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Paddington 2 (2017)
Paddington 2 (2017)
2017 | Animation, Comedy, Family
The loveable marmalade sandwich loving bear is back. This time, Paddington
has found a home with the Brown family, and spends his days with new found
friends throughout London. Eager to find the “perfect gift” for his Aunt
Lucy’s 100th birthday, Paddington takes on several odd jobs in hopes of
purchasing a pop-up book of London that is for sale at an antique shop.
Little does Paddington know, this pop-up book carries the clues to a
treasure chest.

Narcissistic, has been actor Phoenix Buchanan (Hugh Grant)
learns that said pop-up in fact does exist, he puts his acting skills to
use and transforms himself into various characters to steal it. Witness to
the burglary, Paddington pursues the thief, but ends up being blamed for
the crime and gets put in prison. The Brown family, along with all of
Paddington’s closest friends try to clear Paddington’s name by uncovering
all the clues to get the book back before Buchanan locates the treasure.

It’s safe to say a sequel was expected after a successful first run. This
film definitely follows the template of the first, with the same amount of
exuberance, curiosity, and laughter.

You can’t help but fall in love with
Paddington. I must admit, Hugh Grant stole the show. His villainous
attempt at portraying 12 different characters was phenomenal. You can tell
he was having a fun time with his characters. A delightful, sweet movie
the whole family will enjoy that mainly focuses on the importance of being
kind and with kindness friends and help are always there. Nice guys always
finish first!
Great Expectations
Great Expectations
6.6 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
This classic tale follows the life of Philip 'Pip' Pirrip as he discovers escaped convicts, falls in love and meets the eccentric Miss Havisham. When a mysterious benefactor bequeathes him money to make a gentleman of him Piip grasps the opportunity with both hands.

For me Great Expectations is the archetypal Dickens novel, in that it is very uneven and full of dull and tiresome sections which do little to advance the plot but instead let Dickens show off his love of absurd names and his observations of social hierarchies in Victorian London.

The first part is fine - after the rather clumsy opening paragraph. The scenes on the marshes are evocative, Stella is well portrayed as the unobtainable target of his affections and Miss Havisham steals the show.

It is when Pip arrives in London that it all starts to go wrong. The characters become flat and two dimensional, only there to demonstrate how he is progressing in his quest to become a gentleman, the usual Dickens tool of the name that slightly indicates their character frequently used instead of actually providing them with any character. Very little of this section is actually relevant to the plot in hand and just seems to be filler to pad the book to the requisite number of episodes.

Once Pip returns home for the final chapters and the big reveal the story once again picks up as the various plot strands laid in the first part come together.

Overall the first and last parts of the book are worth reading, but the middle bit can be safely skimmed through as the reader won't miss anything important and will avoid much tedium.
Heroes or Theives (Steps of Power #2)
Heroes or Theives (Steps of Power #2)
J.J. Sherwood | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second book of Sherwood's epic fantasy series picks up the threads from the first, Kings or Pawns, and follows various characters in the aftermath of Saebellus' victory. Some of these are familiar, such as the defeated general Jikun, others are less so and some are completely new.

Once again the story doesn't follow the usual fantasy template. Where in the first book Saebellus was depicted as the main enemy and villain of the piece here shades of grey are cast on his character and his actions. Jikun himself is struggling to come to terms with his situation and is seemingly willing to risk everything to have some sort of revenge. Selemar is playing a risky political game, trying to invoke unrest whilst also acting as the head of the corrupt council.

Sherwood performs a tricky balancing act well, with so many stories to move forward that are only tangentially connected but each is handled effectively and told with an eye to both detail and character that keeps the reader involved in each of the plot threads.

As with the previous book there is a fair amount of political intrigue, although most is away from the claustrophobic council but is just as deadly for whoever is going to be on the losing side. The characters are constantly developing and the new characters introduced are perfectly judged and naturally intertwine with the story as it moves forward.

With this second work continuing in the excellent style of the first this series is a must read for any lover of fantasy.

Content rating: Some sexual references and language and some violence
The Last Child of Leif
The Last Child of Leif
Chris Pridmore | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Did you hear about the child who ran away to join the circus? How about if that child was a crown prince called Valiant who escapes the murder of his father, barely escaping with his mother and faithful swordsman Sebastian?

