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Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #1)
Dark Lover (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #1)
J.R. Ward | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
72 of 235
Dark Lover (Blackdagger Brotherhood 1)
By J.R Ward

In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly turf war going on between vampires and their slayers. There exists a secret band of brothers like no other-six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Yet none of them relishes killing more than Wrath, the leader of The Black Dagger Brotherhood.

The only purebred vampire left on earth, Wrath has a score to settle with the slayers who murdered his parents centuries ago. But, when one of his most trusted fighters is killed-leaving his half-breed daughter unaware of his existence or her fate-Wrath must usher her into the world of the undead-a world of sensuality beyond her wildest dreams.

This is my first reread and I loved it more the second time round!! This series definitely need a second round!
Daybreakers (2009)
Daybreakers (2009)
2009 | Action, Drama, Horror
A nice vampire surprise!
A vampire "plague" has killed off most of the human population, only about 5% or less now survives. (This film was made in 2009, so 2019 is the year this will happen!). Vampires now occupy our cities and have transformed the Earth to suit their needs including conduit walkways between buildings, underground tunnels they can walk so they don't have to walk through the sun and even automated cars which close off the sunlight so no risk of frying on the way to work.

Their culture is just like humans now: the rich get richer and the poor stay the same, but now there is a growing problem. Since there are so few humans left, blood is now a hot commodity since it is needed for survival. The search is on for a cure or a blood substitute which could pacify the population and prevent the newly discovered evolution from taking place. It has been discovered without blood, vampires will "de=evolve" into their more primal form becoming mindless bat-like creatures who will do anything for their next fix.

Enter Ed Dalton, a hematologist working to secure a blood substitute to ensure vampire continued survival. A synthetic blood serum has been found, tested and proven to be not successful. A chance "bat" encounter at Ed's home soon afterwards takes the vampire vampire plight close to home and scares Ed tremendously. If not for the appearance of Ed's brother, the situation could have ended a lot worse.

Ed has a chance encounter with some humans who come to trust Ed as a "friendly" vampire and take them in their ranks. They may have discovered a "cure" for vampirism which intrigues Ed. His brother has decided to covertly follow Ed and take matters into his own hands at the direction of Ed's employer, Charles Bromley.

Ed eventually has to decide on which side he is taking as he grows to know his new human friends. The situation is becoming quickly perilous and skirmishes with the ruling vampire forces become inevitable and more frequent.

What will they do to survive?

Writer/Directors The Spierig Brothers manage to forage a very interesting premise which I bought into almost immediately. The audience actually begins to sympathize with the bloodthirsty population as their situation becomes more desperate even to the point of killing one another for survival.

Very interesting to feature vampires as the ruling class of society just going to work and existing on a more "human" level most of the time than we normally see them portrayed onscreen.

If you round up the trio of Ethan Hawke, Willem Defoe, and Sam Neill in a genre-type film you should be ensured of some intense, spectacular acting and these three do not disappoint. Hawke plays Ed so well you are really not sure which side he will end up on and are constantly rooting for him. Dafoe isn't given as much to do, but his role as a human freedom fighter is crucial for Ed to start and see the truth of his situation. The antagonist Neill is a role he must love to play since he has done so several times in his career including The Final Conflict and Event Horizon.

As you would expect with a vampire film, there are a lot of scenes at night where the bloodthirsty can run amok, but also a surprising amount of daytime scenes as well since the vampires have adapted their environment to work for them.

The production value is well designed and the look of the cities is well thought out and a visual splendor. The creature effects are very believable and well put together and there is no scene where the bad CGI takes you out of the scene. There is no shortage of blood (of course), but it is also done well and there are plenty of gruesome bits for those who enjoy their gore.

At the end, I was left actually wanting the film to go one longer as I was really having a good time with the action and bloody carnage. Something I do not say very often.

Show all 5 comments.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Sep 10, 2019

Same here man. The end is cut off after the production value paragraph. I always enjoy your reviews btw!


Andy K (10821 KP) Sep 10, 2019

OK Thanks!

Vampires Suck (2010)
Vampires Suck (2010)
2010 | Comedy
4.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Vampires suck – but does the movie? We open on the San Salvatore Festival with the angsty Becca watching her beau, Edward Sullen, disrobe and expose his sparkly secrets- he’s a vampire! Cue the “True Blood- 40oz” toting, Mono-fang vampire to take Edward out….wait, we have to get the rest of the story! What follows is a parody of the first two movies of the Twilight Saga. Most of the characters analogous to the spoof’s target are introduced in the first 30 minutes; few of them are actually seen again throughout the movie.

