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Luckiest Girl Alive (2022)
2022 |
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A couple are shopping for registration gifts for their wedding, they appear happy. This woman named tiffany, however, seems to be hiding a dark secret as she keeps having flashbacks about her holding knives dripping with blood. Other than that, her life is good. She has a career in journalism and has hopes of a promotion.

One day a film maker approaches Tiffany to Interview her on her involvement in a school shooting, she claims she wasn't involved but a quick Google search by Tiffany shows she is being blamed for being involved, she needs to decide whether or not to do the interview.

Tiffany's past comes back to haunt her in various ways. Someone calls her a psycho on her Facebook page and she bumps into her old school teacher, who we find out in flashbacks helped her after a dramatic event at a party. It is soon evident that Tiffany has anger issues and still struggling due to what happened.

The whole movie is leading up to what happened on the day of the shooting, it keeps you guessing as to whether or not she was the shooter. It takes around an hour and 13 minutes to get to the actual event but it really did need that build up.

It's not a bad movie, the acting is superb and certain scenes are difficult to watch but executed so well. If you like dramas you are sure to enjoy this one, even if it's a one time only view.
The Life She Wants
The Life She Wants
Mel Sherratt | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am a fan of Mel Sherratt's work and always look forward to reading her books but, I have to say, never have I been so confused as I was with this one.

Now, whilst at first this might seem to be a negative, let me reassure you that if you stick with it, everything falls into place very nicely and the confusion was well worth it in the end.

Told from different perspectives over different timelines, this is a complex storyline which deals with various unsavoury but important and contemporary themes; coercive control, domestic abuse and loss. These are hard-hitting subjects but Mel deals with them with respect.

There are a number of characters and all have a part to play but I found I didn't really focus on them that much as I was more interested in the story and how it was going to play out. That's not to say they weren't great characters, far from it, it's just that the story was so engrossing that they felt secondary to me somehow.

Full of secrets, lies and manipulation, this is a book that makes you angry and sympathetic all at the same time. It's definitely one that kept me totally engrossed and I couldn't read fast enough.

With atmosphere, suspense and tension aplenty, this is a book that I would definitely recommend to lovers of psychological thrillers and I have to thank Bookouture and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated The Body in the Cornfield in Books

Dec 2, 2023 (Updated Dec 2, 2023)  
The Body in the Cornfield
The Body in the Cornfield
Catherine Dilts | 2023 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Actor Dead in an Oklahoma Cornfield
Drew Brauner has taken a part time job working for the historic Rose Creek outdoor amphitheater helping with their upcoming live streamed production of Oklahoma! However, the lead actor is causing problems, not the least of which is the fact that he always shows up for rehearsals drunk. However, when Drew’s friend Makenzie Selkirk goes to learn more about a windmill being set up on a nearby farm, she finds the body of the actor in the cornfield. Soon, the other members of their new book club are drawn into the case. Will they figure out what happened?

I loved the first book in the series and couldn’t wait to dive into this one. I missed the group scenes and the scenes building the friendships between the four leads. However, I did love spending time with all of them again and watching the characters grow. Each of them contributes something to the case, and I appreciate how the author balances the four lead characters. That also includes giving them various motives to investigate the case. We have plenty of suspects but not very many clues, yet the story never drags. I did find the climax a little weak, but it did answer all our questions. Overall, I did enjoy this book, and I’m looking forward to spending more time with the characters. If you are looking for a series with a strong group of main characters, this is one to check out.
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
6.9 (33 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Spider-man, Spider-man, does whatever a spider can ...
To do, there have been three actors starring as Spider-man on the big screen: Tobey Maguire (who had 3 movies), Andrew Garfield (2 movies) and Tom Holland (3 movies, not counting his various cameos or team-ups).

This is the first of the two Andrew Garfield (so pre Spider-man in the MCU) starring movies, again set during the early days of his crime-fighting career and telling how he got his powers: this time around, though, the first villain he faces is The Lizard rather than the Green Goblin. it also takes - at least in the very early parts of the movie - more of a thriller approach to his (Peter Parker's) story, laying the groundwork with an explanation of how he comes to live with his Aunt and Uncle (a groundwork which is seemingly forgotten about by the mid-way point of the movie), and with Garfields Parker coming across more as a 'cool kid' - skateboard and all! - than the nerdy Maguire version.

That's not the only differences: there's no MJ Watson (with her role replaced by Gwen Stacey), we're back to having his web-shooters being non-organic, and this Spider-man does seem quippier than Maguire's version whilst there's also several first-person POV segments throughout (the early 2010s, remember - 3d was still a thing).

