a $10 Starbucks gift card!

When Ellie Fields accepts a teaching job in a tiny Louisiana town deep in bayou country in 1949, she knows her life will change--but she could never imagine just how dramatically.

Though rightfully suspicious of outsiders, who have threatened both their language and their unique culture, most of the residents come to appreciate the young and idealistic schoolteacher, and she's soon teaching just about everyone, despite opposition from both the school board and a politician with ulterior motives. Yet it's the lessons Ellie herself will learn--from new friends, a captivating Cajun fisherman, and even a legendary white alligator haunting the bayou--that will make all the difference.

Take a step away from the familiar and enter the shadowy waters of bayou country for a story of risk, resilience, and romance.
A Good Neighborhood
A Good Neighborhood
Therese Anne Fowler | 2020 | Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oak Knoll is a close-knit multiracial neighborhood in North Carolina where everyone looks out for one another. Valerie Alston-Holt, a professor and single mother, has raised her biracial son, Xavier, there since he was small. Their calm life changes, however, when the Whitman family moves in next door. First they raze the current house and build a "Mcmansion," whose very existence threatens the health of Valerie's beloved historic oak tree. Brad Whitman is a local celebrity, known for his charisma and commercials for his company, Whitman HVAC. His wife, Julia, has long escaped her trailer park days and is now raising her daughters Julia and Lily in a privilege she once dreamed of. But soon the Alston-Holts and Whitmans find them themselves fighting over the oak tree's well-being and then, the budding romance between Julia and Xavier.

"An upscale new house in a simple old neighborhood. A girl on a chaise beside a swimming pool, who wants to be left alone. We begin our story here, in the minutes before the small event that will change everything."

This book took my heart and spit it right out again. Oh my goodness. It's a different, beautiful, and absolutely heartbreaking read. We're told from the very beginning--by our omniscient third person narrator--that something bad is going to happen. And yet, I lived in denial that this was true. I devoured this book in two halves. It's utterly engrossing, and the characters just pop off the pages. The teens, especially. Oh Juniper and Xavier. I will not easily forget either of you.

A Good Neighborhood tackles a host of timely topics, and it handles all of them deftly. Race, religion, sexism, feminism--none of these are exempt in the pages of this novel. We see whiteness as a symbolism for purity, and we watch as Juniper struggles with the set of values being pushed upon her by her mother and stepfather, including a "purity vow" to remain both a virgin and loyal to her future husband. And then there's Xavier, a talented musician, who has been raised by his strong mother after his father's death. She wants so much for her son to do anything, but yet lives in fear because he is biracial. Juniper, Xavier, and Valerie were such powerful characters.

I do not want to give much of the plot away, but I can tell you that this book is heartbreaking and beautiful. It will get you to think about racism and sexism. The strong themes of good versus evil are presented in such a unique and compelling manner. Adding the third-person piece just gives an extra piece to the story. This book is incredibly well-written and will stay with you for quite some time. 4.5 stars.