That's an extremely simplistic rendering of the start of this book, but one that is quite illustrative of the way that the whole story unfolds. What starts as something very simple evolves into something a whole lot more complicated.

Valiant does indeed end up hiding in a travelling circus as its traction engines slowly pull it across an alternate 19th Century Eastern Europe. But this is no ordinary circus and among it's various performers and other attractions much skill and knowledge is hidden. As the journey continues it becomes clear that forces want Valiant dead and really will stop at nothing to achieve this.

With a story this complex and with the very big cast of characters it would be easy for the reader to get confused, but Pridmore is very careful to introduce everything and everybody gradually, giving each time and space so the reader becomes familiar. The characterisation is outstanding, everybody in the circus is very much their own person and very well realised and each character develops throughout the book, sometimes with some surprising revelations.

The plot itself is really good, building at each turn, becoming gradually more complex and more expansive as each chapter passes. The threats appear credible and the efforts to repel them are completely in line with how the characters have been developed up to that point.

Overall this is an utterly compelling read that has been very well written
Midnight Special (2016)
Midnight Special (2016)
2016 | Drama, Sci-Fi
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
As children, we often fantasize about what it would be like to possess superpowers or some trait that sets us further apart from our peers. We imagine ourselves as being able to become invisible, fly, or command animals. The film Midnight Special introduces us to a young boy who is blessed with a special gift that no one can quite comprehend. A religious cult seeks the boy as their savior. The government wants to use him as a weapon. His father wants to protect him.

The film gives the audience enough suspense and relevant issues to keep them fully engrossed in the story. The opening of the film leaves us with very little background of the events that have taken place which for many films would be a grand weakness in the storytelling, however, for this film it is essential in shaping the dramatic moments as it builds to the climax. Midnight Special features strong performances from Adam Driver and Michael Shannon. Director Jeff Nichols does a superb job in weaving a story that is both original and imaginative. The film itself is a journey involving various elements that drive the story. For some, it will make them more skeptical of the government and religious fanaticism. For others, they will have a new take on the road film genre which is filled with peril, tension, friendship, and love.

Midnight Special is one of those rare movies that allows the viewers to become fully involved in the story and characters involved. With the suspense, humor, and interactions, the actors and director have made a complete film. It stays with you and makes you want more.
Victor Frankenstein (2015)
Victor Frankenstein (2015)
2015 | Drama
Victor Frankenstein is basically a prequel to Mary Shelly’s book, Frankenstein, where we get to meet Igor and a younger Frankenstein as they get to meet each other.

We start off with our story teller, Igor played by Daniel Radcliffe, and how he came to be rescued by our movies namesake, Victor Frankenstein played by James McAvoy. The movie begins showing the trials Igor went through, growing up, as the lowest sideshow freak who just happened to learn how to read and become a self-taught medic for the circus that keeps him. Victor came to the circus to find more animal parts to make his homunculus, which he is building out of various animal parts he has been able to procure from zoos, as his prototype for his ultimate endeavor, making a human and bring it back to life.
Igor and Frankenstein are brought together when Igor’s paramour Lorelei falls from her trapeze and they both run to help her. Victor is about to give up and let her die when the Igor’s genius shows through and is able to save her with his quick thinking and knowledge of the human anatomy. Victor’s shrew perception bring him to offer Igor a new life and to escape from the circus.
I give Victor Frankenstein 4 out of 5 stars only due to the fact that being a prequel to the novel and not the many movies about Frankenstein and his Monster will confuse many. If you go in expecting an action movie instead of a film done in the noir horror genre in the styles before the 1950’s, you will be disappointed.
    Whiskey the spider

    Whiskey the spider

    Education and Games

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    Whiskey the spider lets you into his world filled with games that stimulate children’s creativity...

    Star Girl: Princess Gala

    Star Girl: Princess Gala

    Games, Entertainment and Stickers

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    Become the fairy tale princess you've always dreamed of! Live the whimsical life of royalty and...

    Panpakapants Blocks

    Panpakapants Blocks

    Education, Games and Stickers

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    Have fun and train kid’s to think logically! Features; - Fun block puzzles to strengthen kid’s...