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Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1)
Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1)
Ilona Andrews | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal
7.7 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fast paced, exciting and brimming with magic
I have been nudged to read this for over two years, in fact, book one was a gift. I just picked it up on a whim and it was the best whim I’ve had this year so far. Kate Daniels is the kind of heroine that doesn’t come along very often and I loved her. She’s strong, snarky, takes risks and is absolutely kick-ass.

I’ve come away from this read shuddering from the gore and violence that really isn’t my bag but the story was so good that I was able to forge through those moments. I actually would not want to be transplanted into this world because the creatures are something hideous and vampires are not handsome and glittery but damn I love reading about it.

So now I have 500,000 questions about all sorts and lots of interest in Curran and Kate sitting in a tree. I also feel like I’ve been let into a special club...IM SO GLAD TO BE HERE!
2001 | Card Game, Fantasy, Fighting, Humor
Easy to pick up, great expansions (0 more)
Excellent group game
One of the easiest to learn games, yet the most fun, games I've played. The cards are almost entirely self explanatory, and the huge amount of nods to the different variations and flavours of games (particularly Dungeons and Dragons) is brilliant.

Whether you fight the Level 8 Gazebo, the Level 1 Potted Plant, or the Level 20 Plutonium Dragon, the deals you can make with your friends and enemies can be almost anything - we even house rule that it can be outside of the game (for example, "I will make the next drink if you help me in this fight, and only take 1 treasure"). Its also entirely possible to "help" in the fight, but sabotage the fight so they dont gain levels!

With dozens of expansions, too, the game can grow and grow, and if you like a particular genre, they probably have it as an option (Sci Fi? Space Munchkin. Vampires? Munchkin Bites etc) - and they can all be played in one huge pile, if you want!!

Brilliant game
Armada West | 2015 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (2 more)
I am really struggling to write this review simply because I loved this book so much. As many of you know, I have a HUGE thing for vampires so to find a new vampire series has made me incredibly giddy. Armada West's war/SONG is a fast paced adventure that is sure to delight any vampire fan. This is one vampire novel that isn't too cliché and I loved the vampire vs. magi element in it.

What really stole the show in this novel were the characters. Each character was well thought out and made you yearn to learn more about them. I couldn't help but fall in love with Luca, and I found the heroine to be fascinating as well. Armada West certainly knows how to create characters you're going to miss once the book ends.

All in all, I really loved this book. I am genuinely surprised that this book doesn't have more reviews. I cannot wait to read more of Armada's books. Seriously, read it!
Nightlife (Cal Leandros #1)
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Originally picked up on a whim (as a Christmas present from my Amazon wishlist back in the early 2010s), and I'm glad I did. Be looking for more of this series, methinks.

<edit in 2018>
I've just re-read this again, and can fill in a bit more now than my previous 'review' (above).

This falls firmly into the Urban Fantasy genre, mainly told in the first person, with Cal(iban) Leandros the main narrator of the story, and with the Grendels (or Auphe, or Elf!) the main antagonists: the main, but not the only. In this world (or New York), there's also a Boggle in the park, Trolls (at least one) in the underground, Werewolves, Vampires and other associated mythological creatures, including one who takes a prominent role: that of Darkling (whose sisters are the Banshees of Irish myth). Caliban definitely undergoes quite a bit throughout this story with a major transformation in his character taking place roughly about halfway through: read it, and you'll see what I mean!