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Alice (12 KP) rated Blood Bank in Books

Jul 3, 2018  
Blood Bank
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review</i>

Blood Bank is the first book by Zoe Markham that I’ve read and it was one of those “swallow you whole” books. It was only a short little novella but it was packed full of action and kept your interest from the get go.

From the very first page we’re drawn into a story about the paranormal like no other; it begins with a carnival and quickly transfers into the town of Swindon and vampires. Not just any vampires – we’re talking brutal business men – not the romantic kind we all know – but vampires you DO NOT FUCK with.

There’s a club in Swindon where only the down-on-their-luck can get an invitation into its depths, where, if you can’t pay in money, you pay in the next best commodity – blood. The characters we see in this book are Zack, Ben and Lucy – all three of whom eventually have a link.

Zack and Lucy are in a relationship and this is basically where the story begins, they’re out on a date and as usual Lucy ends up paying for it, Zach has got himself into some big time debt and the only way to get out of it is to donate his blood.

Ben is a vampire – 10 years converted and hating it more each day – he comes to Lucy’s rescue when something bad happens to her and they develop a relationship that seems to be healthier than Lucy and Zack’s one. Zack has got the ugliest bracelet on which was supplied to him by his new employer, the creepiest priest agoing y’all. When they call, he has to come, if he doesn’t then the debt goes to his nearest and dearest.

The writing style of this book was one that I really liked, the correct terminology was used for the enemy of the vampires which was great and there was a suitable amount of freak out on Zack’s part and it was written with that in mind. Lucy was surprisingly mature given her age and I liked that about her.

There also wasn’t a lot of unnecessary filler dialogue or descriptions which I sometimes find with novellas – as if they struggled to fill the small amount of pages novellas take up – I didn’t find this with Zoe’s Blood Bank which has kind of given me an insight into her other writing which I’d love to read.
The Trust Casefiles
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author in return for an honest review, and I am pleased to say I very much enjoyed it.

It is, what reads like, a collection of stories which are based on a 'Trust' who protect the humans by destroying vampires and other supernatural beings. There are lots of different types of vampires mentioned, as well as lots of different 'agents' for the Trust.

The book has many positive aspects which make it a very good read, however there are a couple of areas that, with minimal work, could make this book much better and easier to read. Firstly, it's necessary to point out that it's not, in my opinion at least, an easy read. The snippets don't always seem to flow on from each other, and this can make it quite confusing as a reader. In addition, I feel there are too many characters to keep up with and the major characters could just do with a little more development earlier on in the book to encourage the reader to engage and invest more emotion in them from the early pages.

That being said, there are many positive aspects that are a credit to Cushing. Perhaps the best of these is the variety of vampires covered in this book. The imagination necessary to create not only one unique brand of vampires for a book, but to create a huge variety, and making out that they are as diverse as humans is a novel concept that I've not encountered in such detail before. The fact that Cushing also dabbles into other supernatural beings as well makes this book a must read for those interested in traditional stereotypes of supernatural creatures.

In addition, I feel huge credit has to be given for the plot in this book. Although not entirely easy to follow throughout, the amount of twists and turns that Cushing has included is admirable. Each chapter delivers something new and very fresh to the story, and that's something few books manage. Personally, it needs to be just a bit more careful in the plot structure, and a few more signposts are needed to really help the reader find their way through the book a little easier, but it is immensely enjoyable to read.

In conclusion, I would recommend this book to anyone who likes traditional vampire tales with a twist. It's a fast paced book with plenty of action and a thoroughly enjoyable way to spend a few hours!
Cruxim (Fallen Angel/Vampire #1)
Karin Cox | 2012
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I love to read pretty much anything mythological and/or supernatural, and this book had both. Amedeo, the Cruxim from the title, looks like an angel, but looks can be deceiving. His mission is to kill as many vampires as possible, as that's what Cruxims are made to do. Along the way, he meets a little human girl named Joslyn, who ultimately falls in love with him, but he knows it can't be. Then she's attacked and turned by a vampire, and now Amedeo must decide whether he can perform his duty and kill her or not. Another woman in his life, Sabine, is a Sphinx, part-woman and part-lion, and she helps him move on with his life after Joslyn's transformation.

