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Twilight (2008)
Twilight (2008)
2008 | Fantasy, Romance
Vampires (0 more)
The only good one in the series
A good film well done on a big budget. A teen romance film with a Vampire twist. It didn't have as much action as I was expecting but the special effects are pretty good. It has some good scenes underling what a Vampire can do. Unfortunately the rest of the films weren't as good.
The Lost Boys (1987)
The Lost Boys (1987)
1987 | Comedy, Horror
Brilliant story, actors, vampires aren't prettyboys or sparkle!!haha (0 more)
The God -awful sequels that followed (0 more)
Love this cult classic
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I first watched this film when I was only 15 years old.i love it then and love it now. Badass biker vamps . Teenage problems etc. I think i acted like the frog bothers at that age!!Haha. The actors action everything rocks!!
Red-Headed Stepchild (Sabina Kane, #1)
Jaye Wells | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reasons I love this series...

1.) Vampires
2.) A "naked" cat/demon
3.) It makes me laugh!

Jaye Wells has created an amazing world that is a combination of fantasy, biblical mythology, and humor!

She has made up words (trampire being my fav.)...

And she has started us on an amazing adventure that I cannot wait to finish!

4 Stars...LOVE IT!

Billy Ray Cyrus recommended Twilight (2008) in Movies (curated)

Twilight (2008)
Twilight (2008)
2008 | Fantasy, Romance

"I’m gonna go with the most recent film I saw that was really good. I thought Twilight was pretty killer. Put it up there, I’m gonna go with it! Even though it was about vampires, I thought it was told in a really cool way. I thought the acting was strong. And, I thought the music that accompanied the film was really cool."

After reading the first in the series, i was looking forward to this one but for me it wasnt as good.

Not much seemed to happen in the story, unlike in the first where we had Sarah finding out about her warden job and Michael and the many other vampires who were about.

This one just disappointed me a bit...
The Nightlife: New York (The Nightlife #1)
The Nightlife: New York (The Nightlife #1)
Travis Luedke | 2012 | Contemporary, Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
6.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Aaron sees a beautiful woman being shaken down by two corrupt cops on the streets of New York he steps in to try to help her. But Michelle does not need his help and is well able to deal with the police. However in the fracas Aaron is accidentally shot and fatally wounded. Michelle feels guilty and feels she has to save his life the only way she can - by turning him into what she is. A vampire.

Michelle teaches Aaron about his superhuman powers and how he has to live now but there is trouble brewing as Aaron comes to terms with his new life, the control Michelle has over him and letting go his old existence, the two corrupt police officers are determined to track Michelle down and make her pay.

Along the way there is plenty of sex. Vampires have always been sexy and the recent romantic resurgence of vampires has only emphasised this. Luedke takes this one step further. Vampire bites induce sexual arousal in their victims and Michelle teaches Aaron to use this with care, except when they are together when they are able to withstand each other's bites.

It would have been easy for the sex scenes to overwhelm the book but Luedke manages to keep everything as an integral part of the plot which evolves neatly throughout the course of the book as the various plot strands come together.

There are some terrific action scenes too with the vampires' hightened abilities resulting in some sequences that reminded me of The Matrix complete with 'bullet time'.

So if you want your vampires sexy and powerful and your stories thrilling and full of action this is the story for you.

Rated: Scenes of sex and violence. Frequent swearing.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Hellboy (2019) in Movies

Apr 11, 2019 (Updated Apr 11, 2019)  
Hellboy (2019)
Hellboy (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Headbanging new take on Mike Mignola's demonic superhero. Hellboy, summoned to end the world but raised to protect it, has to do battle with vampires, man-eating giants, murderous occultists, pig-headed fairies and an evil sorceress from Arthurian legend. Scores highly on the 'ugh' front with a lot of gore.

Directed by Neil Marshall, so taste and restraint are not much in evidence, while the script is extremely variable and most of the performances not much cop either. Were-beasts fight fairies, demons fight vampires, none of it makes a great deal of sense, and there's little sign of the wit and style of Guillermo del Toro's films about these characters. In the end the film has plenty of energy and a sense of humour about itself which keep it just about watchable, but it's still a bit of a disappointment.
Bitter Blood (The Morganville Vampires, #13)
Bitter Blood (The Morganville Vampires, #13)
Rachel Caine | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'll be honest with you. The Morganville Vampires series has never been my favourite but the author has a way of writing that draws you in and you can devour the book in a matter of hours if you have no distractions. They have a fluidity and ease to them that means you can read it so easily.