Unfortunately, there's also no stand-out moments: nothing to rival the upside-down kiss (from Spider-Man), the train fight (Spider-Man 2) or even the Venom sequences from Spider-Man 3

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Ariadne Unraveled: A Mythic Retelling in Books

Jul 6, 2021 (Updated Jul 17, 2023)  
Ariadne Unraveled: A Mythic Retelling
Ariadne Unraveled: A Mythic Retelling
Zenobia Neil | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ARIADNE UNRAVELED is a retelling that involves Ariadne (obviously), plus Dionysus, Theseus, Artemis, and so many more.

The story takes various myths and legends and weaves them into one epic story that features betrayal, transformation, friendship, loyalty, and love. Instead of the usual Athenian telling of the Minotaur, we hear from the Minoans themselves. We learn how their women knew things about their own bodies that others didn't. We see how the Minoans were a magical, intelligent race that made mistakes just like any other. And woven through is Dionysus as he feels his way and figures out just who he is.

Wow! Just... wow! What a story. So intricate and rich in detail, I was totally immersed in Ariadne's story. I loved hearing about her - both the big picture and also the small, intimate details that made her life. And, yes, I know this is myth, but with how it has been written, I could see myself there and it all seemed real. There were even tears shed at some points, it was that good! The pacing is perfect and the writing style is smooth.

This is the first book by this author I have read, but I can guarantee you it won't be the last. Absolutely brilliant and highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 6, 2021
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
Following a path to release that contained delays, revisions, and fan concerns, The Bureau: XCom Declassified has arrived.

As a fan of the first two games in the series which were icons of the 386 and 486 CPU age, I had been horrified about how badly the series had eroded with subsequent released which moved away from the turned based strategy play in favor of all things, flight simulations and run and gun shooters.

When I heard that 2K was taking over the franchise I was excited but to be honest the first look I had at the game during the 2012 E3 Expo had me wondering if I would ever see a return of the classic game series as the new version seemed to be more of a tactical team based game.

Many fans shared this concern and others and XCom: Enemy Unknown appeased many of the fans concerns by giving fans the updated turn based game that they had hoped for.

The Bureau is set in 1962 and is a nice mix of noire meets the X-Files as it explains the early days of the XCom organization in a solid prequel to the events of the subsequent games.

In 1962 Agent William Carter is tasked with delivering a case to his superiors. Ambushed en route and left for dead, Carter awakens to an alien assault and must battle for his life as he attempts to escape the carnage around him.

Armed with his pistol and in time a rifle, Carter meets up with other survivors and is able to escape and soon finds himself recruited in the new and secret organization known as XCom. The new organization is tasked with stopping the alien threat by any means necessary and despite Carter’s past difficulties, his superior Faulke, is convinced that he is the right man for the job.

Carter is able to command three man teams and prior to each mission selects which agents as well as their equipment will accompany him on his missions. Players will also be able to assign power ups along the way and assign them to various agents. The new abilities are vast and range from calling in support drones and air strikes to levitation, cloaking, and numerous other abilities and attacks based on alien technology.

As with prior XCom games players will have the option to select several side missions or they can focus on the main missions to propel the story, Interacting with other characters not only fills in the story but allows players to get a bigger picture thanks to the dialogue options which allows Carter to ask as many or as few questions as he wants.


In combat, Carter and his team work in a third person perspective and travel through towns, countryside, and other locales to meet the alien threat head on. In combat, players can enter a tactical mode to give move and combat commands to other members of their team as well as provide reviving and healing when needed.


Enemies can be tricky but with proper strategy and some well placed shots or grenades they can be taken down. There is a nice variety of enemies and they get harder as the game moves forward. Players can obtain alien weapons at a later state in the game and being able to use energy weapons is a nice touch as is the ability to wander your base in between missions.


The game does offer some branching storylines as actions taken or not taken will give players one of the games various endings.


I enjoyed the graphics and sound of the game as being able to take cover behind a vintage car and then unleash a barrage on a swarm of enemies from a 60s restaurant or radio station was great fun. I also liked seeing various nods to the classic XCom throughout.


While at times it did play as linear I was happy that there was not as much micro-management as I feared there would be and the game is a lot of fun to play. The enemies did seem to become a bit repetitive as the game went along as while the early missions had some challenge, some of the later ones can be frustratingly difficult.

The voice acting in the game is solid and the banter would be worthy for any classic science fiction or hardcore detective film or novel of the time.


I wish that the game offered a multiplay option as being able to co-op missions would have been great fun but for what it is, the game is a satisfying experience.


In the end, it will not be a classic along the lines of the original but it is a very worthy entry into the series and well worth your time to play especially if you’re a fan of the series.
The Greatest Love Story Ever Told
The Greatest Love Story Ever Told
Nick Offerman, Megan Mullally | 2018 | Biography, Humor & Comedy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enjoyable book about two fun and interesting people.
In 2000, Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman meet on the set of a play. And the rest, as they say, is history. Their book is the story of their relationship--telling the story of how they met, from each's first impressions of one another and ranging across their courtship, wedding, work, and romance. The book covers such topics as family, past romances, religion, theater, and more.