Becca (newcomer Jenn Proske) is forced to move to Sporks, Washington, with her deadbeat father and town sheriff, Frank Crane (Diedrich Bader of The Drew Carey Show). Frank’s best friend is the rough-and-tumble paraplegic Native American, Bobby. His contribution to the plot is his hunky teenage son, Jacob White (Chris Riggi of Gossip Girl). The town of Sporks seems to have vampires on the brain and its population is only growing smaller.

Our heroine is introduced to Edward Sullen (Matt Lanter of Disaster Movie) and what follows is the “classic” story of girl-meets-vampire, girl-loses-vampire, girl-gets-threatened-by-vampire-nemesis, etc. Writers/Directors Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer use their formulaic approach to spoof movies by making the plot a cliff-notes version of the Stephanie Meyer’s original material, with ample jokes thrown in-in an attempt to beef up their rendition.

In fact, there are so many visual jokes in the movie that it left me wondering what a sight-impaired person might conclude of the movie. “What are all these people laughing at?” I noticed a few of the dialogue driven jokes weren’t even played off by the actors. They seemed to have been missed by everyone, including the editors. Other jokes are pop-culture references that will get stale with time. They’re integrated well, but definitely dated. The movie is redolent with the classic American comedy tradition of slapstick, which occasionally comes off as funny.

The production value left something to be desired as several scenes were obviously one-takes. I counted several instances where Becca’s kiss left Edward’s mouth with a smudge of his own flesh-tone showing through. But hey- at least single takes have continuity, right? The contacts, no doubt purchased in bulk, gave the characters an occasional Marty Feldman goggly-look. The effect is hilarious, although I’m not always sure if it’s intentional.

The cast has its standouts. Jenn Proske’s Becca comes dangerously close (like copyright-violating close) to the performance of Kristen Stewart’s Bella as the fidgety, twitchy, sullen and hormone-y heroine. And Ken Jeong (The Hangover) as Daro, while not appearing on screen much, definitely makes his comedic presence felt.

All in all, “Vampires Suck” didn’t really suck… it kind of chews, like gum. Gum out of the package is fresh, flavorful, but the longer you chew it, the tougher and more stale it becomes. This movie is fresh, funny, and quirky right now, but it won’t stand the test of time like more accomplished parodies.
To Touch You (Mates #4)
To Touch You (Mates #4)
Cardeno C | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
To Touch You (Mates #4) by Cardeno C.
To Touch You is the fourth book in the Mates series, and this time it is Yoram and Salvatore's story. Now, this one is a bit different because Yoram first meets Salvatore when he is only 7-years-old. He makes his claim clear to Ethan and Miguel, although he only sees Salvatore as his friend. The years pass and Yoram and Salvatore don't really have many interactions, apart from Salvatore pushing Yoram away. Salvatore is turned by Miguel, but doesn't have much to do with the vampires in Vegas where he lives, so he is mostly clueless when it comes to vampires and shifters - especially true mates.

Yoram has more responsibilities piled onto him than he bargained for, and this means that he is unable to help Salvatore like he has been. Salvatore make the trip to find out what is wrong, and through various interactions with Yoram's family, learns just what exactly Yoram has done for him, and what being a true mate means.

This was a brilliant story. Salvatore is not a very nice character to start with, but you are with him as he realises the error of his ways, and finds out what he has to do to make it right. Yoram is a (HOT) sweetie, and tries to do the right thing no matter what. There is a bit of an overlay between the Yoram/Salvatore story, and that of Samuel and Korban. You don't need to have read the Samuel/Korban story to understand this one, but you will be missing out on a great book if you don't!

There were no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed to disrupt my reading flow. I found the book to be exceptionally written, with plenty of character development, especially for Salvatore. I loved how their story was spread out over so many years, and loved seeing them both change. A fantastic addition to the Mates series, and highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Blood Crescent
Blood Crescent
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In this magical, and quite ambitious, story Stevie McCoy delves into the mystical world of
Blood Crescent where main character realises her missing mother may still be alive and her own life is not what she thought it was. Big time! What they wanted from her mother, they now want from her. But who are ‘they’?

To begin with Blood Crescent has a surreal, hazy, yet mystical feel to it, as the mysterious Crystal slowly comes to grips with what is happening to her forcing her to embark on a fantastical and multi-layered journey of self-discovery and adventure.