Being book 13, this has been my favourite so far and therefore it's getting 5 stars!

A more sane Myrnin(who I love btw),<spoiler>and a kiss between him and Claire! A small one, but still a kiss!</spoiler>, a Captain Obvious that can actually kick-butt and more trouble between the humans and the vampires. What more could we ask for?

The last hundred pages or so are always edge of your seat stuff, too :D
John Carpenter&#039;s Vampires (1998)
John Carpenter's Vampires (1998)
1998 | Horror
6.7 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A group of eccentric vampire hunters lead by the rugged and cold-hearted Jack Crow (James Woods) never really stop working. Taking great pride in the fruits of their labor, they work hard and play even harder as their celebrations after a job well done consist of alcohol flowing freely and plenty of women to take their minds off of work. But this particular job didn't go exactly as planned and it's weighing heavily on the mind of Jack Crow. Even after killing what's referred to as a "nest" of nine vampires, the master was no where to be found. Hardly a reason to celebrate in Jack's eyes. Unfortunately, his gut instinct was right as things get a hell of a lot worse for Jack's team when the master shows up to their little shindig. But this master is different from the others; stronger, more powerful, and why does he know Jack's name? There's something more elaborate going on and Jack Crow is going to find out exactly what it is while eradicating as many vampires as he possibly can along the way.

Judging by the ratings this film has (34% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, 5.8/10 on IMDb), I guess it's safe to say that this could be a guilty pleasure of mine. I love most of John Carpenter's work and I really enjoyed his take on vampires. Jack Crow is certainly reason alone to sit through this and although the character originated in John Steakley's novel, I feel Crow is just as strong of a character in Carpenter's world as Snake Plissken from Escape From New York. Even though he's basically a mean spirited SOB, you can't help but sympathize with the character as the film moves on. Considering all that's happened to him in his lifetime, he seems to be a decent guy deep down underneath that extremely thick and rough exterior. His dialogue was also a lot of fun. Gems such as him asking Father Adam Guiteau if he had wood after the fight they just had or when he's explaining the true mythos behind vampires and to "forget whatever you've seen in the movies" was just classic.

Other than Jack Crow, I actually really enjoyed the storyline which seemed to be a breaking point for a lot of people. A vampire seeking a black cross to finish a reverse exorcism, so he can walk in daylight without turning to dust. Only Carpenter could pull something like that off. Their methods of killing vampires were also a bit more original and unorthodox compared to other vampire films of the past. Jack Crow would shoot an arrow from a crossbow, which would be attached to a wire on the bottom of a jeep that would be reeled in by Daniel Baldwin's Anthony Montoya that would drag the vampire into the sunlight where their body would burst into flames. Maybe it's considered cheesy to some, but it was refreshing to see something different for a change. As big of a horror fan that I am, I don't really think of myself as a fan of vampires. I'm not sure if it's because I'm picky or because it seems like everything is being recycled when it comes to storylines in horror films these days, but I like to think when a vampire film does make an impact on me that it says more than the average horror film containing vampires.

John Carpenter, the master of horror, delivers a refreshing and interesting take on vampires with the aptly named Vampires. It also dawns another strong lead character in a Carpenter film in the form of Jack Crow and contains some of the most witty and enjoyable dialogue of any horror film from the late '90s. The storyline is also magnificently peculiar, which is a definite plus in my book. This would definitely make my list of favorite vampire films, if I ever decided to make one. If you're a fan of John Carpenter and haven't seen this gem, I highly recommend doing so. Or if you have, maybe it's time to dust it off and give it another watch.

Andrea Hill (14 KP) created a post

Jul 4, 2018  
Just finished the Four Horsemans series by L J Swallows. Quite an interesting story dealing with the supernatural. And no vampires was quite a refreshing change. Has some raunchy moments were the female heroine enjoys her choice of the 4 hunky men! If you enjoy a supernatural story with plenty of twists turns and lip biting moments. This is the book for you. X