I love both Megan and Nick immensely, so I was extremely excited when I saw they had a book coming out. My library copy arrived a day after publication, so I hadn't even had a chance to read many reviews. I didn't realize that most of the book is in interview/oral history-type format, so when you read the actual book, it just flips between Megan and Nick chatting back and forth. This takes a little getting used to and while I'm not a big audiobook fan (personal preference, my brain wanders too much), I think this is one that would be *fantastic* in audio form. I'm stalking our public library, waiting for them to get an audio copy for my wife. There are a few chapters that are written out, and I enjoyed those a bit more.

"To my way of thinking, it's an illustration of a relationship that the reader might find surprisingly normal. When all you have by which to judge a relationship are some grippingly cute Instagram videos, it might not occur to one that there's a lot of banal real life." ~Nick

So mostly, this book is just Nick and Megan talking. Because it's Nick and Megan, it's still pretty darn enjoyable. They cover certain topics in various chapters, so it can get a bit repetitive in places (we learn multiple times that Nick's family is salt of the earth and Megan's was, well, not). Still, it's fascinating to learn how the two met, a bit about their various careers (not as much as I would have liked--there are no funny Will and Grace or Parks and Recs anecdotes here), and a lot about their pasts.

The best part is that the book makes you smile--it's clearly apparent how much Nick and Megan love each other. I enjoyed learning more about both of them and how they spend their life together. Megan shares a fun Meryl Streep story, I loved her even more because apparently she's a hermit who loves to read (ME TOO MEGAN LET'S BE FRIENDS), and they are a couple who likes to hang out and do puzzles with their dogs. Life goals at its best.

"It's a wonder that I ever had a boyfriend in my entire life, because all I really like to do is read. I don't even know how I ever met another human."

"All I ever want to do is read. I only leave the house under duress."

Overall, this is fun book about two fun and interesting people. If you're an audiobook fan--even a little bit--I bet you'd enjoy it more in that format. If you like Megan or Nick, you'll find something to enjoy in this one. If you're looking for a chronological history with lots of tidbits about their careers, this isn't that book. But if you want some insight into Megan and Nick as people, this is a worthwhile read.
Leave No Trace
Leave No Trace
Mindy Mejia | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quick, puzzling read
Maya Stark is twenty-three and an assistant speech therapist at Congdon, a facility for the mentally ill. She's had a tough past, and it isn't easy for her to form attachments with anyone. Maya's mom left when she was a kid, and Maya was once a patient at the facility where she now works. So she's surprised when she feels drawn to Congdon's newest patient, nineteen-year-old Lucas Blackthorn. Lucas arrives at Congdon after being arrested for breaking and entering into a wilderness store. Lucas and his father, Josiah, haven't been seen in ten years: Josiah took his son camping in the vast stretch of Minnesota territory known as the Boundary Waters a decade ago and the two haven't been heard from since. It's clear that Lucas wants nothing more than to return to the Boundary Waters. He's a recalcitrant and sometimes violent patient, who will cooperate with no one but Maya. Maya wants to help Lucas, and she wants to know why she feels so strong for this strange and angry boy.

This was my first Mejia book, and while it wasn't quite what I was expecting (I was thinking more mystery, less character-driven novel), it was really interesting. It's told mostly from Maya's point of view, but we hear some from Lucas and others too. It's a very readable book--I tore through it quickly, as there's something gripping about the style and reveal of facts about both Maya and Lucas' lives. We start out knowing very little about either of them--what put Maya in Congdon, what drove Lucas and Josiah into the Boundary Waters, and the novel does a good job of keeping you reading and wondering.

It's an emotional read--obviously being partially set in a mental hospital, it deals with mental illness. I thought, overall, Mejia did a good job with the topic, but if that's a trigger for you, just keep it in mind. The ancillary characters are pretty sparse: Maya's boss, the patients, Maya's dad, etc., but all are well-formed as well. Maya and Lucas are the stars, and both are well-done and easy to picture. The novel did a great job of pulling together all its various pieces. I was impressed how Mejia brought together the different parts of Lucas and Maya's lives--it's quite exceptionally thought out.

Probably the only thing marring this one for me were little things, but they nagged at me a bit. At times, the care Lucas receives seems odd and a bit weirdly thought out--giving a speech therapist such control over his care, for instance, and taking a violent patient into some strange situations. Maya and Lucas' instant attachment was also a little hard to completely believe, as well. But those were pretty small pieces in the scheme of the book.

Overall, I enjoyed my first Mejia book. The plot was the best part for me--I loved how it was a quick read and how enjoyable it was to put together all the various pieces of Lucas and Maya's lives. While there were a few little quirks that kept this from being an amazing read, it was still a solid, worthwhile read.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).