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Whisky, Vamps and Thieves
Whisky, Vamps and Thieves
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First of all let me just say WOW! This book definitely left lots to wonder about. The characters were all complex and hard to understand at first, which made the book all the better. They were shrouded in mystery and even when you begin to think you knew them and how they were important to each other, there would be a twist and keep you confused. I loved the underlying romance and kept rooting for different people to fall in love and become a couple. However, it never ceased to surprise me with how each character dealt with their own problems. There were lots of conflicts between character which kept it interesting and surprising in some areas. The characters alone kept me turning the pages with their constant dramas and mysteries surrounding them. I have to say to hear their stories and how the wound up together and what not made it very intriguing and kept everything moving toward the end of the book. Though I feel there were more questions created about Mercer and Scarlett than were answered at the end of the book.

I found the mysterious bad guy, Sharp Elbows as he was referred to as, to be a character I needed to know more about and was not exactly disappointed in the end. However, his own tale made things a little messy as the book wrapped up to the end. With Scarlett's mysterious secret that still isn't quiet clear, I had almost forgotten about how much more I wanted to know about him, though I have a feeling he will make an appearance in future books. He wasn't the only thing I wanted to know more about though, which only makes me want to continue reading the series.

I found all the mysteries and secrets in the book to be compelling. Although I would have loved more details in the book on surroundings and what not, I think it overall was extremely wonderful. Although the idea behind the book was completely fictional, I enjoyed how Charles added a few touches that haven't been before explored. Like how Vampires are super emotionally charged. To watch the protagonist struggle through her emotions and how those emotions can affect her in such a way that it created problems in her work and personal life, was exhilarating to read and see. I also enjoyed how that the characters weren't just Werewolves, Vampires or Humans. There were fae as well, which was pleasant when they were described as addictive and how they can cause normal humans that they have intercourse with to become mad and end up losing all their sanity, just because they desired and needed a Fae's touch above all else. It was things like this that kept you wanting to know more.

I felt like I was submerged into a magical world that I needed to know more about. Even after having finished the book, I have to say I feel like I need to read more and I intend to. It ended with so many unanswered questions, it is easy to see why people would be able to get lost in the series and not be able to put the books down. However, I feel a few questions should have been answered completely instead of hinting at the answers.

I would rate Whiskey Vamps and Thieves 4 stars out of 5 stars simply for not answering enough questions. Although, with the cliff hanger you are encouraged to read book two, You Me and A Ghost Named Boo. I think that a few more answers would have allowed the reader to feel better about how the book ended. I can only hope that book 2 will answer some more questions.
Becoming Alpha
Becoming Alpha
Aileen Erin | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Tessa McCaide has a unique gift of seeing visions. She is able to touch someone and see something from their past. Only she doesn't care too much about her "gift" she sees it as a burden.

Living in LA with her mum, dad and brother Axel, she is called 'Freaky Tessa' by everyone except her family.

One day her father gets a new job in Texas and they decide to move for Tessa so she can be happier and be nearer to her mum's family. Tessa's mum's side of the family believe they are all witches. (Which they are, but Tessa doesn't really believe it at the moment, even though having her gifts aren't normal... So why can't they be witches. Her gift must mean something right?)

Tessa and her brother Axel want to find out why they are moving and what their dads new job is. She touches some paperwork of her father's to find out some more about where they are going and this new job of his. Once she touches the papers she sees what she normally sees 'a vision' only this time it's not the past. It's the present and the two people she can see, can sense her. Which has never happened before. Tessa doesn't tell her brother what she saw...

A few days later they move to Texas and there she starts her new school. On moving in day her dad's new boss Micheal Dawson arrives to give them the keys and warns them about Wolves in the area and to stay clear of them and they will do the same. He brings along a guy called Dastien from the school that they work at; where Tessa's new dad's job is. To help them move in. But Tessa and Dastien share some sort of connection. It turns out that they both remember eachother from the vision.

Tessa begins her first day at her new school and starts to make friends. (though she doesn't really like the people there) The same day she gets invited to a party. A few days before the party her and her brother head to the mall where she meets Dastien again and they again share that connection. They both flirt a little and you see there is a attraction. But why?

A fight soon breaks out and there is a clear divide between her new school and the school where Dastien works. They all hate eachother. This is also something that happens at the party that Tessa's invited too. When she's there her and Dastien share a kiss. Which leads to him biting and scratching her...