Just the idea of Cruxims, Sphinxes, and Vampires was interesting enough, but then a traveling circus/freak show gets introduced, and it gets really interesting (not that it wasn't great before). This book has so many wonderful aspects to it, and it definitely held my attention throughout the entire story. I look forward to more works along this line, and more from the author, in general.

5 stars

Manda (5 KP) rated Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse, #1) in Books

Jul 11, 2018 (Updated Jul 11, 2018)  
Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse, #1)
Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse, #1)
Charlaine Harris | 2001 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
Vampires, fairies, sex, magic, sexy people did I mention sexy people (0 more)
Nothing but goodness I love myself some Sookie (0 more)
Omg omg omg
Ok ok, so it’s been a few years since I devoured this series, yes I said devoured. Charlaine Harris became one of my favorite authors upon reading this book and the next thing I knew the series had been read and my life was never the same.

Say hello to Sookie, a good hearted, beautiful blonde belle that can hear the thoughts of others. The world she lives in is one where vampires are real and omg walk amount us “normal” folk! This first novel introduces us to Sookie and her family, her grandmother who we all end up loving and her brother who is a dumbass but a cute one, so I guess that equals out. Things get crazy for Sookie and her life and friends when their small little town gets their first vampire. Bill. Ahh Bill. Bill frustrated me but whatever. In attempts to not contain spoilers I’m just going say, if you enjoy crazy supernatural reads with gore and lust and magic with a dash of murder mystery and crazy turns this book (this series) is for you.

Merissa (11869 KP) rated Concealed in Books

Oct 19, 2018  
Rosalie Redd | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Concealed by Rosalie Redd
Concealed: Lexi is a story from the Blood Courtesan world, a series of standalones by different authors. This one has been written by Rosalie Redd, and an amazing job she has done with it too.

Lexi and Gavin's story is a Beauty and the Beast tale, with a vampirical twist. Not only are there vampires and courtesans in this story, but this vampire can also get sick. Sickness not crossing over to vampires is purely a myth. ? Gavin has his issues, Lexi has hers. You hope they will end up together, but the fun part is seeing just how they do.

This is a fast paced long-novella, with plenty of back history given at the right times - no info-dump here. The characters are nicely rounded out, and the situations believable. Going along with my experience of Rosalie Redd, there were no editing or grammatical errors in this story that disrupted my reading flow.

For the romantic, for those who love a good vampire story, I can highly recommend this!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Wordless (Age of Blood, #1)
May Sage | 2016
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 Stars!!

May Sage is such a fabulous author! She knows just how to pull the reader right into the story from the first sentence. Wordless is a start to a whole new series. It is about a world ran by vampires, and it is hot and everything a vampire novel should be!

Fay is the protagonist of the story. She is being used as a sex slave by the vampires, but this all changes when William shows up. She is a smart and kind woman who wants to break free of her chains and love her own life. William is a sexy vampire who is also kind and treats Fay like an actual person. There are quite a few side characters who are all equally lovable and have the potential for their own books!

Sage has really built up a wonderful new world. My only complaint would be the story felt just a tiny bit rushed, but maybe it is just because I wanted to read more!

All in all, I cannot wait to read the next book to the series, Worthless! May Sage is definitely going places with her work. :)

*I received a free copy from the amazing author for an honest review.*
Cherishing Destiny is the story of Destiny who is a Vamphyr who is laying injured in a cave. While she is healing she is remembering how she came to be. Her mother transferred her memories to Destiny when she died. The night of Destiny's conception was the night a solar storm hit earth. As a result of said storm Vampires are now able to walk in the sunlight and reproduce. They offspring are referred to as Vamphyr. The world as they knew it was gone. Tsunamis destroyed cities, earthquakes broke open the earth, and various types of communication were destroyed.After the solar storm mercenary hunters have taken over the human and Were population and are on a hunt to wipe out all vampires.

This book sounded interesting when I first read the synopsis via goodreads, but once I started reading, I had so much trouble getting through it. The main idea of the book is great, I just think that the spelling and grammatical errors took so much away from the story. Also, I noticed that there were several spots within the book that the author meant to reference Alex and she wrote Ryan instead, and I had to go back and re-read several sections and make sure I understood what was going on.