As the story unfolded, I was transported into another realm where I met some amazing characters. Angel Aishlin with her witchy ways, and the (adorable) anti-hero Victor are just two characters who leapt right out of the pages and into my heart! Not only that, but I felt that this is ventured into the vampire world with a unique slant. You’ve heard of people being called ’emotional vampires’ right? There the sort of people who drain your energy by just being in the same room as them, because they’re for some reason, negative or miserable. Well this book takes that idea and runs with it. Like energy draining vampires who can suck out any goodness in your aura, just because they can. But of course, in this world it’s not that simple. And for good reason, too!

Overall I have the feeling this is the start of a vast universe, with complex rules and therefore has the capacity to branch off in so many directions, this could the first of a long-running series, and would make great viewing on the box. In fact, I watched these characters play out their roles in my head as if it were already on the TV! There’s an intense, dark atmosphere to this story where the surreal meets a reality not unlike our own… if we are to believe there’s more to life than what we can see. And why shouldn’t there be?

A rich tapestry of characters in a world where there is so much more to be discovered. I’m looking forward to continuing this adventure!
I received an ARC edition of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

As the title says, this is book 2 in the Eternal Mates series and as such I recommend reading Kissed by a Dark Prince first, although this is not altogether necessary.

A lunar month has passed since the end of Book 1 and during that time Sable has been dreaming of King Thorne but keeps telling herself that she isn't interested. She is aiming to be Commander in Archangel and is determined to make the mission to help King Thorne a success - but only for career options, of course! Thorne has also been dreaming of Sable and knows that she is his fated female but is at a loss on how to proceed. During which time he is also trying to find a way to stop his kingdom from being overrun and how to improve his subjects' lives (if they survive the coming battle).

Felicity Heaton has written another fantastic series that you can lose yourself in. There are aspects of most characters that you can either relate to or admire... and trust me, I did a lot of admiring of Thorne! But with elves, werewolves, dragons and vampires there is someone there to interest everyone. And I just have to say that I love how the Vampire Erotique Theatre makes a show (another fantastic series if you haven't read it yet).

This book has everything from shapeshifters, vampires, demons (obviously) to war, battles, portals and angels. It is a book to immerse yourself in and not come up for air until you've finished it. Claimed by a Demon King is smoking hot and if Thorne is inexperienced, then all the angels in heaven won't be able to help Sable once he gets some experience under his belt! A perfect blend of innocence and pure, unadulterated male who has found his match in Sable. May the gods help Hell, because with this pair, anything is possible.

Highly recommended for all fans of Paranormal Romance and Felicity Heaton.

**✿❀ Maki ❀✿** (7 KP) rated Lore in Podcasts

May 3, 2018 (Updated May 3, 2018)  
Society & Culture
8.8 (35 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
interesting stories (1 more)
amazingly atmospheric background music
can get repetitive (1 more)
"it seems"
I really like the premise of Lore. I'm endlessly fascinated by folklore, and the narrative structure of the podcast works for me. They're the perfect length to keep my attention, and the background music helps set the mood for the stories.

I only really have two small issues with Lore:

First, there's the somewhat repetitive nature of the subject matter (before every episode, my husband and I place bets on whether or not the episode is going to mention vampires, pooka, or H.H. Holmes - and lately - the Fox Sisters or Arthur Conan Doyle.) I do realize there's really only so many stories Menke can tell before he runs out of stories though, especially with the North American/UK-centric slant of the show.

And second, I don't mean to nitpick, but sometimes, it seems, Menke tends to overuse "it seems" as an interjection. It seems.

I apologize in advance if you can never unhear that writing quirk.
Rising Darkness (Dark Enchantments #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm having trouble forming sentences from my thoughts so I'm just going to list them instead. :)

Emma and Damien were likable enough characters, even if their 'woe is me' routines got a bit annoying, luckily that got progressively better as the book went on. My main problem was that their romance took a bit of a backseat to the curse and vampires and I didn't quite buy it at the end.
The concept of the Cadre was interesting and I'd like to read the other Dark Enchantment books for an expansion on the organization.
Some scenes were rather graphic and took me a bit by surprise because I don't usually find those things in a Silhouette book, but they weren't such a big deal.
The writing was very good, even if some spots were a tad boring, and I'll be sure to look for more Cynthia Cooke books in the future.
Overall it's not the best paranormal romance I've read, but it kept my interest and entertained me all the same.
3.5 stars