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Drawing Bloodlines (The Princeton Allegiant #1)
Drawing Bloodlines (The Princeton Allegiant #1)
Deborah Garland | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Drawing Bloodlines (The Princeton Allegiant #1) by Deborah Garland
Drawing Bloodlines is the first book in The Princeton Allegiant, and we meet with Alexander, a young vampire of only five hundred years old or so. He is the doctor who draws the blood from our main female, Elizabeth, which is okay until she catches him drinking it.

The attraction between Alexander and Elizabeth is off the charts from the start, but I actually wished it wasn't for part of the book! Now, don't get me wrong, steam isn't a bad thing at all, but for me, it actually took away from some of the parts of the story. It all became about how often these two made the naughty, rather than anything else like, for example, maybe Alex could have told Elizabeth more of his history... say the part with Christiana in it?! I actually preferred this book once Alex was told he had to mate with Christiana, and Loren appeared on the scene. I felt there was more of a connection then, but maybe that's just me.

On the whole, this was a very good read, with plenty to get your teeth into (bad pun intended). I would love to read more about this world of Allegiants, and see how it works in greater detail. And, of course, find out more about the missing vampires. Oh, and hope Elijah gets his story!

There were no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, and I have no hesitation in recommending this book. Excellent start to the series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
I received this novel free in exchange for an honest review.

You can tell that Bella Forrest is a new author. The writing is not perfect, nor is story. This novel is filled with the typical "Twilight" feel. It is filled with vampire angst, and all of the other vampire cliches ("I was a lamb - a lamb ready for slaughter" etc.). I do have to say that there is some potential that I saw in the author and in the story line.

I felt that the characters needed more depth to them. I really wish that this novel was longer because I would have loved to see what the author would have done if she added depth to the characters. When reading this novel, I kept wanting to get invested in the characters but they just lacked that certain something. They lacked depth, and in all honesty... they kind of lacked emotion. It could also be that i lacked investment and thus I didn't feel any of the emotions.

The plot line was interesting, a young girl is kidnapped and made to be the vampire king's slave. It's something that has been done over and over but I did enjoy the quick read. I do wish that we would have gotten more. I wanted more emotions, I wanted more depth to the characters, and I wanted more to the story.

When reading, I kept hoping that there would be something that would make this novel stand out above other Kidnapped humans in a world of vampires novels but it didn't really make the cut.

All in all, this was an Okay novel. Nothing spectacular but it filled my time and was a very quick read.
Blood Debt (Touched, #1)
Blood Debt (Touched, #1)
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
In a genre gone mad about vampires and shifters - and yes, I love them too! - it makes such a nice change to read something that steps away from the 'norm' and takes a more unusual look at things. This is what Nancy Straight does with her Blood Debt. This is the first book so it has a lot of groundwork to do so that you know what is happening. Nancy does this whilst also making it seamlessly part of the story, so you pick up the details without even being aware of it.

The other thing that I have enjoyed as a stand-out in this book, is there is no love-triangle. Gasp, shock, horror! How on earth can a book make it without a love-triangle? Easy - make it a love-square instead!!! This was wonderful to read and there were some real LOL moments as Cami is fighting her guilt and Bianca is trying to encourage her without letting her know that she knows.

The family relationships were quirky and loveable, in most cases. Some were just downright weird. And in the middle of this, you've got Cami. She isn't sure who or what she is, why people seem to have high expectations of her and why she feels like she just isn't who they think she is. Out of her brothers, Beau is my favourite but of course, that's the way it's been written so far.

If you want to read a book about Centaurs, Greek mythology, fantasy then this is the book for you. Personally, I can't wait to get Book 2 and see what happens. There are 4 books in this series and Book 4 is due to be released at the end of January. Definitely recommended!
Risorgimento: Rebirth
Risorgimento: Rebirth
Maya Daniels | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Risorgimento: Rebirth (New Blood Rising #1) by Maya Daniels
The world as you knew it has gone. All that is left is fear and survival. These are the tenets of April's childhood, ever since she was left in a sewer by her parents. Her brother is missing, presumed dead. America is ruled by eight cruel vampires, called The Council. And then it gets worse... the Italians show up! April is determined to stay off the radar, even though she is trying to help a couple of other people, plus a dog, Mutt. Through one circumstance and then another, she ends up meeting the Italians, and her life changes for good.

This was an amazing story that swept me up within the first few paragraphs. Maya Daniels has such a descriptive way with words that you are immediately able to visualise what April is going through, and how much she fears, and also how much she wants to live. I loved the chemistry between Sebastian and April, and I can't wait to continue with their story, as I'm sure the sparks will continue to fly. April is no pushover, and Sebastian is used to getting his own way. Just how Andrei and Marcus are going to fit in, I'm not sure, but like I said, I can't wait to continue.

