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A Spider in the Garden
A Spider in the Garden
Courtney Davis | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved this, very different!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

It's quite hard, I think, to come up with new stuff these days but I'm so bloody glad there are writers who can! Cos I loved this book!

Aranha is a spider shifter, the last of her kind. Dag is a daywalker, a vampire who walks in the light, but also, his kind are dwindling. Neither should have crossed paths with each other, but they do, and there follows some interesting revelations about their history, and their future. And the battle to save a human girl from the vampire's clutches.

Aranha has lived alone for 200 years, and suddenly she has to look after someone. I loved how she just took Jonah in, knowing what he is and how it will affect her. I'm not going into details, but they should NOT have been together!

I loved that Dag, when he meets Jonah, is taken aback by him being with Aranha, but knows they come together and so accepts too.

I LOVED the history behind the webmakers and the daywalkers and how that all came about and how it all went wrong so long ago! The animosity between the daywalkers and the vampires was unexpected, but explained away perfectly. Again, not spoiling it by explaining!

I loved how it all came together, all the history, all Aranha's heritage, and Dag's brothers.

It's got some violence, but vampires trying to take over the world ain't ever gonna be a picnic. It's smexy, in places, but not ever so explicit. It's all at a level fitting for this book.

It's wonderfully told from both Dag and Aranha point of view. I would have liked to hear from Jonah, and maybe Evelyn but that's just me being greedy!

The only thing, the thing that is bugging me the most?? I want more. I want more of this world, and these people in it. I want to hear from them 6 months, 6 years, hell 600 years down the line. I want to know, if what they decided to do here works. I want to know, if Dag and Aranha are truly happy. If Jonah and Evelyn make it work. Even if Aranha's father gets a happy ever after!

Given that this only the author's second book, I can't wait to read more.

A fabulous, different 5 star read

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Etiquette & Espionage (Finishing School, #1)
Etiquette & Espionage (Finishing School, #1)
Gail Carriger | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I listened to this book in almost one sitting, while on a long car ride. I was almost disappointed when I got there because I had two chapters left and I wanted to know what happened!

E&E was a very cute and clever story. It had everything: awesome characters, a villain you love to hate, mystery, adventure, surprises, romance, humor, and wonderful descriptions. Also, Werewolves and vampires. But not the sparkly modern-day super-sexy kind… the kind that will kill you. Oh yeah, also, they’re the professors.

And the students of the school Sophronia goes to?… they live in the sky. How cool is that? I loved Sophronia so much, and she reminded me of myself when I was nine (though she was like fourteen or something)

Suffice to say, I wanted to transfer to that finishing school instead of my boring old university.

Content/Recommendation: Clean! Recommend to ages 13+ (keep in mind, I’m 21 and I loved it).

Audio: The reader, Moira Quirk, was excellent! Wonderful use of accent and inflection, and very talented. Looking forward to hearing more of her voice acting.
A Girl's Guide to Vampires was a nice and pleasant surprise. While I do get tired of Katie MacAlister's same heroine in every book I read, I could tolerate Joy more that most others. But lord can they be moronic, and not in a good way. I do wish she could expand her female leads to be different in both of their physical and mental aspects, and not be the same old monotonous ones over and over again. Always my gripe.

Now on to the rest of the book...
The storyline was interesting, there was some hilarious moments, and overall I enjoyed it better than most of the contemporary romances Ms. MacAlister has written. I am very intrigued by Christian and can't wait to read his book in this series. Roxy, on the other hand, reminded me of a little, annoying, rabid yappy dog. Yes, she could provide entertainment, but if I knew someone like that, I'd go insane, or else commit homicide. Otherwise the book was fine entertainment but not a keeper for me. Probably the main reason I read the whole book was because of the intriguing Christian and wondering about his fate.
3.75 stars
Don’t get in the way of me and my sai. At least, not if you’re a vampire. That’s a quick way to end up dead.
My name is Ashryn Barker, and I’m a vampire hunter. One of the best in fact.
I also have a secret. One I can never tell anyone else. When I look someone in the eyes, I can see their deepest secret, the one hidden behind the illusion they show the world.
My name is Ashryn Barker, and I’m here to shatter your illusions.
Shattered Illusions is a paranormal reverse harem filled with vampires, hunters, and some very wrong assumptions.

