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Welcome to Nowhere
Welcome to Nowhere
Elizabeth Laird | 2017 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contemporary War
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

The eximious children’s author, Elizabeth Laird, is continuing with her magnificent streak of prize-worthy novels. Her soon to be published book Welcome to Nowhere will be eagerly consumed by fans and new-readers alike. With a contemporary setting and shocking truths, young readers will become more aware of the events happening near and far.

Omar is only twelve, yet has a life style that will seem alien to the majority of readers. Living in Syria, Omar works to earn a wage as well as attends school, whilst also helping to care for his Cerebral-Palsy-suffering brother and three other siblings. Although Omar’s life is not easy, it is preferable to the events he is soon about to witness.

In March 2011, Syria broke out in civil war after the daring behaviour of a couple of schoolboys. After these vandals scrawled the phrase “the people want the regime to change” onto a wall, the government decided to fight back. With shootings regularly occurring in the streets, and bombs falling on houses, Omar and his family flee their city home to live with family in the countryside. However, they cannot stay there for long before danger finds them again. Running from the enemy, Omar and family find themselves on the streets with thousands of other refugees. But, where can they go when they have nowhere to call home?

Although Welcome to Nowhere is set before the development of the extreme Muslim group, ISIS, Elizabeth Laird provides an accurate description of the lives of Syrians and refugees at this present moment. Most young readers, and possibly many adults, may not understand what caused the current refugee crisis and may even regard them as the enemy. This book will open hearts and minds after revealing the terror and destruction thousands of people have faced, their experience of refugee camps and their desperation to be able to live in safety.

As well as revealing truths about the situation in the Middle East, Welcome to Nowhere educates the reader on the customs and beliefs of average Muslim families. Although slightly antiquated – men dominate over women – they are not all that different to the Western world. Omar wants to become a successful businessman, whilst his sister is desperate to go to school and university. Laird also writes of scenarios that are not unique to Syrian citizens, in particular medical conditions such as Cerebral Palsy and the way these people are attacked by social stigmas.

Whilst not labeling this book as ‘exciting’, Welcome to Nowhere is a story that will engage the readers’ attention. As a book with both entertainment and educational value, Elizabeth Laird’s latest book is worthy of significant praise. It is not often that a writer will dare to reveal the gritty truth about the current situation in the world, and thus Laird must be commended for persevering with such a difficult, challenging story. Although targeted at young adults (ages 12+), older readers will also enjoy and learn from this exceptional novel.
The Graveyard Book
The Graveyard Book
Neil Gaiman, Chris Riddell | 2009 | Children
8.1 (28 Ratings)
Book Rating
A different look at ghosts (1 more)
Flow of writing is great
Questions left unanswered (1 more)
There won't be a sequel
Neil Gaiman knows how to turn an innocent childhood into a terror-filled one. 'The Graveyard Book' revolves around a young boy named Nobody Owens. What makes him different from everyone else is that he lives in a graveyard where he's being raised by the ghostly residents. Nobody, or Bod (as his friends call him), ended up here after his family was brutally murdered, which actually doesn't seem to bother him too much throughout the story. Right from the beginning, readers get to follow the murderer as he makes his way through Bod's house, killing all the members of the family except for Bod, who fortunately manages to get away.

Yet, when Bod showed up at the graveyard, not all the residents wanted to keep the boy, but when a woman in grey appears, she settles the argument by telling them to keep him - - - bringing in the woman in grey seemed as though it only happened to introduce the character, which, unfortunately she is only seen one other time throughout the entire novel; this character really wasn't necessary. When Bod is kept, he is given the "Freedom of the Graveyard," which gives him the ability to see and talk to ghosts, as well as other things. This makes for a very intriguing adventure for us readers.

This book is almost flawless with the concept being very original. I honestly have nothing bad to say about the story. Gaiman doesn't use the usual horror tropes, instead he describes horrific events through the eyes of Bod, as he becomes more familiar with the world outside of the graveyard. Gaiman explains all of Bod's natural needs effortlessly within a graveyard, such as Bod learning to read and spell by using the letters on headstones. This book will surely change the way you look at graveyards for the rest of your life, if you hadn't already seen them in this way. 'The Graveyard Book' is a different type of ghost story, where the reader isn't afraid of the spirits, but rather of the living.

Later on in 'the Graveyard Book,' we meet a character named Scarlett. She is one of the only friends that Bod makes who is alive. For the majority of the book, Scarlett believes that Bod is just her imaginary friend, as her mother brings her to the graveyard every day to play (by this time, it is a claimed nature reserve) . But later on, when Scarlett returns as a teenager, she realizes that Bod is actually a real person. My only complaint about Scarlett's character is that the reader gets to see her dream walk- - - something we have been told only ghosts, supernatural creatures and Bod can do- - - yet, this is never explained why she is able to do this. It leaves one to wonder if Scarlett is a supernatural being or just a human with a particular ability?

" One grave in every graveyard belongs to the ghouls. Wander any graveyard long enough and you will find it- - - waterstained and bulging, with cracked or broken stone, scraggly grass or rank weeds about it, and a feeling, when you reach it, of abandonment. It may be colder than the other gravestones, too, and the name on the stone is all too often impossible to read. If there is a statue on the grave it will be headless or so scabbed with fungus and lichens as to look like a fungus itself. If one grave in a graveyard looks like a target for petty vandals, that is the ghoul-gate. If the grave makes you want to be somewhere else, that is the ghoul-gate. " The ghoul-gate has it's own entire scene in the book, but I wish the ghouls had been in the story quite a bit more. Overall, Gaiman wrote a very pleasing book that looks at ghosts in a different light. He brings up real life fears and fictional ones as well. Unfortunately, the book was written in 2008, and it doesn't seem that Gaiman is working on a sequel, so some questions may never be answered for the readers.

I really liked this book, and I think readers who enjoy paranormal aspects will love this story, too. As far as a ghost story goes, this one I highly recommend, but if you are looking for scares, I suggest you look elsewhere.