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10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Justice sacrifices him self for his brother who he could never tell and he lands in the void. Keeley has a gift of object reading that causes all around her to think she is crazy. When they meet an the adventure that follows they realize that only together can they be whole. My favorite Warrior of Poseidon. It is a wonderful tale of hope and love with destroying a few vampires in the mix.
This story made me laugh, made me want to cry, mad, happy and so many other emotions. I really enjoyed the story and the characters. Nik wasn't my favorite character but seemed to fit with the story very well. I enjoyed how everything played out and am very glad that I read it. I thought that it was a different look on vampires then a lot of vampire books and that was refreshing as well.
Entering HELL Part ONE
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one was good and different. the new twists on satan and vampires and hell and god.. the adventures that happened... the style of writing leaves you wanting more and needing to know what happens next.. there was also time travel in this story and that was enjoyable as well. a couple spots got a little bit confusing for me but overall it was really good story and im glad i got to review it
30 Days of Night (2007)
30 Days of Night (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
At last a great Vampire horror film!! It's been a long time coming. I love the Blade and Underworld films but they definitely fit more into the action genre. This is bloody and gory in places, has plenty of tension and a good story about a town under siege for 30 days. The photography is great and vampires look original. Overall it has something for everyone especially those who love a good horror, vampire film!
The Last One
The Last One
Alexandra Oliva | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was magnificent. It's kind of like an adult Hunger Games mixed in with The Walking Dead, World War Z and The Road. No zombies, no vampires, no dystopian future but a very poignant look at human nature and dire circumstances. Although I am a bit tired of the time jumps that plague all current literature, these feel necessary and are almost a relief in cutting the tension at times. Great novel!

Erika (17788 KP) rated The Radleys in Books

Sep 30, 2018  
The Radleys
The Radleys
Matt Haig | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a different take on vampires in modern day. This book was published when vampire novels/movies were the big thing. It was more about the family, with vampirism thrown in. I liked the way the chapters were broken up, and the story was great.
This book ended my 3 book Matt Haig reading streak, and I think this was my favorite of the three. I definitely can recommend this one.
The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
2009 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Hmm it's ok I didn't think it was as good as the first. A lot of drama and not enough action for me. The pace of the film felt too slow and the comparison to Romeo & Juliet is overplayed. Some ok SFX, pity didn't get to see more of the bad vampires. One girls will like more than the guys, especially with all the topless guys showing six-packs stomachs. Hope the 3rd is more action packed.

Willow (9 KP) rated Evernight in Books

Sep 9, 2017  
Claudia Gray | 2008 | Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
As soon as I picked up this book, I couldn't put it down! A great read and well written. There's a twist early on (I won't reveal it!) that is really clever and didn't expect! It IS cliche at times, but to be honest, this (for me) doesn't detract from the overall story. Think Romeo and Juliet, but with vampires thrown in! As soon as I finished, I HAD to read the rest of the series!
DayBlack Volume 2
DayBlack Volume 2
Keef Cross | 2017 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Horror
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Illustrated in the colours that the vampires of this graphic novel can see, Red, Black and white dominate the wood print style images. No to everyone's preference, and it does tire the eyes after a while of reading, the story starts off humorously but does seem to find it difficult to go further than that, not finding its place successfully throughout the remainder of this Graphic novel. A shame as I think it all had potential.
The Forsaken (2001)
The Forsaken (2001)
2001 | Horror
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A fairly decent, low budget, Vampire road B movie. Quite a combination, gory at times, with a young cast two of which are from the first Final destination film. It's a bit silly at times, why are vampires traveling around the dessert in an old Dodge charger? However it's quite enjoyable if you don't think about it too much and it fairs better than most films of this budget. One for Vamp and low budget horror fans.