Completely enthralling, from start to finish, this book sets up the scene, draws you in, and leaves you wanting more. I absolutely loved it, and can't wait to continue with their story! Highly recommended by me!!!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Devil's Cry : Shade of Devil Book 2
Devil's Cry : Shade of Devil Book 2
Shayne Silvers | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you like Classic Vampires mixed with a bit of Urban Fantasy then you will love this book (0 more)
If you dont like Fantasy or are easily offended then dont read it. (0 more)
I'd Follow This Devil Anywhere!
What a great Continuation of Sorin's story.
Gosh! I loved every minute of this book. Shayne has a true talent for making us fall In love with his main characters. Sorin Is no different! He is powerful, charismatic and Sexy with a very human side that makes him extremely endearing for a Vamp. You either want to bed him or be his best mate and frankly, when you see who he hangs out with you will be biting at the bit ... or the neck join the gang!

The story continues with Sorin's quest to take Down Dracula, but straight of the bat several new threats make themselves known, the least of them the Witches who complicate matters For Sorin and add some great action scenes to this story.

The emotional and sexual build up in this book creates a lovely tension that sits nicely in between the action and all the story driven sequences and I found that I flitted from emotion to emotion. From feeling sad for his losses, Angry that he was wronged, Affection for his love Interests.... and a couple of spicy scenes that made me sit up a little straighter in my seat.

All In all I really enjoyed this book. It had a feeling of familiarity as it very much reminds me of a classic vampire tale.... but then it surprises you with some lovely new mysteries.
I really can't recommend this book enough!
And Can't wait to see were the next book takes me!
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Insanitus: Into the Darkness by William P. Thomson has a writing style that almost reminds me of H. P. Lovecraft. What might surprise unsuspecting readers is that this is a collection of three short stories.

What if vampires were real but not in the way society typically thinks of them? What if someone detached from themselves decides to commit suicide by means of the judicial system? What if a secret group of military scientists created something that appeared human but had no emotion and could be programmed? These are the horrors readers will find within these pages. This book makes readers question just what it is that makes someone or something human, and what happens when you take that factor away.

What I liked best is that this book is disturbing and creepy without being outright scary. The short stories build tension extremely well without dragging anything out. They were also creative and believable, making them all the more disturbing. What I didn’t like was that the writing was very dry, almost so much so that it felt like reading a report or biography. This style almost made me judge the book too harshly at first and I wanted to set the book aside early.

Although the content is disturbing I see no reason why young adults couldn’t handle reading this book. It may be more ideal for older audiences that won't be upset by the odd and bazaar. I rate this book 2 out of 4 as an interesting and creepy book. It introduces readers to believable concepts that are also extremely strange. The dry style is defiantly a major negative point but if readers can power through it they will be rewarded with a truly interesting read.
Immortal Beloved (Immortal Beloved, #1)
Immortal Beloved (Immortal Beloved, #1)
Cate Tiernan | 2010 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is another of those books where I've had it for years on my Kindle and just never had the urge to read it. So, yes, this is being used for another challenge on Goodreads. This one is another A-Z challenge but for Paranormal Romances and Urban Fantasy books.

I think one thing that put me off is this books lack of a proper description on Goodreads as seen above. You really do have no idea what it's going to be about. I have done a bit of searching and found a better more evolved description.

I assumed this would be about vampires with the name but it's not. Just people who live a really long time that call themselves Immortals. Nastasya - Nasty to her friends - comes to realise that she's hanging out with a bad crowd after her best friend of hundreds of years breaks a mans back for no reason. She seeks out a fellow Immortal she met about 50 years ago who offered to take her in and spends time at her sanctuary.

Nasty goes from being a careless party girl to someone who actually doesn't mind working and likes being busy. She begins to have proper friends and people who care about her and who she cares about. She feels like she has a purpose in life again.

I'll admit I liked this more than I thought I would. It dragged me in and I was intrigued by how Nasty and a certain blond Viking type Immortal, Reyn, knew each other. It took about 80% of the book to figure it out and then, though they knew they should hate each other, they were still drawn to each other. I am VERY interested in seeing what happens next with this lot.

I cannot wait to continue this series.
***ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***

4.5 stars.

I’ll start by saying I really, really, liked Riker. He might have tried to act like a hard-ass but he wasn’t. Something right from the start grabbed me about him and I went a little mushy. Awww… :P And he was hot, too!!

Nicole turned out to be quite ballsy and I liked that about her. Riker needed someone like her in his life. I liked how she told it to him straight and if he didn’t like it, then she either fought to make him listen or walked away, making him come to her.

The secondary characters were quite fun too. Hunter, the head of the MoonBound clan, made me smile a lot. Playing is video games and saying some of the stuff he did. Myne, a fellow member of the clan, was another favourite. He might have come across at the beginning of being some rather scary ass vampire but by the end, he’d grown on me.

I feel I have to mention that first sex scene. It was HOT!! As was the second. Crikey, Larissa Ione knows how to write passionate scenes between her characters.

The storyline was different, with vampires being slaves to humans and I wondered how it was all going to work out. I wasn’t disappointed, it was a hell of a journey. I was happy, sad (I almost cried a few times), and angry at various points in this. But to me that made it goooood. Really good.

If you’re a fan of Larissa Ione then this isn’t to be missed. If you like steamy paranormal romance, again, this isn’t to be missed. I highly recommend it.

P.S. I am so going to look up what an origami vampire looks like :P