A few days later she's become a werewolf, because of Dastien which is illegal in their world. And her whole life has been turned upside down. She now has to live and go to the school where Micheal Dawson works and live her life as a Werewolf.

But not everything is a smooth as that. Fighting Vampires for one and having the local coven around and hating her for being biten. Things are about to turn bad for Tessa and her new life.

This book is great story, with werewolves and actually scary vampires. It has it cheesy moments and the young, young adult writing with the romance can be very 'lovely, lovely' which I guess can seem too young for me. But it's a series I've read before that I needed to continue and finish so I am I doing that now. So baring that in mind, it is a great book and series.


Love, Christina ?
Stranger Things  - Season 2
Stranger Things - Season 2
2017 | Sci-Fi
Lucas' sassy little sister (0 more)
Max's douche bag brother (0 more)
A great series following on from the ground-breaking first. Extra characters are revealed and the current characters are explored in more detail as they grow and mature. The addition of Paul Reiser and Sean Astin was simply inspired, somehow managing to conjure up memories of Aliens, The Goonies, LoTR and ... erm ... My Two Dads.
There are the usual geeky references here and there (the boys dressed as ghostbusters and awkwardly discussing why Lucas should be Winston; Eleven wanting to wear the same Halloween costume as ET etc etc).
The action was a little slow to get going in the first few episodes, but it was still enjoyable viewing all the same, getting the chance to see the boys in action without the fear or tension from the events of the first series.
I feel a bit sorry for the actor playing Will - he is a bit like Doug from The Hangover - barely there and when he is there he is quite weedy and annoying.
For me Hopper was the star of the series showing his paternal side with Eleven while still being the strong leader/father figure that some of the boys don't have.
The only slight negative I had was the timeline of the DemaDog's growth - it seemed to take almost a year for the slug that Will coughed up to grow to the size of a frog and then from there it became dog-sized in a matter of days. Unless these were separate creatures and I have mistaken this but, a la Prometheus, this wasn't all that well explained. It could just be the incredible nutritious qualities of nougat.
All in all another excellent series and a taste of more to come, possibly with Max's brother (a dead-ringer for Jason Patric in The Lost Boys) and Dustin (with his Corey Haim hair at the Snow Ball) teaming up to battle vampires.
Bite Club (The Morganville Vampires, #10)
Bite Club (The Morganville Vampires, #10)
Rachel Caine | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book does something brand new in the series -- Shane's point of view is alternated with Claire's point of view. It is a very good thing that Rachel Caine decides to do this, as I do not think that Claire could have gotten such a good understanding of the lure of the vampire-themed fight club that Shane gets involved with.
We not only get to see into Shane's head, but we also get a fuller understanding of his anger and hatred towards vampires, as well as his internal battle with accepting his sister's death, followed by his mother's death, and his father's abuse and fanaticism. Honestly, it is amazing that Shane has any sanity left at all, considering the life he has lived up to this point. Claire has been like a bright star in his life, and it would be a real tragedy if he were to ever lose her -- which does not look like it will be happening any time soon.
On the flip side, Shane's drastic change in behavior due to the fight club puts Claire's heart through the ringer several times throughout the book and has her considering and reconsidering just how much she really wants to stay in Morganville -- especially when M.I.T., her dream school, starts calling. Luckily, Claire has always been a force to be reckoned with in Morganville, and her instincts are always right on par. Only she can stand up to Amelie, the Founder of Morganville, and come away unscathed, even if barely.
If a vampire fight club is not bad enough to be worthy of a book, a certain "big bad" comes back from the figurative dead to wreak havoc and death. Of course, my favorite character, Myrnin makes the final battle interesting with a few new toys and unforgettable one-liners. His rivalry with the new brain behind the town security system, Frank Collins, provides some fresh entertainment, too. This series just keeps getting better, and I can't wait for the release of the next book, Last Breath.
Well, I read this book in under twenty-four hours easily, and that is with two toddlers to keep me on my toes. With all of the positive reviews out there, I'm surprised it took me this long to get to this book, even despite the over-abundance of vampires in fiction literature.
Cat is like a Midwestern version of Buffy, with a healthy dose of vampire genetics to add to her coolness. Bones' style, looks, and British accent remind me of Spike, so he quickly became my favorite character in the book. These factors alone are enough to get me hooked on the series, but Frost's ability to write hot sex scenes without any of the cheesiness that is prevalent in the romance genre just adds to the appeal.
There were a few small things I did not like, such as the death of certain characters, but I can see how these events served to move the plot along. There were many unpredictable twists and turns in the plot that constantly had me guessing as to what would happen next - and reading to find out. The humor was very entertaining without becoming center-stage in the plot, and I especially loved the dynamics between Cat and Bones. I would have loved to read all two hours of dirty talk that Bones dished out to Cat as part of her training, his forthrightness with her regarding his feelings was intoxicating.
The ending was noble, but not what I would have preferred. Still, it sets up wonderfully for the next book, because I just know that Bones will be hunting Cat down like he promised. Plus, there is lots of untapped potential in Cat's abilities, and I have to wonder if she does not have the same abilities as other vamps with her green eyes. On to One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress, Book 2)!