Shattered Illusions is the first book in the Ashryn Barker series, and is a novella.
This a very action packed novella and a good start to a series.
We have betrayal, deceit and all is definitely not what it seems when dealing with everyone.
I liked the character of Ashryn; strong, determined and knows her own mind.
I'm interested to see where the story leads through the rest of the books.
Highly recommend reading.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is the second novel I have read in this series and I can safely say that is among one the best fantasy romances I have read in a while. I am aggravated at myself, however, for not yet reading the first two in the series.

In all honesty, I feel that there is nothing I can say about this novel that I haven’t already said about the previous. The mythology is fascinating and the characters who fit into this fantastic world are just as interesting. In a genre overrun with vampires, werewolves, and shifters, it was refreshing to read about Jenkin’s witches who I enjoyed. I also liked the heroine and her hero. Something about the protector and the protected falling in love is a trope I am very much a fan of.

Again, I really need to read the first two in this series, though the two I have read can be enjoyed on their own. As a fan of fantasy romance and elemental magic, I highly recommend this series and plan to continue it until it's completion.
This Case Is Gonna Kill Me (Linnet Ellery, #1)
This Case Is Gonna Kill Me (Linnet Ellery, #1)
Phillipa Bornikova | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was an unexpected delight. Lawyers? Meh. Even lawyers with paranormal spice.

But Linnet Ellery is no ordinary lawyer, even for a young lawyer in a White Fang law firm. She has no end of backbone and smarts, not to mention luck - or should I say Luck? Because fortune swirls around her like nobody else, making her a nexus of events and a little too conspicuous for her very discreet employers.

That's not to say that she doesn't make her share of mistakes - that wouldn't be any fun, now would it? She survives and learns from them, then helps others avoid the same.

Living in a world of vampires, werewolves, and Alfar (elves) might be intimidating to most humans, especially when those beings (Powers) are essentially in charge. Linnet doesn't let them intimidate her. She uses her contacts and plays to her strengths, winning more and more significant battles every time she goes to bat.

Bornikova sets things up very nicely for a sequel, and I am personally hungry to read more. I strongly suggest this book to anyone who enjoys paranormals, urban fantasy, or simply good, humorous fiction with a dollop of suspense and a strong heroine.
Matefinder (Matefinder, #1)
Leia Stone | 2014
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I do not consider myself an expert on werewolf and vampire lore, but I do find them highly fascinating. Matefinder is a quick read, with an interesting story and unique characters.

I have had this book sitting on my nightstand for almost a year, waiting for me to pick it up. I am so glad I finally did. Kai and Aurora's story kept my eyes glued to the page till I finished it well past my bedtime last night.

Aurora is a strong female lead and she carries a powerful gift with her. She has overcome so much, survived so much. Discovering who she is and the strength and power she carries is an incredible thing to witness. Passionate (clean) kisses, intense fight scenes, tenderness, and a family/pack bond that is thicker than blood. If you enjoy books with vampires and werewolves, I recommend Matefinder to you.

**I would consider the rating to be PG-13.**

I received a complimentary copy of Matefinder from the author as part of a giveaway that I won. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Defiance (The Wolfborne Saga #1)
Defiance (The Wolfborne Saga #1)
Cheree Alsop | 2018 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Defiance is the first book in The Wolfborne Saga and you get a very different take on vampires and werewolves! It starts with Zev escaping in wolf form, from who or what you don't know. It's a close call though, nearly his last call, but he is saved by a young man driving a car. This opens up a whole sort-of-new life for those Zev meets and for him himself.

This was brilliantly written, with plenty of world-building and information given without it being an info-dump. There is definitely character growth from Zev but the others are just as interesting.

As the first book in a series you expect to get a lot of the ground-work, sometimes to the detriment of the story. Not so here. Ms. Alsop has provided a great start and I am looking forward to the next book in the series. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

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