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Awix (3310 KP) rated Ultraviolet in TV

Jan 3, 2021  
1998 | Horror, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
British horror-thriller resists the temptation of going camp and is all the better for it. London cop Mike Colefield discovers the existence of a secretive government agency hunting blood-drinking, mirror-averse immortals and is eventually recruited by them. But can they uncover the enemy's plans before internal tensions tear the team apart?

One of the many post-X Files genre shows to appear in the UK in the late 90s, but much better than most of them, largely because it resists the temptation to go overboard with the flashy fantasy elements: vampires rarely appear in the early episodes and this more closely resembles a police procedural show. But definitely a horror series, and an effective one for the most part, written and played with great skill. Starts off as an episodic show before the serial elements gradually take over - the standalone episodes are best - and comes up with some clever new spins on vampire lore. One wishes they could have made more than just the six episodes (plus a US pilot with a mostly different cast and rather different approach), but as it this this definitely counts as small but perfectly formed.
Accasias Bite (Sisters of Hex #3)
Accasias Bite (Sisters of Hex #3)
Bea Paige | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
20 of 250
Accasias Bite ( sisters of Hex book 3)
By Bea Paige

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Accacia remains cursed, just like the vampires she's grown to love, just like the people of Ever Vale and just like the four fated clan daughters of the prophecy.Alongside her Dark Knights, Accacia must play her part in breaking the curse or remain under the Queen's rule forevermore. Yet, how can she do that when Devin is losing his soul to the darkness, to a fate far worse than death? If Accacia cannot save his soul, then the battle is over before it's even truly begun.The stakes are high in this final installment of Accacia's journey as she heads into the danger of the queen's castle. Sacrifices will be made, friendships forged, and alliances sought. Accacia's Bite will conclude Accacia's journey, but not the Sisters of Hex series.

It was again a touch disappointing and felt a bit rushed. Still despite this a good read. Getting Devin back seemed a bit to easy! I like the set up for the next lot of books so fingers crossed.
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
1994 | Fantasy, Horror
Lavish adaptation of the best-selling novel resembles a cross between an existential bitch-fest and a hair care products commercial. Have you wondered what the ageless and immortal vampire does with all those endless nights? Well, he sits around and broods about it, if he's Brad Pitt, or shamelessly camps it up in search of an Oscar nomination if he's Tom Cruise. The film documents two centuries in the life of the undead: most of it is people sitting around in extravagantly-decorated rooms complaining about either their lives or each other.

Just a bit too artfully amoral and self-indulgent for my tastes; the gay subtext is undeniably present but you can tell Pitt and Cruise are doing their best to stamp it into the carpet (I mentioned this in a review of the novel once and someone said 'This book isn't about gay people! It's about vampires!', which I thought was rather sweet). Looks good and has some decent performances, but makes being a vampire look very boring. On the other hand, very clearly the chief inspiration for What We Do In the Shadows (both movie and TV show), although not nearly as entertaining.
Death Be Charmed (Terra Vane #2)
Death Be Charmed (Terra Vane #2)
Katie Epstein | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My name is Terra, and I’m a Psychic. My gift is my visions, and these visions are my weapon. Alongside my wolf shifter partner Kaleb, we hunt down the most dangerous criminals of all and put them behind bars.

But things are getting more complicated. My feelings for my boss are growing, my partner is more annoying than ever, and now there’s been a jailbreak. Twelve deadly prisoners are on the run after escaping from Portiside Prison, and it’s our job to chase them down. With our only lead being on a serial killing vampire, we’re headed to Darkwood, the killer’s homeland. But with our only way in through my vampire ex-boyfriend, things are more awkward than ever.

This is fast becoming one of my favourite series Terra Vane is just brilliant! I love the way these books are written. Terra once again finding herself in a tricky situation with vampires this time! The men have so many different roles for Terra and I love each one of them. She has yet to show us what she is capable of and I can't wait to see her develop.