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Ghost Town in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
Ghost Town
Ghost Town
Rachel Caine | 2010 | Children
7.7 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to say, I really hope this series never truly ends, because I don't think I could ever get tired of reading about the escapades of Claire and friends in the supernatural town of Morganville, Texas.
In this book, Rachel Caine uses a unique form of mass amnesia to show the reader what Morganville was like before Claire showed up, including many of the different characters that play a part in the series. After Claire is forced to fix the machine that protects the town -- which proves once again how big her brain really is -- amnesia and Myrnin-style craziness erupt in Morganville. Claire, of course, is the only one who correctly guesses the source of the madness, though the more people forget, the harder it is for her to get to the machine and find a way to repair it.
If a giant broken machine is not enough to keep Claire busy, Amelie and Oliver are also in a power struggle for control of the town that not even mass amnesia can stop. The power struggle also reveals an interesting twist in their relationship that could be useful in future plots. Allegiances are also revealed, as well as the roles that a few of the vampires play under each of the two heads' discretion. One abhorred character is also conveniently killed off in the middle of this power struggle.
The mass amnesia also shows how some of the characters are predisposed to behaving a certain way, even if they can not remember certain things about themselves. Michael and Eve still have chemistry, as do Shane and Claire, and Monica is still the same - though a younger, flouncier version.
For the most part, the way the book ends is almost exactly how I predicted it would be, except for one crucial detail that made my jaw drop in shock. I really need to get my hands on the next book, Bite Club.
Empress of All Seasons
Empress of All Seasons
Emiko Jean | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (2 more)
Japanese mythology
Old, tired tropes (0 more)
I am so torn on this book. I'm really tired of the trope of "batch of girls competing to win a dude" that seems to be so popular lately. But this is an Asian take on the trope, so I don't want to come down too hard on it for that. I attended a panel at the last Baltimore Book Festival about old tropes being resurrected by minority authors, and I agree that just because a trope might seem old and played out, putting a new spin on it with minority characters and themes deserves its own time. That is definitely valid. But they were talking about tropes like vampires and zombies and retold classics like Pride and Prejudice and Alice in Wonderland. I'm not sure the trope of "girls competing to win a dude" deserves more time in any form. (To be fair, I kind of equally hate guys competing to win the hand of the princess. No one should be obligated to marry someone just because they won an arbitrary competition. There are all kinds of consent issues there.)

Despite that, I really enjoyed this book. I loved the characters, the variety of yõkai, the bits of myth interspersed throughout the book. I do question Akira being trained to be a master of shuriken in a matter of days - like, really? And I wish instead of summarizing a ton in the epilogue, she'd just written a sequel, because I think there's enough material to do it. You'd think, with so much I didn't like about the book, that my overall opinion would be negative - but it's not. Even with all of those bad points, this book was enthralling and kept me reading right to the end.

Empress of all Seasons is a great Japanese-inspired fantasy that relies a little too much on old tropes. Set your inner critic to the side and just enjoy the ride, because the story is fantastic.

You can find all my reviews at
The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock
The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock
Imogen Hermes Gowar | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stunning prose (2 more)
Enjoyable plot
Interesting characters
It ended. (0 more)
This is the best book I've read in months, it immediately made my list of favorites on Goodreads and I'm sure that I'm starting to annoy people with my raving about this book.

Visually the book is a stunner and one you can definitely judge by its cover. It's rare to find a historical fantasy where the fantasy aspect takes more of a backseat. I love both genres but this was a perfect balance between the two. The Regency London setting rather than Medieval or Victorian was really refreshing as was the use of mermaids rather than vampires/werewolves/zombies/magic. I've read a few reviews where people complain that the mermaids are prolific enough considering the title but I think this is only the case if you enter it anticipating the focus to be mermaids. It's definitely a consistent theme from start to finish but it doesn't take center stage until the very end. If you go in expecting mermaids galore, you might be a little disappointed.

A lot of historical fiction written after the time it portrays attempts to emulate the formal language of the time and usually with cringe-worthy results. This book is an exception. The prose is lightly reminiscent of a Jane Austen novel and beautifully descriptive but not overly so. The plot isn't one you can guess from the first page and while you can make educated guesses, the journey there is full of delightful twists and turns.

Really though I cannot say enough about this book. The only word that seems to come close is 'sumptuous'. It's the sort of book you can easily reread because the enjoyment doesn't hinge on shocking plot twists or mystery and suspense. It was a sheer joy to read and I dreaded the ending from the very first chapter. I almost never reread books but this is one I actually look forward to rereading.
Silence Fallen (Mercy Thompson, #10)
Silence Fallen (Mercy Thompson, #10)
Patricia Briggs | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Silence Fallen is #10 in the Mercy Briggs series, and honestly, they've started to get a bit boring. Mercy gets into trouble. Mercy gets into SPECIAL trouble that werewolves would have a hard time with, but she's special because she's a coyote shifter, and her abilities give her an edge over the pure strength of werewolves! Mercy antagonizes enemies, escapes, finds her way home. Gets revenge. That's basically the plot of almost every one of these books. I generally like them, but this one in particular fell short. Maybe it's because I haven't read them in a while, but it just lacked the urgency of some of her other adventures.

One thing that really bothered me was the big bad vampire in the beginning - who was creepy as ALL get out - turned out to not be that bad, I guess? They let themselves get used by him to fulfill a plot and weren't mad about it? I would have expected Mercy's pack to take the dude down, no matter the consequences, but that wasn't what they decided to do.

And then, very frustratingly, they revealed something in the last ten pages or so that made me go re-read EVERY SCENE with a certain character and yep, there was no foreshadowing of that AT ALL. And there should have been. That's something the reader should be able to guess, because the viewpoint character knows about it. And it's absolutely not hinted at. So that's frustrating, and changes the meaning of several scenes.

So I'm very meh on this one. I don't know if I'll continue this series. Sometimes series just overdo their lifespan. This should have been wrapped up and moved on to other characters some time ago. The second series in this world, Alpha and Omega, is still pretty good. But maybe it's time to set Mercy aside. Do a series focused on the fae, or the vampires or something.

You can find all my reviews at

ClareR (5642 KP) Jan 16, 2019

I haven’t read this or the one before it yet. I’m really hoping it doesn’t go the way of the Sookie Stackhouse series (I loved that up until about the last 3 or 4 books). I’m going to have to try and work it in to my reading schedule and catch up!

I was once again trying to do my A-Z of paranormal books and saw this on Amazon and it just sounded good, so I added it to my wish-list and a few days ago it was free, so I bought it.

I'm glad I did.

This starts with Mika waking up in a storm drain at some point in the night and wandering into a small town called Dark River, which is home to vampires. It turns out that one of the inhabitants killed her and turned her and local sheriff Walker Walton tries to find out who as Mika settles into the town she can never really leave again. Add in drifter Judge, and shape shifter Brody, and Mika finds herself caught in a little reverse harem that she grows to love.

I was intrigued over who Mika/Raine's creator was. It seemed like everyone was really welcoming and showed her no ill will so to find out who it was did come as a bit of a shock but they did have a bit of a good reason for it.

I actually enjoyed the reverse harem side of this one. Some just seem to instantly happen whereas this one, each guy came about in their own time. It wasn't all at once. Some tried to fight it, some gave in straight away. There were some really sizzling scenes of threesomes with the guys having a little fun with each other too.

One thing I do have a little complaint about is the editing. It has a handful of errors throughout with words repeated or sentences that appear to have been changed slightly but left the previous word in there, too. It doesn't take away from the story but it just niggles me a little.

The story was well written and had been thought out. I am very intrigued by this group of lovers and the town of Dark River and can't help wondering what is next in store for them, so I will be buying book 2 soon.